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Reggie Wayne Does Not Approve Of Signing


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I was disappointed that Reggie said what he said, how he said it. Not the best welcome a professional organization like the Colts could give. But I think Reggie should know that Collins throwing at the stands, is better than Painter throwing at the other teams defenders any day. Collins is around a .500 QB (81-96 record), and if he can give us those numbers if Manning is out... we'll be doing as well as expected.

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"We don't even know him, we ain't vanilla, man, we ain't no simple offense," receiver Reggie Wayne said. "So for him to can come in here and be the starter, I don't see it. I think that's a step back."

"Who says Kerry's going to be the starter?" Wayne said. "Just because we bring him in doesn't mean he's the starter. He's got to learn too, right? Unless they gave him a playbook months ago, he's got to learn to.

"I don't care who you are, I mean I'm not going to let anyone just come in here and just push someone (like Painter) aside like you're that dog now, you know what I mean?" Wayne added.

Sounds like Reggie supports Painter through all of his struggles and I believe this is what Painter needs to see himself and hear to know some leaders have his back despite the signing. Maybe it will light a fire or maybe he will continue to fall apart in actual games. Nice to see a leader fired up about the situation though.

I think reggie wasnt wearing his glasses to see Painters performance or either hes an award winning actor. Reggie will get over it

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I always believe that players need to soak in sudden business decisions like these and go before the microphone the next day. The reporters sure love placing the microphone right when things have happened. Reggie has always been a team player and if the coaches believe Kerry Collins gives them the best chance to win, Reggie will eventually go with it, no doubt in my mind, he probably could have explained a little more stating that Painter needs to have ALL the starter playmakers on offense before you evaluate him for a whole game. But Reggie chose to provide only what he felt and not elaborate on why he felt it, that is a result of the Collins signing not completely soaking in for a while before going before the microphone, especially for the offensive playmakers :).

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Dont know that players should be commenting negatively about personnel decisions. Quickest way to a divided lockerroom. You dont support one player on your team at the expense of another in the media, even if thats what you think. Not a classy move at all by Wayne.

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I think Wayne was doing what all teammates do. Stand up for his teammates. He didn't really attack Collins, he just sorta took offense to people just handing Collins the starting job (if 18 can't go) without even seeing him on the field. Also if you buy that the problem with Painter is a lack of confidence having Wayne stand up for him can only help that. I don't think you have to worry about a divided lockerroom with the Colts. They have the leaders to handle that and while Wayne might have mouthed off alitle bit yesterday he'll check himself if needed. Frankly if they can handle week 16 and still get to a Super Bowl after it they can handle Reggie Wayne standing up for Painter.

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Dont know that players should be commenting negatively about personnel decisions. Quickest way to a divided lockerroom. You dont support one player on your team at the expense of another in the media, even if thats what you think. Not a classy move at all by Wayne.

Wayne said nothing about Collins, all he did was stand up for Painter and say the truth, who has said Collins will be the starter? We have all given him that title but the team has not said it. Collins is going to be given a chance to win the top back up job and I like most think he'll win it but Wayne is probably getting a little tired of everyone bashing on his other teammate Painter. That's what I took from it, more of a defense of Painter then it was an attack on Collins. Other than that he's right they don't know Collins and it is a hard offense to learn even for vets and I think he's just taking offense to the idea you can sign someone off the street and have them come in and start right away at QB. He's just saying Collins is going to have earn his spot which he will. I am sure if he does Wayne is going to have his back just like does Painter.

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"We don't even know him, we ain't vanilla, man, we ain't no simple offense," receiver Reggie Wayne said. "So for him to can come in here and be the starter, I don't see it. I think that's a step back."

"Who says Kerry's going to be the starter?" Wayne said. "Just because we bring him in doesn't mean he's the starter. He's got to learn too, right? Unless they gave him a playbook months ago, he's got to learn to.

"I don't care who you are, I mean I'm not going to let anyone just come in here and just push someone (like Painter) aside like you're that dog now, you know what I mean?" Wayne added.

