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Jerruh Jones busted taking provocative pictures.


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And yet you care enough to be posting quite a bit on this thread ...

I'll be honest, I didn't realize he was married either. I care enough to check the forum but not google anything Jerry Jones related. With that information, I will say I sincerely feel for his wife. I find it appalling that some individuals can be so narcissistic that they hide behind success while exhibiting no loyalty to those that care most about them. I hope he pays for this, whether it's from sexual harassment suits or divorce (If justice is served it should be both). It's tragic that his family will be dragged through the mud with him.

Jones's behavior is so indicative of many wealthy, entitled tycoons. They all want to talk the talk and hold everyone around them accountable while hypocritically disregarding conduct policies and basic human decency protocols. All that seems to matter in this bueaurocracy that we live in is how people make things look on paper and in the media, without any concern for the reality of the situation. I can't wait til JJ steps down. Let's hope the next generation can surpass him in every way (see how I said next generation because I don't care enough to google the age, gender and names of his kids haha). But really AM, I get your point. This shouldn't be seen as funny because it's not entertaining when it's hurting people like his wife; however, there is something satisfying to me about seeing Jerry Jones humiliated/ humbled.

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It takes two seconds to do a search and find out before posting.

I say we ban Jvan for his egregious mistake. Pay attention, Jvan! Google before you make innocuous statements. 


This is a fan forum on the internet, not a college thesis. Why is it that when people make such little mistakes the first reaction by many is to assume sarcasm? Just correct them and move on, like 21isSuperman did. 

Related; 21isSuperman.......when you gonna change your username? Gettin' kinda far beyond the Sanders era now. As well, Bob Sanders' kryptonite turns out to be ....physical contact, his only weakness. 


Just kidding BTW!!!


PS: No I'm not. I'm being serious, change your name.


Just kidding!!!




no i'm not

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, August 5, 2014 - too explicit
Hidden by Nadine, August 5, 2014 - too explicit

Jones's behavior is so indicative of many wealthy, entitled tycoons. 

I'll quote Southpark;


"What is it about these rich, powerful men that causes them to have random sex with beautiful women?" 


I gots news for ya, this "phenomenon" is known as being male. I would think Cotls fans would be a bit more lenient on JJ. After all, he suffers from the same disease that Irsay suffers from, addiction. JJ is obviously a sex addict, he has a sickness and needs to battle it. 


I told ya so, yep. I said it. I told ya so. Y'all remember when I was doggin' on Irsay several weeks back? Y'all remember the analogy I gave? That if Jerry Jones got caught up in a mess, y'all would jump on him like ravenous jackals. And so it is. 


Some of you defend Irsay for driving around our public streets like common white trash, yet you attack an old man for having a threesome with obvious hotties. As if.....as frickin' if MANY of us wouldn't do the same thing. Maybe his wife is a barren sexual wasteland and she no longer attempts to please him in any way, as adult couples do? You guys stop and think of that for even 1 second? 


I'm not defending adultery, I find it to be a disturbing, yet common practice. Just sayin' ......let's not pretend that what he did is any different than what millions of others are doing right now. As far as I'm concerned, it's his business and I will think no less of him for such. You only live once, dude is obviously livin' it. 


So....do your thing, JJ. I see the next Viagra spokesman in Jerry. I don't take the stuff myself. Well, I did try Viagra once and the pill got stuck in my throat. Had a stiff neck for hours. 

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, August 5, 2014 - too explicit
Hidden by Nadine, August 5, 2014 - too explicit

I'll quote Southpark;


"What is it about these rich, powerful men that causes them to have random sex with beautiful women?" 


I gots news for ya, this "phenomenon" is known as being male. I would think Cotls fans would be a bit more lenient on JJ. After all, he suffers from the same disease that Irsay suffers from, addiction. JJ is obviously a sex addict, he has a sickness and needs to battle it. 


I told ya so, yep. I said it. I told ya so. Y'all remember when I was doggin' on Irsay several weeks back? Y'all remember the analogy I gave? That if Jerry Jones got caught up in a mess, y'all would jump on him like ravenous jackals. And so it is. 


Some of you defend Irsay for driving around our public streets like common white trash, yet you attack an old man for having a threesome with obvious hotties. As if.....as frickin' if MANY of us wouldn't do the same thing. Maybe his wife is a barren sexual wasteland and she no longer attempts to please him in any way, as adult couples do? You guys stop and think of that for even 1 second? 


I'm not defending adultery, I find it to be a disturbing, yet common practice. Just sayin' ......let's not pretend that what he did is any different than what millions of others are doing right now. As far as I'm concerned, it's his business and I will think no less of him for such. You only live once, dude is obviously livin' it. 


