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Spikes and Talib Say Patriots Put Out False Injury Reports


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So you are speaking for Mayo now? Typical sarcastic comments are your speciality. I will not lower myself in attacking Boston or any othe New England city. After all this is a football forum. Now that you have crossed that line we all can see you for what you are.

He thinks he is funny
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Much better! Love the attitude change and so will you.

Much better! Love the attitude change and so will you.

I Have to tell you that acting better that everyone else hating 6 million people for simply living in the safest region of the country(that has nothing to do with morality by the way.) Is making me feel pretty dam good.

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So you are speaking for Mayo now? Typical sarcastic comments are your speciality. I will not lower myself in attacking Boston or any othe New England city. After all this is a football forum. Now that you have crossed that line we all can see you for what you are.

You're funny.

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Some of you are like a broken record.  The Tuck Rule was not a "fake rule" and in fact was called several times that year during the regular season and has been called against the Pats as well!  It was a real rule..  Was it a necessary rule?  That is debatable, but what is not debatable is that it was in fact an existing rule in the NFL Rule Book that was called several times before that game during the regular season and was called several times after that game in following seasons. 


That is not up for debate whether or not it was an actual rule.  It was for 100% fact an existing rule.  You can argue all day long whether it should or shouldn't have been one, but you can't argue if it was actually a rule or not.


I don't really get why people get so caught up on this stuff either, like it somehow diminishes their accomplishments.  The Patriots still had to go down the field, score a touchdown, play defense, get the ball back, go down the field and kick a field goal through a BLIZZARD to tie the game... Go to over time.. then go down the field and kick another field goal through a BLIZZARD to win it.


The Raiders were not the better team, so you can focus on a play, or rule or call etc etc all you want, but that happens in every single game in the NFL and I can point to several in the 2006 AFCCG that allowed the Colts to come back, but that is the nature of the beast that is the NFL.


Heck, because of a brand new rule the NFL made and didn't call a single time all year except against the Patriots in overtime against the Jets that cost them the game, the Broncos would have had to travel to Foxboro for the AFCCG and who knows what might have happened then.


You can cherry pick things all day long across the board for any team in the league and find something to complain about, but what matters at the end of the day is the Win or Loss column.  The ball bounces in favor of or against all teams, every single week.  That is NFL football and its never going to change, which is also why its so incredibly difficult to win so consistently and to win multiple Super Bowls.

Nice effort, but it's not like Shane is trying to be reasonable.

To him, 10 years of football does not = a decade.

Mind boggling.

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People love winning just not with astericks  :clap:  :disco:

Show me one official NFL record book that lists any Patriot games with an *.

I won't hold my breath. It's just a vain wish in the minds of the delusional.

Polian, Irsay, and Dungy all share my view. They'd laugh at yours.

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Show me one official NFL record book that lists any Patriot games with an *.

I won't hold my breath. It's just a vain wish in the minds of the delusional.

Polian, Irsay, and Dungy all share my view. They'd laugh at yours.

Unfortunately for you, NFL is with me laughing at you. I like how you dodge to not answer about the fines. 


I know its way over your head.

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The only classless person here is you no one else is makin an * of their self

I don't know how to put this, but I'm kind of a big deal. People know me. I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.

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What do you think of Big Papi's extension? I say pay that man! lol. Best clutch hitter of all time.


Pay the man. It's baseball... I could care less about John Henry's profit margins!  :thmup:


I hear you. I am just saying atleast here there is a lot of provocation.


I love sports and i am a big sports fan. I respect and appreciate talent, competitive nature and winning no matter who wins.


In my opinion, Boston gets a rough feedback is due to the majority of the fans who are quite obnoxious not due to the players or the coaches.


We have a (somewhat) deserved reputation for being passionate about sports. And we've had a lot of championships to celebrate in the last 12 years or so. Maybe it's a new era of fans, I don't know... I'm 41 so I've lived through the dark ages of Boston sports. 


Most New Englanders are strong-minded and outspoken, so sure, that translates to obnoxiousness sometimes. I'll concede that.  ;)


I dont need you to write me a book explaining what I see and read. I am not the one who brought up the spygate issue in the first place. All I said was I dont beleive in coincidence and that the Pats have not won a super bowl since spygate.


"Spygate" resulted in David Tyree's helmet catch? Or Asante Samuel dropping a sure INT? Or Wes Welker failing to haul in that pass (which was slightly behind him, before anyone jumps in with that, but still should have been caught) in 2011 against the Giants? 


There are a lot of good arguments for where you're heading. "They haven't won a Super Bowl since Spygate" is not one of them though! The Patriots are a half dozen plays away, either way, of being 0-5 in Super Bowls with Brady and Belichick, and they're equally as close to being 5-0. They won three by slim margins and lost two by slim margins. Point is, it's just not a solid argument. There really aren't any when it comes to Spygate. Most people will tell you emphatically that Brady and the Patriots' offense has been a lot better since Spygate broke, not worse.

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I need a little help(Some would say a lot). As we all know after years of schooling from many fine fans on this board it has become clear that Colts fans are by far the most morally correct fan base in all of sports. In fact I feel they are the only moral fan base in all of sports. Now that I'm a member of this group are there different levels within the group. Are some of us better than others?

Is the worst Colts fan still better than the best Patriots fan?

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I need a little help(Some would say a lot). As we all know after years of schooling from many fine fans on this board it has become clear that Colts fans are by far the most morally correct fan base in all of sports. In fact I feel they are the only moral fan base in all of sports. Now that I'm a member of this group are there different levels within the group. Are some of us better than others?