Sounds like Reggie supports Painter through all of his struggles and I believe this is what Painter needs to see himself and hear to know some leaders have his back despite the signing. Maybe it will light a fire or maybe he will continue to fall apart in actual games. Nice to see a leader fired up about the situation though.

Well I think the Colts management made a great move to have a back-up Veteran QB. Reggie Wayne is a great player, but needs to just concentrate on his job, and let everyone else do theirs.

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It looks like placing the team entirely on Peyton’s shoulders is starting to catch up to the Colts. While they have beenvery successful with that formula, injuries can occur at any time to anyone...

I agree that the Colts should have drafted a better QB this past draft. Yes, it would suck to have to use a higher draft pick for a guy thats going to ride the bench, but they should be prepared. Thats why it baffles me when I see other people posting saying the Colts should wait till Mannings last yr. to draft his replacement. That would be a horrible idea and one that could set the team back for yrs. and yrs.. Who cares if the guy has to sit on the bench for a few yrs. at least he would be learning from the very best of all time. They can not wait and then draft another 6th or 7th rd. talent guy. They are going to have to bite the bullet and draft a higher rd. guy and hope they hit a homerun with him.

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I agree that the Colts should have drafted a better QB this past draft. Yes, it would suck to have to use a higher draft pick for a guy thats going to ride the bench, but they should be prepared. Thats why it baffles me when I see other people posting saying the Colts should wait till Mannings last yr. to draft his replacement. That would be a horrible idea and one that could set the team back for yrs. and yrs.. Who cares if the guy has to sit on the bench for a few yrs. at least he would be learning from the very best of all time. They can not wait and then draft another 6th or 7th rd. talent guy. They are going to have to bite the bullet and draft a higher rd. guy and hope they hit a homerun with him.

I would bet they do in next years draft.. 2nd round

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This is all about the first 3 games..

They've got to get one....Cant go 0-3....

If the Colts win the opener at Houston....not impossible with Collins..but unlikely with Curtis....they're in good shape

It buys the Colts until the 3rd week against Pittsburgh....a Sunday night home game they probably cannot win without Peyton Manning.

If they lose the opener..they must win the second game or there is a real possibility of an 0-3 start..something they cant recover from with this schedule.

But if Manning needs another month.....until the Monday night game at Tampa on Oct 3...If the Colts could be 2-1 when they take the field that night..

...we can still get the best record in the AFC..which is gold this year for Indy....We can still make the playoffs with a 1-2 start...

But not 0-3...

I'm impressed that Colts management would spend $4 mil for basically 3 games...

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Well Reggie I still don't approve of your half-hearted effort on that pick six in the Super Bowl.

Why would we need to bring in a TO or Moss to elevate your game? Maybe that is why you are still looking for an extension.

Your gonna blame reggie on that int?? if anything it should be peyton who should get the blame, he should have seen the corner sitting on that play yet he still threw it... And its called competition it makes you step your game up.

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Your gonna blame reggie on that int?? if anything it should be peyton who should get the blame, he should have seen the corner sitting on that play yet he still threw it... And its called competition it makes you step your game up.

Clearly. If he goes 100% it's incomplete at best. The corner got lucky because do have a combo route off of it where after coming in he goes deep. If that would have been the call, Porter would have been toast.

Yes it is called competition and Reggie didn't step his game up.

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Clearly. If he goes 100% it's incomplete at best. The corner got lucky because do have a combo route off of it where after coming in he goes deep. If that would have been the call, Porter would have been toast.

Yes it is called competition and Reggie didn't step his game up.

Reggie is not the type to not give anything BUT 100% especially when its in the superbowl, that was just a bad pass by peyton. Porter did not get lucky either he saw peyton coming his way so he jumped infront of wayne and took the pass, theres no arguing that.

What are you talking about he didnt step up, you were talking about what does T.O coming have anything to do with him stepping up.. reggie had a career high last year... Your starting to confuse me mate.

