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The Numbers That Really Matter


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When it comes down to evaluating your teams ability to me it comes down to two key numbers. Points scored and Points allowed. Well after 3 games the Colts have scored 46 points. Only 3 teams have scored fewer points at this point (Jville/KC and St. Louis). Meanwhile the Colts have given up 84 points with only 3 teams giving up more (KC/St.Louis/Saints). These are the numbers that matter, so those out there that feel this team can still finish around .500, really need to relize where this team is and where it is going this year. All other numbers really don't matter if we can't score and can't stop others from scoring.

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When it comes down to evaluating your teams ability to me it comes down to two key numbers. Points scored and Points allowed. Well after 3 games the Colts have scored 46 points. Only 3 teams have scored fewer points at this point (Jville/KC and St. Louis). Meanwhile the Colts have given up 84 points with only 3 teams giving up more (KC/St.Louis/Saints). These are the numbers that matter, so those out there that feel this team can still finish around .500, really need to relize where this team is and where it is going this year. All other numbers really don't matter if we can't score and can't stop others from scoring.

The situation and manner those points are scored matter more then total points scored.

Look at the Steelers game 23 points given up wow, but take away the sack fumble the defense only gave up 16 points, that's pretty good to me!

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Look at the Steelers game 23 points given up wow, but take away the sack fumble the defense only gave up 16 points, that's pretty good to me!

Then divide by .378 and multiple it by Big Bens weight, add +2 for long hair. And it coulda been a Steelers blow out!


No excuses. Unless your KC.

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Then divide by .378 and multiple it by Big Bens weight, add +2 for long hair. And it coulda been a Steelers blow out!


No excuses. Unless your KC.

Not an excuse, just facts! The defense played much much better and Painter once he settled down the offense looked better.

Of course we have to score more points then the opponent that is the basic principle of winning the game but to go back to the OP's numbers it could just as easily be 49 points scored and 81 points and our record be 1-2 and the points scored wouldn't tell you anything.

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I know, all these "If this" "If that" "If only" "They almost" "This coulda" "They shoulda" really are getting ot of control. Scoreboard check gentleman.

Right we are losing but to make it so cut and dry in a year where we lose a player that the entire team is built around is just a little heavy handed.

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I know, all these "If this" "If that" "If only" "They almost" "This coulda" "They shoulda" really are getting ot of control. Scoreboard check gentleman.

What's the point here? To bang it over everyone's head that the Colts are winless so far? Like everyone doesn't know that already?

If you're point is that nothing else matters, not the improved line play, not the improved run defense, nothing... Well, you're wrong. Those things do matter, and as the team moves forward, this year and beyond, those things will help us win games.

If this were a normal year, where the team was expected to contend for a Super Bowl, then I'd agree. Moral victories are actual losses. But this isn't a normal year. Without Manning, the team is sunk. We've always known that. It sucks that there was no real contingency plan, but for 13 years, there hasn't had to be one. Still, the single biggest problem this team has is with quarterback play. And I'm not talking about the need for an All-World quarterback. If we simply had a mediocre quarterback in these first three games, things would probably be different. So to ignore the positive improvements across the board just because the poor quarterbacking has left the team with a goose egg in the win column is just crazy.

Feel free to focus on the rainstorm, if that's how you choose to view this season. It's gonna be a long year. There won't be a lot of wins, and it sucks. But the improvement in other areas is worthy of recognition.

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When it comes down to evaluating your teams ability to me it comes down to two key numbers. Points scored and Points allowed. Well after 3 games the Colts have scored 46 points. Only 3 teams have scored fewer points at this point (Jville/KC and St. Louis). Meanwhile the Colts have given up 84 points with only 3 teams giving up more (KC/St.Louis/Saints). These are the numbers that matter, so those out there that feel this team can still finish around .500, really need to relize where this team is and where it is going this year. All other numbers really don't matter if we can't score and can't stop others from scoring.

Im guessing that has something to do with missing a HOF quarterback due to injury.

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Painter was 5/11 for 60 yards and a touchdown to the wrong team. Not to mention a missed touchdown to his wide open receiver, and several bounce passes. He's not going to be any different going forward.

