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For the Manning/Brady Rival Fans... A little different spin


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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, March 27, 2014 - baiting
Hidden by Nadine, March 27, 2014 - baiting

Already said. I am done now. Don't want to get off topic again.

So you will ramble anything you want and then run away when you want.


Yeah, your posts holds lot of credibility.

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After reading the story more closely, I think I agree with those that said this story may be embellished. I think a better story would have been how Manning asked Brady his thoughts on what teams he should pursue in FA. I will look for that link as I think the author was trying to convey that these guys respect each other. Not so sure it goes as far as contract stuff but they understand what one does effects the other.

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I don't understand how this is even a "rivalry" anymore.



That last Manning vs Brady game was pathetic.



It's two QB's in the twilight of their careers, whom neither have won a Super Bowl since Dubya was president.



We need a new QB rivalry instead of a rehash of this again.

pathetic? the last game may have been one sided, the one like 2 months before was pretty good

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It is true that we need a new rivalry in the AFC but one has to seize it from the Patriots and Broncos, it is not going to be handed to us. It is about time the Colts seize the bulls by the horns to generate new buzz.


Peyton and Brady however are not going to be doing us any favors and as long as those know they can play at a high level and remain in the AFC as division winners, their rivalry will continue every year, just a fact that we have to accept, whether we like it or not.


It will be interesting if Johnny Manziel gets into our division and we can have a good in-division rivalry like Wilson-Kaepernick.

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I am sorry that this digressed into a discussion beyond the article but honestly no need to keep carrying on. Manning has made the most money of any player in NFL history that is a fact. He is also number one in endorsement earnings as well. As you said yourself earlier in the this thread, this story does not pass the smell test. If Manning truly wanted to play for 18 mil then he could have. Not sure if the author was just embellishing or what but the Broncos would have gladly paid him 18 instead of 20 if he was that adamant about not earning a penny more than Brady.


I just thought your characterization of the negotiations in 2011 was unfair, and missing vital context.


The story Brandt is telling just seems to be missing some logic. Of course, maybe there's something in the details that Brandt isn't telling, something that would help me to wrap my mind around this a little better. 

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I just thought your characterization of the negotiations in 2011 was unfair, and missing vital context.


The story Brandt is telling just seems to be missing some logic. Of course, maybe there's something in the details that Brandt isn't telling, something that would help me to wrap my mind around this a little better. 

2011 is a time in Colts history that I don't think anyone will ever agree upon and I apologize for bringing it up. I had not intended to get into any of that. I was just using it as reference because of the Brady contract from back them to this current story about Manning's Broncos contract neg.


I agree about the Brandt story. Something does seem to be missing.

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For the record, my point was:


Peyton and Tom don't seem to share the Rilvary and/or hate some of the fans do.


The only reason for posting the article,   which was evidentally LOST of some   :dunno:   :facepalm:


It was not lost on me Gramz.


I've said it before... Brady's fans and Manning's fans should follow the leads that their guys provide year in and year out. It's OK to compete, it's OK to want to win, it's OK to have an opinion if you think one guy's better. But to suggest that the other is anything but great is disingenuous and misguided. If there is a difference between them, it's microscopic. 


Thank you for posting, really interesting to read! 

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See how I liked that shecolt?


I have no clue what you are talking about or why you have singled me out, but it seems that you may be seeking some sort of validation or praise from me.


So, here you go:


I, shecolt, hereby award you, TAPLOOK, with one "atta boy" award for liking something.



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I have no clue what you are talking about or why you have singled me out, but it seems that you may be seeking some sort of validation or praise from me.


So, here you go:


I, shecolt, hereby award you, TAPLOOK, with one "atta boy" award for liking something.



I just laughed out loud literally on this.

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I have no clue what you are talking about or why you have singled me out, but it seems that you may be seeking some sort of validation or praise from me.


So, here you go:


I, shecolt, hereby award you, TAPLOOK, with one "atta boy" award for liking something.



haha  hilarious

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I have no clue what you are talking about or why you have singled me out, but it seems that you may be seeking some sort of validation or praise from me.


