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Did Eli Reveal What Will Happen?


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Peyton Manning plays (or is it played?) for the Indianapolis Colts.

As much of the NFL world waits to figure out the correct way to say that sentence, so does Peyton's little brother Eli.

In a nine-minute press conference in his big brother's city, Eli Manning spent much of his podium time fielding questions on his big brother.

He answered them, mentioning he won't be seeing his big brother much despite being in his city, but with only 30 second left in his press conference he slipped a little in his wording.

"I really haven't thought much about playing in Indianapolis," Eli Manning said. "It's not really a time to reflect right now on, on ... on that. It's just a matter of trying to get ready for the Patriots , trying to get ready to play this game, uh, getting prepared for their defense and we'll look back on, on the fact on playing in the Super Bowl in Peyton's uh ... in the town where he played his NFL ... uh ... plays, you know, plays for the Colts ... we'll look on that later."

And that, ladies and gentleman, is how the press conference ended.

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I just find it interesting that we have to parse every word for a clue when it comes to Peyton. We'll learn his fate soon enough.

I'm almost surprised no one broke a story that the Colts are going to trade for Eli, simply based on his first comment. He "hasn't thought much about playing in Indianapolis". Surely, that must mean Irsay has been trying to sign him!

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Little bit of a stretch, but nothing no one doesn't already know. I am amazed that there is even speculation that Peyton will get that 28 mill. I don't see how it would be possible that he is not cut. However, I think it would be wise of Irsay to ask Manning for an opportunity to sign him as a Free Agent (or match an offer). I think it would be reasonable to compete for him on a 2 year deal.

Just my thoughts...seem realistic, but who knows.

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Little bit of a stretch, but nothing no one doesn't already know. I am amazed that there is even speculation that Peyton will get that 28 mill. I don't see how it would be possible that he is not cut. However, I think it would be wise of Irsay to ask Manning for an opportunity to sign him as a Free Agent (or match an offer). I think it would be reasonable to compete for him on a 2 year deal.

Just my thoughts...seem realistic, but who knows.

Yeah. For a while I never saw Peyton getting the 28 mill. Thats a huge risk. Peyton got paid pretty handsomely last season for not playing at all.

Irsay has a business to run. He does not think like a lot of fans.

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I don't know if anyone shares my feeling, but I got a weird vibe from Manning's interview with Trey Wingo. To me, it really sounded like Peyton was trying to sell the listeners on the idea that he would be healthy and ready to go. It was almost like he was trying to reassure everyone out there so his value wouldn't take a big hit with the recent speculation. Peyton is no dummy, he knows the writing is on the wall. I think he deserves the opportunity to get his face out there and keep his value up.

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I feel bad for Eli. This week should be all about him and the Giants . . . and that other QB and team.

Your right Shecolt they need to quit asking him about Peyton and let him have his time. Tacky to say the least because they are all just guessing and saying what they assume will happen. No facts at ll just media talking.

They need to let both teams have their time it's their SB.

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I don't know if anyone shares my feeling, but I got a weird vibe from Manning's interview with Trey Wingo. To me, it really sounded like Peyton was trying to sell the listeners on the idea that he would be healthy and ready to go. It was almost like he was trying to reassure everyone out there so his value wouldn't take a big hit with the recent speculation. Peyton is no dummy, he knows the writing is on the wall. I think he deserves the opportunity to get his face out there and keep his value up.

he's had more than enough opportunity to do that.

The fact that he hasn't is what concerns me.

He knows he can't "hide" now that the Super Bowl is in "his town".

he HAS to show his face now.

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I just find it interesting that we have to parse every word for a clue when it comes to Peyton. We'll learn his fate soon enough.

I'm almost surprised no one broke a story that the Colts are going to trade for Eli, simply based on his first comment. He "hasn't thought much about playing in Indianapolis". Surely, that must mean Irsay has been trying to sign him!

Exactly. Same old issue, media making an issue out of nothing.

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Poor Eli...he doesn't deserve this one bit.

Seriously...I have heard enough of the Peyton Manning drama already. The media is sickening, circling over this franchise like vultures. This is Super Bowl weekend and it really should be all about Eli and the Giants vs. the Pats at this point. Right now, I just want a decision to be made so we can be done with this saga and move forward with Peyton or without him if need be. This death by degrees is killing me. Get it over with already! My heart wants Peyton back healthy but my head has been telling me for awhile that my heart probably won't get what it wants this time.

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This is ridiculous. Because what Eli said was that after the game is all over, in the future, he will look back to the past where he played in the Super Bowl in the city where his brother played during the regular season. Meaning, in the future, which means that anything reflected on is in the past.

Poor Eli. I bet he hates media day as much as Osi.

Gosh, I wish sportswriters would get a life!

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