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Glad to see that Wayne is coming to the aid of one of his teammates . . . and I can see the fact that one might want to voice an opinion in that it not right to bring some one into the team with no senoirity and take over the #2 spot . . . on one hand I can understand that, but on the other if the present #2 is not performing up to the team's expectations then you got to bring someone in . . . true Painter has rarely, if ever, played a snap with all the 1s in a meaningful game, so he has not had the benefit of all the starters in the game with all trying to win and not trying to avoid injury . . .

but i guess it looks openly like the team wants a bring in a vet backup just in case PM can't go . . . and if he performs well as expected he can hold serve early in the season till PM gets back and will be able to help save the colts seasons, no one wants to go 0-5, 1-4 , etc to start, if you can stay .500 or even a game better, PM can take over and help get the team to the playoff . . but if you start 1-4 it will be tough to make the playoffs . . .

collins gives you the option of being north of 1-4 and thus an opportunity to kept your playoff hopes realistic . . .

so i think things will be okay with Reggie, . . . he'll probably take the advice of Magic Johnson, and "calm [himself] down and get back in [his] game"

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Reggie is not the type to not give anything BUT 100% especially when its in the superbowl, that was just a bad pass by peyton. Porter did not get lucky either he saw peyton coming his way so he jumped infront of wayne and took the pass, theres no arguing that.

Tracy Porter made a great play, that is very much true. Collie was relatively more open than Wayne but given the fact that Garcon had a drive killing drop in quarter 1 and Collie ran the wrong way leading to a long FG try for Stover, both those instances had to be in the back of Peyton's mind when he went to his reliable blanket Wayne. They dried double moves earlier but Porter was able to keep up with Wayne. Besides, once the Saints got the lead 24-16, a few players prior to that INT, on an out route, their rookie safety Jenkins almost jumped the out route to Wayne. That should have prompted Peyton to call the double move one more time probably. If you see NFL Network's America's Game about the Saints' SB win, you see Payton screaming before the pass, "hey Tracy, watch for the SLUG, which is a slant and go route for a double move".

So, at the beginning of the play, Porter played off Wayne to prevent the SLUG and Wayne & Manning underestimated Tracy's recovery speed to get not only on par with Wayne but in front of Wayne. Wayne was the first read, then Collie was in his vision, and then Wayne again, and by that time, Tracy jumped it, Manning had to wait for the stacked WRs to create some spacing. If Manning went to Wayne as soon as he saw Porter playing off Wayne a bit, Tracy may not have had the time to do anything but stop Wayne in his tracks after catching the ball. Brady was asked about that INT and if the route was intended for Wayne, Brady did not understand why Wayne stopped short. So, I can understand why people think Wayne stopped short but I firmly do not think Wayne thought Manning was coming to him, that has to explain why he did not break as much as he normally would have. It is water under the bridge now.

This one has a good description of it:


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Reggie is not the type to not give anything BUT 100% especially when its in the superbowl, that was just a bad pass by peyton. Porter did not get lucky either he saw peyton coming his way so he jumped infront of wayne and took the pass, theres no arguing that.

What are you talking about he didnt step up, you were talking about what does T.O coming have anything to do with him stepping up.. reggie had a career high last year... Your starting to confuse me mate.

I'm sorry you can't keep up or comprehend.

Reggie clearly didn't run that route in the Super Bowl the way he has countless times. Porter got extremely lucky, because A) on the combo route where Wayne runs a fly, Manning usually throws a pump fake into it to get the DB to bite. B) If reggie were giving maximum effort the ball is incomplete at worst as opposed to being walked back the other way. There is no arguing that he picked it off, but we clearly have a difference of opinion on who is to blame.

He didn't step up on that play in the Super Bowl, see above if you are still confused. He mentioned TO and how that would make him compete even more. It shouldn't take that. He should be going full bore all the time and the play in the Super Bowl is just one example of a time that he wasn't. Was he hurt? Maybe, but if he's too hurt to run the route properly, then he needs to be on the sideline.

