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Cmon NFL, this "thrursday experiment" needs to go...


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Its a huge disadvantage to the away team. Seattle would have smashed Washington in Seattle last night.


yes it is a disadvantage to the away team . . . like other portion of the scheduling where the NFL will have a rotating schedule of home and away between teams (which I think runs on a three year cycle), the NFL should switch teams having home TNF and then an away TNF the following season and so on, toggling back and forth each year . . . and the NFL should just have 16 TNF games, one for each team . . . Thanksgiving Day day games and kickoff TNF not counting . . . surely those four Thanksgiving day teams might have two in the year . . . I would not be against only having 14 TNF games with the two Thanksgiving day games being games 15 and 16, so each team will only place once on a Thursday . . 

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I always thought it an odd placement for an extra night of football. Saturday night would be fine with me, but I suppose they'd think viewership would suffer, due to people being busy, out on the town etc. 


Thursday games would only be acceptable if both teams are coming off a bye week. 


it is tough to do . .  Saturday night is a night out and also it college football day and now we have a lot of good prime time college football games which I think the NFL would not want to interfere with . . .also Friday is high school football night and likewise the NFL would refrain from scheduling games . . 


Wednesday night is out as it too close to Sunday, and if you did it not Tuesday night it would have to could for the week prior and would not be that bad as its 5 days to the next Sunday . . . however being close to MNF it might dilute it a bit . . . being on its own in TNF makes is far enough away from the prior Sunday, does not dilute MNF and honors the lower level leagues . . .

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Thursday games shouldn't start until week 5 and only involve teams coming off byes.


coming off byes is a good idea and I have felt the same . . . although we would not have an many TNF games . . . but it would avoid the short turnaround . . .


a buddy of mine has suggested a 18 week schedule with two byes, which would make TNF a much easier game to schedule with byes . . .

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coming off byes is a good idea and I have felt the same . . . although we would not have an many TNF games . . . but it would avoid the short turnaround . . .


a buddy of mine has suggested a 18 week schedule with two byes, which would make TNF a much easier game to schedule with byes . . .


So we're buddies now??? ;)


That's my idea, except 19 weeks and 3 byes. 

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The Thursday night games aren't an experiment and they aren't going anywhere.  The TNF games this year have averaged over 16 million viewers and have lifted CBS' prime time ratings by 33%.  It's another prime time revenue stream for both the NFL and the networks.

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So we're buddies now??? ;)


That's my idea, except 19 weeks and 3 byes. 


Of course we are . . . :)  . . .


Actually it was another buddy of mine here in Boston that mentioned the idea . . . he has been saying it for some time now . . . actually rereading my post I did not state it correctly . . . I meant to say a 18 game schedule with two byes . . . so 20 weeks overall with the elimination of one/two preseason games . . . but a retaining a 16 game schedule with adding extra byes works just as good . . . either way adding extra byes allows for some rehab for players and the ability to schedule TNF . . . with the extra bye the team will have one true bye of 2 weeks and then one bye that is cut a tad short by TNF, although they would have a few extra days on the other side . . .


I know there is some level of traditional of the SB being were it is, moving it forward would not bother me.  I know some have said to move it forward to President's Day weekend, which would free up the schedule to add extra byes and/or games . . .  

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I'm surprised. I thought I was the only one

But I don't like any night game.......cuts into my sleep


I completely agree!  I don't even make it to halftime in Super Bowls any more, since they started putting them at night, let alone some mid-season game between two 1-5 teams, neither of which I care anything about.

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3 day turnaround. Game during the workweek. Injury risk. I'm sure there are more good reasons that I am forgetting to dump these games. Y'all can refine the rules to where players and coaches need a P.H.D. to keep up but can't figure out these games aren't good for the PEOPLE. Players have unhealed bumps and bruises, and get injured when they play before fully recovering...


     NFL, wake up. Sunday afternoon and evening. Sunday night. Monday night tradition. Thats it.

The NFL has played on Thursday for 75 years..There is no documented injury risk....

It is no longer an experiment...

Monday on the road and Sunday is not much different than Sunday-Thursday.

Its just something to whine about

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Do you know what day it is?


Ha! I saw that too and chuckled... like, "Dang, jvan must be ripping it up, he thinks it's Friday."  ;)


As for the Thursday games...


As a fan I like having another night to watch games. But I hear what the players say and side with them on it. I like Dustin's suggestion (start it after the bye weeks, and only involve teams coming off byes) and wonder if all the different permutations of that would work. 

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I always thought it an odd placement for an extra night of football. Saturday night would be fine with me, but I suppose they'd think viewership would suffer, due to people being busy, out on the town etc. 


Thursday games would only be acceptable if both teams are coming off a bye week. 

They do thursday because Friday is allocated to Highschool football and Saturday is College football.  they dont want to split time.

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Its a huge disadvantage to the away team. Seattle would have smashed Washington in Seattle last night.


Seattle had 3 TDs called back due to penalty, the game wasn't as close as the score. Also Seattle has the best home field advantage in all of football. Also that was a monday night game.

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Seattle had 3 TDs called back due to penalty, the game wasn't as close as the score. Also Seattle has the best home field advantage in all of football. Also that was a monday night game.

1) Two of those three were on the same drive, back to back plays actually. 


2) Don't commit penalties? 


3) When the QB is running for more yards than the RB's, something is wrong. It's awesome of Wilson to be able to do that, but that shows something is breaking down and they're lucky it's working as well as it is. 

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1) Two of those three were on the same drive, back to back plays actually. 


2) Don't commit penalties? 


3) When the QB is running for more yards than the RB's, something is wrong. It's awesome of Wilson to be able to do that, but that shows something is breaking down and they're lucky it's working as well as it is. 


Jvan was saying that the reason Seattle didn't win by more was because it wasn't a normal sunday game, and Seattle was at a disadvantage. I don't think you can say they wouldn't have committed those penalties if it was a sunday game in Seattle.

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I personally don't like them. The matchups are usually terrible, this week may be the first close Thursday game of the season (hopefully not TOO close). They put the away teams at a big disadvantage, and players don't get time to heal. Add it all up, and you get crappy football. As for the Colts, there are several players that probably could have played Sunday that won't tomorrow night. That can make or break a team in "the game of inches." Same goes for other teams. Would Minnesota had gotten rolled if Bridgewater played? He probably could have by Sunday, but wasn't ready by that Thursday. And it messes with fantasy football. I'm busy enough without having to worry about messing with my lineup during the middle of the week (ok the last one was really a selfish reason, but still)

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Prime Time. That's what it all boils down to. Another night of the week that can showcase the NFL. Another night of prime time coverage that teams get "rewarded" with IF the NFL thinks they'll make em look good. NFL teams' weeks are fairly ritualized... practice days, film studies, walkthroughs, travel days, etc... and  most importantly healing time. I don't know about y'all but I have to get up early on Friday and would rather only have 2 days a week to be tired not 3... (Monday and Tues mornings)

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