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How Long Can A 39 Year Old Quarterback Survive Getting Hit Like This?

Blue Horseshoe

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Personally, I don't think the line looks any worse than it has in years but it doesn't have Manning covering up flaws such as assigning Clark to block a very good defensive end by himself. Manning would have gotten out of that situation as soon as he saw it because he calls all of the plays at the line, In this case he probably would have called a run. Manning has protected his line for a very long time in just this way.

The point is that Kerry Collins is not Peyton Manning. He is a good quarterback but he is not calling the plays and he is sitting in a shooting gallery. How long can he survive this pounding and if he goes down what is the next option?

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Personally, I don't think the line looks any worse than it has in years but it doesn't have Manning covering up flaws such as assigning Clark to block a very good defensive end by himself. Manning would have gotten out of that situation as soon as he saw it because he calls all of the plays at the line, In this case he probably would have called a run. Manning has protected his line for a very long time in just this way.

The point is that Kerry Collins is not Peyton Manning. He is a good quarterback but he is not calling the plays and he is sitting in a shooting gallery. How long can he survive this pounding and if he goes down what is the next option?

My dead pool has him at about 2-3 more weeks. Then we see Painter and what happens after that is anybodies guess. I'm 39 years old and just a few years ago I could work all day with an injury. Nowadays I'm limpin around like a grandpa after an injury and the healing is slow to come (I ride 4-wheelers in a most unsafe manner).

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lol id say not long, and i think he knows that.... which isnt good, did anyone see when he took his eyes off the receivers one play to see if anyone was around him and he ran out of the pocket? that kinda showed you he isnt comfortable he had plenty of time to get rid of the ball but he didnt trust the line. Imo it was a step back bringing collins here and it should be painters job to lose not collins.

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My dead pool has him at about 2-3 more weeks. Then we see Painter and what happens after that is anybodies guess. I'm 39 years old and just a few years ago I could work all day with an injury. Nowadays I'm limpin around like a grandpa after an injury and the healing is slow to come (I ride 4-wheelers in a most unsafe manner).


I'd go with the two myself. Harrison and Woodley are going to look like they're fighting over the wishbone at Thanksgiving.

At 50, you can hurt yourself just getting out of bed in the morning. ;) (User experience may vary).

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lol id say not long, and i think he knows that.... which isnt good, did anyone see when he took his eyes off the receivers one play to see if anyone was around him and he ran out of the pocket? that kinda showed you he isnt comfortable he had plenty of time to get rid of the ball but he didnt trust the line. Imo it was a step back bringing collins here and it should be painters job to lose not collins.

yeah it should be painters job......it's no secret that if manning ever went down we were screwed.....but why even waste a roster spot on a back up QB if you're just gonna go sign someone who has no knowledge of the playbook or the people they are supposed to be throwing to.......painter may not have done much better, but how would we know. maybe he would have been serviceable with a proper game plan.... and honestly if i'm painter i'm a little angry at this....

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The Steelers game could see him get hurt. We couldn't protect him against the base pass rush on Sunday, and we had less than zero chance against even a simple blitz. The Steelers will use exotic blitzes, and I expect our line will react by just dropping to the fetal position and try not to get run over.

's gonna be ugly. Real ugly. Especially if they lose to the Seahawks this weekend and come into town 0-2.

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Collins is not the problem he played fine and smart. if the recievers catch passes or drag there toe in the endzone that would have been three td passes. as far as Painter he has been here for three years now and is worse at qb now than his first year. Painter should have been cut he dcan not move the offense Orlovski played better than painter and should have made the team. If it comes down to putting Painter in at qb id rather see Mcaffee try it.if the Oline dont block no better than that no qb can take that punishment. you cant call a running play every time you think someone will get to you we are lucky to run for 100 yards a game with all our backs once again the line dont do there job

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Painter played the best game of his career in Preseason this year against Green Bay. I would like to see him get a little more experience in some real games. I say let him play against the Browns. If he does well and leads us to a win or even a 3 point loss, I say let him start against the Steelers. He may not have an arm like Collins, but he has a speedy release similar to Peyton's. The only reason he can release so fast is because Peyton taught him that. In Curtis I trust.

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GET CARSON PALMER! My god how hard is it?!?!?! His rights are with the Bengals but I am sure a trade can be worked out. This guy steps in and the Colts don't miss a beat. Get it done! Is anyone even talking about it in Indy?

Very hard, the Bengals won't trade him and we don't have the cap space for him. Won't ever happen.

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GET CARSON PALMER! My god how hard is it?!?!?! His rights are with the Bengals but I am sure a trade can be worked out. This guy steps in and the Colts don't miss a beat. Get it done! Is anyone even talking about it in Indy?

Carson would be a great addition, but we would have the same trouble as with Kerry Collins. He would have to learn the playbook and get his timing down with the receivers.

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GET CARSON PALMER! My god how hard is it?!?!?! His rights are with the Bengals but I am sure a trade can be worked out. This guy steps in and the Colts don't miss a beat. Get it done! Is anyone even talking about it in Indy?