So....do your thing, JJ. I see the next Viagra spokesman in Jerry. I don't take the stuff myself. Well, I did try Viagra once and the pill got stuck in my throat. Had a stiff neck for hours. 

Your entire post is unbelievably offensive.

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I say we ban Jvan for his egregious mistake. Pay attention, Jvan! Google before you make innocuous statements. 


This is a fan forum on the internet, not a college thesis. Why is it that when people make such little mistakes the first reaction by many is to assume sarcasm? Just correct them and move on, like 21isSuperman did. 

Related; 21isSuperman.......when you gonna change your username? Gettin' kinda far beyond the Sanders era now. As well, Bob Sanders' kryptonite turns out to be ....physical contact, his only weakness. 


Just kidding BTW!!!


PS: No I'm not. I'm being serious, change your name.


Just kidding!!!




no i'm not

Huh? Jvan is one of the most sarcastic posters on this forum which is why I asked him as he seemed to believe that Jones was not married.

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I say we ban Jvan for his egregious mistake. Pay attention, Jvan! Google before you make innocuous statements. 


This is a fan forum on the internet, not a college thesis. Why is it that when people make such little mistakes the first reaction by many is to assume sarcasm? Just correct them and move on, like 21isSuperman did. 

Related; 21isSuperman.......when you gonna change your username? Gettin' kinda far beyond the Sanders era now. As well, Bob Sanders' kryptonite turns out to be ....physical contact, his only weakness. 


Just kidding BTW!!!


PS: No I'm not. I'm being serious, change your name.


Just kidding!!!




no i'm not

lmao True.  But Vontae is now #21 and he could bring #21 the glory and respect it deserves from Colts DBs.  If his play can be more consistent, my username will still be true

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, August 5, 2014 - too explicit
Hidden by Nadine, August 5, 2014 - too explicit

Your entire post is unbelievably offensive.

I think he was trying to intentionally be over the top to show the hypocrisy of Colts fans in supporting Irsay vs how they are roasting Jones.

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I think he was trying to intentionally be over the top to show the hypocrisy of Colts fans in supporting Irsay vs how they are roasting Jones.

Fair enough. I'll be honest, I like Irsay and dislike Jerry; therefore, I'm inclined to show more support towards Irsay while bashing Jones. With that being said, I do think all individuals should be held accountable for their actions, Irsay included.

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Calling his behavior typical of males, especially married males is offensive.

Men are hardwired to behave this way. We see it in nature, we see it in human nature. Somehow we don't feel comfortable thinking that it is how our male psyche evolved, but procreation is the most powerful instinct in the animal world, second only to perhaps the instinct to survive. We are driven by many thousands of years of social evolution. 


Did I mean "all males"? Of course not. But the inability to remain faithful to a spouse is rooted not in moral ambiguity, but rather, human nature and the evolution of human instinct. 

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I don't believe it would be too easy to win a harrasment lawsuit in this case.  The women are obviously posing with Jerry, and they don't seem to mind the fact that they are degrading themselves.  As far as I can tell, Jerry could actually use these photos as proof that these women did all this stuff willingly.  I hate to say it, but (soon-to-be-formerly) Mrs. Jones is the only one who seems to be able to use these photos in a lawsuit.

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Men are hardwired to behave this way. We see it in nature, we see it in human nature. Somehow we don't feel comfortable thinking that it is how our male psyche evolved, but procreation is the most powerful instinct in the animal world, second only to perhaps the instinct to survive. We are driven by many thousands of years of social evolution. 


Did I mean "all males"? Of course not. But the inability to remain faithful to a spouse is rooted not in moral ambiguity, but rather, human nature and the evolution of human instinct. 


Ultimately, in the society that any man lives in, how he views marriage (a piece of paper or lease or contract or a life long commitment to one that he promised to love forever) ends up shaping his ability to remain faithful too.


Different men use different means to hold themselves accountable (religion, principles, societal pressure etc.). The stronger their accountability, the greater their ability to remain faithful, IMO. That is how I see it.

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Men are hardwired to behave this way. We see it in nature, we see it in human nature. Somehow we don't feel comfortable thinking that it is how our male psyche evolved, but procreation is the most powerful instinct in the animal world, second only to perhaps the instinct to survive. We are driven by many thousands of years of social evolution. 


Did I mean "all males"? Of course not. But the inability to remain faithful to a spouse is rooted not in moral ambiguity, but rather, human nature and the evolution of human instinct. 


If the will to survive trumped the will to procreate, certain mantis and spider species would be extinct.  There are many species where the male dies or is killed and/or eaten after copulation.

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If that is true then why do men get married at all? Keep the options open rand no wife to take your money. Jeter seems to live his life that way.

