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Donald Brown $2.7 mil hit to cap...for what?


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That's right...under his current contract he is a $2.7 mil hit to our cap this season, to be a 3rd string RB and Special Teams captain.  He also missed one very key block this past week, and his overall blocking skills can be at times suspect.  My only question is...when will he be packaged?  Maybe with another player (Lavon Brazill??).  Lots of teams needing offensive help right now, especially in the receiving game.  I could see us getting something for a package like that.



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I don't think any team would be willing to trade very much for him.  Getting a 4th round pick for Brown would be highway robbery, in my opinion.  I think something more realistic would be a 6th round pick.  But that's if we are only talking picks.  Who knows if Grigs would get another player in return

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That's right...under his current contract he is a $2.7 mil hit to our cap this season, to be a 3rd string RB and Special Teams captain.  He also missed one very key block this past week, and his overall blocking skills can be at times suspect.  My only question is...when will he be packaged?  Maybe with another player (Lavon Brazill??).  Lots of teams needing offensive help right now, especially in the receiving game.  I could see us getting something for a package like that.


His money is guaranteed now, as he's a vested veteran. Has no trade value, I believe. But I also firmly believe his book is closed as a Colt after this season.

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He still has value... As a backup. We have two RB's with injury-prone bodies, even if both are good at playing through most of those injuries. We need a jester, like Brown, who can get on the field and pretend like he's a RB. Yes, he's an insanely overpriced jester, but we can't let the fool go until his contract is up. Jesters get contracts to, ya know.

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t fooled me, too


I thought we'd deal for an offensive lineman... 


I would not have given up a No.1 for a running back.....RBs just arent worth that much


Sure, we'll keep Brown now..but to gamebe like this on a guy who was a disappointment in Cleveland...this year....?


Im shocked..really...



Doesnt this indicate that our management doesn't really like Brown OR Bradshaw??

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 They could have released him a long time ago. They're not just gonna get rid of him now. 


Or maybe they will. I said a few days ago that we wouldn't be trading for a RB... So I clearly know nothing. 

I wonder if they called us or if we called them...


Richardson was a disappoint ment in Cleveland this year

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t fooled me, too


I thought we'd deal for an offensive lineman... 


I would not have given up a No.1 for a running back.....RBs just arent worth that much


Sure, we'll keep Brown now..but to gamebe like this on a guy who was a disappointment in Cleveland...this year....?


Im shocked..really...



Doesnt this indicate that our management doesn't really like Brown OR Bradshaw??



i completely agree. i would never draft a rb in the first round! that's what the colts did. i don't like this at all!

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and last year.


we partially bailed them out of a bad pick.



The guy was over 1000 yards rushing and had total 11 TDs with that terrible run blocking o-line of the Browns. Constantly hed see a defender at the line of scrimmage because he was stacked 8 against the box, and we "bailed out" Cleveland of a bad pick?


I swear, some of the people on this forum should apply for management at the Colts headquarters.


Itd be fun to see how quickly theyd get laughed at the application to be ripped an torn into shreds.

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That's time machine talk.

The game has changed..rules have changed...Its not 2003

You cant line up in double TE and one WR and run over teams anymore


that is exactly how i was going to respond. where is a reason you don't see as many rb's drafted high like you used to. it's a risk reward thing.

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The guy was over 1000 yards rushing and had total 11 TDs with that terrible run blocking o-line of the Browns. Constantly hed see a defender at the line of scrimmage because he was stacked 8 against the box, and we "bailed out" Cleveland of a bad pick?


I swear, some of the people on this forum should apply for management at the Colts headquarters.


Itd be fun to see how quickly theyd get laughed at the application to be ripped an torn into shreds.


he had 950 total yards, 63 ypg, and 3.6 ypc. those are not statistics you want from the third pick of the draft.

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That's right...under his current contract he is a $2.7 mil hit to our cap this season, to be a 3rd string RB and Special Teams captain.  He also missed one very key block this past week, and his overall blocking skills can be at times suspect.  My only question is...when will he be packaged?  Maybe with another player (Lavon Brazill??).  Lots of teams needing offensive help right now, especially in the receiving game.  I could see us getting something for a package like that.


What's not to understand? He is a wedge buster. Don't they all cost that much? ;)

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he had 950 total yards, 63 ypg, and 3.6 ypc. those are not statistics you want from the third pick of the draft.


He also had 51 receptions for close to 370 yards last year as well. His 12 total TD's were close to being more than our RB's and WR's combined. So what's the issue? He's not going to see 8 guys in the box here. It should be a dream come true for us and him.

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Donald was a 2.7 million insurance policy.  We brought in Bradshaw, but we all know he had injury concerns and I imagine Grigson wanted to keep Donald on because he is not going to screw things up totally if he has to carry the ball more due to injuries.  He knew the playbook and would not be terrible.  Sure he would not be good, but not bad either. 


Donald has no trade value whatsoever and anyone who thinks he has any has played Madden to much. I do not know what his cap hit would have been cutting.  We would need Bav to answer that.  So maybe the cap hit would not have been worth cutting him. 


He will be on this roster because Trent is not known for being healthy and neither is Bradshaw so we need him for now.  Next year if he wants to take a major paycut I would not complain to have him back because having Ballard off an ACL tear and Trent does not make me comfortable injury wise.

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Donald was a 2.7 million insurance policy.  We brought in Bradshaw, but we all know he had injury concerns and I imagine Grigson wanted to keep Donald on because he is not going to screw things up totally if he has to carry the ball more due to injuries.  He knew the playbook and would not be terrible.  Sure he would not be good, but not bad either. 


Donald has no trade value whatsoever and anyone who thinks he has any has played Madden to much. I do not know what his cap hit would have been cutting.  We would need Bav to answer that.  So maybe the cap hit would not have been worth cutting him. 


He will be on this roster because Trent is not known for being healthy and neither is Bradshaw so we need him for now.  Next year if he wants to take a major paycut I would not complain to have him back because having Ballard off an ACL tear and Trent does not make me comfortable injury wise.

I keep hearing about  how trents injury prone,he has played in all 18 pro games,am i wrong?He played with 2 broken ribs thats a tough dude.

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I keep hearing about  how trents injury prone,he has played in all 18 pro games,am i wrong?He played with 2 broken ribs thats a tough dude.

The guy is always banged up and tends to be questionable.  He has played, but the guy always seems to be being hurt and having to play through it. He is not healthy like someone like Shady McCoy is.  He is not injury prone like Amendola, but there is worry about how dinged up he gets.

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The guy was over 1000 yards rushing and had total 11 TDs with that terrible run blocking o-line of the Browns. Constantly hed see a defender at the line of scrimmage because he was stacked 8 against the box, and we "bailed out" Cleveland of a bad pick?


I swear, some of the people on this forum should apply for management at the Colts headquarters.


Itd be fun to see how quickly theyd get laughed at the application to be ripped an torn into shreds.

Indy........Trent Rich wanst over 1,000 yards....in 2012

You have to ask yourself why they traded a healthy young guy with (supposedly) no flaws...

In management, wouldn't you ask that question,,,,,does it occur to you?

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Remember what you said.....fans flip like pancakes...Don't start tearing him down

when he gets 58 yards on 18 carries...like he did last week


so, so, so, true!!!


so many want immediate gratification. how many posts have there been about "at least he did something, unlike polian".

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