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Patriots Panthers Great Ending


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looks like someone missed the Denver-SD game in which Manning was yelling at the refs about TOs after he got hit low . . .


Moose, sorry to burst your bubble, but ALL players great or otherwise give the refs earfuls from time to time, especially when they do not even give an explanation as to why they made a decision, in this case why they picked up the flag . . .

Manning complained because they gave San Diego their timeout back. You can't give a team their timeout back.

San Diego called timeout, and they were charged. So Manning thought he had time to rest, and this is the ONLY reason he sat back down. They seen Manning sit so awarded San Diego their timeout back, and forces Denver to call one instead. That's not how it works.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

looks like someone missed the Denver-SD game in which Manning was yelling at the refs about TOs after he got hit low . . .


Moose, sorry to burst your bubble, but ALL players great or otherwise give the refs earfuls from time to time, especially when they do not even give an explanation as to why they made a decision, in this case why they picked up the flag . . .

I never saw Peyton chase the refs up the tunnel...Peyton is too busy showing good sportsmanship and shaking the hands of his opponents win or lose....Right or wrong Brady showed a severe lack of class in that moment.  And before you get mad at me...I'm probably the biggest Brady fan that doesn't root for Pats on the whole planet.  I'm very disappointed in Tom.

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Dobson's was the right call and the leg whip was missed. This is just a game like any other concerning the refs. Personally I'm the "it is what it is type" but you can't blame anyone for complaining and I liked seeing Brady get on the refs.

You don't think its a coincidence that you think the 50/50 call that went your way was correct do you lol.

Same thing Panthers fans are saying about the last call this morning.

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I never saw Peyton chase the refs up the tunnel...Peyton is too busy showing good sportsmanship and shaking the hands of his opponents win or lose....Right or wrong Brady showed a severe lack of class in that moment.  And before you get mad at me...I'm probably the biggest Brady fan that doesn't root for Pats on the whole planet.  I'm very disappointed in Tom.

lol. I am sure Tom is heartbroken over your disappointment.


And Peyton never had that type of call go against him either.

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And Peyton never had that type of call go against him either.




You're right. Only about a full game's worth. In the playoffs. Twice. (2003, 2012)


Then of course you have the "PI" on Tim Jennings to gift wrap SD's win before Peyton even got the football in OT of the 2009 playoffs against SD.


Those are just the playoffs off the top of my head. Let's see about this year so far...we already had the entire Giants game where Denver still won 51-24 or something. This despite Gene Steratore gift wrapping almost all of NY's points.


If NE ever got a game long jobbing I can only imagine the fireworks.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

lol. I am sure Tom is heartbroken over your disappointment.


And Peyton never had that type of call go against him either.

Tuck rule...that's all I'm gonna say.

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You're right. Only about a full game's worth. In the playoffs. Twice. (2003, 2012)


Or had his defense have a "PI" on Tim Jennings to gift wrap SD's win before he even got the football in OT of the 2009 playoffs against SD.


Or the entire Giants game earlier this year  where Denver still won 51-24 or something despite Gene Steratore gift wrapping almost all of NY's points.

Like I said he never had that call to decide a game and then given no explanation as to why the flag was picked up.


And how soon you forget his Jeff Saturday tirade ....

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Like I said he never had that call to decide a game and then given no explanation as to why the flag was picked up.


I'd rather have one borderline call decide a game as opposed to about 6-12 blatant calls/non calls and double standards.


The "PI" on Jennings effectively did end the game with SD in the 2009 playoffs. Peyton didn't run the ref down the tunnel. Nobody was given an explanation on how that was PI.


Back to the call, bear in mind it was a bad pass. If Brady were on target instead of throwing underneath for a pick it would have been called. (Probably)

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Usually I find myself agreeing with you but the play you referenced was CLEARLY interference.

I make it a rule not to gripe about officiating in any sport. It is what it is. But last night, well... that really sucked. At the very least that is a holding call on Carolina. If you want to say no PI because Gronk had no play, that's fine, I can buy that. But the refs call defensive holding away from the ball ALL THE TIME. It happened earlier in the game on a 3rd down where Edelman got mugged on the opposite side of the field.

So even if you want to say that wasn't PI, cool... it was as obvious a defensive holding call as it gets. Take your pick as to which penalty could have been called. At the very least Brady should have had one more shot at it from the 13.

What really aggravated me though was that they picked up the flag... how do you do that in that situation??? And then the refs showed no cahones as they just ran off the field without an explanation, being chased by a fired up Brady the whole way. I love that ESPN cut away to their officiating expert and then Gruden immediately said something like, "That's not what I see... I see the linebacker with his arms around Gronkowski!"

It's over and done with, nothing can change it now. But I had to at least vent a little. That's two games this season where the Patriots have lost on either weird (Jets game) or terrible calls. There's no guarantee they would have punched it in if they had one more play, but they at least should have gotten that opportunity.

