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16 minutes ago, DougDew said:

Nah.  Pretty much everybody on this forum blames Grigson for just about everything, even when their dog dies. 


The problems with the team's performance over the years stems more from Pagano.  The problem with Luck throwing picks and getting injured has more to do with Luck than Grigson. 


Those are the kinds of thing Dakich would be opinionated about.  He would be correct, and he wouldn't back off.  

No, the problem stems from Grigson. Pagano didn't pick a boatload of players who are nowhere to be found in the NFL.

This isn't debatable.

I don't blame him for my dog dying though, but if it's related to the general well being of the franchise, there's no one person more to blame than one Ryan Grigson. He sucks. End story. 

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21 minutes ago, DougDew said:

Nah.  Pretty much everybody on this forum blames Grigson for just about everything, even when their dog dies. 


The problems with the team's performance over the years stems more from Pagano.  The problem with Luck throwing picks and getting injured has more to do with Luck than Grigson. 


Those are the kinds of thing Dakich would be opinionated about.  He would be correct, and he wouldn't back off.  

So it's OK for you and Dakich to blame Pagano for all the problems but not some of us? Last time I checked a NFL team is run by a team. It is not run by one person. It takes a total team not just one of two for you to point out as the root of all evil. So as long as Dakich shares you opinion he is right? I see.

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1 hour ago, BlueShoe said:

LOL. Hilarious!!!


He destroyed Stephen Holder and Bobbie Kravitz! That was awesome!

He's the last person that should me talking trash about anyone. It's amazing that he can pull his head out of his own butt long enough to hurl anything...wait...nah, that actually explains what comes out of his mouth. See, I can be a jerk too, and I didn't have to yell over anyone.

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8 minutes ago, TheMarine said:

Mother of god


Speaking as someone who's listened to a LOT of political and talk radio, easily one of the worst interviews Ive ever heard.

I'm more likely to listen if it's uniquely bad, as opposed to run of the mill bad.

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24 minutes ago, The Fish said:

No, the problem stems from Grigson. Pagano didn't pick a boatload of players who are nowhere to be found in the NFL.

This isn't debatable.

I don't blame him for my dog dying though, but if it's related to the general well being of the franchise, there's no one person more to blame than one Ryan Grigson. He sucks. End story. 

The topic about Grigson in this thread relates to the performance of the team and leadership.  The HC and QB are always more responsible for that then the GM. 


People who blame Grigson for everything want to always start talking about roster.

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18 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

So it's OK for you and Dakich to blame Pagano for all the problems but not some of us? Last time I checked a NFL team is run by a team. It is not run by one person. It takes a total team not just one of two for you to point out as the root of all evil. So as long as Dakich shares you opinion he is right? I see.

No.  Not all of the problems, just the problems we're actually talking about in this thread.


I blame the people closest to the team and the QB for team leadership, team performance, QB performance, QB injuries.  If the fanbase always wants to blame the GM for these things, then I have no problem with a guy like Dakich pointing out how wrong the fanbase is.......and would have a problem with a bandwagon rider like JMV.

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Just now, DougDew said:

The topic about Grigson in this thread relates to the performance of the team and leadership.  The HC and QB are always more responsible for that then the GM. 


People who blame Grigson for everything want to always start talking about roster.

I want to blame Grigson for basically everything and almost do, he sucked, hard. I can only think of a few things that aren't his fault. That's a heck of feat he pulled off, screwing up so many roster moves. Matt Millen was an Andrew Luck away from being the same guy as Grigson.


Andrew Luck won a boatload of games based on his individual talent. When they lost by +20 is because of the Roster- not the QB as a generality. Luck doesn't play Defense, which has been in the top half of the NFL once in the Pagano era.

I don't love Pagano, he's very middle of the road, but that's the middle of the road. Grigson wasn't even on the road. He was wondering around in a ditch. I've seen examples of leadership from Pagano (nominally because the team wanted to compete, because they believed Luck could bail them out, but that's at least something..). 

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Just now, The Fish said:

I want to blame Grigson for basically everything and almost do, he sucked, hard. I can only think of a few things that aren't his fault. That's a heck of feat he pulled off, screwing up so many roster moves. Matt Millen was an Andrew Luck away from being the same guy as Grigson.


Andrew Luck won a boatload of games based on his individual talent. When they lost by +20 is because of the Roster- not the QB as a generality. Luck doesn't play Defense, which has been in the top half of the NFL once in the Pagano era.

I don't love Pagano, he's very middle of the road, but that's the middle of the road. Grigson wasn't even on the road. He was wondering around in a ditch. I've seen examples of leadership from Pagano (nominally because the team wanted to compete, because they believed Luck could bail them out, but that's at least something..). 

And there's your problem.  (its okay, its shared by many)


Its Grigson's fault the team always got off to slow starts with Luck?  (As opposed to the starts with Brissett, which tend to be fast). 


