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OT: Anyone else have trouble gaining access to The Forums?


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Took me 5 hours to get into The Forum section of this website today.


I started trying at 9:15a here on the West Coast.     Didn't get in until roughly 2:15p....


The pages simply wouldn't load.   


And this is the only website where I had that problem.     I was on ESPN.com....   I was on my Stanford website.     I was on other news websites.    All loaded properly.


But here?     5 hours.     I'd get to the main page,  click on the forums message boards....   and the system would cycle and cycle and cycle and just never load.


Anyone else have trouble?


Moderators?    Any other reported trouble anywhere?


Thanks for any assistance....


p.s. -- one last thought.    This is NOT the first time I've had this type of trouble.   I have it here often.  But not for 5 hours.    Sometimes I have to wait 5 minutes.    But not 5 hours.    And yet I did today....

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I'm sure that everyone had problems. My assumption at first was that there was a huge crush of Colts fans because of the playoff game, but then it became evident from Nadine's multiple status updates regarding technical problems that it was more than that.


You can always PM her when you have a technical problem. No need to suffer quietly, nor solicit the other victims for a consensus.

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I'm sure that everyone had problems. My assumption at first was that there was a huge crush of Colts fans because of the playoff game, but then it became evident from Nadine's multiple status updates regarding technical problems that it was more than that.


You can always PM her when you have a technical problem. No need to suffer quietly, nor solicit the other victims for a consensus.


But MAC..We LIKE making you suffer..its part of the charm of the Forum.. :D


Seriously though, it also happened to me last week right after the end of the game. I also figured that we probably had way more volume than normal, and it overloaded the servers...

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I'm sure that everyone had problems. My assumption at first was that there was a huge crush of Colts fans because of the playoff game, but then it became evident from Nadine's multiple status updates regarding technical problems that it was more than that.


You can always PM her when you have a technical problem. No need to suffer quietly, nor solicit the other victims for a consensus.



Wasn't going for a consensus.   Just trying to get a sense of the seriousness of the problem,  and/or if it was just me.


I'm not the most computer savvy guy,  so I held out that it might be me instead of the Colts website.    But, if others had problems, then maybe it wasn't me?


Just askin....    but I'll drop Nadine a note at your suggestion,   thanks....

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Yep I had that problem today too before the game started.  I was able to make 1 post, then it kept kicking me off, wouldn't re-load the pages.  I just figured there was alot of traffic and the servers weren't able to handle it.

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I'm sure that everyone had problems. My assumption at first was that there was a huge crush of Colts fans because of the playoff game, but then it became evident from Nadine's multiple status updates regarding technical problems that it was more than that.


You can always PM her when you have a technical problem. No need to suffer quietly, nor solicit the other victims for a consensus.

Well MAC I would have sent Nadine a PM but you can't send a PM if your not able to get on the forum so that was not an option to me. I also couldn't read the status updates either no forum no nothing. :)  All finally started working but just took a while and was slow. Technical problems do happen just bad timing. ;)

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But MAC..We LIKE making you suffer..its part of the charm of the Forum.. :D


Seriously though, it also happened to me last week right after the end of the game. I also figured that we probably had way more volume than normal, and it overloaded the servers...

Wasn't going for a consensus.   Just trying to get a sense of the seriousness of the problem,  and/or if it was just me.


I'm not the most computer savvy guy,  so I held out that it might be me instead of the Colts website.    But, if others had problems, then maybe it wasn't me?


Just askin....    but I'll drop Nadine a note at your suggestion,   thanks....

Well MAC I would have sent Nadine a PM but you can't send a PM if your not able to get on the forum so that was not an option to me. I also couldn't read the status updates either no forum no nothing. :)  All finally started working but just took a while and was slow. Technical problems do happen just bad timing. ;)

:lol: You'll have to try a bit harder ColtsFan4Life. No suffering here.


Susie, good point :D - I meant in place of the thread that he opened after the problem had gone away. He was also talking about having a problem prior to today as well. My point was that Nadine is THE contact for technical issues. We can commiserate all we want, but she can actually DO something about it.


Of course as everyone noted, it's a rational assumption that sometimes the site is just slow for all of us, and there is nothing to be done about it. Nadine probably wouldn't thank me for encouraging 1,000 people to PM her about something that is fleeting and out of her control.


But NewColtsFan, the essence of computer troubleshooting is trial and error. If you find this forum working a lot slower for you than normal, but other sites that are more demanding of your pc's resources (NFL.com, others with lots of video running out of control) work just fine - than the odds of the problem being with your pc (or your carrier) are slim.

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Yep I had that problem today too before the game started.  I was able to make 1 post, then it kept kicking me off, wouldn't re-load the pages.  I just figured there was alot of traffic and the servers weren't able to handle it.

Same here, so I clicked over to NFL.com.


Wait, now that I think about it, this is what cost us the game. Colts fans were unable to unite our MOJO using the forum! Mods may need to investigate how the Raven fans pulled this off. I dub it "anti-mojo-gate 2013" and demand answers! :)

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