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Chanting "fire Caldwell!" During The Next Home Game, Speed Things Up?

joo 2h

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Why do people keep posting about bill P

he does not own this team, our voice needs to be herd by the owner, not the gm. So if bill wants Caldwell here fine, but if we as fans don't speak up, Caldwell and his staff will be here again next season

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Wow,really?This idea is right up there with suck for luck.If you're a true Colts fan,there wouldn't even be any consideration to doing this.So get on TV and misrepresent the majority of the Blue Nation,ya sure,go for it,then we'll be as good as NE.

People, PEOPLE, lighten up. This ain't Little League. Booing is pretty well reserved for the the introduction of the hated enemy at the first introductions, 15-1 games, and the Zebras. Geeez, ain't anyone gonna start a cant against the team or coaches. It's just forum crap. C'MON.....

Edited by BIGugly
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but if we as fans don't speak up, Caldwell and his staff will be here again next season

I agree, we have to speak up. Only the method is arguable IMO. But You guys are buying tickets for Colts' games and I am just hoping here to see them at least once in this season. As long as they are playing such bad, editors in Hungary won't pick their games. :(

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You asked about my opinion on his coaching this team:

I'm not sure WHAT to think anymore. Its been a VERY tuff season, and its not over yet.

The fact that he got us to the Super bowl one year and now this is very confusing. I'm really not sure he should get most of the credit for the Super bowl year and I don't think he should get most of the bad credit for this year. The fact that our guys (up until the saints game) still looked to be involved have to bee noted. Its his style (like Dungy's) to treat the guys "like men". I'm starting to think Dungy would be having exactly the same success (or lack of) this year. Caldwell seems like a VERY nice guy so its hard for me to think of him getting booed or anything in public. he's one of us (Colts).

Personally, I put more of the blame on management because they wanted this "type" of guy. We had many veterans and I don't think management wanted an "in your face" kind of coach. They wanted a "manager". To a large extent, I feel like that is what they got. I was optimistic about caldwell because we seemed to be getting "bigger" at the point of attack like we wanted. I also feel perhaps Coyer is a bigger problem than Caldwell. I guess my biggest complaints about Caldwell are I would have liked to see more emotion and perhaps more "adustments" (as Jim would say) after halftime. But wasn't that Dungy too?

As you can see I'm rambling because I'm so confused and heart-broken for the guys on this team MORE than for myself. I HATE the "do what we do" philosophy but I'm not so sure Caldwell is behind that.

I guess my feelings are that management (Polian?) got what he wanted. a yes man who wouldn't rock the boat. The problem is, we didn't invest alot in the OL and DL, which I'm starting to really think are as important positions as any other. You HAVE to control the point of attack. The ravens were able to win a Super Bowl with trent Dilfer because of this. I think caldwell's hands, to some extent, were tied. Whether it was because of the "power" of management or allowing Manning to somewhat control things, Caldwell seemingly was somewhat controlled. If you can't tell, I hate judging people because I certainly have my own faults and couldn't coach this team myself. Its hard for me to judge someone on a job that I myself could not do and have no experience and little insight into.

I like Caldwell as a person and how he represented this team. Classy and professional. The players seemed to respect him too. I respect him as a man. I guess that is what makes this whole thing so difficult. I think management made a mistake hiring him tho i think (Dungy clone which is what they wanted) If you think about it, the only difference between him and Dungy was the fact that Caldwell doesn't have Manning (this year). If manning was playing this year, would we even be discussing this? I'm thinking no. I think the blame should fall more on management for allowing us to get in this position (player and team talent-wise) I'm not sure ANY coach would be having success this year with this team. The loss of manning I think clearly shows that.

To some extent, I'm just trying to not analyze this season at all. Its just too painfull and digs up feelings and thoughts I just don't like having. After all, at the end of the day, it's JUST a game. A game that brings me lots of enjoyment or pain, sure, but still just a game. I think to some extent caldwell was put in a bad situation. A situation that perhaps even Belicheck couldn't even have success.

Hope that helps.

you made some good points about Caldwell and Dungy, I never looked at it from that perspective. Come to think of it he is a Dungy clone. Coyer is also a major problem, but i put it on Caldwell for not telling him to tone down those zone coverages I just hope whatever transpires in the offseason that the Defensive Mindset of the team changes, thats my biggest thing. I think we have showed we can run the ball this year and you add that with a healthy manning next year things should look up, with a new defensive mindset and system

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you made some good points about Caldwell and Dungy, I never looked at it from that perspective. Come to think of it he is a Dungy clone. Coyer is also a major problem, but i put it on Caldwell for not telling him to tone down those zone coverages I just hope whatever transpires in the offseason that the Defensive Mindset of the team changes, thats my biggest thing. I think we have showed we can run the ball this year and you add that with a healthy manning next year things should look up, with a new defensive mindset and system

What's wrong with the mindset changing NOW, before Titans...."correctible" isn't good enough. Coaching up for the next game is the job assignment.