Permanent pair bonding isn't a human instinct. It's a social convention born form the idea of sin and morality crafted from religious tradition. If you take an objective look at divorce rates, domestic violence incidents and the general attitude of humans within marriage, you would see that people weren't necessarily evolved to be with the same mate for life. We, as humans, developed this idea that it is wrong or "bad" to partner up with multiple mates.


Why do men get married? Because we're "supposed to". That's the facts. Few would vote for a President without a wife, they would think it weird and unusual..."Why isn't he married?"


Our society thinks one weird for living alone, it's frowned upon. an indication that something isn't right with the individual. 

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Men are hardwired to behave this way. We see it in nature, we see it in human nature. Somehow we don't feel comfortable thinking that it is how our male psyche evolved, but procreation is the most powerful instinct in the animal world, second only to perhaps the instinct to survive. We are driven by many thousands of years of social evolution. 


Did I mean "all males"? Of course not. But the inability to remain faithful to a spouse is rooted not in moral ambiguity, but rather, human nature and the evolution of human instinct. 

So how do you explain men that do stay faithful to their marriage partners? And what about women that are unfaithful? Are they a social evolution aberration?

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If the will to survive trumped the will to procreate, certain mantis and spider species would be extinct.  There are many species where the male dies or is killed and/or eaten after copulation.

Well said. 


On display here is a clear example of how nature drives us to procreate without regard to morality and societal pressures. 

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Permanent pair bonding isn't a human instinct. It's a social convention born form the idea of sin and morality crafted from religious tradition. If you take an objective look at divorce rates, domestic violence incidents and the general attitude of humans within marriage, you would see that people weren't necessarily evolved to be with the same mate for life. We, as humans, developed this idea that it is wrong or "bad" to partner up with multiple mates.


Why do men get married? Because we're "supposed to". That's the facts. Few would vote for a President without a wife, they would think it weird and unusual..."Why isn't he married?"


Our society thinks one weird for living alone, it's frowned upon. an indication that something isn't right with the individual. 

Your take is fascinating. And I mean that respectfully. Let me ask you though why is it when men and women are asked about fulfillment and happiness, it always comes in the form of having a single relationship with a partner for life to build a family with and grow old with. To say that is created by religion would be to ignore all the data that suggest otherwise as after all our society has pretty much shoved God out the door. Most of the data shows that multiple partners leads to loneliness and an insatiable appetite for more.

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Why do men get married? Because we're "supposed to". That's the facts.


Simple - tax rates are higher for single folks (j/k)


On a serious note - its a profession of their commitment to a mate. It can happen in Vegas with just 2 witnesses or in front of whomever you choose. They don't have to but most that do choose to.

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So how do you explain men that do stay faithful to their marriage partners? And what about women that are unfaithful? Are they a social evolution aberration?


Same way I explain how some people manage to control alcoholism and eating disorders.  And why, I ask, would you expect women to be held to a higher standard than men?  They have a  force pushing them to procreate, and it's just as strong as a males.

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So how do you explain men that do stay faithful to their marriage partners? And what about women that are unfaithful? Are they a social evolution aberration?


Just because we've highlighted an instinct doesn't mean said instinct cannot be defeated. People typically display an extraordinary drive to survive, going through hell, cutting their pinned leg off with a pocket knife and dragging themselves 10 miles out of the woods etc etc.....


However, countless souls kill themselves everyday over lost love, depression and failure. 


I meant not to say that men cannot control this instinct, only that this instinct is there. 


As for women, I'm gonna be careful here out of respect for the many many female members here. This is where the subject delves deep into human psychology, adn the reasons why women cheat are often different than the reasons why men cheat. Sometimes.....the same, but there are inherent differences that can be observed. 



From Link;

"Nevertheless, Rutgers University biological anthropologist Helen Fisher, author of Why Him? Why Her?and Why We Love, says men are more likely to cite sexual motivations for infidelity and are less likely to fall in love with an extramarital partner. Women, she says, tend to have an emotional connection with their lover and are more likely to have an affair because of loneliness."

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Same way I explain how some people manage to control alcoholism and eating disorders.  And why, I ask, would you expect women to be held to a higher standard than men?  They have a  force pushing them to procreate, and it's just as strong as a males.

I wasn't responding to you. Rusak post said males had this drive to procreate hence my question about women.


So you equate being faithful to a marriage partner with alcoholism and eating disorders? Interesting.

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Just because we've highlighted an instinct doesn't mean said instinct cannot be defeated.




It is all about consequences that one needs to be accountable for. If everyone gave in to their instincts to hurt someone or anyone that offends them in a physical manner, it would be the law of the jungle but they know there are consequences to be borne. The same thing goes for any instinct. The consequences of any action is what keeps instincts in check. It is no different when it comes to fidelity with a mate.


