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***everyone Read*** Qb Threads


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It seems that every 3rd new thread the past few days has been a new thread devoted to discussing the same 3 or 4 available QBs to add to the Colts roster. Most of the threads have added nothing new to the discussions that are ongoing on countless other threads.

Again, as it states in the rules, it is important before starting a new thread to view the current threads to see if there is one ongoing on the topic you want to start. When you have countless threads on the same topic, it does a few things. First of all, it dilutes the interest of the board in general; people take a glance, see so many threads on one topic and decide to move on. Second, some of these threads run dangerously close to spam; we do not want to consider the posters here as spammers, so please save yourself the trouble of falling into that category. If you are going to start a new thread, try to add something new to the discussion, some new angle that hasn't been discussed yet. Or check out an existing thread and add your opinion there. If it seems like it generates healthy discussion there, then start a new thread.

Just a few helpful hints!


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Come on TubaGuy, don't you know there are hundreds of different ways to say, Painter stinks?

j/k. It would be nice to have some real threads be able to stay on the first page for more than an hour... instead they get pushed down because some bozo thinks he has the solution to the back-up QB issues.

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It is getting to the point where we are going to have to have a "Let's get ((fill-in-the-blank)) QB" MEGA-MERGE thread and a "Let's hire ((fill-in-the-blank)) for head coach" MEGA-MERGE thread and put all of this stuff in there. Why? Because the front page of this forum is so trashed with multiple threads of the same stuff right now that we look disorganized and panic-stricken. This does not look like a Colts Fan forum at all.

If a new poster signed up right now, my bet is that they would take one look around and then run away like crazy :burnout:.

I know I would!

So can we please keep it all in one place? No one is saying keep it to yourself, just don't spread it all over the forum.

Thank you.

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Oh, BTW folks. To the best of my knowledge, Irsay isn't a big "forum" person. So all of the "PLEASE READ ME, JIM"-type threads fall on deaf ears here. Neither does Polian for that matter. lol

If you want Jim Irsay's attention, your best bet it to tweet him. That is where his online time is spent.


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Dear Mr Irsay, please go sign Ryan Mallet! He's proving me right, just like I told people. He was the best QB in the draft and look what he's doing. He's years better than Sorgi(sucked as well) and this dude Painter. Trade Jerry Hughes to New England for Ryan Mallet! Then we have our future QB studying under Peyton.

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What makes you think the Pats would take that trade. If he's just trade bait then they'd want alot more. But he might also be Brady's prodigy for the next few years and they have no intention of trading him soon.

P.S. Irsay doesn't visit the forums

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Dear Mr Irsay, please go sign Ryan Mallet! He's proving me right, just like I told people. He was the best QB in the draft and look what he's doing. He's years better than Sorgi(sucked as well) and this dude Painter. Trade Jerry Hughes to New England for Ryan Mallet! Then we have our future QB studying under Peyton.

It's the system. The Patriot system makes quarterbacks look good. ;)

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