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I Am Asking You All To Chill (Merge)


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There seems to be a problem between different posters on the forum. Please take a break . . . chill out and remember we are all Colts fans here.

Differences in opinion are fine, but this is imploding in a way that we as Colts fans don't want to see on our forum.

Relax please.

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mod, there is a posse here that gangs up on new members.

They think they control this forum.

they also team up together and give out negative points. They work together to achieve this. I tried to combat them with giving out positive points to the dude they torchered the other day. But there is too many of them.

Please do something about this because they are not fair to the rest of the people here. There shouldn't be any posse allowed.

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mod, there is a posse here that gangs up on new members.

They think they control this forum.

they also team up together and give out negative points. They work together to achieve this. I tried to combat them with giving out positive points to the dude they torchered the other day. But there is too many of them.

Please do something about this because they are not fair to the rest of the people here. There shouldn't be any posse allowed.

Greatest. Post. Ever.

I'd have to believe a sippy cup is within arms length.

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mod, there is a posse here that gangs up on new members.

They think they control this forum.

they also team up together and give out negative points. They work together to achieve this. I tried to combat them with giving out positive points to the dude they torchered the other day. But there is too many of them.

Please do something about this because they are not fair to the rest of the people here. There shouldn't be any posse allowed.

The reason they done that is because you and the other poster came here and immediately started calling out people's "fanhood". Thats a good way to get on people's bad side right away. Instead of using juvenile tactics to get under peoples skin, try having a legitimate argument without calling people out.

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The reason they done that is because you and the other poster came here and immediately started calling out people's "fanhood". Thats a good way to get on people's bad side right away. Instead of using juvenile tactics to get under peoples skin, try having a legitimate argument without calling people out.

I made legitimate threads. The Caldwell thread which I was flamed for and the Polian thread where they are flaming me.

I will try to improve how I approach this posse here. I didn't mean to use juvenile tactics. I'm almost 17.

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This is something that is being discussed with the moderation team.

There is a very fine line between sarcasm and personal attacks.

As long as it is not in direct violation of the forum rules I don't see that moderation intervention is necessary.

It is a forum for the fans, and different personality types will of course be here. We can't become a "nazi" forum because someone is not as nice as others wish they would be.

It is a discussion forum. You post your ideas, they post theirs. If we all agreed what would there be to talk about?

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^ yeah, but why do you allow teams or posse of people?

Well team indytrav had to fight for there right to be in the forum. It was a bloody battle in the thunderdome, but after quick thinking on my part we were able to conquer the other posters. I often wonder wheat they did with all those bodies tho. .....

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mod, there is a posse here that gangs up on new members.

They think they control this forum.

they also team up together and give out negative points. They work together to achieve this. I tried to combat them with giving out positive points to the dude they torchered the other day. But there is too many of them.

Please do something about this because they are not fair to the rest of the people here. There shouldn't be any posse allowed.

I saw u reply to someone with this exact words

"FAILED. You are the corrupt fan. You backstabbed this franchise."

If u never say anything like this maybe no one will gang up on u <_<

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I saw u reply to someone with this exact words

"FAILED. You are the corrupt fan. You backstabbed this franchise."

If u never say anything like this maybe no one will gang up on u <_<

that was said after all the damage has been done.

I started off rather nice and casual

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not at all. It seems like there is a team of people that attack members

Yeah, you and that DN fella seem to be having a go at anyone who points out problems with the team. What was it you called me? Oh right, a backstabbing corrupt fan.

Now I see you crying to moderation about being ganged up on.


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Well team indytrav had to fight for there right to be in the forum. It was a bloody battle in the thunderdome, but after quick thinking on my part we were able to conquer the other posters. I often wonder wheat they did with all those bodies tho. .....

You know where they are, you helped me hide them in John Waylon's basement.

Oh crap. I've said too much!

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not at all. It seems like there is a team of people that attack members

Really I am not seeing this. Perhaps I am overlooking the obvious, but it is a forum for discussion, and different types of personalities should be taken into consideration.

I think a little over-sensitivity is being show here, which . . . . I don't know.

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This is something that is being discussed with the moderation team.

There is a very fine line between sarcasm and personal attacks.

As long as it is not in direct violation of the forum rules I don't see that moderation intervention is necessary.

It is a forum for the fans, and different personality types will of course be here. We can't become a "nazi" forum because someone is not as nice as others wish they would be.

It is a discussion forum. You post your ideas, they post theirs. If we all agreed what would there be to talk about?

You and the other mods are doing a great job. And I'm sure you're all as unhappy as everyone else with how our season has been so far.

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Really I am not seeing this. Perhaps I am overlooking the obvious, but it is a forum for discussion, and different types of personalities should be taken into consideration.

I think a little over-sensitivity is being show here, which . . . . I don't know.

yes you are correct. But there are people here that know eachother. Therefore they work together to sometimes flame new members. You know. the usual thing that happens on many forums. That is the argument I am presenting to you.

