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Samson Satele


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Satele hasn't played great he has been OK. I have a friend who is a raider fan, asked him about Satele he said he is much like Saturday undersized but different in that he said he is a good run blocker & a fair pass, with that being his weekness. Tough though. He comes as advertised as I see it so far! :eyebrow:

I'd agree with that. I don't think he's been as bad as say Olsen or even McGlynn. I did see at least three plays on Sunday where he was getting pushed back pretty bad into Luck. I think people are disappointed over him because there were high expectations for him when he was signed and probably a little bit too high. A lot of people made him out to be the guy that would be our best lineman this year and while he's been okay he hasn't been that. If people weren't super high on him when he was signed I think people would be more content with his play right now.
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The guards to his left and to his right have nothing to do with the plays I saw.

Satele just whiffed on his man. One on one.

Watching the game I noticed, when the pocket collapsed on Luck, most of the time it was Satele's fault.

The guard play has, from time to time, been poor also.

But dont apoligize for Satele's poor play.by blaming Seth Olsen.

After watching all the games twice, I noticed that Satele generally stunk all preseason and now he stunk in week one.

I do agree however that we are stuck with him for the entire year. I dont expect Pagano or Grigson to replace Satele.

All I can do is hope Samson can improve.

If we can't determine pass protection schemes Colts have used, we can't blame Satele.


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I started this post because, on quite a few plays, I watched Samson Satele fail to hold his block.

If you miss the block, you miss the block. The scheme has nothing to do with that.

And gimme a break, the old cliche "its a whole team effort, not just one guy" that just doesnt cut it.

If a player stinks, a player stinks!

This season Satele has not taken any of the blame for the poor play of the O-line.

It seems, wiith some posters, Satele is untouchable and can do no wrong. Is it because of his look? His long hair?

They just blame Olsen or McGlynn's for all our problems,

Im just saying... Watch the tape. Or at least, against the Vikings, lets pay a bit more attention to what Satele does on the field.

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Satele is not untouchable. But if he missed the block which was supposed to be made by Olsen, I can’t blame Satele.

What if Olsen is already engaged blocking his correct man.

and Satele misses the block on his assignment?

I give up with this stuff

OK you win. Its all Seth Olsens fault.

Just cut Olsen and our line will be in great shape.

Edited by Coltssouth
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What if Olsen is already engaged blocking his correct man.

and Satele misses the block on his assignment?

I give up with this stuff

OK you win. Its all Seth Olsens fault.

Just cut Olsen and our line will be in great shape.

Build chemistry and our O-line will be in great shape. These guys have played, lets say...hm...maybe 50 plays in total during the whole preseason, there will be some mistakes in "floor-craft" until gears fit perfectly.

Edited by Coltssouth
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I am going to speak in generalities here because this is all about teamwork. That is why it is called the Offensive Line. There is not one single Offensive lineman that had a great game against the Bears. NONE! I will not even say who did the best because it was obvious if you watched the game (BTW a certain TE blocked pretty well......)

As to the topic, a good one by 1959Colts.....Who is the 'supposed leader' of the OL? Satele. Who works in correspondence with said OL leader during the course of cadence at the line of scrimmage? (Luck) Did AC get beat Sunday? Yes. Did Olsen get beat Sunday? Yes. Did Satele get beat Sunday...McGlynn.....Justice.....Link.....ALL OF THE ABOVE got beat. The Colts got beat. Satele calls the OL signals.....and yes he got beat severely minimum 3 times by Henry Melton. Yet once again was in a McGlynn missed assignment on a stunt....or yet another Olsen mismatch? OL is a team effort and it needs fixed!!

If we do not have 4 turnovers....key drops...some tip towing through holes.....we have more big gainers that would have changed the entire complexion of this football game.

This team was 2-14 last year...if Coyer was not fired it WOULD have gone 0-16. This is a work in progress, and two NEW OL brought in yesterday. Justice and Reitz out. Continuity is essential to the development of this OL and this football team.

I will say this in every thread I am in. I will root for anyone that is healthy that puts on the Blue Horshoe. I will analyze and say...."Number ___ is the worst OL or CB I have ever seen." I will say AV should hit those field goals! HOF kickers do that. I am feeling 2-1 at the bye....this team will NOT back down. :colts: :colts: :colts::blueshoe: :shoe: :helmet: :throwback: :coltshelmet::coltslogo: :coltslogo: :coltslogo: !!!