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BIG difference between buying a baseball ticket 4 times a year to watch a successful manager and buying 10 football tickets to watch a head coach destroy a football team

The Reds don't have a successful manager or franchise, they have had 1 winning season in 16 years, unlike the colts. If you look at all the costs I have to go over and back it's equal to what I would pay for a tix to see the Colts here in Indy.

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The Reds don't have a successful manager or franchise, they have had 1 winning season in 16 years, unlike the colts. If you look at all the costs I have to go over and back it's equal to what I would pay for a tix to see the Colts here in Indy.

Show me the numbers.

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The way I see it he (caldwell) is the HC that means he has to take the blame just like every leader "should"....Manning does and if he were half as bad a QB as Caldwell is a HC the man would walk away from the game. If there is one thing that has been proven here it's that JIM did not take us to the SB THE MAN WAS JUST ALONG FOR THE RIDE! but its time to kick his @&%# off the gravy train. This team has used Manning as a work horse for a long time and as far as Im concerned putting BIG JIM over there on the sidelines was just a way of adding more dead weight to the cart Manning has been pulling. He should step down and get the bleep out of town.....WE CAN NOT KEEP WASTING WHAT TIME WE HAVE LEFT WITH MANNING! (Jim your a good guy but a tick poor coach and you have proven that your not even fit for a management job at Mcdonalds so we are gonna have to let ya go) hmmmm that seems easy to say so I dont see the prob idk, ......its bed time for me, later Colts nation

I think people need to come to the understanding that the Manning era is over. It is time to begin to work on the next decade, not pin our hopes on a aging (36+ year old)_QB.

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I know dont know about you guys, but i think this is a great way to get the Media attention. The more the media write post and blogs on how badly the colts coaching staff has been the better. Maybe this will get the media to really rip the staff to get jim caldwell out the door.

Even if its not in-season, but at the end of this season i do not want to see him back. And who knows, Chris might be able to take over his father bill, job as GM at the end of this season as well.

This is how we the fans can make are voice herd. When Jim Irsay see this durning the game, im sure this will make him get the picture,

Even I could not take parts in that! He is doing a fine job of getting himself fired, I hope.
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I think people need to come to the understanding that the Manning era is over. It is time to begin to work on the next decade, not pin our hopes on a aging (36+ year old)_QB.

Why do you always act as if you are speaking from fact. Caldwell won't be fired, best to trade manning, manning era is over,no changes this, year, caldwell superbowl first year. blah,blah blah. Now unless you are jim irsay please quit talking down to everyone like you know things factully, and is you are big jim, PLEASE CUT THE CALD!!!!!
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For all of you wanting him out i believe the outcome of having him fired midseason would produce mixed feelings from most fans if you take time to consider the outcome of the rest of the season. As much as I think Id like to show him the door, imagine we fired him tomorrow. We bring in a proven HC (insert any name you'd like) and two options are apparent thereon. 1) they come in and win, maybe not many, but enough to prove it was a good decision, effectively ruining any chances at a #1 pick and many good draft or trade options. Which would disappoint a great many after putting up with this pitiful season and crush hopes for player overhaul. 2) New HC comes in and in order to get the total package (new HC and new players with high draft pick) the new coach would effectively have to lose out the rest of the season. Wouldnt this leave fans wanting the new HC fired ultimately after losing just as many games as Caldwell did? Think about it.

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Why do you always act as if you are speaking from fact. Caldwell won't be fired, best to trade manning, manning era is over,no changes this, year, caldwell superbowl first year. blah,blah blah. Now unless you are jim irsay please quit talking down to everyone like you know things factully, and is you are big jim, PLEASE CUT THE CALD!!!!!

History in the NFL has shown that the number of QB's over the age of 35 have declinine skills and not good odds for directing a team to the Superbowl. Add into that mix the possibility of said QB to have issues with arm strength and injury and those odds even get worse. Very well run franchises see this and deal said QB for draft picks or something and go young (See SF/GB). Also through the history of the NFL how many coaches have in their first 3 seasons led their team to two playoff appearances, 1 SB appearance and then been fired? I am sorry you refuse to look at history and how things work in the NFL, but it is what it is.

