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Darren Sharper (former Saints DB and NFLN analyst) arrested on suspicion of rape.


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Where? In what city/county/state/country?


There are many examples of a woman accusing a man of rape or sexual assault, and the man not being arrested. It's at the officer's discretion. If they believe there is probable cause, they'll make an arrest. If the woman's story is plainly and obviously bogus, they usually don't. 


And of course, an arrest doesn't prove anything. The arresting officer is not responsible for figuring out what actually happened, or who is telling the truth.

exactly they dont figure out the truth they arrest and book, and sometimes guys get found guilty regardless

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First off, the fact that me and jvan are on the same side of something is amazing. How sweet it is.


Secondly, I know for a fact that nobody in this thread has specifically stated that they believe or know or think that he is innocent. I have no idea what happened, and neither does anyone else outside of the people involved. He could be very well guilty on all 3 counts. Sometimes a big ego can be inflated immensely by money and power, which make people think they can get away or do anything. It's happened many times before and will continue to happen. 


Thirdly, there has been some concern about wrongly accused men and what happens to them afterwards. Completely justified, and no one should 'feel bad for women who read this thread' because someone brought up what happens to an innocent man being taken advantage of. This seems to suggest that the feelings of those women who may read this thread matter more than the men who have been wrongly imprisoned over the years from false accusations. This cannot be our way of thinking. 


Women and men are both smart, capable humans and will use advantages afforded to them in order to get their way and to pull off unlawful or immoral acts - in order to achieve a better system of law we must remember this.




I'm a bit speechless at the posts in here

I understand that there is concern about false charges and men in jail wrongfully

But violence against women (and children) is real, regardless of the merits of this particular case.

Certainly there are men in jail innocent of rape charges.  There are also men who have murdered their wives/girl friends/children..........who have gone free

Room for outrage all around on the justice system

Let's not pretend that men are the only victims


Okay, so violence against women and children (and men, you somehow forgot them) happens on a daily basis as we all know...and somehow a couple of posters talking about men falsely accused makes you speechless? How? Is it because we didn't automatically assume they were guilty?


There are men who have gone free after violent acts towards women and children? Okay, there are women who have gone free after violent acts towards men and children. What's your point?


Room for outrage all around the justice system, sure, but men (by far) are more falsely accused of assaulting women, not the other way around. So in this particular case, it's not really 'pretend'.


Speaking out against a wrongdoing towards women would have been championed. Speaking out against a wrongdoing towards men leaves people 'speechless' and feeling sorry for the opposite sex.


Equality under the law cannot be achieved if this continues.

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First off, the fact that me and jvan are on the same side of something is amazing. How sweet it is.


Secondly, I know for a fact that nobody in this thread has specifically stated that they believe or know or think that he is innocent. I have no idea what happened, and neither does anyone else outside of the people involved. He could be very well guilty on all 3 counts. Sometimes a big ego can be inflated immensely by money and power, which make people think they can get away or do anything. It's happened many times before and will continue to happen. 


Thirdly, there has been some concern about wrongly accused men and what happens to them afterwards. Completely justified, and no one should 'feel bad for women who read this thread' because someone brought up what happens to an innocent man being taken advantage of. This seems to suggest that the feelings of those women who may read this thread matter more than the men who have been wrongly imprisoned over the years from false accusations. This cannot be our way of thinking. 


Women and men are both smart, capable humans and will use advantages afforded to them in order to get their way and to pull off unlawful or immoral acts - in order to achieve a better system of law we must remember this.





Okay, so violence against women and children (and men, you somehow forgot them) happens on a daily basis as we all know...and somehow a couple of posters talking about men falsely accused makes you speechless? How? Is it because we didn't automatically assume they were guilty?


There are men who have gone free after violent acts towards women and children? Okay, there are women who have gone free after violent acts towards men and children. What's your point?


Room for outrage all around the justice system, sure, but men (by far) are more falsely accused of assaulting women, not the other way around. So in this particular case, it's not really 'pretend'.


Speaking out against a wrongdoing towards women would have been championed. Speaking out against a wrongdoing towards men leaves people 'speechless' and feeling sorry for the opposite sex.


Equality under the law cannot be achieved if this continues.


speaking out about wrongdoing toward men and and blaming women for atrocities against men in the context of a single thread about one particular issue is not appropriate.


