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Gosh, small things matter in the large scheme of things


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I know it sounds clichéd but I am looking at several small things that happened in this Broncos-Patriots game that I look back and compare to past games played by Peyton with the Colts.


Backed up at the 6, converts 3rd down with a throw. Converts several 3rd downs up 10-3 not satisfied to go in with that 10-3 score. It was so unlike the Saints SB the Colts played, 10-3 before the half, 3 straight runs, punt and gave the Saints a chance to even think about an onside kick. Then, that throw on 2nd down within 3 minutes to Tamme to get a key first down. John Fox did not do this last year.


Maybe it was Mike McCoy all along with the conservatism. Adam Gase is just as gutsy and heck of a play caller like Josh McDaniels is and has been singularly the biggest reason this team has controlled time of possession throughout the playoffs vs the likes of the Chargers and Patriots.


Maybe the Colts were not aggressive enough during our playoff runs of the past??? Not sure but a lot of same situations in the past that I have seen the Colts play conservative and the Broncos play conservative last year, Adam Gase does not let up.


Playing possum does not work in the NFL. If there is anything Parcells and Belichick have shown the entire NFL, it is that playing not to lose never works out in the end. The Broncos and their coaches finally figured that out this year and that is why they are in the SB.


Besides, some things never change. Patriots have an upper hand over the Colts, Broncos have an upper hand over the Patriots, come playoff time. I just hope the next time the Colts get their chance vs the Broncos since they have historically had the upper hand over the Broncos. :)

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Wes Welker probably made the largest play in this game when he took out Talib.


Edelman, when he laid his shot on DRC, probably did not think Welker on the other side was going to retaliate in the same kind. When Welker did, it ended up being a bigger hit that ruined the Patriots' chances.

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Wes Welker probably made the largest play in this game when he took out Talib.


Edelman, when he laid his shot on DRC, probably did not think Welker on the other side was going to retaliate in the same kind. When Welker did, it ended up being a bigger hit that ruined the Patriots' chances.

This is true. Having Talib gone for almost the entirety of the game had to have completely changed how the Broncos dealt with that secondary.

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Wes Welker probably made the largest play in this game when he took out Talib.


Edelman, when he laid his shot on DRC, probably did not think Welker on the other side was going to retaliate in the same kind. When Welker did, it ended up being a bigger hit that ruined the Patriots' chances.

Turnabout is fair play. NE tried to take out Denver's best defender, Denver did take out NE's best defender.

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Okay I have a question for you guys. Says manning wins the Super Bowl and retires go off into the sunset gets hired by the colts as a QB coach. How big of a drop off will the broncos go through? 4 win team or less next year?

he isn't going to retire win or lose after this season

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Okay I have a question for you guys. Says manning wins the Super Bowl and retires go off into the sunset gets hired by the colts as a QB coach. How big of a drop off will the broncos go through? 4 win team or less next year?

If you've watched The Book of Manning documentary, you'll see how good a Dad Archie tried to be. If Peyton retires, contrary to what folks think, he won't be in coaching or the front office, he'll most likely be a full time Dad first.

We will cross the bridge when it gets here. :)

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Hi everyone.  I'm new here.  Not quite sure how to do this.  Wish I could call the Colt's managers and tell them what I'm thinking.  I live in Sussex County Delaware.  About a hour an a half from Baltimore, MD.  I started out a Baltimore Colts fan and followed them when they went to Indy.  I just wanted to say after being a Colts fan all these years, the biggest disappointment I have gotten from them is letting go and giving up on Payton Manning.  They gave up on him and look at him now.  I am very proud and happy for him.  Just wish it was the Indy Colts going instead.

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Hi everyone.  I'm new here.  Not quite sure how to do this.  Wish I could call the Colt's managers and tell them what I'm thinking.  I live in Sussex County Delaware.  About a hour an a half from Baltimore, MD.  I started out a Baltimore Colts fan and followed them when they went to Indy.  I just wanted to say after being a Colts fan all these years, the biggest disappointment I have gotten from them is letting go and giving up on Payton Manning.  They gave up on him and look at him now.  I am very proud and happy for him.  Just wish it was the Indy Colts going instead.

