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Greg Toler


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He's much slower than anyone he goes against as well. That's why he is always beat deep and get PI's to prefer TD's.

I don't think that's the case he seems to have good recovery speed he just has no technique he usually has a running start 10 yards off deep and still gets beat. On some plays like. 3rd and 5 every one else plays press and he backs off 10 yards and it doesn't matter what receiver or quarterback it is they ALL pick on toler lol.
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Oh how swift the tides change.  I sit here and laugh at the fickleness of these forums at times.  One day Toler is great, the next he has never been good.  One day Whalen is the worst player in the world, the next everyone has believed in him from the beginning. 


Ha HaHaHa HA!

Which day was that Toler has been good this season?

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I don't think that's the case he seems to have good recovery speed he just has no technique he usually has a running start 10 yards off deep and still gets beat. On some plays like. 3rd and 5 every one else plays press and he backs off 10 yards and it doesn't matter what receiver or quarterback it is they ALL pick on toler lol.

If a guy is 10 yards off with a running start and still gets beat, it's because he's slower.

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Phil Simms actually called him a good CB. What's Phil been smokin?

I think Toler has good physical skills, but his head is not in the game. He makes lots and lots of mental mistakes. Probably relied on those physical skills too much through his career, and these start to decline over time. That will be his downfall.

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He's much slower than anyone he goes against as well. That's why he is always beat deep and get PI's to prefer TD's.


I would agree with this.  To me, Toler's technique doesn't seem to be THAT bad.  But he lacks recovery speed.  When he gets beat, it's over.  Some corners can run after they get beat and still make a play.  Toler will rely far more often on a poorly thrown deep ball to either slow the receiver down a step or simply an over throw.  But if the QB puts the ball in stride, good night.


Toler could potentially play well for us at the safety position in center field.  But his days as a man to man corner appear to be behind him.  Trouble is, Smith has been injured and I suppose Grigson has enough invested in Toler that he probably gets the start to justify the expense.

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He has dreadful footwork and is often off balance.


Eh, you're probably right.  I just know that most of the time when he gets beat, it's usually a mistep (IE - sloppy footwork) that gives the receiver a head start, but he can't recover once he has been beat (lack of speed).


To me, we let Jeraud Powers go for Toler.  Both were injury prone, but I would probably give the nod to Powers in skills.  He just didn't have the size.  At this point, I would REALLY like to see this team draft one corner early in the draft, and another one later in the draft.  Most of the corners we have are marginal/decent, but nothing we can truly build around.  Hopefully Smith is a good one.  But we still should replace Toler and bring in another youngster so when the injury bug strikes we have more in the cupboard so to speak.

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