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2-7 When leading at half....


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Holy crap the Colts suck, 4 days after losing to the Joe Webb show in a blizzard they blew yet another 2nd half lead this time to Brock Osweiler after he replaced Trevor Seimian in the 2nd quarter. Now the Colts are a very beat up squad and were playing on short rest but the Broncos aren't exactly elite. So why is it that this season the Colts have been able to win the 1st half of a lot of games only to choke and gag them away? I've said it before and I'll say it again the coaches suck hard, they have no ability to make any kind of adjustments. It's almost like after the first 3 years with Luck they went, "Hey as long as we do good at the start even if we start to blow it the Neck Beard will bail us out." After losing to the Broncos the Colts are 2-7 when having a lead at halftime, that is embarrassing. Think about it, since against the 4ers it was tied at half the Colts have only gone into the locker room down 4 time this year and are set to pick #3 overall, that makes me want to cry. I think with a competent coaching staff the Colts could be 7-7 or better this year even without the Neck Beard. Now Irsay has said that they will look into the coaching staff in the off-season so that means Chuck is gone and he did say Luck's rehab is going well that coupled with a high pick should make the Colts head coaching vacancy a sought after position. If Irsay is able to find the right coach and Luck doesn't have any setbacks next season should go much much better. Personally I have my fingers crossed for Dave Toub if not him my next top choice would be David Shaw.

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What's almost comical about this is that just a year ago we were complaining that the Colts were a second half only team that sucked playing in the first half. It's almost like the coaches just can't put together a 60 minute game plan or get the players to stay focused and playing at a high level for 60 minutes

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2 hours ago, ty4atd said:

Holy crap the Colts suck, 4 days after losing to the Joe Webb show in a blizzard they blew yet another 2nd half lead this time to Brock Osweiler after he replaced Trevor Seimian in the 2nd quarter. Now the Colts are a very beat up squad and were playing on short rest but the Broncos aren't exactly elite. So why is it that this season the Colts have been able to win the 1st half of a lot of games only to choke and gag them away? I've said it before and I'll say it again the coaches suck hard, they have no ability to make any kind of adjustments. It's almost like after the first 3 years with Luck they went, "Hey as long as we do good at the start even if we start to blow it the Neck Beard will bail us out." After losing to the Broncos the Colts are 2-7 when having a lead at halftime, that is embarrassing. Think about it, since against the 4ers it was tied at half the Colts have only gone into the locker room down 4 time this year and are set to pick #3 overall, that makes me want to cry. I think with a competent coaching staff the Colts could be 7-7 or better this year even without the Neck Beard. Now Irsay has said that they will look into the coaching staff in the off-season so that means Chuck is gone and he did say Luck's rehab is going well that coupled with a high pick should make the Colts head coaching vacancy a sought after position. If Irsay is able to find the right coach and Luck doesn't have any setbacks next season should go much much better. Personally I have my fingers crossed for Dave Toub if not him my next top choice would be David Shaw.

Very true.  It's difficult to make adjustments when you think you're playing the Rams and adjusting for the 49ers.

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4 hours ago, ty4atd said:

Holy crap the Colts suck, 4 days after losing to the Joe Webb show in a blizzard they blew yet another 2nd half lead this time to Brock Osweiler after he replaced Trevor Seimian in the 2nd quarter. Now the Colts are a very beat up squad and were playing on short rest but the Broncos aren't exactly elite. So why is it that this season the Colts have been able to win the 1st half of a lot of games only to choke and gag them away? I've said it before and I'll say it again the coaches suck hard, they have no ability to make any kind of adjustments. It's almost like after the first 3 years with Luck they went, "Hey as long as we do good at the start even if we start to blow it the Neck Beard will bail us out." After losing to the Broncos the Colts are 2-7 when having a lead at halftime, that is embarrassing. Think about it, since against the 4ers it was tied at half the Colts have only gone into the locker room down 4 time this year and are set to pick #3 overall, that makes me want to cry. I think with a competent coaching staff the Colts could be 7-7 or better this year even without the Neck Beard. Now Irsay has said that they will look into the coaching staff in the off-season so that means Chuck is gone and he did say Luck's rehab is going well that coupled with a high pick should make the Colts head coaching vacancy a sought after position. If Irsay is able to find the right coach and Luck doesn't have any setbacks next season should go much much better. Personally I have my fingers crossed for Dave Toub if not him my next top choice would be David Shaw.


Curious, why Toub?

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Overall I think when you have the kind of pedestrian offensive attack that we have it puts a ton of pressure on the team. If we could even put up 25 points per game our record would look much different.    You can't hope to maintain many leads when you are virutally guaranteed to score 13-17 points per game.  We don't have the old Baltimore Ravens defense that won the Superbowl(s).  The defense that we have can hold the other team off only for so long and if they don't get any help from  the offense they are going to eventually give way.   And no matter what kind of adjustments are made it doesn't matter much when all the opposing defense has to do is start blitzing and the quarterback currently has poor awareness and people are making mental errors executing their assignments.   You can adjust all you want but when guys are not executing then it makes things very very difficult.   Everything I listed above is the cause of all these meltdowns.

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1 hour ago, JColts72 said:

Yea one damaged goods in europe and one who should never be allowed to wear bert jones number


Brissette wearing my all time fav # popped in my head at beginning of season.

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1 hour ago, oldunclemark said:

Colts need OT, OG, OLB, CB, CB, DE



..the last thing we need is another QB. We have 2


We have Zero quality QB's at the moment. And that number may still be Zero come opening day in 2018 if Luck remains hurt AND if we don't draft one.

Brissette is only a backup. One day he may progress to a average starting qb but has a long way to go for that.

I prefer better as my starting qb.

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21 hours ago, LJpalmbeacher said:


Curious, why Toub?

I think he has always has well coached units wherever he has gone, in 5 years with KC they have lead the league in return TDs and before that he was with the Bears and they always had good ST units. 


I wrote a blog piece going more in depth in why but I didn't want to copy paste it here https://cbrou190.wixsite.com/camscoltsblog/single-post/2017/11/26/Its-time-to-huck-Chuck-into-the-trash-bin

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18 hours ago, LJpalmbeacher said:


We have Zero quality QB's at the moment. And that number may still be Zero come opening day in 2018 if Luck remains hurt AND if we don't draft one.

Brissette is only a backup. One day he may progress to a average starting qb but has a long way to go for that.

I prefer better as my starting qb.

Unless we use our 1st rounder to draft a QB (which would be VERY stupid) then we aren't going to get a QB better than Briss for next year. Luck will more than likely be back but if he isn't Briss wouldn't be whats holding the team back. Bad coaching, no OL, only Hilton or Doyle to throw to and no off-season with the team have made it almost impossible for him to succeed. He's no star but Brissett could definitely be a fine starter with decent support.   

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2-7 when leading at Halftime, we would be at worse 7-2 in those games if Luck was the QB. He would put points on the board in the 4th Qtr and is clutch late in games. If our Defense plays next season like it did this season that would be enough for Luck to win 10 games. I am almost convinced we should Draft O.Lineman for the most part so we can build depth on the Line to protect Luck from here on out. Championships are won up front. If Luck has any kind of time, we will roll. Mack will roll too running through holes.

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