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Today's NFL: Corrupt ot Not?

King Colt

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Uh oh....there too, huh? Every city has their rotten apples.....I don't doubt it.


Jimmy must have gotten arrested by an honest cop, it looks like....but he did way better in the courts than the rest of us peasants would have.

No, he got the standard penalty for a first time offender.

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depends what the BAC is

No, a first time DUI is a misdemeanor. The BAC level only mitigates what that punishment will be for that misdemeanor if convicted.

It can move beyond that if one is convicted of multiple DUI's. The number of multiples Varies from state to state.

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Posted · Hidden by SteelCityColt, December 11, 2014 - Under review
Hidden by SteelCityColt, December 11, 2014 - Under review
Join Senator Raymond J. Lesniak and NBA Commissioner Adam Silver in the fight to make sports betting legal. Go to www.makesportsbettinglegal.com to sign the petition and your voice will be heard! Please make sure to share the petition with your friends, family, colleagues, and social media followers so that they can join the fight to legalize sports betting. Every signature makes a huge difference so spread the word. There are millions of sports fans like you that would like you to place a wager on their favorite sports team but cannot unless they are in Vegas or are placing it illegally. Lets stand together and let Congress hear our roar!


For more information please visit: www.makesportsbettinglegal.com 


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Posted · Hidden by SteelCityColt, December 11, 2014 - Quoting Hidden Post
Hidden by SteelCityColt, December 11, 2014 - Quoting Hidden Post


Join Senator Raymond J. Lesniak and NBA Commissioner Adam Silver in the fight to make sports betting legal. Go to www.makesportsbettinglegal.com to sign the petition and your voice will be heard! Please make sure to share the petition with your friends, family, colleagues, and social media followers so that they can join the fight to legalize sports betting. Every signature makes a huge difference so spread the word. There are millions of sports fans like you that would like you to place a wager on their favorite sports team but cannot unless they are in Vegas or are placing it illegally. Lets stand together and let Congress hear our roar!
For more information please visit: www.makesportsbettinglegal.com 


Petition...lol.  Our votes for the president doesn't even count.  Why would a petition do anything?

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