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Colts sign a TE, waive an OL

Lawrence Owen

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4 hours ago, CptHooligan said:

I think I speak for everyone on the forum when I say....




More of a "What?" (IMO) Someone tell me, other than a backup basis, what this is all about? Allen, Doyle, Swoope, (Clear?), now McFarland. I get the replacement status. I would assume they're basing this on his USF tenure? 


Splain Lucy. Splain. Anyone really know about this move?

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1 minute ago, crazycolt1 said:

There will be 90 players in training camp. Need I say anymore?


True enough. It's just the TE position that caught me a little off guard. With Fleener gone, and Doyle/Swoope behind Allen. 2TE sets the norm maybe? 

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Seems to me in most Chudzinski offenses there is usually only one Top level tight end and everybody else is kind of support role.  There's usually not two really good tight ends from what I can tell.  Seems to be more 3 WR 1 TE focused.  Not sure how much 2 tight ends we'll be doing with him.

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2 minutes ago, krunk said:

Seems to me in most Chudzinski offenses there is usually only one Top level tight end and everybody else is kind of support role.  There's usually not two really good tight ends from what I can tell.  Seems to be more 3 WR 1 TE focused.  Not sure how much 2 tight ends we'll be doing with him.


Gotcha. Understood. Was taking the approach of protecting Luck more from the ends.

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31 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

There will be 90 players in training camp. Need I say anymore?

I know what you're saying, but it is still a waste of time if the player brought in doesn't have at least a small chance of surprising everyone. Never settle for wasting your time knowingly. 

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12 minutes ago, ColtRider said:


Gotcha. Understood. Was taking the approach of protecting Luck more from the ends.


It's probably going to be more similar to the 90s Cowboys or todays zone running version of the Cowboys.  One very good tight end, 3 very good receivers. Run focused, Simple number of running plays that are our staple. Run plays that we repeat with top level execution over and over again along with the deep play action passing game.  I've gotten so used to 2 athletic tight ends it's going to feel weird without it.  Interested to see how it all plays out.

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1 minute ago, ColtRider said:


Gotcha. Understood. Was taking the approach of protecting Luck more from the ends.

I am not too sure how well some of these TEs block other than Allen so I guess we will see. Doyle has produced when he has been used so some of these signing could be camp bodies? I hate using that description because these guys are going for their jobs and livelihood but it is what it is.

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4 minutes ago, Mr Clueless said:

I know what you're saying, but it is still a waste of time if the player brought in doesn't have at least a small chance of surprising everyone. Never settle for wasting your time knowingly. 

Why do you think Grigson would purposely bring someone it who has a zero chance?

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4 minutes ago, krunk said:


It's probably going to be more similar to the 90s Cowboys or todays zone running version of the Cowboys.  One very good tight end, 3 very good receivers. Run focused and deep passing game.


If that ends up being the plan, wouldn't mind that a bit. But remember, the '90s Cowboys had one great asset behind that great O-Line. A guy named, Smith. :) 

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Just now, ColtRider said:


If that ends up being the plan, wouldn't mind that a bit. But remember, the '90s Cowboys had one great asset behind that great O-Line. A guy named, Smith. :) 

We're trying to get there with the addition of Philbin as the OL coach.  I've liked just about all the OL prospects we've been looking at so far.  I expect the line to be much better this year. Probably not 90s or even todays Cowboys but better than the usual Colts stuff.

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5 minutes ago, ColtRider said:


If that ends up being the plan, wouldn't mind that a bit. But remember, the '90s Cowboys had one great asset behind that great O-Line. A guy named, Smith. :) 

Hey Gore and Turbin ain't bad and I like some of the backs we've been looking at lately too so who knows....Matter of fact now I can really see why they brought in Turbin. He came from the Cowboys and i'm pretty certain the scheme will be similar.

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Just now, krunk said:

Hey Gore ain't bad and I like some of the backs we've been looking at lately too so who knows....


True. I remember watching the '90s Cowboys with my daughter (she was 11-16 years old during that period) never forgetting her statements that she could "pad-up" behind that O-Line & get yards for Dallas. To this day, we still laugh about it. Heck, she was probably correct on some of those occasions. Some of those holes were bigger than the Grand Canyon. :) 


But seriously, hope Frank has a lot more in his tank. So, like you said, who knows? 

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1 hour ago, krunk said:

Seems to me in most Chudzinski offenses there is usually only one Top level tight end and everybody else is kind of support role.  There's usually not two really good tight ends from what I can tell.  Seems to be more 3 WR 1 TE focused.  Not sure how much 2 tight ends we'll be doing with him.

This is what we need anyway our three best  recievers our best te luck and the rb

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1 hour ago, krunk said:


It's probably going to be more similar to the 90s Cowboys or todays zone running version of the Cowboys.  One very good tight end, 3 very good receivers. Run focused, Simple number of running plays that are our staple. Run plays that we repeat with top level execution over and over again along with the deep play action passing game.  I've gotten so used to 2 athletic tight ends it's going to feel weird without it.  Interested to see how it all plays out.

Good point. The question you could raise too is whether Fleener was in effect more a WR than a TE since he wasn't much of a blocking TE if I understand it correctly. I mean that opposing DCs might just have looked at him as a slot WR? 

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