Instincts to make a commitment or following through on other instincts, good or bad, are still choices that humans make, not done because they are "supposed to", that is what I was getting at.

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I wasn't responding to you. Rusak post said males had this drive to procreate hence my question about women.


So you equate being faithful to a marriage partner with alcoholism and eating disorders? Interesting.


Marriage is a holy sacrement to SOME people.  Others don't take it as seriously.  Those of us who DO care about marriage, however, have no right to push our values on those that don't.  Please don't be offended by the suggestion that nature drives us to procreate with more than one partner (and thereby spread our genetic code and avoid genetic stagnation).


And yes; alcoholism, eating disorders, and sexual addiction are all diseases.  A strong willpower can overcome each of them, but not everyone has a strong willpower.

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Just because we've highlighted an instinct doesn't mean said instinct cannot be defeated. People typically display an extraordinary drive to survive, going through hell, cutting their pinned leg off with a pocket knife and dragging themselves 10 miles out of the woods etc etc.....


However, countless souls kill themselves everyday over lost love, depression and failure. 


I meant not to say that men cannot control this instinct, only that this instinct is there. 


As for women, I'm gonna be careful here out of respect for the many many female members here. This is where the subject delves deep into human psychology, adn the reasons why women cheat are often different than the reasons why men cheat. Sometimes.....the same, but there are inherent differences that can be observed. 



From Link;

"Nevertheless, Rutgers University biological anthropologist Helen Fisher, author of Why Him? Why Her?and Why We Love, says men are more likely to cite sexual motivations for infidelity and are less likely to fall in love with an extramarital partner. Women, she says, tend to have an emotional connection with their lover and are more likely to have an affair because of loneliness."

I remember reading a book about this topic and it said that when men cheat, women assume there is an emotional connection with the partner when it is usual just physical and when women cheat, men believe women are doing it because they have found a better sexual partner when in reality they have made an emotional connection. Fascinating stuff on the psychological level.

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Marriage is a holy sacrement to SOME people.  Others don't take it as seriously.  Those of us who DO care about marriage, however, have no right to push our values on those that don't.  Please don't be offended by the suggestion that nature drives us to procreate with more than one partner (and thereby spread our genetic code and avoid genetic stagnation).


And yes; alcoholism, eating disorders, and sexual addiction are all diseases.  A strong willpower can overcome each of them, but not everyone has a strong willpower.

If people don't take marriage seriously then they should not get married. It really is pretty simple. Every marriage partner has the right to expect fidelity.

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So how do you explain men that do stay faithful to their marriage partners? And what about women that are unfaithful? Are they a social evolution aberration?

I know Ruk is presenting his ideas in a polarizing manner; however, it seems to be inciting pretty quality debate. His points, however, are not without merit. Psychology if sexuality suggests that women are typically wired in one of two ways in order to procreate and sustain the bloodline. One way is that the woman is wired to commit to one male and mate for life to continue producing offspring. The second is that the woman is wired to mate with as many males as possible to increase the likelihood of reproduction. Obviously both of these are how the mind may be innately configured prior to environmental factors and societal pressures. I choose to believe that people can combat their biological wiring, whether it's for reproductive preferences or addiction, by making decisions, exercising restraint, and working hard for self discipline each and every day. In the end, we all make our own choices. I can't argue that their are biological and psychological variables in play though.

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Just because we've highlighted an instinct doesn't mean said instinct cannot be defeated. People typically display an extraordinary drive to survive, going through hell, cutting their pinned leg off with a pocket knife and dragging themselves 10 miles out of the woods etc etc.....


However, countless souls kill themselves everyday over lost love, depression and failure. 


I meant not to say that men cannot control this instinct, only that this instinct is there. 


As for women, I'm gonna be careful here out of respect for the many many female members here. This is where the subject delves deep into human psychology, adn the reasons why women cheat are often different than the reasons why men cheat. Sometimes.....the same, but there are inherent differences that can be observed. 



From Link;

"Nevertheless, Rutgers University biological anthropologist Helen Fisher, author of Why Him? Why Her?and Why We Love, says men are more likely to cite sexual motivations for infidelity and are less likely to fall in love with an extramarital partner. Women, she says, tend to have an emotional connection with their lover and are more likely to have an affair because of loneliness."

To the bolded - if you had said that to start then we would have saved a lot of posts. lol. Good discussion though.

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If people don't take marriage seriously then they should not get married. It really is pretty simple. Every marriage partner has the right to expect fidelity.


There are benefits provided by marriage that go beyond having a lifelong partner (status, shared income, citizenship, tax breaks, companionship, etc).  And marriage partners should be open about their expectations before getting married.  Not everyone expects fidelity.

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