Or that the offense couldn't get rid of the ball quickly (like it did with Hasselbeck)


Its Grigson's fault the Colts thought Luck would be ready for the season?   Or any misstatements or bad therapy that may have happened since March.


On field performance and leadership were the reasons given for Dakich's busting on the Colts.  They have almost nothing to to with the GM.

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4 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Ballard taking control of things, I love it!

I have a feeling it was an organization decision.  Dakich mentioned Pete Ward had called him a couple of weeks ago to discuss what he was saying about the Colts.  So I am guessing between JMV begging someone from the Colts to come on and Dakich ripping them to shrewd every chance he got the Colts decided to have someone go on and get their own message out.  The logic choices were Irsay, Ballard, or Pagano.  No one really wants to hear from Pagano right now, Irsay is not a good interview to start with and doesn’t have a lot of crediability with the fans that are upset right now.  That leaves Ballard.  Frankly he’s probably the right person to handle this but I doubt he just decided on his own I am doing this.  I would bet at least him and Irsay talked about it, probably more likly the PR team played some role in this too.


Still glad he’s doing it.  If nothing else it shows the Colts aren’t completely deaf about this.


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4 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

All he does is bash the Colts on his show, he has said stuff like Luck isn't the real deal and he loved Grigson. Grigson was the main problem here period. Has nothing to do with kissing anyone's behind, I have never heard him say anything positive at all about the Colts even in Luck's 1st 3 years.

Just because he doesn’t have a positive opinion of all things doesn’t mean he’s not a Colts fan.  

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1 hour ago, chad72 said:


Ballard came out the winner at the end of this all. Only the Dakich die-hard fans could commend his screaming as interviewing. Ballard did a lot of good PR control from these 2 interviews, IMO, plus let Dan make a fool of himself, and JMV showed everyone a thing or two with asking pretty much the same questions in a different way yesterday (which is why I like JMV better).


JMV is a trained media professional.  Dan Dakich is an ex-basketball coach who has a radio show.  For those that think anyone can be a radio show host this is proof as to why training and education matter.

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Just now, TheMarine said:

Grigs was the cancer that could be removed. His drafts were mostly terrible. His leadership, nil. He was pompous blowhard that deserved to be fired ahead of an inept HC, which is saying something. 



now I understand why he and Dakich got along!

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1 hour ago, DougDew said:

Nah.  Pretty much everybody on this forum blames Grigson for just about everything, even when their dog dies. 


The problems with the team's performance over the years stems more from Pagano.  The problem with Luck throwing picks and getting injured has more to do with Luck than Grigson. 


Those are the kinds of thing Dakich would be opinionated about.  He would be correct, and he wouldn't back off.  

Have you seen the drafts Grigson put together? Have you seen us make moves for Veterans who are on there last leg like Andre Johnson under Grigson? Did Grigson do anything other than try to gain headlines by making his “dream team” in Philly (AWFUL) and then a “dream team” in Indy? Come on man Grigson was not the right man to run the first few years of the luck era... Futhermore I do not like Chuck Pagano but there is no denying how he was as a motivator during the first three years of the Luck ERA. Grigson was a PROBLEM and his reputation lived off ONE draft 

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2 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

JMV is a trained media professional.  Dan Dakich is an ex-basketball coach who has a radio show.  For those that think anyone can be a radio show host this is proof as to why training and education matter.

Dakich needs to stick to talking about College Basketball, something he actually knows a lot about because when it comes to Football, he is not all that intelligent.

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15 minutes ago, DougDew said:

And there's your problem.  (its okay, its shared by many)


Its Grigson's fault the team always got off to slow starts with Luck?  (As opposed to the starts with Brissett, which tend to be fast). 


Or that the offense couldn't get rid of the ball quickly (like it did with Hasselbeck)


Its Grigson's fault the Colts thought Luck would be ready for the season?   Or any misstatements or bad therapy that may have happened since March.


On field performance and leadership were the reasons given for Dakich's busting on the Colts.  They have almost nothing to to with the GM.

It's not my problem, it's a dead nuts correct assessment of why this team is in a rebuild currently. That's really the story, but I'll run down, what I'm sure you thought were solid points.


First, Grigson wasn't calling the crap plays, but I know he insisted that we take Pep on- who called the bad plays that lead to the slow starts, initially. It was bold of the coaches to realize that their 38 y/o Hasselbeck couldn't play the same game as Luck. That they had some success doing that is actually just some shine on a coaching staff (and it was marginal, let's not overstate this, which you kind of did).

It's probably partly Grigson's doing, based on being in CYA mode that Luck played through the injury. I dunno though. And this is one of the issues I implied that I don't lay totally at his feet- though he did put together THE ROSTER.. err the O line who impeded Lucks production by being uniquely bad, quite often.

