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Bears (+6 1/2) at New England (10-26-14)


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lol. Of course the Ravens would have come back so Manning had to hit the record number of TDs in that game at 7 "just to be sure." Ha.


And by the way, the Bears offense is more talented than the Pats so they same could be said for the Pats scoring more in the second half as if they had stood still at 38 than the game would have been 38-23 with a quarter to go. So same case could be made that the additional TDs were necessary as well.

Denver were trailing by 3 at half and Pats were leading by 31.

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Have you to say otherwise?.

Nope. My only point is that Manning has run up the score just like Brady has. All of his TDs have not been relevant. It may be that Brady has done it more depending on the criteria one uses but unless you do the research you can't say absolutely.

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Except your point is wrong.


Definition of running up the score was yesterday when you throw from 38-7 and stay almost till the end. Show me a game where Manning was throwing from 38-7.


All depends on what your actual criteria...


If it's find a game that was specifically 38-7 at HT that might be pretty hard. So are we saying where he's for arguments sake had a lead of 30 points of more and played right through to the 4th Qtr and thrown at least one TD pass? 


Because I can think of one game at least... 

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Except your point is wrong.


Definition of running up the score was yesterday when you throw from 38-7 and stay almost till the end. Show me a game where Manning was throwing from 38-7.

When should Pitt have pulled Ben? And when are you going the figure out Belichick's consistent? Stop being a soccer mom. These are the big guys in the big league. Nothing can replace game reps and we are coming into the meat of the season where they separate the men from the boys as evidenced by the Steelers/Colts game yesterday.  

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Whoa and you think I am bothered :).

You indeed are courageous to show your authority over Internet.


I have no intention of 'being courageous' and 'flexing my internet muscles' on a message board, I'm simply wondering why you are continuously at the forefront of this 'Peyton would never do such a thing because he's such a swell guy while Brady is a P.O.S' revolution.


These two guys are so similar it hurts, yet somehow Peyton is exempt from all criticism while you question how Brady could possibly have the audacity to throw the ball 2 minutes into the 3rd quarter from the 46 yard line for a touchdown. Peyton would never do that! I mean, 2 minutes into the 3rd quarter? From midfield??? Man...what a bad guy.


But, just as an example to confirm your view because you claim there's no instance where Peyton would ever do such a thing...lets see what I can find.


Oh here's one! Against Oakland last year, with Denver up 24-0 with 13 seconds left in the 3rd quarter...Peyton throws a touchdown from the 5 yard line.


Oh no...my mistake, that didn't confirm your claim at all. Here, let me try again.


Against Philadelphia, up 35-13 with 22 seconds left in the 3rd quarter, Peyton again throws a touchdown...this time from the 4 yard line.


Wait, wait. This cant be right...this would seemingly disprove literally everything you are saying. Let me review my findings just to avoid any confusion:


Brady throws a touchdown from midfield up 21 points in his first series of the second half = bad guy, running up the score.


Peyton throws a touchdown from the 5 yard line up 24 points with 13 seconds left in the 3rd quarter...AND

Peyton throws a touchdown from the 4 yard line up 22 points with 22 seconds left in the 3rd quarter = no problem at all, what a competitor!


That's pretty much what you're saying here, right?

Edited by SteelCityColt
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Except your point is wrong.

Definition of running up the score was yesterday when you throw from 38-7 and stay almost till the end. Show me a game where Manning was throwing from 38-7.

You do realize that Peyton has thrown more 1 yard TDs than anyone else in history, right ?

45 1 yard TDs. Brady? 28.

I wonder why that is...

Again, no such thing as running up the score in the NFL. Paid athletes are paid to play the game .

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Yeah run up the score with refs helping.

Lot of smiles from Pats players.

We will see all that next week.


See, now I'm confused Shane.


In the now-closed "Peyton needlessly picks on the scoreboard operator" you said that with a 14-point lead, Denver's lead against SD wasn't "safe" even though they could have taken kneel-downs until around 28 seconds left, with SD having no timeouts.


Anything can happen, right? 


But the Patriots are supposed to shut it down with 30+ minutes left in their game with Chicago?


I know it's difficult for us mere mortals to grasp your intellect, but maybe you can explain why that's not a double-standard? Because I'm sure there's a good reason for it other than your unwavering biases!



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I have no intention of 'being courageous' and 'flexing my internet muscles' on a message board, I'm simply wondering why you are continuously at the forefront of this 'Peyton would never do such a thing because he's such a swell guy while Brady is a P.O.S' revolution. I mean, did Brady sleep with your sister and never call her again or something?

These two guys are so similar it hurts, yet somehow Peyton is exempt from all criticism while you question how Brady could possibly have the audacity to throw the ball 2 minutes into the 3rd quarter from the 46 yard line for a touchdown. Peyton would never do that! I mean, 2 minutes into the 3rd quarter? From midfield??? Man...what a bad guy.