Welcome to the forum! I have to disagree with your point on the Colts "giving up" on Peyton. If he would have stayed, the Colts would have went nowhere and he'd still be called a choker. By letting him go we save more money for future seasons to make the team better, and not to mention pick up a great QB.

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Hi everyone. I'm new here. Not quite sure how to do this. Wish I could call the Colt's managers and tell them what I'm thinking. I live in Sussex County Delaware. About a hour an a half from Baltimore, MD. I started out a Baltimore Colts fan and followed them when they went to Indy. I just wanted to say after being a Colts fan all these years, the biggest disappointment I have gotten from them is letting go and giving up on Payton Manning. They gave up on him and look at him now. I am very proud and happy for him. Just wish it was the Indy Colts going instead.

Don't forget that they owed him a LOT of money if they kept him, before knowing if he would ever play again.

That was a move for the long term health of the team. We are good at QB for a long time while retirement is being tossed around with Peyton.

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Okay I have a question for you guys. Says manning wins the Super Bowl and retires go off into the sunset gets hired by the colts as a QB coach. How big of a drop off will the broncos go through? 4 win team or less next year?


If he wins this year, he'll be remembered as a Denver Bronco, not a Colt.  The Broncos would own his legacy, not Indy, if he wins one more after that and he won't feel any allegiance to the Colts; he will toward the Broncos at that point. 

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Don't forget that they owed him a LOT of money if they kept him, before knowing if he would ever play again.

That was a move for the long term health of the team. We are good at QB for a long time while retirement is being tossed around with Peyton.


Agreed.  I laugh when people talk about letting Luck go through the draft and get picked by another team and we keep Peyton.  He'll play one or two more years and retire.  We'd be stuck with QB's like Blaine Gabbert/Sam Bradford types for several years until we happened to have a really bad year when the next year a stellar QB comes out and we take him.  We would have had several years of 7-9 and 8-8 seasons. 


Luck was there at the beginning of his career and Peyton left towards the end of his.  It was a solid business decision for the franchise and I believe that Peyton understands that. 

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If he wins this year, he'll be remembered as a Denver Bronco, not a Colt. The Broncos win own his legacy, not Indy, if he wins one more after that and he won't feel any allegiance to the Colts; he will toward the Broncos at that point.

1 SB win, I don't think so. 2, I can see it slightly but all the records and history as a Colt is not erased overnight, imo

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Okay I have a question for you guys. Says manning wins the Super Bowl and retires go off into the sunset gets hired by the colts as a QB coach. How big of a drop off will the broncos go through? 4 win team or less next year?

I don't think that Peyton will come anywhere near the current regime. If I remember correctly didn't Peyton or someone tell the media that when the old regime was fired and the new regime hired that no one would even speak to him? I think because Irsay and Peyton have history, they will eventually be fine but since there is zero prior relationship with Grigson/Pagano I do not see Peyton having anything to do with the Colts organization. I think if the rumors of Bowlen wanting to retire and sell to Elway and Peyton are true, he will not ever be returning to Indy. Peyton and Elway seem to have a really great relationship both on and off the field and I wonder if that will keep him with the Broncos in some capacity long term. 

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If he wins this year, he'll be remembered as a Denver Bronco, not a Colt.  The Broncos would own his legacy, not Indy, if he wins one more after that and he won't feel any allegiance to the Colts; he will toward the Broncos at that point. 

By who? Not me. Not you.


The only one who will "own" Peyton's legacy is Peyton, and after rooting for him for so many years I'm not about to stop now out of some miss-guided fantasy that it will reflect poorly on the Colts. How about just being happy for the guy? Arguably the best QB in the history of the sport just based on his time with the Colts, this amazing second act is only clinching the argument. How exactly would it be in the Colts best interests for him to fail miserably, and how would said misery increase his "allegiance" to the Colts.


If he is actually bitter at the Colts (which I doubt), no amount of losing in Denver is going to make it all better. When all is said and done he will be in the hall of fame with two teams listed on his bust. The only way to avoid that would have been for the Colts to keep him, which virtually all Colts fans realized was not a good idea. You can't have it both ways.