If you do not see that, there's nothing I can say that will change that.


Flip this the other way and imagine if the bulk of the posts were about guilty men going free and then maybe you will see my point

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Room for outrage all around the justice system, sure, but men (by far) are more falsely accused of assaulting women, not the other way around. So in this particular case, it's not really 'pretend'.



That is because men "by far" assault women more then women assault men.

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That is because men "by far" assault women more then women assault men.

Not true......its just embedded in a mans brain from childhood not to retaliate against a woman if she gets confrontational be it verbally or physically so tons of cases go unreported.... in other words if a man reports it he is a wimp...If he stands his ground its seen as abusive behavior.....Cant win in alot of cases

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Not true......its just embedded in a mans brain from childhood not to retaliate against a woman if she gets confrontational be it verbally or physically so tons of cases go unreported.... in other words if a man reports it he is a wimp...If he stands his ground its seen as abusive behavior.....Cant win in alot of cases

Women are also taught at an early age not to be abusive. But I do agree about the social stigmatism but are you suggesting that if all the men who are abused either mentally or physically by a woman actually reported it that the rate at which women abuse men would be the same or greater as men who abuse women? There are countless women who also never report abuse for fear of their partner hurting them further or for the sake and safety of their children.

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Not true......its just embedded in a mans brain from childhood not to retaliate against a woman if she gets confrontational be it verbally or physically so tons of cases go unreported.... in other words if a man reports it he is a wimp...If he stands his ground its seen as abusive behavior.....Cant win in alot of cases

You can't really believe that. There is a reason if a woman is murdered or goes missing the first person the police look at is her significant other. And the reason most men don't retaliate against women is we are significantly bigger and stronger.....as a man it is quite easy to get out of the situation.

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You can't really believe that. There is a reason if a woman is murdered or goes missing the first person the police look at is her significant other. And the reason most men don't retaliate against women is we are significantly bigger and stronger.....as a man it is quite easy to get out of the situation.

Nope its not.especially when the woman is between you and the door way......Trust me...I know for a fact....yes there is a reason the police look for her significant other...because he is the one closest to her....sees her the most.......It has nothing to do with the appendage between his legs

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Nope its not.especially when the woman is between you and the door way......Trust me...I know for a fact....yes there is a reason the police look for her significant other...because he is the one closest to her....sees her the most.......It has nothing to do with the appendage between his legs

There is always more than one door. I have dated more than one crazy woman, it's not that difficult.

And because men are violent. Prisons are over flowing with men, not women. When a man is murdered I doubt they put the wife high on the suspect list....could be wrong, but I doubt it.

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Women are also taught at an early age not to be abusive. But I do agree about the social stigmatism but are you suggesting that if all the men who are abused either mentally or physically by a woman actually reported it that the rate at which women abuse men would be the same or greater as men who abuse women? There are countless women who also never report abuse for fear of their partner hurting them further or for the sake and safety of their children.

Women are also taught at an early age not to be abusive. But I do agree about the social stigmatism but are you suggesting that if all the men who are abused either mentally or physically by a woman actually reported it that the rate at which women abuse men would be the same or greater as men who abuse women?



Believe it or not as hard as it is for many to wrap there mind around its alot closer then people think.

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There is always more than one door. I have dated more than one crazy woman, it's not that difficult.

And because men are violent. Prisons are over flowing with men, not women. When a man is murdered I doubt they put the wife high on the suspect list....could be wrong, but I doubt it.

No there is not always more then one door...and Im pretty sure the average man wont fit through an average sized window...at some point that woman should be held accountable who is yelling up in a mans face if your teaching the man the same thing, Right when a man is murdered most dont even consider the wife a suspect......Thats proven to be wrong plenty of times, Some women hire other men to kill there husbands....it happens....Believe it or not some men do not believe in getting confrontational with a woman even if she is abusive...I know someone like that...women are just as capable as being as sadistic and even evil as men

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No there is not always more then one door...and Im pretty sure the average man wont fit through an average sized window...at some point that woman should be held accountable who is yelling up in a mans face if your teaching the man the same thing, Right when a man is murdered most dont even consider the wife a suspect......Thats proven to be wrong plenty of times, Some women hire other men to kill there husbands....it happens....Believe it or not some men do not believe in getting confrontational with a woman even if she is abusive...I know someone like that...women are just as capable as being as sadistic and even evil as men

Right on the money

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Did you guys miss the part where Sharper is being investigated for the THREE separate instances of sexual assault? This isn't just one woman accusing him but three.