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Great way to greet a new teammate, Reggie. I'm not a huge fan of Kerry Collins by any stretch, but Collins was very humble about becoming a Colt and being on the same team as Peyton and about the Colt's organization in general. I think that same kind of respect should have been given him.

I totally disagree with some of the others posting that we can win games without Peyton. I personally don't see us winning any games without him. I think he's that important to this team. I can't think of any other player in the NFL that I'd say that about.

I don't want to have this post sound completely negative, but I also feel that we really need to upgrade at head coach. I know that Jim Caldwell has a good winning percentage. That's entirely due to having the greatest quarterback of all time on our team. There are many available head coaches that could put us over the top and we're pretending that Caldwell is not a problem. He's a gigantic problem and I'm not sure that we can overcome that.

I love the Colts and there's not a bigger Peyton Manning fan on the planet. I want him to get more Superbowl rings to shut up all the haters that bring up that he only has the one ring. He, as well as all the rest of our team, deserves to have the best available coaching staff possible.

Go Colts!!!!!!!!

Win no games without Peyton? Do have any faith in the rest of the team? Im tired of the notion that the Colts only have 1 good player. Ok he's great but this team has many very good players spread throughout the team. Combine them with just a decent QB and they can many games, atleast .500.

Sorry I just hear that enough from the talking heads.

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Tracy Porter made a great play, that is very much true. Collie was relatively more open than Wayne but given the fact that Garcon had a drive killing drop in quarter 1 and Collie ran the wrong way leading to a long FG try for Stover, both those instances had to be in the back of Peyton's mind when he went to his reliable blanket Wayne. They dried double moves earlier but Porter was able to keep up with Wayne. Besides, once the Saints got the lead 24-16, a few players prior to that INT, on an out route, their rookie safety Jenkins almost jumped the out route to Wayne. That should have prompted Peyton to call the double move one more time probably. If you see NFL Network's America's Game about the Saints' SB win, you see Payton screaming before the pass, "hey Tracy, watch for the SLUG, which is a slant and go route for a double move".

So, at the beginning of the play, Porter played off Wayne to prevent the SLUG and Wayne & Manning underestimated Tracy's recovery speed to get not only on par with Wayne but in front of Wayne. Wayne was the first read, then Collie was in his vision, and then Wayne again, and by that time, Tracy jumped it, Manning had to wait for the stacked WRs to create some spacing. If Manning went to Wayne as soon as he saw Porter playing off Wayne a bit, Tracy may not have had the time to do anything but stop Wayne in his tracks after catching the ball. Brady was asked about that INT and if the route was intended for Wayne, Brady did not understand why Wayne stopped short. So, I can understand why people think Wayne stopped short but I firmly do not think Wayne thought Manning was coming to him, that has to explain why he did not break as much as he normally would have. It is water under the bridge now.

This one has a good description of it:


To ME all the explanation goes out the window when the most basic thing they teach you being a QB is to get the man thats open, collie was open it doent matter if he had droped 5 balls straight before the guy had a great season given the time he played in the reg season. it was a 3rd n 5 giving the colts 2 tries to convert. Peyton didnt even go through his reads, he just turned his head to garcon when he snapped the ball and threw the ball. but this is all in the pass though, but i do know one thing when it comes to pressure in the playoffs peyton always drops down to average.

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I'm sorry you can't keep up or comprehend.

Reggie clearly didn't run that route in the Super Bowl the way he has countless times. Porter got extremely lucky, because A) on the combo route where Wayne runs a fly, Manning usually throws a pump fake into it to get the DB to bite. B) If reggie were giving maximum effort the ball is incomplete at worst as opposed to being walked back the other way. There is no arguing that he picked it off, but we clearly have a difference of opinion on who is to blame.