The two numbers that matter the most? The little ones under the "W" and "L" columns.

I'll be the first to admit that i was not happy with us keeping painter this year. Was pretty excited we picked up the old drunk cuz i figured he could win us games. But he cant. Painter hasnt played a meaningful game in his career. He comes in off the bench and struggles to start. Name one Qb who wouldnt struggle when they havent played in awhile. heck peyton didnt play well when he came back from the bursa sack. Painter overthrew him get over it. The old saying is the hardest pass to complete is a wide open pass. Next drive. he get blind sided by one of the best rushing lbs in the game. Not he fault. Costanzo made a rookie mistake and got beat. Then the next drive painter comes in and does the unthinkable. Drives this team 80 yards for a game tying score. Completing some very nice passes. So dont try to evaluate his play like your an analyst or something.

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How can you make it as simplistic as "points for and against" without observing details and trends. In each game we've given up less points than the game before. In each game we've also scored more points than the game before. Based on your simplified view of things you could make the assumption based on this that we will win each remaining game - and by ever increasing margins. That's seems unlikely though. Hmmm. Perhaps it's a little bit more complicated than that.

How many points have been due to QB fumbles and special teams ineptitude? That has virtually nothing to do with the caliber of your defense. There is a LOT to love about this Colts defense already, and every reason to expect them to improve as the year goes on. If we could win ten games with last years defense, why would this one be a weakness?

How many points did we fail to score because of utterly inept QB play in the red zone (and most everywhere else for that matter). The Oline is getting better and should continue to improve. The run offense is already impressive and should continue to improve with the Oline. There is a lot to like about this offense. The issue is the QB, and this should improve either because Collins improves his timing with the offense, or because we change QBs. This should also reduce the endless fumbles.

Special teams are a nightmare, but it's already been improved just by McAfee's depth on the kickoffs (perhaps not sustainable outdoors, but still) and directional punting. The coverage may get better as the young players get experience, and it also may have had something to do with the roster being churned today.

The point is, nobody is making excuses for the three loses. They richly deserved to lose every game. But what does that have to do with being optimistic for the rest of the season? I think that the Colts offense can increase their scoring output by a minimum of 7 points per game going forward (which would make us middle of the pack), and I believe that the defense will keep all but those teams that can pick us apart 40 different ways with their short passing game (NE, NO, etc) under control. They will have a chance to win some games - and this year is looking more entertaining all the time.

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I'll be the first to admit that i was not happy with us keeping painter this year. Was pretty excited we picked up the old drunk cuz i figured he could win us games. But he cant. Painter hasnt played a meaningful game in his career. He comes in off the bench and struggles to start. Name one Qb who wouldnt struggle when they havent played in awhile. heck peyton didnt play well when he came back from the bursa sack. Painter overthrew him get over it. The old saying is the hardest pass to complete is a wide open pass. Next drive. he get blind sided by one of the best rushing lbs in the game. Not he fault. Costanzo made a rookie mistake and got beat. Then the next drive painter comes in and does the unthinkable. Drives this team 80 yards for a game tying score. Completing some very nice passes. So dont try to evaluate his play like your an analyst or something.

This ^^

Painter came in with the game on the line and made some mistakes. I agree, that fumble was not his fault. Even Manning would of fumbled that ball, as he was totally broadsided 1-2 seconds after the snap. Painter may end up being great, or he may end up being a total bust. All I know is that Painter showed me something in that 80 yard drive. When Collins is in the game, I'm hoping for 2-3 first downs at best, and he still can't deliver that...We have nothing to lose starting Painter. Whats the point of having him as a backup QB when you'll just go pick someone else up when you starting QB is out? I Think Painter deserves a fair shake. Especially after they threw him in front of the firing squad against the Jets defense and a boo'ing Lucas Oil Stadium....