I obviously don't want to derail this thread into oblivion. But there are a lot of old laws that stack the box a little unfairly towards men in these instances.

For example, a man, in the eyes of the law, cannot be raped.

Also, no matter your familiarity with a woman, if she is intoxicated and you have sex, it's rape, in the eyes of the law.

That's not to say all men are victims however.

3 excellent posts amfootball, Jvan, & House. I never want to see anyone violated sexually, innocent people railroaded, or men to not be given the same benefit of the doubt as women typically are in cases of rape. 


I remember an investigate show called 20/20 on ABC once. Journalist John Stossel did a feature on a Brown college student who had intercourse with a female university student who was intoxicated & a willing participant & the next day she filed rape charges against him through the campus & later state police. He was forced to drop out of school completely simply because a feminist group on campus was convinced that this woman was violated even though she wanted intimacy with this man, but he should have avoided her advances simply because she entered his room intoxicated. 


My point is this: I respect women & would never force them to do anything against their will ever, but women are typically given legal benefits in the criminal justice system that their male counterparts are not always given. If Darren Sharper did these unspeakable acts, he will answer for that cruelty, but let's see what evidence is accumulated first please. Thank you. 

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Women are also taught at an early age not to be abusive. But I do agree about the social stigmatism but are you suggesting that if all the men who are abused either mentally or physically by a woman actually reported it that the rate at which women abuse men would be the same or greater as men who abuse women?



Believe it or not as hard as it is for many to wrap there mind around its alot closer then people think.

How do you know that if the cases of abuse are not reported?

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I always wonder what prompts a person to do what Darren Sharper is alleged to have done? Yes, he is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law before a jury of his peers. He had a nice cushy job as an analyst for NFL Network, he is rich with a SB ring, & this news is quite shocking if true. I remember him GB & I thought he was a decent guy. How in the world do you explain this activity to your wife, family, & children? 


Are there women who are looking for an easy meal ticket out there from a wealthy athlete? Sure there are, but 3 separate allegations by 3 different women does give me cause to pause & say whoa Darren what is going on with you man? It's hard to portray yourself as the victim of a prosecutorial witch hunt with 3 women claiming that they were raped by you. If the DA has torn clothing & DNA samples that haven't been tampered with or cataloged late, you are toast man. 


Your luxurious lifestyle could be a distant memory very, very quickly. Not good Mr. Sharper. Not good at all. Yikes! Your only hope is a false identity pick in a police lineup, corrupted physical evidence, or a pitbull defense attorney that can poke several holes in their testimony under oath on the witness stand. 


I am not taking sides here either way. But, it's gonna be the gold digger, nutty/promiscuous girls defense vs women who were violated because a famous athlete felt he was entitled to whatever he wanted based on his fame & celebrity driven status among NFL players etc. etc. This scorched earth trial is going to be brutal & not pretty at all IMO. 

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How do you know that if the cases of abuse are not reported?


Exactly. There's no way anyone could possibly know. It doesn't stop ridiculous assertions such as '80% of rapes go unreported'. All it does it keep women in a constant state of fear.

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speaking out about wrongdoing toward men and and blaming women for atrocities against men in the context of a single thread about one particular issue is not appropriate.


If you do not see that, there's nothing I can say that will change that.


Flip this the other way and imagine if the bulk of the posts were about guilty men going free and then maybe you will see my point


I have stared at this for five minutes and I have no idea what you're trying to say. Please re-word it if you want me to reply. 

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Men get slapped all the time by some (many) women all the time or shoved or verbally assaulted


^THIS^  If you are talking assaults in general and not just sexual assault than the rate at which men and women commit assault are not as far apart as many believe ... I have seen many guys assaulted by women often & for many reasons: from the woman being drunk in a bar; to the woman being the abusive partner in a relationship, etc ...  The fact that the guy ignored it/walked away or was physically able to withstand the assault without suffering severe injuries (and did not report it) does not mean he was not assaulted; and had the situation been reversed the guy would most likely have been arrested.


Another poster made mention to it earlier ... often it is a "no win situation" for the guy.