The quality of the players on the field dictate the performance. Grigson did that.


I don't care about Dackich or anything he says- the GM's presence is the only thing that would get me to peek; Local sports radio guys are generally meat head radio. Not wild about the national scene much either, but some of them are at least entertaining. And if he's convinced that Grigson wasn't the problem, he's wrong. Plain and simple.


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6 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

He has a weird way of showing it. I don't listen to his show like I used to it. It got to the point where I was sick of his negativity and his love for Grigson.

I don’t listen to him unless I am in the car and his show is on (don’t like Rome or Rush and those are the other options in his time slot).  I guess I just feel like there is a bit of stigma around here that if you dare to not praise everything the Colts do or say negative word about them it somehow means you aren’t a fan.  I am not singling you out I’ve noticed that the last couple of years with a group of people here, and I am not saying your in that group either your comment just reminded me of that stigma is all.

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5 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

I don’t listen to him unless I am in the car and his show is on (don’t like Rome or Rush and those are the other options in his time slot).  I guess I just feel like there is a bit of stigma around here that if you dare to not praise everything the Colts do or say negative word about them it somehow means you aren’t a fan.  I am not singling you out I’ve noticed that the last couple of years with a group of people here, and I am not saying your in that group either your comment just reminded me of that stigma is all.

I realize I jump on people for being negative at times but some people in here blow it out of proportion. I have no problem being critical of the team when they play bad but the relentless negativity by some in here gets old, same for Dakich/Kravitz. I am on record saying we need a new Coach so I am not always Mr Nice guy.

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14 minutes ago, DougDew said:

And there's your problem.  (its okay, its shared by many)


Its Grigson's fault the team always got off to slow starts with Luck?  (As opposed to the starts with Brissett, which tend to be fast). 


Or that the offense couldn't get rid of the ball quickly (like it did with Hasselbeck)


Its Grigson's fault the Colts thought Luck would be ready for the season?   Or any misstatements or bad therapy that may have happened since March.


On field performance and leadership were the reasons given for Dakich's busting on the Colts.  They have almost nothing to to with the GM.

I've always figured, especially after this season, that the fault lies in the many. It's equal parts Grigson, Pagano, and yes even Andrew. 


They all led to the downfall experienced today, because they went into win now mode due to early success. Which, to be honest, was understandable. We were improving with each year in terms of playoffs. Grigson picked players who would impact the team in the moment, not so much the future, Pagano, well we've gone over his pitfalls... 


And yes, Andrew was prone to holding on to the ball, staring down receivers, and taking the big hits instead of throwing the ball away and or protecting himself. Why? Because we were getting close each season towards a championship. We put all the cards on the table, and it just didn't work out. 


I agree, to blame it all on Ryan isn't right. He is certainly a large part of the issue, but he's not the full story. 

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46 minutes ago, corgi said:

He's the last person that should me talking trash about anyone. It's amazing that he can pull his head out of his own butt long enough to hurl anything...wait...nah, that actually explains what comes out of his mouth. See, I can be a jerk too, and I didn't have to yell over anyone.


It’s still funny. 


When you’re a fan of a 3-6 football team then it’s not a good idea to take anyone in the media seriously. We are low hanging fruit right now and targets are everywhere. These people all understand their audience. 


That interview was hilarious. 


Props to Ballard for doing the interview. He was very cool under pressure.


Dakich had me cracking up when he was talking about the other Indy media people. 



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11 minutes ago, The Fish said:

It's not my problem, it's a dead nuts correct assessment of why this team is in a rebuild currently. That's really the story, but I'll run down, what I'm sure you thought were solid points.


First, Grigson wasn't calling the crap plays, but I know he insisted that we take Pep on- who called the bad plays that lead to the slow starts, initially. It was bold of the coaches to realize that their 38 y/o Hasselbeck couldn't play the same game as Luck. That they had some success doing that is actually just some shine on a coaching staff (and it was marginal, let's not overstate this, which you kind of did).

It's probably partly Grigson's doing, based on being in CYA mode that Luck played through the injury. I dunno though. And this is one of the issues I implied that I don't lay totally at his feet- though he did put together THE ROSTER.. err the O line who impeded Lucks production by being uniquely bad, quite often.

The quality of the players on the field dictate the performance. Grigson did that.


I don't care about Dackich or anything he says- the GM's presence is the only thing that would get me to peek; Local sports radio guys are generally meat head radio. Not wild about the national scene much either, but some of them are at least entertaining. And if he's convinced that Grigson wasn't the problem, he's wrong. Plain and simple.


Not sure how a forum can blame the Colts for lying and mismanaging the Luck injury/surgery/rehab situation in 2017 on the former GM.  Whether or not the GM demanded he play through it last season is speculation.  Facts actually point to Luck and Pagano wanting to play than the puppetmaster GM forcing him to.