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If you've watched The Book of Manning documentary, you'll see how good a Dad Archie tried to be. If Peyton retires, contrary to what folks think, he won't be in coaching or the front office, he'll most likely be a full time Dad first.

We will cross the bridge when it gets here. :)

..what I took from that show is that Peyton will play as long as he can..


.......he plays in honor of his older brother Cooper...who never got a chance....even in college



..I agree with you..Peyton will probably take a weekend media job so he can be home during the week while his kids are very young/././/

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By who? Not me. Not you.


The only one who will "own" Peyton's legacy is Peyton, and after rooting for him for so many years I'm not about to stop now out of some miss-guided fantasy that it will reflect poorly on the Colts. How about just being happy for the guy? Arguably the best QB in the history of the sport just based on his time with the Colts, this amazing second act is only clinching the argument. How exactly would it be in the Colts best interests for him to fail miserably, and how would said misery increase his "allegiance" to the Colts.


If he is actually bitter at the Colts (which I doubt), no amount of losing in Denver is going to make it all better. When all is said and done he will be in the hall of fame with two teams listed on his bust. The only way to avoid that would have been for the Colts to keep him, which virtually all Colts fans realized was not a good idea. You can't have it both ways.


I get the feeling that you disagree with me.   You can root for Peyton all you like but if you at this point, you're a Bronco fan and that's ok if you choose to do that.  I like Peyton Manning and I appreciate what he's done for the Colts. 

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I get the feeling that you disagree with me.   You can root for Peyton all you like but if you at this point, you're a Bronco fan and that's ok if you choose to do that.  I like Peyton Manning and I appreciate what he's done for the Colts. 

Inaccurate oversimplification - why do so many on here insist on black/white labeling regarding "fanhood"?


More to the point, it has nothing to do with my post to you. a Cowboys or Dolphins fan could have made the same point - that your theories about who Peyton "belongs" to are simply wrong. He is an all time great Colt who deserves a statue in front of the stadium. Nothing is going to change that.


For a Colts fan to actively root against him is in my opinion counterproductive and cruel. He deserves better than that. Maybe you don't appreciate what he did for the Colts quite enough.

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Inaccurate oversimplification - why do so many on here insist on black/white labeling regarding "fanhood"?


More to the point, it has nothing to do with my post to you. a Cowboys or Dolphins fan could have made the same point - that your theories about who Peyton "belongs" to are simply wrong. He is an all time great Colt who deserves a statue in front of the stadium. Nothing is going to change that.


For a Colts fan to actively root against him is in my opinion counterproductive and cruel. He deserves better than that. Maybe you don't appreciate what he did for the Colts quite enough.



On a pure football level, I'm pulling for Peyton. On another level, I can see the upside of the Seahawks winning. It stops all of these conversations in their tracks.  Cruel? Really?

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 It stops all of these conversations in their tracks.  


You really think it will? Or is that just wishful thinking?   :)


I can bet you that we will resume with training camp reports, injury reports of the Broncos again in NFL General, right where we left off, whether Peyton wins the SB or not.


I can't speak for you but I'm setting my expectations low for those conversations to stop!!! :)


The only thing that WILL stop the conversations is if Peyton retires.

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You really think it will? Or is that just wishful thinking?   :)


I can bet you that we will resume with training camp reports, injury reports of the Broncos again in NFL General, right where we left off, whether Peyton wins the SB or not.


I can't speak for you but I'm setting my expectations low for those conversations to stop!!! :)


The only thing that WILL stop the conversations is if Peyton retires.

You might be right. Dang it.

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On a pure football level, I'm pulling for Peyton. On another level, I can see the upside of the Seahawks winning. It stops all of these conversations in their tracks.  Cruel? Really?

The Seahawks winning stops absolutely nothing.


And yes, it's cruel for fans to spend fourteen years standing on their heads trying to convince the world that their hero is the cats meow, and then turn 180% and spit hexes at him, often making the SAME arguments that opposing fans used to make when he was here.