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For all of you wanting him out i believe the outcome of having him fired midseason would produce mixed feelings from most fans if you take time to consider the outcome of the rest of the season. As much as I think Id like to show him the door, imagine we fired him tomorrow. We bring in a proven HC (insert any name you'd like) and two options are apparent thereon. 1) they come in and win, maybe not many, but enough to prove it was a good decision, effectively ruining any chances at a #1 pick and many good draft or trade options. Which would disappoint a great many after putting up with this pitiful season and crush hopes for player overhaul. 2) New HC comes in and in order to get the total package (new HC and new players with high draft pick) the new coach would effectively have to lose out the rest of the season. Wouldnt this leave fans wanting the new HC fired ultimately after losing just as many games as Caldwell did? Think about it.

I think this is where some of us differ. I wouldlike to see them bring in a proven coach, and if we would happen to go

6-3 or even 5-4 the rest of the way out and improve so be it, and the heck with the number 1 picK. A solid hc is worth any number one pick.

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History in the NFL has shown that the number of QB's over the age of 35 have declinine skills and not good odds for directing a team to the Superbowl. Add into that mix the possibility of said QB to have issues with arm strength and injury and those odds even get worse. Very well run franchises see this and deal said QB for draft picks or something and go young (See SF/GB). Also through the history of the NFL how many coaches have in their first 3 seasons led their team to two playoff appearances, 1 SB appearance and then been fired? I am sorry you refuse to look at history and how things work in the NFL, but it is what it is.

OMG are you a robot? you say the same stuff time after time!
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What's wrong with the mindset changing NOW, before Titans...."correctible" isn't good enough. Coaching up for the next game is the job assignment.

nothings wrong with it at all, I personally would welcome a schematic Defensive change to a 4-3 Asap, same defensive fronts etc, would take a while but i would thats just my opinion, will it happen, NO

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No matter what we think about Caldwell, let's stick together as a team and fans as far as the national media is concerned. Yelling things against anyone on our team is an embarassment to the whole organization. Now is the time to show UNCONDITIONAL love for our team and let the world see how CLASSY the Colts fans can be. GO COLTS!!!! And let's keep all our disciplinary corrections inhouse- not wash our dirty laundry for the whole world to see.

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I think people need to come to the understanding that the Manning era is over. It is time to begin to work on the next decade, not pin our hopes on a aging (36+ year old)_QB.

Would it be OK with you if I actually heard that from Manning or the Colts?

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Ticket Cost: $85

Gas: $40

Food/Drink: $35

Total cost to attend game: $160

Last 16 seasons only 1 winning season which was 2010 at 91-71, all other seasons were under .500 including this past one and a 3rd place finish.

Just went online to 2012 Reds.com. Most expensive seat listed for 12 tickets is $537. And that's field level box. That's less than $45 per game. My neighbors go all the time, and NEVER pay over $30 for field level box.

Credibility counts.....

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I agree...I couldn't do it either. I want the man gone but not to the point of being personally involved in his public humiliation. The team that's being fielded is public humiliation enough.

I also agree with most that chances are no coaching changes will be made mid-season but if they decided to I don't think it would be the mistake many people make it out to be except in the regard that we'd be limited on our options. So it all comes down to who they are willing to consider for the position. However, if they were to decide they definitely want one of the veteran coaches (Gruden, Cowher, Billick, Fisher etc) and they were able to bring him in mid-season then no, that probably won't affect the number of wins/losses but it would give the new coach a huge head-start on player evaluation and determining how to change/modify the offensive and defensive schemes to fit around the talent we have. It would also give them a head-start in determining what type of new talent and at what positions we need to focus on in the off-season.

ANd it would also show the fans that something is actually trying to be done

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Just went online to 2012 Reds.com. Most expensive seat listed for 12 tickets is $537. And that's field level box. That's less than $45 per game. My neighbors go all the time, and NEVER pay over $30 for field level box.

Credibility counts.....

I don't sit in field box seats, I sit up in the Fox Club seats. They are $85 a pop and you can sit either inside or out depending on the weather. I have no desire to sit out in the hot sun when I can relax in comfort. There are seats as cheap as $5 if you don't mind huffing all the way up to the nose bleed, or you can pay $8 and sit on hard hot steel in the bleachers out in RF. I chose to sit in comfort. On occasion I have sat down there but in the scouts seats and they are not that cheap.

Reds 2012 ticket prices range from $235 which are called diamond seats located right behind homeplate, Club seating priced at $95 and then $85 followed by the scouts seats at basically $79 and $69. Then the "non" premium seats go from $69 all the way down to $5. Not as expensive as Colts seats, but add in driving, parking and such it's not a cheap trip over and back. You asked what I pay and I told you...

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If booing them out of the city against the Jets a couple of years ago didn't make them put the starters back in chanting fire Caldwell at a game isn't going to make them fire the coaches. Look Polian has pretty much made it know he doesn't care what the fans thinks so I don't think he's going to start listening to them now. If anything knowing Polian it'll just make him dig his heels in harder.