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When it comes down to evaluating your teams ability to me it comes down to two key numbers. Points scored and Points allowed. Well after 3 games the Colts have scored 46 points. Only 3 teams have scored fewer points at this point (Jville/KC and St. Louis). Meanwhile the Colts have given up 84 points with only 3 teams giving up more (KC/St.Louis/Saints). These are the numbers that matter, so those out there that feel this team can still finish around .500, really need to relize where this team is and where it is going this year. All other numbers really don't matter if we can't score and can't stop others from scoring.

I think you're half right..DN...

We can win allowing the point totals we're allowing..28 a game (subtract 14 for 2 defensive scores)

We cannot win scoring 15.3 points per game....

Our offense is our problem and we have to keep changing the QB and remaking the line until we can get 20-30 points a game...

No one KNOWS where the team is going....

We havent been eliminated from anytbing yet..There are winnable games ahead..

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If we had something that resembled an offense I think we would be 2-1 right now

Don't forget our pass defense is non-existent and appears to be getting worse with the release of Tyron and Bullitt and Brackett going on IR. The pass defense would improve greatly just be releasing Lacey - but since he is a Polian fav (brought him in as a UDFA so Polian automatically he is a "find") he will continue to cost us games.

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Don't forget our pass defense is non-existent and appears to be getting worse with the release of Tyron and Bullitt and Brackett going on IR. The pass defense would improve greatly just be releasing Lacey - but since he is a Polian fav (brought him in as a UDFA so Polian automatically he is a "find") he will continue to cost us games.

Stop with the anti-Polian garbage all ready.

My take on Lacey is that he is perhaps better against the run and/or better at tacking - which appears to be what they are emphasizing at the moment. If they can take away one aspect of an offense and limit big passing plays down the field (and tackle well on the short passing plays), then perhaps they can stay in some games. They simply don't have the personnel to play lock-down pass coverage with anybody on the roster (or Tryon, or Bullitt), so what's the point of trying. When you try and fail, you give up 50 points per game.

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When it comes down to evaluating your teams ability to me it comes down to two key numbers. Points scored and Points allowed. Well after 3 games the Colts have scored 46 points. Only 3 teams have scored fewer points at this point (Jville/KC and St. Louis). Meanwhile the Colts have given up 84 points with only 3 teams giving up more (KC/St.Louis/Saints). These are the numbers that matter, so those out there that feel this team can still finish around .500, really need to relize where this team is and where it is going this year. All other numbers really don't matter if we can't score and can't stop others from scoring.

stats are history the future is now

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Don't forget our pass defense is non-existent and appears to be getting worse with the release of Tyron and Bullitt and Brackett going on IR. The pass defense would improve greatly just be releasing Lacey - but since he is a Polian fav (brought him in as a UDFA so Polian automatically he is a "find") he will continue to cost us games.

I don't see how it makes the pass defense worse. Bullitt hadn't done anything, and was really more of a problem than a solution in the first two games. Tryon hadn't played. Brackett hasn't played since the opener. Losing Brackett hurts, and I wish Tryon had been in the rotation, but we're pretty much the same pass defense we were before.

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As Bill Parcells once stated: "You are what your record says you are". We are an 0-3 team. Nothing more...nothing less. As far as Polian is concerned I am a big fan as long as he stays in the front office and off the field; however, I fear (although I do not know) that he is heavily involved in coaching this team. It looked that way when we punted the perfect season. It looks this way this week with all the tweets we have been seeing. I wish Irsay would bring in a coach that will stand his ground on coaching decisions. The Polian's can run the front office but should stay off the field.

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Yes, we do tell other teams that "moral victories" are just that, win by 1 or 20 it is a W, lose by 1 or 20, it is an L.

However, the quicker we are to reconcile to the fact that our backup plan without #18 at the helm, was not a good one, let one a great one, should help us view this year as how the franchise could be if #18 were to retire. Irsay, the Polians, the coaches and everyone, us fans included, get to see how this team can compete without Manning in the picture. The Ws would have come in the Browns and Steelers game even with an above average QB (not named Manning) as a backup, and we all probably realize that, most of us just choose to focus on the real improvements the team has actually made on the field, that is all.

