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Yeah we get all excited about chud.....


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I almost used that exact phrase.  Yes, Pep needed to go.  I like Chud, he's a great person and it seems like he's a well liked coach.  I just don't know enough about his offensive philosophy yet.


As far as your last sentence, I'm not sure any 'lesser' teams beat us handily during Pep's time.  I agree that he didn't always put us in the best position to win.  I don't think any of us know if that's because of the personnel he's given to work with or because Luck was so out of sorts.


I do know that if the team plays like it did in the last 5+ quarters, we can beat anyone in the league.


There were a few games where we were down by more than a couple of scores.  The Jets and Bills.  Granted, both of those teams have solid defenses, but each of them we should have been in the game through all 4 quarters, and we only wake up in the 4th.  Some of that was Luck.  Most of that was Pep, IMO.  My reasoning to suggest it is mostly Pep is simply that we were far too often putting our offense in predictable situations with bad play calling, and yet we still remain predictable.  At some point, Luck is going to try to force things to his playmakers to get something to happen.  He doesn't do that (as often) when we're not in predictable situations.


And one of the biggest things to me this season for the first 6-7 games was the use of TEs.  We simply didn't.  Well, we have Gore/Johnson/Hilton/Dorsett/Moncrief/etc... why use TEs?  Well, as we saw yesterday, the TEs can take us from predictable third and longs to less predictable third and shorts where we can then use either the run or (play-action) pass to gain 2-3 yards for a first.


The other thing I noticed in Chud was the use of Whalen.  I know many don't think much of him, but he is easily one of our most reliable catchers of the ball.  It's not often that the ball goes his way that it drops to the ground on what most would see as an easy catch.  Whalen was in frequently on third and long and frequently targeted.  I don't care what anyone says to the contrary, Whalen can play.  He's not the fastest, biggest, most dominant player ever.  But the dude can find the soft spot in the zone, or beat his man on a crisp route and make a catch in traffic.  I have seen a few drops from Hilton, some from Moncrief in traffic, a fair amount for Johnson.  But Whalen, from what I have seen, more often than not catches the ball.  He needs to be in on third downs, and he was.  And Luck was extremely comfortable throwing him the ball.

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Never liked Pep even when he improved. His routs are easy to defend, and play calling VERY predictable!

You do realize that they didnt change the playbook right?  Those were the same plays and the same routes that you think are easily defended.


The biggest difference in this game was that Chud stuck to the run, Luck didnt force things and we played with a lead.  When the score got close the offense didnt click as well....


Before we put Chud in the HOF lets see how it looks when we are behind or when Luck is struggling.  Luck makes the OC look good or bad

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You do realize that they didnt change the playbook right?  Those were the same plays and the same routes that you think are easily defended.


The biggest difference in this game was that Chud stuck to the run, Luck didnt force things and we played with a lead.  When the score got close the offense didnt click as well....


Before we put Chud in the HOF lets see how it looks when we are behind or when Luck is struggling.  Luck makes the OC look good or bad


I'm not so sure it was the idea of having a different voice in practice as well helping the offense. Coaching isn't always X's and O's. It's easy for us arm chair QB's to sit here and analyze things that we see but we don't see how players respond to coaching until we see them play. Andrew looked calm most of the game and made reads he was flat out missing in previous weeks. And while it's the same playbook, the plays they used were certainly done so in a different way depending on the down and situation. Add in that you had a near perfect run-pass ratio and there was definitely a difference.

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You do realize that they didnt change the playbook right?  Those were the same plays and the same routes that you think are easily defended.


The biggest difference in this game was that Chud stuck to the run, Luck didnt force things and we played with a lead.  When the score got close the offense didnt click as well....


Before we put Chud in the HOF lets see how it looks when we are behind or when Luck is struggling.  Luck makes the OC look good or bad


True.  But with a bye week, Chud can trim or alter the playbook based upon available personnel and Colts opponents weekly as he sees it, and install those parts into the scheme and practice that particular week.  He can put a fresh take on an essentially similar playbook and keep other DC on edge for many weeks.  He has had success in Cleveland and Carolina taking both to top ten (or better) offensive slots.  No reason to believe he cannot do that here as well.  Chud can help Luck make Chud look good.

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I don't know... if he continues to succeed I think Irsay will continue to pay Chud. To leave to be HC again may not be what he wants. there have been plenty of OC/DC (Tom Moore, Dick Lebeau) that never take HC positions even though they excelled at their job. He did not succeed at the Browns as HC maybe he will just want to stick around for a while and see where this goes... Like I said I think as long as the offense continues to succeed Irsay will make it worth his while to stay.

Dick Lebeau was a head coach

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You do realize that they didnt change the playbook right?  Those were the same plays and the same routes that you think are easily defended.


The biggest difference in this game was that Chud stuck to the run, Luck didnt force things and we played with a lead.  When the score got close the offense didnt click as well....


Before we put Chud in the HOF lets see how it looks when we are behind or when Luck is struggling.  Luck makes the OC look good or bad

No, the difference is they looked sharp....I'm guessing that has something to do with preparation and practice. And being the OC isn't all about your playbook.....play calling is kind if an art and Pep could only draw stick men.

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You do realize that they didnt change the playbook right?  Those were the same plays and the same routes that you think are easily defended.


The biggest difference in this game was that Chud stuck to the run, Luck didnt force things and we played with a lead.  When the score got close the offense didnt click as well....


Before we put Chud in the HOF lets see how it looks when we are behind or when Luck is struggling.  Luck makes the OC look good or bad

Not putting him in the hall of fame, you do realize that a fly pattern for example on its own, with out any out cuts,or double move is easy to defend ESPECIALLY calling it mutable times a game. Seldom did he call plays with stacked receivers, or use our 2 tight end set with any imagination! Case in point Doyles catch in the seem in last Sundays game in the play book but used almost NEVER! These our just 3 case hey here how about Whalens out and up pattern and a big gain now 4 off the top of my head, in the play book seldom used, thats why defense were all over our receivers without separation. Luck didn't force things because there there was separation! And yes Chud did stick with the run, which again helps open things up!

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Not putting him in the hall of fame, you do realize that a fly pattern for example on its own, with out any out cuts,or double move is easy to defend ESPECIALLY calling it mutable times a game. Seldom did he call plays with stacked receivers, or use our 2 tight end set with any imagination! Case in point Doyles catch in the seem in last Sundays game in the play book but used almost NEVER! These our just 3 case hey here how about Whalens out and up pattern and a big gain now 4 off the top of my head, in the play book seldom used, thats why defense were all over our receivers without separation. Luck didn't force things because there there was separation! And yes Chud did stick with the run, which again helps open things up!


I could have missed it, but I've been looking for it, and I don't think we ran the play that Doyle caught that TD on since the first half of the Pats game. It got used repeatedly during the Titans comeback, and then while MH was starting, and then it got nuked from the gameplan for some reason. It should be a staple play of this offense, and Pep seemingly refused to call it.

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