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Peyton & Eli's Kind Gesture To Pats Kraft Who Says It Broke His Heart


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Boston Globe notes the kind gesture of Colts quarterback Peyton Manning and Giants quarterback Eli Manning. Both made what owner Robert Kraft called "substantial donations" to the Myra Kraft Giving Back Fund.

"We lost our ability to win Super Bowls back-to-back years to Manning brothers,

and then to see each of them send very generous checks to this fund . . .

and Peyton wrote me a beautiful note,

" Kraft tells Bedard.

"They’re sort of two people that broke my heart on the field in back-to-back years, and then they warm my heart with generous donations.

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This is so good for football, but won't get nearly the same level of publicity as the negative things which take place around the world. Even rivals like Brady and Manning, Nadal and Federer, etc., can be total class acts, giving back money and time for great causes. Yet we will hear only about how rivalries are "soft," or how greedy these athletes are making millions of dollars to play sports.

Rant aside, all the best to Robert Kraft, his family, and the foundation.

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To be fair, the things are completely unrelated in a sense. Manning is a football fan, player and a good human being. Kraft is a rival owner but a human being as well and in the light of a sad ending to a relationship, there is a human need and the Mannings were able to donate money to help those human needs. It is separated from football IMO because it is the human part of life and not the competitive part of life. Kudos to the Mannings and wouldn't it be nice to see others be able to do the same things, not neccessarily in the NFL but in general life as well.

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Not shocking based on what you know about the Manning boys, Archie and Oliva did a good job raising them.

Great gesture by the Mannings.

Not sure what the sentiment is in New Orleans towards the Manning family. From what I heard, some despise Archie for evading taxes or something like that and possibly receiving preferential treatment but then they also appreciate what Peyton & Eli did for them Post Katrina. But for now, their immediate savior seems to be Drew Brees :). I would not be surprised if Brees supplants Archie's stature in the NOLA community by the time his career is done.

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Very true Dougan.

I like to read the comments posted after I read an article to see what others have said about the article.

I don't know how it turned into a Peyton bashing thread but it did.


Ignore those * (and I'm being kind with that description). Kraft is a classy guy and runs a great organization. I've always had respect for them in that sense. Hate their guts on the field and hope they lose every game, but admire the way they do things. :applause:

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manning makes so many donations to so many different organizations, it's too bad people don't know his real generous side.

I think I read that all of his commercial money goes to charities. Not sure where I read it, but if so, that's a boatload of money.

Cut that meat!

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Nice to see. It's really insane to think of Kraft's impact in the NFL now after the lockout. He was the main guy to get it back together according to Saturday, even though he was going through a very difficult loss. It's nice to see the Manning bros donate to these foundations. Anything that helps make the community better is great in my book

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I think I read that all of his commercial money goes to charities. Not sure where I read it, but if so, that's a boatload of money.

Cut that meat!

I am sure some part of it goes to peytons Pey back foundation that supports many charities here are few links about it, cant find the main page that I used to visit

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Very true Dougan.

I like to read the comments posted after I read an article to see what others have said about the article.

I don't know how it turned into a Peyton bashing thread but it did.


I usually read those comments as well but forgot this time; glad I didn't now. You're right, it is sad.

Congrats to Peyton and Eli and others for their kind gestures. The world is a poorer place without people like Myra Kraft.

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