Is he really now the "enemy"? He didn't spit on the Colts and go somewhere else for $1 more, he was released - and cried publicly about it. It people can't bring themselves to root for him because he's wearing another uniform, so-be-it, but hoping that he fails? That takes a special kind of cold self-centered disrespect, and Peyton deserves better. How about just wishing him well without prejudice and standing back to enjoy the show.

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Hi everyone.  I'm new here.  Not quite sure how to do this.  Wish I could call the Colt's managers and tell them what I'm thinking.  I live in Sussex County Delaware.  About a hour an a half from Baltimore, MD.  I started out a Baltimore Colts fan and followed them when they went to Indy.  I just wanted to say after being a Colts fan all these years, the biggest disappointment I have gotten from them is letting go and giving up on Payton Manning.  They gave up on him and look at him now.  I am very proud and happy for him.  Just wish it was the Indy Colts going instead.

Welcome to the forum. While I am certainly right there with you on wishing this accomplisment happened with the Colts...I honestly 100% believe Peyton with the Colts would be barely a playoff team if even that....without near the balance or ability to win it all. We simply have to rebuild and in we can still see how far we have to go to get to the point where we really are a SB contender again. Losing Peyton was a win/win. As a Colt fan I wish we tried to trade him...just to get something for him...in a world where Oakland gave up first rd pick for Carson Palmer I want to believe we could have got something for him...but his contract and injury wouldn't allow that....the team signing him needed protection. In this circumstance he got to go to an organization of his choosing to win and we were able to rebuild without him. I wish he was still a Colt too...but I don't think either team would have had the same success with him here...we just didn't have the resources to help him succeed.

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The Seahawks winning stops absolutely nothing.


And yes, it's cruel for fans to spend fourteen years standing on their heads trying to convince the world that their hero is the cats meow, and then turn 180% and spit hexes at him, often making the SAME arguments that opposing fans used to make when he was here.


Is he really now the "enemy"? He didn't spit on the Colts and go somewhere else for $1 more, he was released - and cried publicly about it. It people can't bring themselves to root for him because he's wearing another uniform, so-be-it, but hoping that he fails? That takes a special kind of cold self-centered disrespect, and Peyton deserves better. How about just wishing him well without prejudice and standing back to enjoy the show.


I'm not taking any issue with your feelings, but you're taking this a bit more serious than I do. You attach a lot of heavy sentiments here. Spitting, defending, money, crying, prejudice, disrespect.. ect.

I never tried to sell Peyton on anyone, I haven't turned 180 on him. He's on an opposing team, so the arguments are what they are.

I don't think anyone see's him as the "enemy". He's not on the Colts, no more, no less. Two different agendas.

I don't see any long time Peyton fan hoping he fails. I'm pulling for him, I just said I could see the upside to the Hawks winning. It has everything to do with interactions with football fans and the kind of opinions they'll conjure up for or against. I do plan on enjoying the show anyway.

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I know it sounds clichéd but I am looking at several small things that happened in this Broncos-Patriots game that I look back and compare to past games played by Peyton with the Colts.


Backed up at the 6, converts 3rd down with a throw. Converts several 3rd downs up 10-3 not satisfied to go in with that 10-3 score. It was so unlike the Saints SB the Colts played, 10-3 before the half, 3 straight runs, punt and gave the Saints a chance to even think about an onside kick. Then, that throw on 2nd down within 3 minutes to Tamme to get a key first down. John Fox did not do this last year.


Maybe it was Mike McCoy all along with the conservatism. Adam Gase is just as gutsy and heck of a play caller like Josh McDaniels is and has been singularly the biggest reason this team has controlled time of possession throughout the playoffs vs the likes of the Chargers and Patriots.


Maybe the Colts were not aggressive enough during our playoff runs of the past??? Not sure but a lot of same situations in the past that I have seen the Colts play conservative and the Broncos play conservative last year, Adam Gase does not let up.


Playing possum does not work in the NFL. If there is anything Parcells and Belichick have shown the entire NFL, it is that playing not to lose never works out in the end. The Broncos and their coaches finally figured that out this year and that is why they are in the SB.