I agree. He stated something similar on his show also. Go to the game and cheer, cry, moan, rythe(sp?) in agony what ever but chanting Fire Caldwell is pointless. You want to make a real statement as fans. Don't buy Jerseys, hats, programs,

concession items and anything else that I haven't thought of.

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I agree. He stated something similar on his show also. Go to the game and cheer, cry, moan, rythe(sp?) in agony what ever but chanting Fire Caldwell is pointless. You want to make a real statement as fans. Don't buy Jerseys, hats, programs,

concession items and anything else that I haven't thought of.

Bingo..if Colt fan really wants his/her voice heard...don't go. don't go to the games, don't buy anything. Stand outside Lucas on game dame in silence with a sign that says either Caldwell goes or we don't come back. See how long Caldwell lasts when there is a empty stadium on game day...

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I don't sit in field box seats, I sit up in the Fox Club seats. They are $85 a pop and you can sit either inside or out depending on the weather. I have no desire to sit out in the hot sun when I can relax in comfort. There are seats as cheap as $5 if you don't mind huffing all the way up to the nose bleed, or you can pay $8 and sit on hard hot steel in the bleachers out in RF. I chose to sit in comfort. On occasion I have sat down there but in the scouts seats and they are not that cheap.

Well, apples to apples, Colts club seats are over $250 per seat. Suite seats with inside/outside seating are at least $500 per seat/game.

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Wow haha... can you imagine the look on caldwells face if that actually happens? the guy would be embarrassed.

Would the look on his face be any different than his normal look? Blank stare, blank stare, blink, blink, blink repeat... If he wasn't completely humiliated after the Saints game, a chant like this wouldn't embarrass him in the least.

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Well, apples to apples, Colts club seats are over $250 per seat. Suite seats with inside/outside seating are at least $500 per seat/game.

Because there are only 10 home games and baseball has 81. Plus I have had to sit and watch both mag't and the manager destroy the Reds year in and year out for the past 18 out of 20 years with 1 Title back in 1990, meanwhile fans in Indy have paid over the past decade good money to see one of the best overall teams in all of sports. Given that track record I would say the Colts have a better chance to be good again even with the present HC over what my Reds will do.

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Would the look on his face be any different than his normal look? Blank stare, blank stare, blink, blink, blink repeat... If he wasn't completely humiliated after the Saints game, a chant like this wouldn't embarrass him in the least.

Can someone please explain to me why a coach has to be a yeller screaming in your face type of guy to be considered a good coach?

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Can someone please explain to me why a coach has to be a yeller screaming in your face type of guy to be considered a good coach?

What a good coach does is:

Prepare players for this game (not "make corrections" afterward)

Motivate for maximum effort

Game plan for opponent

Adjust during game for unforseen situations

Adjust own game playing according to player personell on the team

Teach and reemphasize basics all the time.

During game point out what may be coming up and remind team what is expected in each series on O and D

for instance.

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Because there are only 10 home games and baseball has 81. Plus I have had to sit and watch both mag't and the manager destroy the Reds year in and year out for the past 18 out of 20 years with 1 Title back in 1990, meanwhile fans in Indy have paid over the past decade good money to see one of the best overall teams in all of sports. Given that track record I would say the Colts have a better chance to be good again even with the present HC over what my Reds will do.

So you choose to watch poor leadership. I choose NOT to watch poor leadership. Check back with me in February when my bill for over $7000 comes and is due by March 1.

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So you choose to watch poor leadership. I choose NOT to watch poor leadership. Check back with me in February when my bill for over $7000 comes and is due by March 1.

They are my team win or lose, I don't lady adn complain because they don't win, I go I enjoy the game for the game. If they win great, if they don't then there is always another game. You see the Colts as having "poor" leadership based off 7 games because up to this season, no matter what the Reason this franchise was winning and was and is still considered by almost every "expert" you would ask a quality organization that is just having 1 bad season. Something that almost all pro sports franchises go through. Until a pattern of losing appears, I am unsure how you can qualify the present leadership as "poor".

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They are my team win or lose, I don't lady adn complain because they don't win, I go I enjoy the game for the game. If they win great, if they don't then there is always another game. You see the Colts as having "poor" leadership based off 7 games because up to this season, no matter what the Reason this franchise was winning and was and is still considered by almost every "expert" you would ask a quality organization that is just having 1 bad season. Something that almost all pro sports franchises go through. Until a pattern of losing appears, I am unsure how you can qualify the present leadership as "poor".

Easy. Since the 14-1 fiasco, the Colts under Caldwell are a miserable 12-17. He has to go. 62 to 7 screams he is a terrible coach.

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