Is the worst Colts fan still better than the best Patriots fan?

Give it a rest. There are many, many good Colts fans on this board.

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I dont need you to write me a book explaining what I see and read. I am not the one who brought up the spygate issue in the first place. All I said was I dont beleive in coincidence and that the Pats have not won a super bowl since spygate.


They've had an undefeated regular season, 2 super bowl appearances both of which were lost in the final drive of the game and could have been won if not for some unfortunate turn of events, they've been to 4 AFC Conference Championships, their QB has won league MVP twice, one of which was by a completely unanimous vote and they've won their division every single year since 2007.


What is so coincidental that you're trying to get at?  The Patriots have not disappeared or fallen off the map.  They're still consistently one of the best teams in the league every single year and have a shot to contend every single year.  


You would have a point if after 2007, they just completely fell apart and were no longer competitive.  That would be a strange coincidence, but they haven't... They're still a team that others have to circle on their calendars and be ready to play an intensely competitive game.   That is no coincidence either, that is because they're one of the best run organizations in the league and have one of the greatest QBs and greatest head coaches in the history of the NFL.



You make subtle, off-handed remarks suggesting that just because they haven't won another SB since 2007 that its proof they're a bunch of skill-less cheaters, completely ignoring the fact that they're still the most winningest team in the league and are in contention every single year for another title.  

I just don't get it...  well actually I do get it,... You're trying to diminish their accomplishments so that you can feel better about your teams short comings while simultaneously trying to ruin any enjoyment that Patriots fans have in rooting for their team by trying to suggest they were never any good and only won games because they were cheating, which has been beaten to death over the last 7 years and disproven by opposing Owners, GMs and head coaches.


Its like a defense mechanism people like to use so that they don't have to acknowledge the reality that maybe, just maybe, the Patriots are actually a very well run football team.  NAAAHHHH, that can't possibly be the case!  Its easier to just cling on to something nearly a decade old, that even if it were true, still wouldn't explain their continued success now.  Why go through all that trouble of thinking when you can just repeat a media-driven word like spygate over and over again.

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I picture fans like 40 years from now in an old, crickety rocking chair out on the porch telling their grand kids about how the Patriots only win because once upon a time some guy with a VHS recorder was taping their sideline and cheerleaders.


Grandson:  "but Grandpa, don't the players get edited footage after every game of their opponents to study for the next game?" 

Old Grandpa: "Well sonny, they had a VHS camera that a man put on his shoulder to record with!


Grandson: "What is a VHS camera?  Isn't there DVD technology with video editing equipment? What advantage does a VHS tape of the opponents sidelines give them over the DVD ones provide from every single angle of the field?"

Old Grandpa:  "It was a magical VHS camera sonny, it told them every single play that the other team was going to run!"


Grandson: "So the VHS camera could tell them what the opponent was going to run during the game?  How did they manage to do that during the course of a game?"

Old Grandpa: "Well they didn't actually use it during the game, since it wouldn't be possible to break down a VHS tape in 15 minutes during half time, review every play and signal that was run and get it back to the coaches...  but they were recording them sidelines none the less and they're a bunch of cheaters!"


Grandson: "I don't understand grandpa..  This VHS technology must be something real special!" 

Old Grandpa: "Oh it was real special sonny, those cheaters made a pact with the devil they did!"


Grandson: "So teams aren't allowed to steal signals?"

Old Grandpa:  "Well.... yes they're allowed to steal signals... but they weren't allowed to record their sidelines from the field!"


Grandson: "Couldn't they just get all of that information from one of the hundreds of cameras around the stadium grandpa?"

Old Grandpa:  "This was special video sonny, it was the work of the devil that told them everything!"


Grandson:  "i dont understand Grandpa.. it doesn't sound like anything is different now.. teams study film of every opponents plays from the entire year and previous years and is a regular practice in the NFL and perfectly within the rules.  I dont see how the "VHS" thing helped them win."

Old Grandpa: "Mow the lawn and then go to your room sonny!"

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This really irks them lol their panties are already in a bunch too haha "we didn't cheat bla bla bla the NFL just fined us cause we win too much bla bla bla"

Actually I don't think anyone cares except for the fans of the loser teams that they feel it effected. And falsely so I might add. We're as Colts lovers above it all of course. I feel born again. The air is sweeter, food taste better and the colors brighter.

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Actually I don't think anyone cares except for the fans of the loser teams that they feel it effected. And falsely so I might add. We're as Colts lovers above it all of course. I feel born again. The air is sweeter, food taste better and the colors brighter.


Only fans of teams that the Patriots have consistently beaten whine about Spygate. That's what makes it so amusing.

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:sigh:  I really wish I could just close this thread and bring a stop to this senseless bickering.


The truth is that all teams have good and bad fans.


All boards have members from other teams that join . . . some come in peace and others to troll.


Over the years, Colt's boards have had more Patriot trolls than all other teams put together which IMO is what has led to so much tension between the fans on Colt's boards. 


The sad thing is that the "good" Patriot fans on Colt's boards rarely speak up to those Patriot fans who are trolling.  It's more common to see them "liking" whatever the trolling Patriot fan has posted. 


I don't hang out on Patriot forums, but I'm sure the same may be said there.








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You have proof of this?! If so please do let us all know almighty ViriLundant

I know right? Thinking we'd cheat just because of a loop hole. He just thinks he knows what he saw. He has no morals what so ever. Pray for him. Everyone can't be like us.

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