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Props to the Defense!


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Yes, I know Cincy was missing it's two big guns.  Simms wouldn't let us forget it.


Remember, before the game, we thought they were going to run, run, run on us.  Admittedly, it's easier to stop the run when you don't have to double WRs.


Before anyone says it, I know this is a trend for us.  The D plays great when we face a mediocre QB.  They still deserve accolades for the performance today!

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The analysts always need excuses when we win, simms would not shut up about how Green wasn't playing. If the Bengals go from a playoff caliber team to one that cant gain 300 yards offense and score 10 points because 1 player is missing they have more issues. Nobody wants us to win and this will be evident all week from the "analysts". The Bengals lost because they aren't that good, but in the football world of "gurus and analysts" it will be because they didn't have Green or Gresham. I can almost guarantee you wont hear diddly about how good we played outside of Luck, it will all be about the Bengals and there playoff woes and they couldn't win without Green.

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I thought it was a good defensive effort for sure, although I still felt the pass rush could have been better.

Denver is not protecting the quarterback real well right now, so hopefully we'll get more pressure next week

against Peyton. There's a way we can go up there and win if we are on our Ps and Qs.

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Good defensive effort. Now as long as they don't get all big headed and come out flat like we know they are apt to do then they'll be "adequate" to make a run. Play with that "chip" on the shoulder these next few weeks and they give the Colts a chance to win. They CAN do it 

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Run defense was a little spotty at times, especially with setting the edge.  Other than that, I think they played well.  Butler was also unspectacular, from what I recall.  Vontae was Vontae and Toler had a solid game

Yeah, I thought they were targeting Butler early. But he picked it up.

Toler played great. Just one PI today?

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Run defense was a little spotty at times, especially with setting the edge. Other than that, I think they played well. Butler was also unspectacular, from what I recall. Vontae was Vontae and Toler had a solid game

That edge setting drove me crazy in the 1st, I think that's why they finally sat Werner more since he was struggling.

A lot of people will say they were missing guys but you still have to perform either way.

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