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Patriots claim Dewey McDonald off Waivers (Merge)


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I don't understand how it's a reach. They tried to get the Pats to jump offsides, and if that had worked, it would have been a first down, not offsetting penalties.


The play was obviously ill-conceived. The ball still should not have been snapped.

I just don't see why they would jump offside? There was no hard counts or any motion or anything....honestly if that was the intention of the play then you are right...but I find it terribly difficult to believe they were trying to get NE to jump...they would have a much better shot at having AL do his hard throaty count for that. I fully believe they were trying look like they were going to run off...causing NE to run off and then get set and snap it while NE was changing players or to get NE to line up without properly covering the snapper/qb...and like I said we never got lined up on the line to even snap it if they had 12 or the defense messed up so that is why I saw it the way I did. However if what you say is correct I rest my case...but nothing on that play suggested to me we were trying to draw them offside...thats my honest belief. Thanks for letting me know that because I would never in a million years think we were trying to draw them offside.

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I just don't see why they would jump offside? There was no hard counts or any motion or anything....honestly if that was the intention of the play then you are right...but I find it terribly difficult to believe they were trying to get NE to jump...they would have a much better shot at having AL do his hard throaty count for that. I fully believe they were trying look like they were going to run off...causing NE to run off and then get set and snap it while NE was changing players or to get NE to line up without properly covering the snapper/qb...and like I said we never got lined up on the line to even snap it if they had 12 or the defense messed up so that is why I saw it the way I did. However if what you say is correct I rest my case...but nothing on that play suggested to me we were trying to draw them offside...thats my honest belief. Thanks for letting me know that because I would never in a million years think we were trying to draw them offside.


Based on McAfee's explanation, the first stage was try to catch them with too many men on the field. The second stage was try to draw them offsides. Anderson made several hard counts from shotgun, and they didn't work. 


Again, failures on several levels, including coaching, most obviously. 

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We will see what BB does with him. Kids got some talent. He is not that bad. Good size and speed and not afraid of contact. Mostly special teamer but has enough talent to do more than that if given a chance. Guy has about 3 to 4 different degrees so he is pretty smart. Yeah he made some dumb special teams penalties against the Saints but I think he was really excited to play again coming off the PS. Didn't play under control but he is usually better than that.

BB can take players that were mediocre on a different team and make them shine on the Pats. He has the Midas touch.

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