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I have stared at this for five minutes and I have no idea what you're trying to say. Please re-word it if you want me to reply. 


If you came into this thread expecting to find a discussion about this particular case and instead found rampant vilifying of men, what would be your response?

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Men get slapped all the time by some (many) women all the time or shoved or verbally assaulted

Surely you do not believe the level of physicality in this case is the same? A woman slapping a man does not it in any way correlate to a man who in most cases are physically bigger than a woman hitting her with an open or closed fist.

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No there is not always more then one door...and Im pretty sure the average man wont fit through an average sized window...at some point that woman should be held accountable who is yelling up in a mans face if your teaching the man the same thing, Right when a man is murdered most dont even consider the wife a suspect......Thats proven to be wrong plenty of times, Some women hire other men to kill there husbands....it happens....Believe it or not some men do not believe in getting confrontational with a woman even if she is abusive...I know someone like that...women are just as capable as being as sadistic and even evil as men

Agree to disagree

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Surely you do not believe the level of physicality in this case is the same? A woman slapping a man does not it in any way correlate to a man who in most cases are physically bigger than a woman hitting her with an open or closed fist.

It is if she uses a sharp or blunt object.  I get you're responding to Gavin's slap remark, but I don't think it's out of line to suggest that women can do just as much physical damage as man if she wanted to.  Domestic abuse, which I'm sure anyone here would agree, is as bad as the person inflicting the damage, irrespective of gender.  But I still think the point remains that males are more often the assailant than their female counterpart, as far as documented abuse is concerned anyway. 

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It is if she uses a sharp or blunt object.  I get you're responding to Gavin's slap remark, but I don't think it's out of line to suggest that women can do just as much physical damage as man if she wanted to.  Domestic abuse, which I'm sure anyone here would agree, is as bad as the person inflicting the damage, irrespective of gender.  But I still think the point remains that males are more often the assailant than their female counterpart, as far as documented abuse is concerned anyway. 

Sure and a 10 year kid could hurt a 300 pound man with a sharp or blunt object. I was talking about physical abuse which includes rape. A man has all the power in terms of physicality over a woman in the majority of cases as men are physically bigger and stronger. There is no equity here that some here would like to believes exists. No one is denying that men can and do get abused but the rate in which a woman is seriously harmed and her children by men far outweigh the reverse and this is precisely the case because men are stronger and use that to their advantage over a woman.

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Surely you do not believe the level of physicality in this case is the same? A woman slapping a man does not it in any way correlate to a man who in most cases are physically bigger than a woman hitting her with an open or closed fist.

so were taking force of the blow into account now? Im taking intent into account not whether or not she actually hurt him, Intent is what matters most, are you saying a woman slapping a man in the back of the head is alright? a woman slapping a man across the face is alright?, a woman throwing things at a man is alright?

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Sure and a 10 year kid could hurt a 300 pound man with a sharp or blunt object. I was talking about physical abuse which includes rape. A man has all the power in terms of physicality over a woman in the majority of cases as men are physically bigger and stronger. There is no equity here that some here would like to believes exists. No one is denying that men can and do get abused but the rate in which a woman is seriously harmed and her children by men far outweigh the reverse and this is precisely the case because men are stronger and use that to their advantage over a woman.

Well yeah, I wasn't suggesting that, all things being equal, women are, on average, more capable of exerting physical dominance over the man.  And I agree that men are far more often the assailant.  But to add to your point about why it happens (i.e. because men are stronger), it also has a lot to do with the difference between the male and female psyche.  Men are just simply wired to be head of the household type, which can often be confused as dominance or power.  I know I'm doing a terrible job of explaining it from a psychological standpoint, but I think/hope you understand.

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Well yeah, I wasn't suggesting that, all things being equal, women are, on average, more capable of exerting physical dominance over the man.  And I agree that men are far more often the assailant.  But to add to your point about why it happens (i.e. because men are stronger), it also has a lot to do with the difference between the male and female psyche.  Men are just simply wired to be head of the household type, which can often be confused as dominance or power.  I know I'm doing a terrible job of explaining it from a psychological standpoint, but I think/hope you understand.

Yes, I get what you are saying. And I think the advantage that women have is verbal/emotion over men and they use that to their advantage because they do not have the physical advantage.

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