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What other team could Tom Brady play for?

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I do believe Amendola would possibly perform better with the Broncos and Colts under their system.


I think Brady tends to get too impatient too soon and gives up on players too quickly and throws them under the bus.  That famous confrontation Brady had with O'Brien on the sidelines in the Redskins' game and Brady last season chewing out his receivers.


If things don't go perfect to plan with Brady he throws tantrums.  After the game yesterday during the post game press conference Brady was down, looked depressed.  First time I ever seen him like that after a win, and that's a problem.  Most the super bowl winning teams through out  season "win ugly" and will take any win they can.  For years the Steelers, Giants, Ravens and last year the Seahawks won low scoring close games by only scoring 10 points total.

Look depressed to who- you?


He simply stated the offense needs to get better.

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It (cap hit) goes down 6 mill per year.


2015  18 mill ....like AM said


2016   12 mill


2017    6 mill



For sure he signed a team friendly deal and I'm not aware of any other player in the NFL that signed two contracts below market  value. As far as where this thread appears to be going , my guess is Brady plays this year and next for sure. 

Thank you. Those are some big hits the next two years. 2017 not so much. I think he plays as well for at least two more years if not all three.

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Yelling at your receivers doesn't necessarily mean he has issues. I mean we saw Peyton bawl out Julius Thomas for running the wrong route yesterday. Sometimes you got to get someones attention and sometimes thats by having a calm conversation and sometimes you got to wake a guy up. At the time Thomas probably thought no big deal....we are up 11 and will get the ball back and will be fine blah blah blah but Peyton has seen two weeks in a row his offense come out not ready to play in the second half and execute and they probably worked on that all week and he was ticked they weren't putting more attention to detail. It almost cost them a game now two weeks in a row and Peyton doesn't want to have to lose a game to get his point across....you correct it BEFORE it causes you to lose...not after. I think Tom knows what it takes to obtain greatness and knows he isn't getting that out of his teammates and is frustrated. I think he is just trying to help his team grow up and wake up before they have another meltdown like week 1.

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I agree with and understand most of what you posted in the first 3 paragraphs.  The last paragraph above is what I'm getting at.  What you posted is all based on previous seasons.  One season in the NFL is like 5 years off your life compared to most other sports.  Yes, Brady was GREAT in 2013.  He might be great in 2014.  But the drop off is quite substantial especially in football from year to year especially for a guy who's 37 and will be 38 next year.


People are predicting Brady will be just as good in the next 3 seasons as he was in 2013.  That's the dangerous thing.  That's all based on hypothetical and wishful thinking.  I do believe the odds are greater Brady's performance will drop off much more the next 3 years instead of flat line.


The only way I see Brady ever having another 2010 regular season is if the Pats load up on their offensive line in the draft and free agency to give Brady the time he needs in the pocket.  He really needs a lot of time in the pocket now more than ever.  The offensive line should be their #1 focus after this season.


My comments are inline with former Patriot players like Steve DeOssie who is much more fair in his critique of the team than Fred Smerlas is.


we will see only time will tell . . . when Brady signed his contract/extension and had those two low dollar years at years 4 and 5, most of the talking heads were thinking that it was set up to keep Welker and others and yada yada yada . . . I understood that thinking to a degree but it also got me to thinking that it makes Brady a very tradable commodity, with those low salaries in year 4 and 5.  Surely the pats could retain him and they might, but at the same time they can put him on a trading block for short money and a team that is in need to a great QB for a few years but do not want to break the bank, they may be willing to trade for Brady . . .  


I hope he stays in NE and he might, but we will have to wait and see . . .


As for Brady's decline, we will have a better gauge this season . . . Manning had a great year last year and was the same age as Brady is this year, also Favre had a solid year in Minnesota at 40 or 41 I forget . . . based on those two QBs I do not see Brady's drop off as being that drastic over the next three years . . . if Manning and Favre has solid years late in their career, no reason to think Brady's performance will drop off any more then their performances from each of their respective prime years . . .


For me know I feel confident that I will see Brady in a pats uniform at least till the end of next season, and hope that he sticks around, but if not then so be it . . .

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Do you know your own team's history> The Pats traded an IN PRIME Bledsoe to Buffalo. They would trade Brady to the team with the best offer and not hesitate.