There is certainly a correlation between team performance and roster, but there are aspects to team performance that can be identified as GM/roster responsibility and HC/decision making responsibility. 


So when it comes to team performance and team leadership, I would trust the ex-player ex-coach turned radio host to understand the distinction and who's to blame more than I would a radio host who has always been just a media dork. 

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3 minutes ago, RollerColt said:

I've always figured, especially after this season, that the fault lies in the many. It's equal parts Grigson, Pagano, and yes even Andrew. 


They all led to the downfall experienced today, because they went into win now mode due to early success. Which, to be honest, was understandable. We were improving with each year in terms of playoffs. Grigson picked players who would impact the team in the moment, not so much the future, Pagano, well we've gone over his pitfalls... 


And yes, Andrew was prone to holding on to the ball, staring down receivers, and taking the big hits instead of throwing the ball away and or protecting himself. Why? Because we were getting close each season towards a championship. We put all the cards on the table, and it just didn't work out. 


I agree, to blame it all on Ryan isn't right. He is certainly a large part of the issue, but he's not the full story. 

Blaming it all on Grigson is wrong but IMO he deserves most of the blame. He is the one that built the Roster. Never put a Good O.Line in front of Luck which isn't Chuck's fault and it has nearly got Andrew killed.

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2 minutes ago, RollerColt said:

I've always figured, especially after this season, that the fault lies in the many. It's equal parts Grigson, Pagano, and yes even Andrew. 


They all led to the downfall experienced today, because they went into win now mode due to early success. Which, to be honest, was understandable. We were improving with each year in terms of playoffs. Grigson picked players who would impact the team in the moment, not so much the future, Pagano, well we've gone over his pitfalls... 


And yes, Andrew was prone to holding on to the ball, staring down receivers, and taking the big hits instead of throwing the ball away and or protecting himself. Why? Because we were getting close each season towards a championship. We put all the cards on the table, and it just didn't work out. 


I agree, to blame it all on Ryan isn't right. He is certainly a large part of the issue, but he's not the full story. 


Agreed, but I put the win now mode misfire totally on Irsay. We needed a new GM badly in the start of 2017, but that one is on Irsay. And he knows it.

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9 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I realize I jump on people for being negative at times but some people in here blow it out of proportion. I have no problem being critical of the team when they play bad but the relentless negativity by some in here gets old, same for Dakich/Kravitz. I am on record saying we need a new Coach so I am not always Mr Nice guy.

Agreed.  There is such a thing as being too negative (honestly I remember someone posting on here they were embarrassed when the Colts beat the Giants in 2006 because it wasn’t by enough).  Like I said I am not trying to lump you in a stereotype your comment just reminded me of that that’s all.


i avoid Dakich because I just think he’s a blowhard who just likes to pat himself on the back when he’s right and tear apart anyone who disagrees with him or even worse point out when he’s wrong.


Kravitz normally does a good job I think.  I also remember he’s paid to offer his opinion not fact and I’ll take him any day of the week of Doyle.  

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3 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

Agreed.  There is such a thing as being too negative (honestly I remember someone posting on here they were embarrassed when the Colts beat the Giants in 2006 because it wasn’t by enough).  Like I said I am not trying to lump you in a stereotype your comment just reminded me of that that’s all.


i avoid Dakich because I just think he’s a blowhard who just likes to pat himself on the back when he’s right and tear apart anyone who disagrees with him or even worse point out when he’s wrong.


Kravitz normally does a good job I think.  I also remember he’s paid to offer his opinion not fact and I’ll take him any day of the week of Doyle.  

Our 2006 team which started 9-0 wasn't blowing anyone out but that was good in a way because it prepared us for the Playoffs that season. Nothing was easy.

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8 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Blaming it all on Grigson is wrong but IMO he deserves most of the blame. He is the one that built the Roster. Never put a Good O.Line in front of Luck which isn't Chuck's fault and it has nearly got Andrew killed.

So from 2001 to 2010, Bill Polian was mostly deserving of the credit.  Not Dungy or Manning.


Especially as it relates to team performance, strategy, execution, and team leadership...which is what Dakich's criticisms of the Colts are usually about.  


Maybe by not blaming everything on the roster/GM, it gets him in trouble with the fan base.

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1 minute ago, DougDew said:

So from 2001 to 2010, Bill Polian was mostly deserving of the credit.  Not Dungy or Manning.


Especially as it relates to team performance, strategy, execution, and team leadership...which is what Dakich's criticisms of the Colts are usually about.  


Maybe by not blaming everything on the roster/GM, it gets him in trouble with the fan base.

I think the blame does fall on all 3 but more on Grigson. Polian put a Great Offense around Manning and a much better Line. Believe me a lot of people blame Polian for us only winning 1 SB because he didn't Draft a better Defense.

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