But, just as an example to confirm your view because you claim there's no instance where Peyton would ever do such a thing...lets see what I can find.

Oh here's one! Against Oakland last year, with Denver up 24-0 with 13 seconds left in the 3rd quarter...Peyton throws a touchdown from the 5 yard line.

Oh no...my mistake, that didn't confirm your claim at all. Here, let me try again.

Against Philadelphia, up 35-13 with 22 seconds left in the 3rd quarter, Peyton again throws a touchdown...this time from the 4 yard line.

Wait, wait. This cant be right...this would seemingly disprove literally everything you are saying. Let me review my findings just to avoid any confusion:

Brady throws a touchdown from midfield up 21 points in his first series of the second half = bad guy, running up the score.

Peyton throws a touchdown from the 5 yard line up 24 points with 13 seconds left in the 3rd quarter...AND

Peyton throws a touchdown from the 4 yard line up 22 points with 22 seconds left in the 3rd quarter = no problem at all, what a competitor!

That's pretty much what you're saying here, right?


Complete and total annihilation. Don't worry, Shane will now say that you're personally attacking him , instead of refuting your ironclad argument . It's his MO.

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Complete and total annihilation. Don't worry, Shane will now say that you're personally attacking him , instead of refuting your ironclad argument . It's his MO.


They have no real answers. They never do. My guess is someone throws a desperate "Spygate" reference out within the next 10 posts if this thread stays open that long.

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Honestly guys...I thought we would be past this already. 1 thread was closed already and it seems we are going to follow around harrassing each other in every other thread now. This is non-sense. People sound like two kids fighting over whose dad can beat up the others. My dad did this and oh yeah well mine can do that. Just childish. We are all grown men and women on a dang sports board. Sure we don't all see things the same way and we have our favorite teams/players but when we try to start passing judgment and bickering over the dumbest things it just makes everyone look really really silly. Whether people are arguing over a players ocd or for the hundredth time arguing over running up the score...its football...its just entertainment. Lets take a deep breath and take after Mr. Rodgers....and R-E-L-A-X. Your view point is your own...we often just disagree and thats ok...in the end nobody was physically harmed...perhaps just the Bears and the scoreboard operators egos. Point being they are all professionals (well maybe not the operator if it was the bud light winner that was running it like it has been written about) but point being they all put their britches on one leg at a time and they will pick themselves up and do better next time....and all of us need to remember we are discussing a game....if it means that much to us that we have to argue about it all day then perhaps we need to evaluate the importance we are placing on these games and not let it effect our attitudes...because honestly nothing that happened on the football field this week was nearly important enough to warrant this bickering going on.


Sorry for the little rant....


What I learned is when the Pats offense is healthy and clicking....Brady and company are REAL good....and clearly the Bears while talented have real real leadership problems.

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My friend Mr.GoPats, who is they?.


The Peyton Lemmings. 


If Manning is screaming about scoreboard operators in a game where he has a 14-point lead, the ball, and no timeouts for the opponent with 2:00 left, it's OK. He's just a fiery competitor and hey, anything can happen.


But the Patriots are evil for not shutting it down before the second half?


If I'm Chicago and the Patriots stuck Garoppolo in to start the 3rd, I'd be more insulted than if I got my butt kicked for the whole second half. 

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Honestly guys...I thought we would be past this already. 1 thread was closed already and it seems we are going to follow around harrassing each other in every other thread now. This is non-sense. People sound like two kids fighting over whose dad can beat up the others. My dad did this and oh yeah well mine can do that. Just childish. We are all grown men and women on a dang sports board. Sure we don't all see things the same way and we have our favorite teams/players but when we try to start passing judgment and bickering over the dumbest things it just makes everyone look really really silly. Whether people are arguing over a players ocd or for the hundredth time arguing over running up the score...its football...its just entertainment. Lets take a deep breath and take after Mr. Rodgers....and R-E-L-A-X. Your view point is your own...we often just disagree and thats ok...in the end nobody was physically harmed...perhaps just the Bears and the scoreboard operators egos. Point being they are all professionals (well maybe not the operator if it was the bud light winner that was running it like it has been written about) but point being they all put their britches on one leg at a time and they will pick themselves up and do better next time....and all of us need to remember we are discussing a game....if it means that much to us that we have to argue about it all day then perhaps we need to evaluate the importance we are placing on these games and not let it effect our attitudes...because honestly nothing that happened on the football field this week was nearly important enough to warrant this bickering going on.


