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The 100% Optimistic No Mention Of 18 Thread


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No doom or Gloom allowed. I'll start.

The Colts win this weekend and enough to win the AFC South to host a home playoff game. .....Oh yeah Colts beat the Pattsies in Dec (Sticking to my rules prevents me from "mentioning" it but, Dec 4 is 3 months away!!!)

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No doom or Gloom allowed. I'll start.

The Colts win this weekend and enough to win the AFC South to host a home playoff game. .....Oh yeah Colts beat the Pattsies in Dec (Sticking to my rules prevents me from "mentioning" it but, Dec 4 is 3 months away!!!)

I love your attitude and enthusiasm, but what was the 18th thread and why can't we mention it? (J/K)

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No doom or Gloom allowed. I'll start.

The Colts win this weekend and enough to win the AFC South to host a home playoff game. .....Oh yeah Colts beat the Pattsies in Dec (Sticking to my rules prevents me from "mentioning" it but, Dec 4 is 3 months away!!!)

Okay, I'll bite.

I think that our Colts will be able to win four or five games to take us to our bye week... which as you said, happens to be just about three months away. If we can utilize the running games, and Collins gets a rhthym with our recievers, we should be able to put enough points on the board. And our defense can hopefully step up and keep the other teams' points off the board!

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I think there are many games we can win this year. I feel we get 2 against the jags, 2 against the titans, the bengals, the browns, and the panthers.

Now that is 7 games that we should and I feel will get.

All we need is 3 or 4 more.


Houston ( hope we can split)

Chiefs: I personally think they take a step back this year.

Bucs: I know they are getting better, but a very winnable game.

The fourth has got to be a surprise team.

Im going with Pittsburgh, they are talented, but there offense doesn't scare me a whole lot. We have also done a good job against Ben on D. This is a home game with the lights on.

So that would put as at 11-5. Maybe I'm being overly optimistic, but I feel its attainable.

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I predict the Colts will be between 7-3 and 5-5 at the bye. After the bye, I think they will go either 4-2 or 3-3. Hence, I think they will finish between 11-5 and 8-8. I think they will be on the higher end, and if they win this weekend, I say they will win the division.

In the playoffs, under the direction of he who may not be named, the Colts will go on a tear and win the SuperBowl at home. Go Colts!

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I think there are many games we can win this year. I feel we get 2 against the jags, 2 against the titans, the bengals, the browns, and the panthers.

Now that is 7 games that we should and I feel will get.

All we need is 3 or 4 more.


Houston ( hope we can split)

Chiefs: I personally think they take a step back this year.

Bucs: I know they are getting better, but a very winnable game.

The fourth has got to be a surprise team.

Im going with Pittsburgh, they are talented, but there offense doesn't scare me a whole lot. We have also done a good job against Ben on D. This is a home game with the lights on.

So that would put as at 11-5. Maybe I'm being overly optimistic, but I feel its attainable.

I don't think you're being overly optimistic. I think you are spot on with your predictions.

I see us winning against Houston, Jacksonville(2), Tennessee(2), Tampa Bay, Kansas City, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Carolina, Atlanta and my surpsrise team would have to be New England. Out of all the teams I hate to see us lose to, it's the Patriots. So i want this win. That would put us at a 12-4 record although i believe we can win the other game against the Texans.

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I don't think you're being overly optimistic. I think you are spot on with your predictions.

I see us winning against Houston, Jacksonville(2), Tennessee(2), Tampa Bay, Kansas City, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Carolina, Atlanta and my surpsrise team would have to be New England. Out of all the teams I hate to see us lose to, it's the Patriots. So i want this win. That would put us at a 12-4 record although i believe we can win the other game against the Texans.

Ok Mr. Optimistic... but not in our house and in the SNOW :evil: ;)

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Optimistic (realistic) thinking...Collins plays the first 10 games, gets a 7-3 record with wins coming against Houston, Cleveland, Tampa, KC, Cincinnati, Tennessee and Jacksonville (losses against New Orleans, Pittsburgh and Atlanta). Manning then is ready to go, he uses the bye week to get the chemistry and timing back with the offense. He has some struggles, but still leads the team to a win against Carolina. Indy loses to New England, but wins the rest of the season and ends with a 12-4 record. Teams only have half a season of film on Manning as opposed to a full season, so they aren't as prepared when it comes to the playoffs. The Colt end up winning the Super Bowl on home turf! :lombardi:

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I think the Colts will win 10 games max (but that will be enough to win our division). If the injury bug hits our other stars again (Collie, Addai, Clark, etc.) then we'll win between 6-8 games. If Nevis becomes a star then the D will rise and we'll win some close games on Vinnie's leg. I absolutely don't see a collapse for this team of less then 6 wins (too many playmakers with experience and pride). Teams than win less than 6 games are teams that beat themselves (the Colts won't become that).

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I honestly am being as optimistic as possible and here's what I've thought of. I think this will help us in the way we will have 2 rookies Oline that need tons of practice/game time to get better. I think having Kerry Collins is a disadvantage to them but at the same time will make them work harder/get better as Kerry takes much longer than PM ever did to throw a ball. Also we will have to establish a run game, and a solid one at that. I think Addai or Carter could have a beast year, it's just about who's going to show up. Defenses will be playing the run a lot more so this should open up Dallas Clark/Collie. I still think Reggie Wayne is going to have a monster year(for having Kerry Collins). Hopefully he can keep his streak of 1000 yd seasons going.

We have a good team that's had one of the best drafts there was this year in the NFL. Drake Nevis is another addition that very well may turn out to be the steal of the draft. I personally think we have a chance to win 10 games, will we do it? Idk, but it is possible. I'm looking forward to this year regardless of all the PM doom and gloom. It will be a different year and probably a lot more rough than we have had, but maybe it will help us get better as a team, and make us stop relying on PM to save our * like he has so many times. I believe in the Colts and always will and hope for a enjoyable season :).

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With Painter I am not ruling that out I mean he's no Jim Sorgi when it comes to clipboard holding...

Sorgi had poise. Sorgi was confident with the clipboard. Every Sunday morning, Sorgi woke up and said "I am going to hold this clipboard and they will love me!" and the results show exactly that:


He only needs one hand to hold the clipboard (confidence in his forearm muscles) and Peyton has no trouble letting him do that.

With Painter on the other hand, it's a little different. Even after he had a long time on the sidelines and the coaches let him have the starting clipboard-holder job, Peyton still has to show him the ropes:


"Listen Curtis, Jim only held the clipboard with 1 hand. This is a man's game."

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I don't think you're being overly optimistic. I think you are spot on with your predictions.

I see us winning against Houston, Jacksonville(2), Tennessee(2), Tampa Bay, Kansas City, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Carolina, Atlanta and my surpsrise team would have to be New England. Out of all the teams I hate to see us lose to, it's the Patriots. So i want this win. That would put us at a 12-4 record although i believe we can win the other game against the Texans.

Yes beating the Pats is something I'd love to see but not as much as beating the Saints. A few turnovers in the SB and they think they are better than us...to this day. We should have and could have won that game. That loss still stings and I need some pain relief. lol. Their defense looks terrible and we can so take them if we stay healthy and play like I know we can.

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