Why is that kind of teaming up allowed? For example, I know many people on another forum that I am on. Wouldn't it be ridiculous if all the regulars on that forum teamed up and flamed new members?

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mod, there is a posse here that gangs up on new members.

They think they control this forum.

they also team up together and give out negative points. They work together to achieve this. I tried to combat them with giving out positive points to the dude they torchered the other day. But there is too many of them.

Please do something about this because they are not fair to the rest of the people here. There shouldn't be any posse allowed.

Dude read what you wrote outloud, c'mon, what are you 7? And I'm an old member and I haven't even written anything negative, but seriously your post is like nerdy.

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it's a human nature issue here. When one "respected regular" is in an argument or a disagreement with a newer member, the other "regulars" jump in and aid echother in a flameout to supress the newer member. Therefore not allowing the presented newer member any chance at all.

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Really I am not seeing this. Perhaps I am overlooking the obvious, but it is a forum for discussion, and different types of personalities should be taken into consideration.

I think a little over-sensitivity is being show here, which . . . . I don't know.

IMO, over-sensitivity and a lack of maturity. The poster stated him/her-self that he/she is "almost 17".

Said poster thinks it's all right to call out other people whose opinions don't mesh with his/hers and then when other posters respond to the calling out they cry foul and complain to the mods.

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it's a human nature issue here. When one "respected regular" is in an argument or a disagreement with a newer member, the other "regulars" jump in and aid echother in a flameout to supress the newer member. Therefore not allowing the presented newer member any chance at all.

Did it ever occur to you that it is what you are saying that people disagree with and not that you're a newer member?

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I have to disagree with this. I have seen several new members join the fourm who were respected for their ideas and imput. I don't see it as a "ganging up on new members" issue.

well it happened to me. People didn't like that I was against firing Caldwell or Polian. So they flamed me.

I guess people always need someone to blame. I will just ignore this posse.

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I have to disagree with this. I have seen several new members join the fourm who were respected for their ideas and imput. I don't see it as a "ganging up on new members" issue.

The moment you turn your back I'm totally going to throw something at the poster with the most recent join date.

Did it ever occur to you that it is what you are saying that people disagree with and not that you're a newer member?

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it's a human nature issue here. When one "respected regular" is in an argument or a disagreement with a newer member, the other "regulars" jump in and aid echother in a flameout to supress the newer member. Therefore not allowing the presented newer member any chance at all.

Did it occur to you that a lot of regulars could actually have a similar viewpoint? Some give negative ratings, some do not. Did it occur to you that once you state your opinion a few times, you can agree to disagree and move on? I know the 'dn' guy at least spins the same thing over and over again in every thread, I am perfectly fine if he understands that not everyone approaches it like he does, let the people who want to vent here vent, speak his piece a few times and move on. But instead, one's fanhood, intelligence, credibility is questioned incessantly to the point of ad nauseum, no wonder people do not take it lightly. Hey, if we felt like we are decision makers or Colts staff, we would probably not be here. We love to speculate, give different opinions and discuss how we would like to make the Colts a better team, regardless of what our qualifications are. Each one has a different take and most regulars (maybe not all) do not want to get into a ticking contest once the discussion turns into an argument, they will speak their piece and move on, that is the easiest way to avoid sticky situations in forum discussions. It is not perfect but once you understand what makes it tick, you will also find a way to get along.

Instead of saying "all you guys are this and that" and lump all of us into one category, why don't you try a different approach and try sticking to the content of a discussion as opposed to questioning other fans' fanhood or having a beef with moderation and the regulars? Just saying. It might actually work.

Edited by chad72
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Is it my fault that I don't think like majority of Colts fans? That I don't point my finger and blame people or want peopel fired?

No it is not your fault that you don't think like other Colts fans. You are entitled to your opinions just like everyone here. Now if you start calling out people for their opinons, expect them to call you out as well. I guarantee it is not because you are a newer poster that people are responding negatively to you. If you call out people, expect the same. We are ALL entitled to our opinions, you included.)

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Is it my fault that I don't think like majority of Colts fans? That I don't point my finger and blame people or want peopel fired?

I'm a newer member and haven't experienced anything you are saying. I've had people disagree with me but not everyone will agree with my opinions. you called us backstabbers of course people are going to respond to that doesn't mean they are ganging up on u or flaming u. U called us backstabbers man that's not cool. U said it yourself ur 17 so there are people on here that hsve been colts fans longer then you have been alive. So your in no position to call them backstabbers.

Edited by Colts1
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I'm a newer member and haven't experienced anything you are saying. I've had people disagree with me but not everyone will agree with my opinions. you called us backstabbers of course people are going to respond to that doesn't mean they are ganging up on u or flaming u. M


/throws batteries at colts1

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