Take-aways from the game... Carolina is legit, and I actually feel pretty good about the Patriots this morning despite the loss. It was a road game that felt like a playoff game, and they were right there until the end. That's the league's top defense and the Pats moved the ball very well against it. Just wish that NE still had Wilfork, Mayo, Kelly, and other key members of that defense back. It's going to be tough without them.

Oh well... on to Denver. They're going to get a good effort from the Patriots, especially after such a bitter loss.

I was more or less making the point that, that call was quickly forgotten by Pats fans because it favored them. But if they had lost, Panthers fans would have look at that call as an excuse for them losing.

That's the nature of ref intervention. One side is going to feel screwed over the majority of the time.

I do that all the time as a Colts fan lol. If it's good "Yay!!" If it's bad "Fire the refs!!!!"

Last year in the Jags game that we lost at home, on the go ahead TD for the Jags Mathis was facemask tackled and no flag. If that gets called game could be different, but that's the nature of the game I guess.

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I'd rather have one borderline call decide a game as opposed to about 6-12 blatant calls/non calls and double standards.


The "PI" on Jennings effectively did end the game with SD in the 2009 playoffs. Peyton didn't run the ref down the tunnel. Nobody was given an explanation on how that was PI.


Back to the call, bear in mind it was a bad pass. If Brady were on target instead of throwing underneath for a pick it would have been called. (Probably)

Unique circumstances. I would bet anything that Manning or any other Qb would have followed the ref for an explanation. That is not bad sportsmanship that is bad reffing on the ref's part. The whole crew should be fined for that ending. You can live with the call as bad calls happen all the time but the no explanation is unprofessional and made it seem as if they had something to hide.

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And how soon you forget his Jeff Saturday tirade ....


The O-line incident? I mentioned that earlier. As far as tantrums go Patriot fans like to bring up Peyton and cling to that as if it excuses Brady. Until arguably the timeout incident (which wasn't that bad) Peyton hasn't thrown a fit like that since.


Peyton's whopping two tantrums/fits don't excuse or even relate to Brady's, what, 20+ during that time span? I can post up a wall of images and videos but I don't want to fill the whole page.


Take this instead:


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Unique circumstances. I would bet anything that Manning or any other Qb would have followed the ref for an explanation.


Given what Manning has stomached as far as "unique circumstances" at the hands of zebras I doubt that would have even phased him. One play in a regular season game? Pennies compared to the reaming he and some of his teams have been given.


Again keep in mind the leg whip earlier in the game. If anything this debatable non call offset a blatant one that led to a Patriots TD earlier. The game was called right down the middle.

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The O-line incident? I mentioned that earlier. As far as tantrums go Patriot fans like to bring up Peyton and cling to that as if it excuses Brady. Until arguably the timeout incident (which wasn't that bad) Peyton hasn't thrown a fit like that since.


Peyton's whopping two tantrums/fits don't excuse or even relate to Brady's, what, 20+ during that time span? I can post up a wall of images and videos but I don't want to fill the whole page.


Take this instead:


The point is both Brady and Manning have had heated exchanges with teammates and the officials. One does not excuse the other. It is an emotional game. I have no issue with anything Brady has done or Manning over their careers.


Not sure if you watched BRady's post conference but he made no excuses and said the Pats lost because they did not make enough plays. He was heated at the end of the game understandably but cooled off just the way Manning and Saturday did. I don't know about you but I like when my guys care.

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People are really bickering over who yells at referees more? I'm sure that ref will live after getting yelled at in heated moment after a very competitive game. I actually found it funnier that Mallet let the ref have it after Brady was done....most action he has got all year.

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Not sure if you watched BRady's post conference but he made no excuses and said the Pats lost because they did not make enough plays. He was heated at the end of the game understandably but cooled off just the way Manning and Saturday did. I don't know about you but I like when my guys care.

He handled his post game conference very well as he often does. That's not what we're talking about though...

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He handled his post game conference very well as he often does. That's not what we're talking about though...

Not sure what you are fuming about honestly. But if this is some feather in your cap for liking Manning more than Brady then have at it. Anyone who watch the play and the non-explanation understands why Brady was seeking out the ref.

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People are really bickering over who yells at referees more? I'm sure that ref will live after getting yelled at in heated moment after a very competitive game. I actually found it funnier that Mallet let the ref have it after Brady was done....most action he has got all year.

Mallet needs to take off the skirt.


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Not sure what you are fuming about honestly. But if this is some feather in your cap for liking Manning more than Brady then have at it. Anyone who watch the play and the non-explanation understands why Brady was seeking out the ref.


I think Brady has the market covered on fuming.


And no, I don't think everyone who watches the play understands a QB hounding the ref down the tunnel once the game has ended. After a bad pass. He's * he didn't get bailed out. He's been very fortunate in that department over the years be it from refs, his  D, or both.

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I think Brady has the market covered on fuming.


And no, I don't think anyone who watches the play understands a QB hounding the ref down the tunnel once the game has ended.

ok, we can agree to disagree on this. I don't disgree that Brady is more emotional and Manning more robotic.


I generally like your posts and viewpoints so really this is a non-issue in my book anyways.