So, here you go:


I, shecolt, hereby award you, TAPLOOK, with one "atta boy" award for liking something.



Lighten up Francis. Kind of hostile for someone that acts like they want nothing but peace. It was a joke. You're so busy trying to be good and all thing pure your memory is shot.



2886 posts

Posted 24 March 2014 - 04:59 PM

:sigh: I really wish I could just close this thread and bring a stop to this senseless bickering.

The truth is that all teams have good and bad fans.

All boards have members from other teams that join . . . some come in peace and others to troll.

Over the years, Colt's boards have had more Patriot trolls than all other teams put together which IMO is what has led to so much tension between the fans on Colt's boards.

The sad thing is that the "good" Patriot fans on Colt's boards rarely speak up to those Patriot fans who are trolling. It's more common to see them "liking" whatever the trolling Patriot fan has posted.

I don't hang out on Patriot forums, but I'm sure the same may be said there.

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Lighten up Francis. Kind of hostile for someone that acts like they want nothing but peace. It was a joke. You're so busy trying to be good and all thing pure your memory is shot.



Wow, I’m not sure why all that was necessary.


It seems to me like you were offended by my post on 3/24 which led you to tell me that you liked something.  I apologize for anything I said in that post that may have affected your sensitivities.


However, I have no clue why you were offended as I said that I’m sure the same applies to Colt’s fans also.


I remember the post I made on 3/24 very well.  So, there was no need for your little jab about my memory.  I was confused though as to what you were talking about since your post telling me you liked something was so cryptic.


As I looked back through this thread, I assume that you were referring to “liking” post #96 made by GoPats.  If so, I agree that was a great post and I “liked” it also.  So, kudos and a round of applause :applause: to you.


However, if you go back, reread the post I made on 3/24, and ponder upon it; I would hope that you would realize that I was not talking about Patriot fans liking great posts such as the one made by GoPats, but something else entirely.


Oh, and just an FYI.  That post about your “atta boy” blue ribbon was also a joke and was nothing more than a “good” girl being bad. 


Again, I apologize for anything I may have said that offended you to the point where you felt it was necessary to respond by taking shots at me. 

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Wow, I’m not sure why all that was necessary.


It seems to me like you were offended by my post on 3/24 which led you to tell me that you liked something.  I apologize for anything I said in that post that may have affected your sensitivities.


However, I have no clue why you were offended as I said that I’m sure the same applies to Colt’s fans also.


I remember the post I made on 3/24 very well.  So, there was no need for your little jab about my memory.  I was confused though as to what you were talking about since your post telling me you liked something was so cryptic.


As I looked back through this thread, I assume that you were referring to “liking” post #96 made by GoPats.  If so, I agree that was a great post and I “liked” it also.  So, kudos and a round of applause :applause: to you.


However, if you go back, reread the post I made on 3/24, and ponder upon it; I would hope that you would realize that I was not talking about Patriot fans liking great posts such as the one made by GoPats, but something else entirely.


Oh, and just an FYI.  That post about your “atta boy” blue ribbon was also a joke and was nothing more than a “good” girl being bad. 


Again, I apologize for anything I may have said that offended you to the point where you felt it was necessary to respond by taking shots at me. 

No worries. Peace.



Good girl being bad...I really like that.

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It was not lost on me Gramz.


I've said it before... Brady's fans and Manning's fans should follow the leads that their guys provide year in and year out. It's OK to compete, it's OK to want to win, it's OK to have an opinion if you think one guy's better. But to suggest that the other is anything but great is disingenuous and misguided. If there is a difference between them, it's microscopic. 


Thank you for posting, really interesting to read! 

I just love the part about how Peyton's wife said....


She saw the numbers and said 'Whoa.....an extra Million????  And Peyton doesn't want it??

 Hold the phone... he's lost his mind......let me explain to Peyton what I can buy with that!

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