Except that Brady had already outperformed Bledsoe, and was about to take the starting job , but Mo Lewis stepped up the timeline .

Garoppolo will take the job only when he outplays Brady.

That hasn't happened yet, and I sincerely doubt it'll be next year.

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Oakland Raiders will fit in well.


Brady can go back to his home.

His home is Boston Massachusetts. He lives there with, Giselle, Jack and Ben year around as their main residence. They don't own a home in California anymore.

Edited by 21isSuperman
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Same things were being said last year after two games. The Patriots scraped one out against Buffalo in the opener and then looked just terrible in Week 2 despite beating the Jets. Things got a little better against Tampa in week 3, then they lost two of their next four games. The offense didn't really get rolling until the end of October or beginning of November, once Gronkowski came back and started shaking off the rust. They finished quite well in most offensive statistical categories. 


It's way too early to make any definitive determinations. At this point last year it looked even worse and the Patriots ended up near the top of the league in scoring, total offense, etc.

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Same things were being said last year after two games. The Patriots scraped one out against Buffalo in the opener and then looked just terrible in Week 2 despite beating the Jets. Things got a little better against Tampa in week 3, then they lost two of their next four games. The offense didn't really get rolling until the end of October or beginning of November, once Gronkowski came back and started shaking off the rust. They finished quite well in most offensive statistical categories. 


It's way too early to make any definitive determinations. At this point last year it looked even worse and the Patriots ended up near the top of the league in scoring, total offense, etc.

I think this offense has the potential to be much better than last year. Gronk needs more time to get back so I would think by mid-season he will be in better form and I have to think the outside guys will step it up. Like you said, by week 3 in Tampa everything was clicking better after two horrible weeks to start the season.

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I think this offense has the potential to be much better than last year. Gronk needs more time to get back so I would think by mid-season he will be in better form and I have to think the outside guys will step it up. Like you said, by week 3 in Tampa everything was clicking better after two horrible weeks to start the season.


And it's not like they've been God-awful. Bad second half in Miami, but they held their own against the Vikes and ran pretty well. You can pick the first two weeks of the season apart but all that really matters is the 1-1 record. 


BB says you don't have a good idea of what you are until week 6 or 7.


Exactly. We've seen this team peak at the wrong time before... I'd rather see them struggle early, get better, and be firing on all cylinders come December and January. (And hopefully February.)

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Manning was set up to retire a Colt. Just saying Pats fans.

And of course the injury happened to Peyton, but he went into the off season healthy then had complications during that time.

Nothing is guaranteed. You don't know what will happen. In 2010 saying Peyton is on another team in 2012 you would get laughed at. And Peyton meant just as much, if not more, to the Colts like Brady does to New England.

And the Colts didn't have a reputation of cutting their big names.

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Manning was set up to retire a Colt. Just saying Pats fans.

And of course the injury happened to Peyton, but he went into the off season healthy then had complications during that time.

Nothing is guaranteed. You don't know what will happen. In 2010 saying Peyton is on another team in 2012 you would get laughed at. And Peyton meant just as much, if not more, to the Colts like Brady does to New England.

And the Colts didn't have a reputation of cutting their big names.

Sure anything can happen. But Manning was such a unique case with the neck surgeries coinciding with the Colts getting the first pick and Luck being there. A perfect storm. And it really took a perfect storm for Manning not to be there as like you said, he meant a ton to the team and the city. I think it would take something similar for Brady to leave NE which is why Kraft got his contract extension done two years ago so he would not be on the books for a ton of money entering his late 30's. In fact, Kraft said his impetus for doing the contract with Brady was because of what happened to Manning.


To your last point, the Pats don't cut their players. They do move on from their aging vets probably a little sooner than most teams but there have been plenty of Pats over the years that have finished their careers as Patriots - Troy Brown, Bruschi, Matt Light, Kevin Faulk, etc. Brady is at the top of Mount Rushmore for this org. Kraft refers to him as his fifth son. Until the wheels come completely off, he will be a Patriot. But no fan has any preconceived notions that any player is lock to stay. That would be foolish thinking in the FA/cap era.

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The good old "phantom" roughing the passer call...


Pats got hosed in that game. More than once as I recall. 


Yes there were a lot of calls let go on the Oakland side, then to see a roughing (judgment) call like roughing the passer made at a key time late in the game for the benefit of a very rough team was very frustrating . . .  

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