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It wasn't PI, but it was holding. LOS should have been moved up five yards, and Tommy boy should have gotten another shot. But hey I'll take a Patriots loss any day.

Not convinced it was even holding after seeing it a ton of times. The guy never put his hands on him, and facegarding to my knowledge is no more... but that didn't stop the people reviewing the game to claim it. If the call on the field was interferrence the ref had to overturn it because it wasn't.

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You don't think its a coincidence that you think the 50/50 call that went your way was correct do you lol.

Same thing Panthers fans are saying about the last call this morning.

That's fine that Panther fans think that. I have no problem with the game. Dobson's wasn't 50/50 and either was  Gronk's but that's the way it goes. It was a great game and I enjoyed it. I can't wait for the Denver game.

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I never saw Peyton chase the refs up the tunnel...Peyton is too busy showing good sportsmanship and shaking the hands of his opponents win or lose....Right or wrong Brady showed a severe lack of class in that moment.  And before you get mad at me...I'm probably the biggest Brady fan that doesn't root for Pats on the whole planet.  I'm very disappointed in Tom.


has Peyton ever (or any other QB) had a game end on a call that was never explained with the officials walking off the field? . . . until others are in situations in which they are similarly situated you cant compare the two . .. its apples and oranges . . . when you find me a link to a youtube video of a game in which the offense is on the field and a call goes against them and the refs walked off without an explanation and the QB turns around does not go over the officials and instead shakes the hand of the opponent, I will tip my cap to that QB . . . others please do not reference something that is not relevant to what happened last night . . .

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That's fine that Panther fans think that. I have no problem with the game. Dobson's wasn't 50/50 and either was Gronk's but that's the way it goes. It was a great game and I enjoyed it. I can't wait for the Denver game.

A Panthers fan will tell you the Gronk play wasn't 50/50 either. They will tell you it was an uncatchable and the 100% right call was made.

It's all cyclical. :)

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A Panthers fan will tell you the Gronk play wasn't 50/50 either. They will tell you it was an uncatchable and the 100% right call was made.

It's all cyclical. :)

If I was a Panthers fans I would be honest and be thankful they got away with one. It goes both ways for all teams. It all evens out in the long run.

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If I was a Panthers fans I would be honest and be thankful they got away with one. It goes both ways for all teams. It all evens out in the long run.

^Pats POV. Your honest is your honest.

Their honest is their honest.

It's all relative.

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^Pats POV. Your honest is your honest.

Their honest is their honest.

It's all relative.

Honest is honest. The Tuck play was a fumble. Gronk's play could have been a couple different penalties. I really doesn't matter because what's done is done. It was a good game and the Panthers earned the win. Next team up for the Patriots is Denver.



Newton's a fun guy to watch. That was the first time I've watched him play a whole game.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

has Peyton ever (or any other QB) had a game end on a call that was never explained with the officials walking off the field? . . . until others are in situations in which they are similarly situated you cant compare the two . .. its apples and oranges . . . when you find me a link to a youtube video of a game in which the offense is on the field and a call goes against them and the refs walked off without an explanation and the QB turns around does not go over the officials and instead shakes the hand of the opponent, I will tip my cap to that QB . . . others please do not reference something that is not relevant to what happened last night . . .

Stay Classy New England...


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People are really bickering over who yells at referees more? I'm sure that ref will live after getting yelled at in heated moment after a very competitive game. I actually found it funnier that Mallet let the ref have it after Brady was done....most action he has got all year.

yeah right. <shakes head>

Look- Its politically correct police :)

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Guest TeamLoloJones

what exactly again does this have to do with my post and how other QBs have handled walk off unexplained calls by the ref? . . . I take it as expected you have not found one . . . 

Pattern of behavior...

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Not at all. Nice try by Kacsmar, though...


I was originally torn on this call. But the more I watch this play, the more I think it was PI. Gronk was way closer to the ball than Garcon was in the picture above, and while the ball was in the air, he was being pushed away from where the ball was intercepted. I can't say that he absolutely would have caught the ball if not for Kuechly's actions, but I do think he had a chance to make a play on it. It's hard for me to call that ball uncatchable.

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Pattern of behavior...


actually not . . . BB did not go over the official this time and actually stated that he did not as the last time he did it (the balt game you referenced) he was fined, so he did not go over to the official this time . . . and even in the Baltimore game all that he wanted to do was get an explanation . .. and rational minds should realized that there is nothing wrong with trying to seek an explanation from an official, and frankly should be award one . .. BB was in the middle of the field going over to coach Harbaugh to shake his hand (you see him do it in the video you referenced btw) and a jogging ref runs by him (I believe the one that made the call for good FG) and BB instinctively reached out to get his attention, the ref did not stopped but continued to jog off the field . .. BB did not chase him but turned around and shook coaches hand . . .


given the fact that there is nothing wrong with seeking an explanation and the fact that the ref was running by him I don't see what the big deal is . . . I understand there is a no touch rule and fine, okay, but one you look at it with an unbais mind, it is not as bad as you made it out . . .

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