And while I agree with every word and share the same sentiment...I just can't help but respond to those who continually try to pass off their opinion as fact...especially when they think they are so right that they literally 'challenge' you to find proof to refute their claims. We all appreciate different opinions here...but the bickering intensifies when someone is so convinced they are right that there is no room for even hearing an opposing view. It's like a child holding his hands over his ears stomping his feet saying 'I cant hear you na na na na na na!'


However, once the proof is presented and they are indeed shown to be dead wrong, I would expect some kind of a response.

Edited by SteelCityColt
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You do realize that Peyton has thrown more 1 yard TDs than anyone else in history, right ?

45 1 yard TDs. Brady? 28.

I wonder why that is...

Again, no such thing as running up the score in the NFL. Paid athletes are paid to play the game .

I'm going to say if this is you trying to dig at Manning saying he throws a lot of TDs in running situations to rack up his stats well Brady has thrown 17.8% of his TDs 3 yards or fewer in compared to Peyton's 16.3% in 3 yards or fewer.

And Brady has 47.9% of his TDs in goal to go situations compared to Peyton's 39.9%.

I'll just leave my old quote here. No one has thrown more of their touchdowns in goal to go situations than Brady.

So, don't bring something in like this. We both agree on their is no such thing as running up the score, but Brady lives and dies by short and intermediate passes. If you want to frown upon short TD passes then frown on Brady. No one does it like him.

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MOD Note


I've once again had to remove quite a few posts for personal shots and I'm of a mind to lock this topic down seeing as the game is over.


You can argue/debate/disagree with each other as much as you want but do it without taking personal shots and breaking the rules. No more finger pointing blaming each other, trying to bait people into breaking the rules or trolling topics.


It's simple, if you want to post here you stick to the rules that you all agreed to when you signed up to the forum. If you can't do that then this isn't the forum for you. We try very hard to make this a place where fans of all teams can post in a pleasurable environment. 

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MOD Note


I've once again had to remove quite a few posts for personal shots and I'm of a mind to lock this topic down seeing as the game is over.


You can argue/debate/disagree with each other as much as you want but do it without taking personal shots and breaking the rules. No more finger pointing blaming each other, trying to bait people into breaking the rules or trolling topics.


It's simple, if you want to post here you stick to the rules that you all agreed to when you signed up to the forum. If you can't do that then this isn't the forum for you. We try very hard to make this a place where fans of all teams can post in a pleasurable environment. 


I apologize for my role in this...you guys do a great job here and its the reason most of us 'rival fans' have stayed here over the years and consider it our 'home board' as well.


I do ask, however, that you leave this open long enough to get a response from Shane. After so many claims being factually refuted, I am legitimately curious in what he thinks now going forward.

Thank you in advance.

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It is always started by the same poster thread after thread after thread. How many strikes/warning points before you are banned for good?

who starts it is in the eye of the beholder

Feeling like banning a few people in this thread right now

If people want to keep posting here, they need to make an effort

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The rest of the board is getting really sick of the same fights between the same people

Get along,ignore,or leave

but stop these endless circular arguments


But see, that's the best part about providing factual evidence to confirm or refute a point instead of just continually making baseless posts that you hope no one will fact check you on. PROVING A POINT right or wrong goes a long way in STOPPING the circular nature of these conversations and ensuring that they are not 'endless' debates.


Being proved wrong SHOULD end it right there. But here's the problem: coming on and being so sure of yourself and basing entire arguments on false facts and hoping that people just take it as proof is one thing, but then to hide out and refuse to respond when you are straight up proved wrong, especially after being so vocal and sure about it before being shut down, leads me to believe that the poster doesn't even care about what's true and what's not...and THAT is what makes the argument endless and circular.


Who 'started it' may be in the eye of the beholder, but who finished it is not. He could at least come back and acknowledge it.

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But see, that's the best part about providing factual evidence to confirm or refute a point instead of just continually making baseless posts that you hope no one will fact check you on. PROVING A POINT right or wrong goes a long way in STOPPING the circular nature of these conversations and ensuring that they are not 'endless' debates.


Being proved wrong SHOULD end it right there. But here's the problem: coming on and being so sure of yourself and basing entire arguments on false facts and hoping that people just take it as proof is one thing, but then to hide out and refuse to respond when you are straight up proved wrong, especially after being so vocal and sure about it before being shut down, leads me to believe that the poster doesn't even care about what's true and what's not...and THAT is what makes the argument endless and circular.


Who 'started it' may be in the eye of the beholder, but who finished it is not. He could at least come back and acknowledge it.

thoughtfully stated

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I'm not a Bears fan but lots of people I know are fans of both teams. I think Colts fans and Bears fans generally like each other.  Kind of an anomaly in the NFL


Although I can understand them being irritated with the Colts on account of the Superbowl.  I feel the same way about the Saints


I kind of like Packer fans too.  Must be the midwest roots that we share


Anyway, OP is a sad story.

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