Besides, some things never change. Patriots have an upper hand over the Colts, Broncos have an upper hand over the Patriots, come playoff time. I just hope the next time the Colts get their chance vs the Broncos since they have historically had the upper hand over the Broncos. :)

Even Manning said postgame they knew they had to be aggressive. He/Denver have been all year. Normally Fox is more conservative but hey- people do learn- eventually :)

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I'm not taking any issue with your feelings, but you're taking this a bit more serious than I do. You attach a lot of heavy sentiments here. Spitting, defending, money, crying, prejudice, disrespect.. ect.

I never tried to sell Peyton on anyone, I haven't turned 180 on him. He's on an opposing team, so the arguments are what they are.

I don't think anyone see's him as the "enemy". He's not on the Colts, no more, no less. Two different agendas.

I don't see any long time Peyton fan hoping he fails. I'm pulling for him, I just said I could see the upside to the Hawks winning. It has everything to do with interactions with football fans and the kind of opinions they'll conjure up for or against. I do plan on enjoying the show anyway.

That's fine - and it's certainly true that some bring more emotion to a topic than others. Please note, however, that the "interactions with football fans" thing goes both ways. Regardless of what happens people will moan and emotions will spill on here.


I get a bit cranky when I see some 16 year old poster starting a thread to exuberantly proclaim that Luck is better than Manning. However I certainly wouldn't root for Luck to fail in order to shut people up. That's insane - I'm a Colts fan and I love the kid. If he ended up being even better than "the greatest of all time" that would be fantasmagorical, I just think it's bizarre and disrespectful to assert it now. Regardless, I don't let nonsense like that affect my rooting interests, I just try not to read it. Since you are still "pulling for Peyton" than perhaps you should consider the same, and find some pleasure in his Super Bowl appearance.

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That's fine - and it's certainly true that some bring more emotion to a topic than others. Please note, however, that the "interactions with football fans" thing goes both ways. Regardless of what happens people will moan and emotions will spill on here.


I get a bit cranky when I see some 16 year old poster starting a thread to exuberantly proclaim that Luck is better than Manning. However I certainly wouldn't root for Luck to fail in order to shut people up. That's insane - I'm a Colts fan and I love the kid. If he ended up being even better than "the greatest of all time" that would be fantasmagorical, I just think it's bizarre and disrespectful to assert it now. Regardless, I don't let nonsense like that affect my rooting interests, I just try not to read it. Since you are still "pulling for Peyton" than perhaps you should consider the same, and find some pleasure in his Super Bowl appearance.


Good points all the way around. 

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Inaccurate oversimplification - why do so many on here insist on black/white labeling regarding "fanhood"?


More to the point, it has nothing to do with my post to you. a Cowboys or Dolphins fan could have made the same point - that your theories about who Peyton "belongs" to are simply wrong. He is an all time great Colt who deserves a statue in front of the stadium. Nothing is going to change that.


For a Colts fan to actively root against him is in my opinion counterproductive and cruel. He deserves better than that. Maybe you don't appreciate what he did for the Colts quite enough.


There's nothing inaccurate about it despite your claim.  If you root for Peyton, you root for the Broncos.  That's ok, if that's the team you hope wins.  As for Peyton winning a ring, he probably will win in a couple of weeks.  By most fans across the country, his time in Indy will be forgotten.  He'll be placed in the HOF as a Bronco. You can be a Peyton Manning fan and you can be a Colts fan. As we saw last fall, sooner or later you have to make that "black and white" choice as cruel as it may be.   lol.  Cruel.  I've never been called that before, even when I was a 60 gunner.

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There's nothing inaccurate about it despite your claim.  If you root for Peyton, you root for the Broncos.  That's ok, if that's the team you hope wins.  As for Peyton winning a ring, he probably will win in a couple of weeks.  By most fans across the country, his time in Indy will be forgotten.  He'll be placed in the HOF as a Bronco. You can be a Peyton Manning fan and you can be a Colts fan. As we saw last fall, sooner or later you have to make that "black and white" choice as cruel as it may be.   lol.  Cruel.  I've never been called that before, even when I was a 60 gunner.