Yes, Its discussed a million times. The fact is, it takes 2 teams to trade and its clear the Bengals aren't trading him so theres no sense in talking about it anymore. Plus, its not like Palmer could just come in here and immediately takeover. It would take at least 2 weeks to learn the playbook even enough to operate it at a dumbed down level. Palmer hasn't really looked very good since his knee injury anyway so he wouldn't be that much of an upgrade. I don't understand how people keep missing the fact that Collins IS NOT the problem.

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The Steelers game could see him get hurt. We couldn't protect him against the base pass rush on Sunday, and we had less than zero chance against even a simple blitz. The Steelers will use exotic blitzes, and I expect our line will react by just dropping to the fetal position and try not to get run over.

's gonna be ugly. Real ugly. Especially if they lose to the Seahawks this weekend and come into town 0-2.

lmao man said fetal position... the colts might have to use alot of screens in that game.

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Yes, Its discussed a million times. The fact is, it takes 2 teams to trade and its clear the Bengals aren't trading him so theres no sense in talking about it anymore. Plus, its not like Palmer could just come in here and immediately takeover. It would take at least 2 weeks to learn the playbook even enough to operate it at a dumbed down level. Palmer hasn't really looked very good since his knee injury anyway so he wouldn't be that much of an upgrade. I don't understand how people keep missing the fact that Collins IS NOT the problem.


I don't think some of the fans will ever understand that Collins is not the problem and I feel if the coaching staff and FO thought Painter was the answer they wouldn't have gone out and paid Collins the 4 million to come out of retirement. If the rest of the team had stepped up and played like paid professional NFL players should be playing he would have done ok. He's not Peyton and I didn't expect him to be but if I was in his shoes I would be wondering why I came out of retirement. Even Peyton would have had a hard time playing behind that line just coming back from surgery. I'm kind of glad that he was not able to play because I would like to see Peyton play for a few more years.

I guess we will be seeing these post every time Collins makes a mistake and I'm sure there will be some so get ready. lol

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GET CARSON PALMER! My god how hard is it?!?!?! His rights are with the Bengals but I am sure a trade can be worked out. This guy steps in and the Colts don't miss a beat. Get it done! Is anyone even talking about it in Indy?

So Palmer still wants to play, but he wants to start. He is not going to come out of retirement to play a few games for the Colts and then ride the bench when Manning gets back. Also what are you planning on giving up for a back up QB that will be riding the bench next year? People thought about it and as much as it would be nice to have it realistically it is not going to happen.

My big worry is Collin's health. The guy is a statue back there and our offensive line is not that great. I fully expect him to miss some time and we will see Painter out there.

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at least he is confident while standing in the pocket he just needs to know when its time to go, he just needs to shake the rust off, in Collins i believe

Thank you! I'm glad someone's supporting him on here, that's what we need. What we don't need is people throwing him under the bus after one game. We also don't need the O-line doing what they were doing every time Collins went down on Sunday. My dad and I were at the game, and toward the end of the first half he pointed this out to me - whenever Collins got hit, no one ever helped him up. I don't care that he fumbled twice inside our own 20, or that we were loosing 34-0, the least they could do is give him a hand and help him to his feet. I couldn't believe it. Do they not believe in him or support him? Did anyone else notice this?

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Oh yes let's get Carson Palmer. A QB who is a shell of his former self who can get clobbered in PLACE of Collins!

There is only one QB that can help us - and he's injured. It really, really REALLY doesn't matter who else we try and plug in behind this atrocious O-line.

I don't think Peyton himself could do much behind that line... They were somehow worse on Sunday than they were last year. How such a thing is possible I'll never know, but there it is...

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The Steelers game could see him get hurt. We couldn't protect him against the base pass rush on Sunday, and we had less than zero chance against even a simple blitz. The Steelers will use exotic blitzes, and I expect our line will react by just dropping to the fetal position and try not to get run over.

's gonna be ugly. Real ugly. Especially if they lose to the Seahawks this weekend and come into town 0-2.

That is definitely going to be a brutal game for Collins. If the Steelers go 0-2 I will feel sorry for him. I hope he survives, I really don't want to see Painter out there, but maybe the kid would get better with some actual experience.

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depends on how long collins decides to just drop back and stand like a pole ... i mean he didnt move at all in the pocket

1. He's never been known for moving.

2. You have to have time to move. Someone timed it out he had 1.9 and 1.8 seconds to throw on a couple of passes Sunday. I don't care who you have behind that line with what kind of release they had they are going to sacked and beat up.

The bottm line is the line must play better.

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GET CARSON PALMER! My god how hard is it?!?!?! His rights are with the Bengals but I am sure a trade can be worked out. This guy steps in and the Colts don't miss a beat. Get it done! Is anyone even talking about it in Indy?

1. He wont fit under the cap.

2. The Bengals don't want to trade him. Just because we might want someone doesn't mean the other team is going to deal him.

3. We would have to give up something of extreme value for him that will help us address the real issues with the team.

4. Palmer is not going to want to be a back up once Peyton is back.

So the answer? Pretty hard.

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