He didn't step up on that play in the Super Bowl, see above if you are still confused. He mentioned TO and how that would make him compete even more. It shouldn't take that. He should be going full bore all the time and the play in the Super Bowl is just one example of a time that he wasn't. Was he hurt? Maybe, but if he's too hurt to run the route properly, then he needs to be on the sideline.

Maybe you need to go watch the game again, collie was open!!! peyton did not go through his reads granted that sometimes you cant be able to but this is not the first time peyton has tried to squeeze in a ball, peytons eyes was to reggie's side the WHOLE time. That is normally how reggie gets out of his cuts when getting ready to make a cut or faking you studder then you make your cut but peyton just threw the ball without wayne even facing him yet... guess what thats not the first time that has happened on the pass play to stokely when peyton had the 49 TD's peyton threw the ball without stokely even looking... of course that was an amazing pass and move by stokely one of the best but that just shows thats not the first time peyton has thrown a ball without the player already out of his route and facing him.

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To ME all the explanation goes out the window when the most basic thing they teach you being a QB is to get the man thats open, collie was open it doent matter if he had droped 5 balls straight before the guy had a great season given the time he played in the reg season. it was a 3rd n 5 giving the colts 2 tries to convert. Peyton didnt even go through his reads, he just turned his head to garcon when he snapped the ball and threw the ball. but this is all in the pass though, but i do know one thing when it comes to pressure in the playoffs peyton always drops down to average.

Yeah, the great YOU, that defends Painter to the nth degree that folds like a lawn chair under pressure but is quick to blame Peyton, hmmm...? Explanations do matter, and pressure on a QB, no matter how great the QB, does matter in any play to ME. I am sure you think NFL offenses function based on "I throw, you catch". What is this? Pop Warner? Ever heard of QBs throwing to a WR in anticipation before they come out of the break because NFL CBs can break too??? If QBs only threw to WRs that were wide open every single time, we won't be completing passes.

Btw, in your haste, you typed Garcon instead of Wayne, just sayin!!!

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Maybe you need to go watch the game again, collie was open!!! peyton did not go through his reads granted that sometimes you cant be able to but this is not the first time peyton has tried to squeeze in a ball, peytons eyes was to reggie's side the WHOLE time. That is normally how reggie gets out of his cuts when getting ready to make a cut or faking you studder then you make your cut but peyton just threw the ball without wayne even facing him yet... guess what thats not the first time that has happened on the pass play to stokely when peyton had the 49 TD's peyton threw the ball without stokely even looking... of course that was an amazing pass and move by stokely one of the best but that just shows thats not the first time peyton has thrown a ball without the player already out of his route and facing him.

Whether Collie was open or not has nothing to do with Wayne not running his route properly or at full speed. It's not like Manning had great protection on that particular play either.

Manning has thrown many passes like the one to Stokely you described. He did that a few times year and the ball was headed in the other direction. That could be blamed on mis-communication with the receiver, a wrong route run by the receiver, or a poor throw/read by Manning. More times than not he is making the right reed and a good throw.

I remember a play last season where he was wanting to throw it to White where he was anticipating him cutting left, but something told him to hold on to the ball. White didn't cut left, and when Manning tried to unload it to him it was picked off anyway. I think this was against Dallas..

I remember seeing a set of #'s that when Marvin was here that Manning had a lower QBR to Marvin than he did to Wayne or other guys. He could have tried to force it to Marvin more because he was better. I think he looks for Reggie more often now because he's better than Garcon. I'm fairly certain it's the same way now with Manning/Wayne having lower a QBR. It could be Reggie facing a better CB more often and it could be Manning concentrating on him too much. He has played with him longer, than Garcon & Collie, or White, so you can't blame him for that. Brady went to Branch more often last year in key spots than he did the rookie Tight ends, because they have a better feel together.

Back to the Super Bowl play, Collie might have been open and he have been the right read, but Collie was also still a rookie at that point and Manning might have had more confidence in Wayne, who clearly wasn't running the route at full speed. If he were, then worst case scenario would have been an incomplete pass.