Of course on it's simplest terms in order for Peyton to win, so must the Broncos. But to label me a Bronco fan (with the implication that by definition I therefore am not a Colt fan) is really pretty insulting. I'm been rooting for the Colts since I was about six. It's not your place to say that.


Players go into the hall as players. If they play for 50 teams each will be recognized. Insisting that success with the Broncos somehow negates his success with the Colts is a contrivance without merit - regardless of how many times you say it. You sound like you are worried about the opinion of ill-informed twelve year olds rooting for other teams. I'm not.


I'm familiar with you as a poster and of course you are far from "cruel". Not coincidentally, I never said that you were. Sorry if you took exception, but acting as if I called YOU that (I criticized the comment, I didn't try to characterize your entire existence as such) is a similarly boiled down "black/white" take on my post as are your comments about my fan hood.


Newsflash, there's also shades of gray. I can root for Peyton AND the Colts. So could you if you opened your mind a little. Peyton's success with the Broncos will only add to his legacy - to the point that the Colts amazing history with QBs will be looked at with far more awe than it would be if Peyton left the team and fell off the table. His forced departure is an unfortunate side-story that makes the whole even more impressive. As I've said to others, Irsay will probably be the first on line to congratulate Peyton - crying like a baby. This is the opportunity he HOPED he was freeing him up to reach while the Colts went back to square one. For the life of me I can't fathom why any Colts fan would feel any differently.

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Of course on it's simplest terms in order for Peyton to win, so must the Broncos. But to label me a Bronco fan (with the implication that by definition I therefore am not a Colt fan) is really pretty insulting. I'm been rooting for the Colts since I was about six. It's not your place to say that.


Players go into the hall as players. If they play for 50 teams each will be recognized. Insisting that success with the Broncos somehow negates his success with the Colts is a contrivance without merit - regardless of how many times you say it. You sound like you are worried about the opinion of ill-informed twelve year olds rooting for other teams. I'm not.


I'm familiar with you as a poster and of course you are far from "cruel". Not coincidentally, I never said that you were. Sorry if you took exception, but acting as if I called YOU that (I criticized the comment, I didn't try to characterize your entire existence as such) is a similarly boiled down "black/white" take on my post as are your comments about my fan hood.


Newsflash, there's also shades of gray. I can root for Peyton AND the Colts. So could you if you opened your mind a little. Peyton's success with the Broncos will only add to his legacy - to the point that the Colts amazing history with QBs will be looked at with far more awe than it would be if Peyton left the team and fell off the table. His forced departure is an unfortunate side-story that makes the whole even more impressive. As I've said to others, Irsay will probably be the first on line to congratulate Peyton - crying like a baby. This is the opportunity he HOPED he was freeing him up to reach while the Colts went back to square one. For the life of me I can't fathom why any Colts fan would feel any differently.


Honestly, there's no need for apologies as I didn't take exception.  I was more joking in regards to the "cruel" comment than anything else.  We disagree on something sports related and I don't think either of us meant anything personal by it.   As far as being a fan.  I don't doubt you're a Colts fan. I'm one, too, but I'm also a Giants fan....and a Falcons fan.  




No hard feelings. 

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Honestly, there's no need for apologies as I didn't take exception.  I was more joking in regards to the "cruel" comment than anything else.  We disagree on something sports related and I don't think either of us meant anything personal by it.   As far as being a fan.  I don't doubt you're a Colts fan. I'm one, too, but I'm also a Giants fan....and a Falcons fan.  




No hard feelings. 


Well, then I'm sorry for taking this too seriously. I've been assaulted about my "fanhood" to the point that I flinch and over-react to certain key words.


I think I'm developing a tick. :D


Your rooting interests are refreshing. I sometimes list all the teams and sort them by preference - as a form of doodling. Done it off and on since I was a kid. I like a lot of things about a lot of teams, and it fluctuates dramatically over time. The Giants and Falcons have both been typically in my top ten for various superficial reasons.


Of course the Colts have always been on an entirely different level - this whole Peyton business is a temporary complication the likes of which I've never encountered in my life. 

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