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As Bill Parcells once stated: "You are what your record says you are". We are an 0-3 team. Nothing more...nothing less. As far as Polian is concerned I am a big fan as long as he stays in the front office and off the field; however, I fear (although I do not know) that he is heavily involved in coaching this team. It looked that way when we punted the perfect season. It looks this way this week with all the tweets we have been seeing. I wish Irsay would bring in a coach that will stand his ground on coaching decisions. The Polian's can run the front office but should stay off the field.

For all the good Polian did do for several franchises, he did wear out his welcome with several franchises as well. Just have to see how things shape up. The only one that can shake things up if he wanted is Mr.Irsay. We will see how things unfold in the offseason. Let everyone be given a chance to turn this season around till then. If Manning is at the helm and we are 1-2, we ask ourselves to be patient for different reasons. Now, without Manning at the helm, just re-set your expectations and be patient for a different kind of turnaround for the season.

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Yes, we do tell other teams that "moral victories" are just that, win by 1 or 20 it is a W, lose by 1 or 20, it is an L.

However, the quicker we are to reconcile to the fact that our backup plan without #18 at the helm, was not a good one, let one a great one, should help us view this year as how the franchise could be if #18 were to retire. Irsay, the Polians, the coaches and everyone, us fans included, get to see how this team can compete without Manning in the picture. The Ws would have come in the Browns and Steelers game even with an above average QB (not named Manning) as a backup, and we all probably realize that, most of us just choose to focus on the real improvements the team has actually made on the field, that is all.


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I don't see how it makes the pass defense worse. Bullitt hadn't done anything, and was really more of a problem than a solution in the first two games. Tryon hadn't played. Brackett hasn't played since the opener. Losing Brackett hurts, and I wish Tryon had been in the rotation, but we're pretty much the same pass defense we were before.

tryon was too little, tall receivers catch the ball all day against him, good move get bigger players, he was good for a little guy

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He's exactly one inch shorter than Lacey and Powers. I prefer taller corners, but that's not a prerequisite by any means. The only thing I don't get about the Tryon release is that we cut him instead of Lacey, when I think it's clear that Tryon is better. It's not the end of the world, but I don't really get it. Either of them should be a nickel or dimeback, so we're talking about our third and fourth guys.

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Here is a behind the scenes photo of Irsay and Polian:


After coming across four consecutive cynical, bitter, negative, disrespectful (ie: troll like) posts in a row, I went back and looked at some of your other posts. Why is it that you seem to have no respect for anything related to the Colts aside from Manning, yet you hold the Patriots in such high esteem that you bring them up as a reference point of "the correct way of doing things" over and over again. You actually have multiple in-game posts about an ongoing Patriots game that I haven't even cared enough about to check the box score.

If you are a Pats fan, how about dropping the Colts centric screen name. Not kosher.

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After coming across four consecutive cynical, bitter, negative, disrespectful (ie: troll like) posts in a row, I went back and looked at some of your other posts. Why is it that you seem to have no respect for anything related to the Colts aside from Manning, yet you hold the Patriots in such high esteem that you bring them up as a reference point of "the correct way of doing things" over and over again. You actually have multiple in-game posts about an ongoing Patriots game that I haven't even cared enough about to check the box score.

If you are a Pats fan, how about dropping the Colts centric screen name. Not kosher.

I have been a member of this forum for over 5 years and I have made no secret of my dislike of Bill Polian and my belief that the man is overrated. I think he has too much power and spends way too much time in the media. This season is a pretty good barometer of his ability to select talent beyond Manning and to be honest the results are pretty underwhelming and I do not expect that they will improve very much.

As for the Patriots, I see nothing wrong with having respect for the opponent and wishing that my favorite team would follow suit in some things. What is there not to respect about a team which has put up 4 14 win seasons (including the unbeaten one the Colts (mostly Polian) were scared of) in 10 years and won 3 championships. What is wrong with respecting a team which can suffer the loss of its MVP quarterback and still win 11 games? What is wrong with respecting a team which drafts so well and is not afraid of free agency? What is wrong with respecting a coach who has completely restructured the focus of his team at least 3 times during that span and has won with it every time? Recognizing that they are a remarkable franchise does not make me a Patriot fan.

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