You also just described why the fault goes more on Wayne than Manning because it is a throw they've made quite a few times and Wayne wasn't where Manning expected him to be and where the ball went. Lack of effort? Injury? He didn't appear to slip.

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Yeah, the great YOU, that defends Painter to the nth degree that folds like a lawn chair under pressure but is quick to blame Peyton, hmmm...? Explanations do matter, and pressure on a QB, no matter how great the QB, does matter in any play to ME. I am sure you think NFL offenses function based on "I throw, you catch". What is this? Pop Warner?

Its called basics thats what it is, basically it is what it is and it was a mistake by peyton. You yourself said collie was open YET peyton kept his eye on reggie and threw the ball anyway.... but nah its reggie's fault for not coming out of hit route much faster.

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Yeah, you go from a Painter defender to Manning attacker pretty quickly, bro. Not going to win yourself too many fans taking that approach.

Im not attacking anyone here, you think what you wanna think nor am i here to make fans either im here to discuss football.

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Its called basics thats what it is, basically it is what it is and it was a mistake by peyton. You yourself said collie was open YET peyton kept his eye on reggie and threw the ball anyway.... but nah its reggie's fault for not coming out of hit route much faster.

I didn't say it was Reggie's fault totally, this is what I typed and maybe I will paste it again for you with the key letters in bold:

Brady was asked about that INT and if the route was intended for Wayne, Brady did not understand why Wayne stopped short. So, I can understand why people think Wayne stopped short but I firmly do not think Wayne thought Manning was coming to him, that has to explain why he did not break as much as he normally would have.

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Whether Collie was open or not has nothing to do with Wayne not running his route properly or at full speed. It's not like Manning had great protection on that particular play either.

Manning has thrown many passes like the one to Stokely you described. He did that a few times year and the ball was headed in the other direction. That could be blamed on mis-communication with the receiver, a wrong route run by the receiver, or a poor throw/read by Manning. More times than not he is making the right reed and a good throw.

I remember a play last season where he was wanting to throw it to White where he was anticipating him cutting left, but something told him to hold on to the ball. White didn't cut left, and when Manning tried to unload it to him it was picked off anyway. I think this was against Dallas..

I remember seeing a set of #'s that when Marvin was here that Manning had a lower QBR to Marvin than he did to Wayne or other guys. He could have tried to force it to Marvin more because he was better. I think he looks for Reggie more often now because he's better than Garcon. I'm fairly certain it's the same way now with Manning/Wayne having lower a QBR. It could be Reggie facing a better CB more often and it could be Manning concentrating on him too much. He has played with him longer, than Garcon & Collie, or White, so you can't blame him for that. Brady went to Branch more often last year in key spots than he did the rookie Tight ends, because they have a better feel together.

Back to the Super Bowl play, Collie might have been open and he have been the right read, but Collie was also still a rookie at that point and Manning might have had more confidence in Wayne, who clearly wasn't running the route at full speed. If he were, then worst case scenario would have been an incomplete pass.

You also just described why the fault goes more on Wayne than Manning because it is a throw they've made quite a few times and Wayne wasn't where Manning expected him to be and where the ball went. Lack of effort? Injury? He didn't appear to slip.

the point is peyton stared down reggie and porter jumped on the ball, fans can try to argue the point as much as they want or try to come to a conclusion but its as simple as that. One key thing you gotta make key is the word "jump" cause thats what porter did wayne he came in front of him and caught the ball, that ball was accurate and wayne coming out of his route when tracy jumped him. There was no lack of effort no injury a CB simply jumped his route, thats it.

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I didn't say it was Reggie's fault totally, this is what I typed and maybe I will paste it again for you with the key letters in bold:

Brady was asked about that INT and if the route was intended for Wayne, Brady did not understand why Wayne stopped short. So, I can understand why people think Wayne stopped short but I firmly do not think Wayne thought Manning was coming to him, that has to explain why he did not break as much as he normally would have.