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I am going to speak in generalities here because this is all about teamwork. That is why it is called the Offensive Line. There is not one single Offensive lineman that had a great game against the Bears. NONE! I will not even say who did the best because it was obvious if you watched the game (BTW a certain TE blocked pretty well......)

As to the topic, a good one by 1959Colts.....Who is the 'supposed leader' of the OL? Satele. Who works in correspondence with said OL leader during the course of cadence at the line of scrimmage? (Luck) Did AC get beat Sunday? Yes. Did Olsen get beat Sunday? Yes. Did Satele get beat Sunday...McGlynn.....Justice.....Link.....ALL OF THE ABOVE got beat. The Colts got beat. Satele calls the OL signals.....and yes he got beat severely minimum 3 times by Henry Melton. Yet once again was in a McGlynn missed assignment on a stunt....or yet another Olsen mismatch? OL is a team effort and it needs fixed!!

If we do not have 4 turnovers....key drops...some tip towing through holes.....we have more big gainers that would have changed the entire complexion of this football game.

This team was 2-14 last year...if Coyer was not fired it WOULD have gone 0-16. This is a work in progress, and two NEW OL brought in yesterday. Justice and Reitz out. Continuity is essential to the development of this OL and this football team.

I will say this in every thread I am in. I will root for anyone that is healthy that puts on the Blue Horshoe. I will analyze and say...."Number ___ is the worst OL or CB I have ever seen." I will say AV should hit those field goals! HOF kickers do that. I am feeling 2-1 at the bye....this team will NOT back down. :colts: :colts: :colts::blueshoe: :shoe: :helmet: :throwback: :coltshelmet::coltslogo: :coltslogo: :coltslogo: !!!

well said. the starting five have played one whole quarter together and that was the first preseason game. first mcglynn was injured, now reitz and justice. some slack is in order. how many teams are going to do well with constant shuffling up front not by design but by necessity ? it looks like both reitz and justice will miss this week for certain if not more. it is what it is.

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well said. the starting five have played one whole quarter together and that was the first preseason game. first mcglynn was injured, now reitz and justice. some slack is in order. how many teams are going to do well with constant shuffling up front not by design but by necessity ? it looks like both reitz and justice will miss this week for certain if not more. it is what it is.

Thank you for the comment. All we hear is "The OL is horrible." No time to gel...some inferior talent....but any TEAM needs to play 3 phases and you can win a football game (The Chargers won with Special Teams alone for gosh sakes :)) Do I think we have any version of the old Washington Redskin Hogs? Heck no.....but this Colt team is banged up and we need to get behind who we have.

Sunday the 12th man could (WILL) win the game for us! :coltsfb:

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We all know the Oline is lacking in talent as a whole. But we will not know the overal potential of the group until they play together for a while.

i for one don't think they are lacking in talent. if the first five can get healthy and have an opportunity to play together it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see this group together for the next 4 or 5 years. they added three experienced younger veterans to reitz and castonzo. i know the majority here think they stink because they were released by other teams but circumstances change sometimes. mcglynn and justice started for the number two ranked offense in the nfl and a playoff team. the eagles brought in mudd and he decided those two didn't fit his system and proceeded to lead the eagles to a .500 season and no playoffs. it's only fair to give the first unit and opportunity to actually function as a unit before coming to any conclusions good or bad.

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So far this season everyone is disappointed with our O-line.

Linkenbach and Seth Olsen have been taking most of the criticism, being called human turnstiles etc,

But from my observations (through preseason and week 1) Samson Satele has been the Colts worst lineman.

Many times I have watched him whiff, and the rusher comes right through the middle.

I too am not thrilled with Link or Olsen, but lets give a fair share of the blame where it belongs...

Right on the shoulders of Samson Satele.

Brown average 8 yards running left an 3 running right so what do you make of that
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Brown average 8 yards running left an 3 running right so what do you make of that

That both his long runs came to the left side and to his credit Olsen made two nice blocks on those plays which i am guessing is what the coaches saw in him to put him out there. The rest of the game Olsen was not very good and of you take those two long runs out browns numbers drop like a rock to reflect that.
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That both his long runs came to the left side and to his credit Olsen made two nice blocks on those plays which i am guessing is what the coaches saw in him to put him out there. The rest of the game Olsen was not very good and of you take those two long runs out browns numbers drop like a rock to reflect that.

If you take long runs away from all rb what would they average , this oline is by far the worst I seen since ....... Man at least we could pass block is all I will say
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