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This would be crazy..


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I dont want to trade wayne.  And the other part of the article that cracked me up iis saying TY looked lost without wayne.  Im sorry did you watch any of the games?

from the texans game till after the Bengals game he did. Till other guys started making play at WR he diseased from our offense for a good chunk of games and then came on strong at the end.
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Reggie is one of my favorite Colts, but he is older and is coming back from a major knee injury, most of his value is because he is loved here.

Even without Reggie the odds are the Colts will be picking late in each round of the draft, our division isnt very good so we are pretty much guaranteed a playoff appearance.

So you have a receiver who is older and is diminishing in his physical skills, Reggie uses his brain and experience to make up for the step or 2 he has lost over the years. Then you have 2 late second round picks that are closer to 3rds.

Nobody is gonna trade anything for any of that, certainly not a top 10 or even top 20 1st rounder.

This isnt like Peyton, nobody is going to gamble on an aging receiver coming off an injury, they aren't as rare as franchise quarterbacks.

1st and 2nd round picks have a lot more value to a team who is rebuilding then an aging receiver, Reggie needs to remain a Colt because he is more valuable here to the fan base and helping with the young receivers then any pick we could get for him.

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NFL trade value chart



Nobody is giving up a top 10 pick for an aging WR (coming off of knee surgery) and 2 number 2 picks in separate years.     The trade is ridiculous. 


The BEST Indy could do would be to trade up into the 28 - 40 range.  Anything after that would be silly to move up 10 - 15 spots and give up another good pick.    And I am ready to stop giving up all these draft picks.     Just draft.   BUT, I can totally see Grigs doing this on draft day if HIS guy is there????

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Buyer beware...    He is a good player but NOT close to a top 10 type WR.      OSU made him look WAY better than he really is.  The Bucks best CB did not play in that game.


OSU had the absolute WORST secondary I have EVER seen in major college football even with Roby, Except maybe IU on any given year..




Florida State and South Carolina shut him down,   

I would live to have Sammy Watkins but don't wanna lose Reggie. These trades are all unrealistic anyway.

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Reggie is a Colt for life.


I would question my continuing support of the Colts organization if he was released and I mean that. I don't remember another player in this franchise's history--not Peyton, Marvin, Dwight, Edge, Bob, etc.--that is more beloved and respected than 87. Releasing the other aforementioned players "made sense", for lack of a better term. Whether it was a financial or performance-related decision, it had to be done and we as fans accepted it. There is no scenario within any rational reason in which I could accept Reggie moving on.


I just can't come up with a conclusion that would ever make releasing Reggie a sensible act--I don't care if the guy can no longer run faster than McGlynn or catch better than DHB--he retires a career Colt. Anyone else that was at the Denver game will remember when he went down and what the crowd did next: a collective, booming "REGGIE, REGGIE" roar. I was standing directly in front of his mom and dad and the look on their faces was magical. On that note, his parents are awesome and are genuinely kind people. This may sound sappy and lame but that was the most emotional moment I've ever experienced as a Colts fan--above the Marlin interception, above being at the KC game (same seats, BTW). Reggie transcends the standard business decisions made in the NFL. 


Reggie retires as a Colt. End of story. 

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I'd rather sign Nix for cheap. Work Reggie in as a slot wr and draft a LT in the 2nd rnd

I'm still in awe that people think we need a new LT.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Costanzo isnt bad, but there are some potential studs that could be there in the 2nd rnd.

I'd also look into trading Costanzo for a 3 or 4.

I know I can do Grigson's job Irsay should give me a shot. We would still have a 1 if I was running things

There's no one past the top 20 picks that is better than AC.  Castonzo is not a tradable commodity.  We would never get close to the value he was actually worth to our team.  And there isn't a single person on this forum that could do a better job than Grigson, especially someone that wants to trade away our franchise LT.

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There's no one past the top 20 picks that is better than AC. Castonzo is not a tradable commodity. We would never get close to the value he was actually worth to our team. And there isn't a single person on this forum that could do a better job than Grigson, especially someone that wants to trade away our franchise LT.

Franchise LTs are a tradeable commodity in the NFL. Now either he's not a franchise LT, or he does have value. Either way, time to move on imo.


Too many LTs to all go 1. They'll be some in thw 2nd round

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Franchise LTs are a tradeable commodity in the NFL. Now either he's not a franchise LT, or he does have value. Either way, time to move on imo.


Too many LTs to all go 1. They'll be some in thw 2nd round

I think you are missing the point.  AC is worth way more to us than he would be to another team.  He's worth way more than a 3rd round pick to us, and I doubt any other team in the NFL would trade a 3rd for him with 1 year left on his contract.  There is no one, I repeat NO ONE, that is a better tackle prospect than AC, that will be available after the top 20 picks.  Especially all the way at our pick in the second.

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Costanzo isnt bad, but there are some potential studs that could be there in the 2nd rnd.

I'd also look into trading Costanzo for a 3 or 4.

I know I can do Grigson's job Irsay should give me a shot. We would still have a 1 if I was running things

Have you ever previously been employed by the Browns?

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Peyton Manning, Emmit Smith, Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, etc....and I can go on and on for days. As a GM, you have to hold on to the greats for as long as you can. But as you see from the list I started, you can't and you shouldn't hold on to them forever. If a trade including Reggie can get us in the top 10 to get someone who we think would be a huge benefit to the franchise at another position, then I'll take it all day. Old players can't build your future, no matter how much they mean to the franchise. I love Reggie to death, but let's be honest about his age and how many more years of football life he has.  (*And let us not forget that we still did pretty good without Reggie on the field, once we left the power run scheme and started throwing the ball more. So saying we can't survive without him is an overstatement.*) As a GM, you can't run a business off of your heart, you have to run a business making business moves. And sometimes, unfortunately, that involves making cut throat decisions. 

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from the texans game till after the Bengals game he did. Till other guys started making play at WR he diseased from our offense for a good chunk of games and then came on strong at the end.

Did he get chicken pox, leprosy, or something else?


I missed the news about him coming down with an illness. 

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