Im not saying that you said it was his fault, i was just pointing out that peyton made a mistake and he chose to throw it to someone that wasnt open... and thats not his first time as you saw in the vid i posted... Then again thats what makes peyton so great is the throws he makes... Just like the type of crazy throws Farve makes even when it gets picked off.

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the point is peyton stared down reggie and porter jumped on the ball, fans can try to argue the point as much as they want or try to come to a conclusion but its as simple as that. One key thing you gotta make key is the word "jump" cause thats what porter did wayne he came in front of him and caught the ball, that ball was accurate and wayne coming out of his route when tracy jumped him. There was no lack of effort no injury a CB simply jumped his route, thats it.

Maybe you should watch it again. If Wayne would have been where the throw was, he either catches it, or draws a flag, or at worst, incomplete pass. You seem to ignore things they are pointed out to you. But that's fine.

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wayne is running his mouth because everyone is once again not talking about him and only talking about peyton. he will shut up once the games start.

Like I said, he went a little overboard in his efforts to defend his man, Painter, a case of putting the microphone before a player before he has had time to digest all that is happening on the business side. Once he lets the business part of the decision soak in, he will be out there helping Collins too, I can bet on that. Besides, let us not forget how much he took Garcon and Collie under his wing when Harrison was let go and Gonzo went down in 2009, that was an ignored aspect of that 2009 SB season, though a SB losing season, we are quick to forget. He wears his emotions on his sleeve, at least more than any other Colts player in front of the microphone :) that I know of right now, a little reminiscent of Edge, no wonder they both are from the U :).

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Maybe you need to go watch the game again, collie was open!!! peyton did not go through his reads granted that sometimes you cant be able to but this is not the first time peyton has tried to squeeze in a ball, peytons eyes was to reggie's side the WHOLE time. That is normally how reggie gets out of his cuts when getting ready to make a cut or faking you studder then you make your cut but peyton just threw the ball without wayne even facing him yet... guess what thats not the first time that has happened on the pass play to stokely when peyton had the 49 TD's peyton threw the ball without stokely even looking... of course that was an amazing pass and move by stokely one of the best but that just shows thats not the first time peyton has thrown a ball without the player already out of his route and facing him.

They run a timing offense.. He throws the ball ALOT before the WR turns to look.. They are supposed to be ready to catch it. Im not blaming Reg for the pick at all... But to say throwing the ball before the WR faces the QB is bad is wrong on your part

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    • I think HOU certainly got better. On defense, they added an All-Pro pass rusher in Hunter and also added Autry. They might have best ER duo in the NFL (though I say that without looking too in depth into it).   On offense, even if Diggs isn't still a great WR, you can do a lot worse at WR3. Nico had a legit breakout and Tank Dell was on pace for 1k+ yard/10+ TDs as a rookie. Even Noah Brown was productive. They have talent and depth there.   They also have a proven TE in Schultz, which I think gives their TE room the edge. Stover is also a prospect I liked. At this point, the Colts TE room doesn't have that TE1.   Colts have the better OL, but HOU is still a top 15 unit, possibly top 10 when healthy (which is the key). They dealt with injuries early last season, but once they got healthy, they were much better.   And at QB, Stroud is the more proven QB at this point.   Have to give them edge on offense overall. On defense, I would have to give them edge as well, due to their secondary. Right now, I think that's a big ? for the Colts.    I really don't see any major weakness, at least on paper. But they do have to face a gauntlet of a schedule, which probably caps their win total. Still, they should be the favorite in the AFCS.   But it's not just HOU, I think TEN is going to be much improved as well. And JAC has won 4/5 games against IND. Just overall, the AFCS should be really competitive, which makes picking up more wins tricky (vs. the past where at least one of those teams was typically bad).        
    • Summer heat's gotten to him. Somebody call somebody!
    • The only position Maniac can probably play now is on special teams! Put him on KO/KOR/Punt team! I’d kick the tires on that only if it were for vet min!
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