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Who will be this years surprise team ( or 2)


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Usually every year theres a surprise team or 2 that either make the playoffs, or just have a much improved season from before.

So who do you believe will be this years surprise team?

I will go with the titans. I think they have a good enough offense to possibly put them into the playoffs.

So who do you believe will be this years surprise team?

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Each year, about half of the teams in the playoffs didn't make it last year. Last year, the teams in the playoffs were:















Assuming the trend remains the same and 4-6 new teams make the playoffs, I would say the following changes would take place:


-Bills make the the playoffs, Steelers don't

-Titans or Chiefs make it in, Bengals don't (I'm a little iffy on this one. My heart wants to say the Bengals make it in again because they finally seem to have a solid franchise)


-Bears make it, take the Lions out

-Philly makes it, take out Atlanta (hard for me to say because I really like the Falcons)

If I had to pick 3 teams from each conference, I would say both Titans and Chiefs make it in from the AFC and Carolina makes it in from the NFC. I would take out the Giants from the NFC and possibly the Pats or Broncos from the AFC, but it's a hard choice

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Each year, about half of the teams in the playoffs didn't make it last year. Last year, the teams in the playoffs were:















Assuming the trend remains the same and 4-6 new teams make the playoffs, I would say the following changes would take place:


-Bills make the the playoffs, Steelers don't

-Titans or Chiefs make it in, Bengals don't (I'm a little iffy on this one. My heart wants to say the Bengals make it in again because they finally seem to have a solid franchise)


-Bears make it, take the Lions out

-Philly makes it, take out Atlanta (hard for me to say because I really like the Falcons)

If I had to pick 3 teams from each conference, I would say both Titans and Chiefs make it in from the AFC and Carolina makes it in from the NFC. I would take out the Giants from the NFC and possibly the Pats or Broncos from the AFC, but it's a hard choice

Terrific post by the way. I 100% agree with the teams you picked.

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Each year, about half of the teams in the playoffs didn't make it last year. Last year, the teams in the playoffs were:















Assuming the trend remains the same and 4-6 new teams make the playoffs, I would say the following changes would take place:


-Bills make the the playoffs, Steelers don't

-Titans or Chiefs make it in, Bengals don't (I'm a little iffy on this one. My heart wants to say the Bengals make it in again because they finally seem to have a solid franchise)


-Bears make it, take the Lions out

-Philly makes it, take out Atlanta (hard for me to say because I really like the Falcons)

If I had to pick 3 teams from each conference, I would say both Titans and Chiefs make it in from the AFC and Carolina makes it in from the NFC. I would take out the Giants from the NFC and possibly the Pats or Broncos from the AFC, but it's a hard choice

I would at in the NFC the Saints don't make it and the Lions do.
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For the sake of objectivity, I'm leaving the Colts out of the equation.

In the AFC, I don't think there will be that much turnover. I think the division winners from last season will make the playoffs this season. I could see the Ravens not winning their division again, but I'd put them in as a wild card. I think the most vulnerable playoff teams from last year are the Ravens, Steelers and Texans. The two teams I think have a good chance of getting in this year that weren't would be the Bills and Chargers. I think the Broncos win their division, I'm 99.9% certain the Patriots win their division, and the Texans are the best team in the AFC South as of right now. Titans could challenge, especially if the Texans defense takes a step back or the offensive line struggles, both of which are possible. But my choice for surprise teams is the Bills and Chargers.

In the NFC, I'll go with the Eagles and Bears having the best chance to get in, and I'll call the Lions and Falcons the most vulnerable. I expect the South and the East to be super competitive (the East always is, but I think the Bucs and the Panthers can finish above .500).

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Spags is an upgrade over Williams at DC and as long as they have Brees, which they now do, their offense will be fine

I hope you're wrong! I hope you're wrong! I really, really, really absolutely, positively hope you're dead wrong!!!

I really do.

I want the Saints to go 8-8 this year. Perhaps no better than 9-7, but ONLY IF they don't make the playoffs. I want them to know that what they did cost them a spot in the post-season. I don't want them in the playoffs under any circumstances.

I want them to suffer badly.

And I sure don't want them to fall apart. I don't want them rewarded with a high draft pick.

No, I want them right around .500.... I want them to know they were ***this close*** and would have been there if they hadn't gone rogue on the NFL.

Please be wrong! Please be wrong! Please be wrong! Please, please, please be absolutely positively dead wrong!!!!!

Please?! :worthy:

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I hope you're wrong! I hope you're wrong! I really, really, really absolutely, positively hope you're dead wrong!!!

I really do.

I want the Saints to go 8-8 this year. Perhaps no better than 9-7, but ONLY IF they don't make the playoffs. I want them to know that what they did cost them a spot in the post-season. I don't want them in the playoffs under any circumstances.

I want them to suffer badly.

And I sure don't want them to fall apart. I don't want them rewarded with a high draft pick.

No, I want them right around .500.... I want them to know they were ***this close*** and would have been there if they hadn't gone rogue on the NFL.

Please be wrong! Please be wrong! Please be wrong! Please, please, please be absolutely positively dead wrong!!!!!

Please?! :worthy:

haha I'm with you 100%. If it were up to me, they would never win another football game ever again as long as Payton and Loomis are there.

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Tampa Bay. I think they have are going to do well under the new coach and will be very competitive in the NFC South. Maybe not win the division, but they are a team to watch this season.There's a good chance for them to make the playoffs.

Buffalo might surprise. I think they have potential to go further than last season.

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I hope you're wrong! I hope you're wrong! I really, really, really absolutely, positively hope you're dead wrong!!!

I really do.

I want the Saints to go 8-8 this year. Perhaps no better than 9-7, but ONLY IF they don't make the playoffs. I want them to know that what they did cost them a spot in the post-season. I don't want them in the playoffs under any circumstances.

I want them to suffer badly.

And I sure don't want them to fall apart. I don't want them rewarded with a high draft pick.

No, I want them right around .500.... I want them to know they were ***this close*** and would have been there if they hadn't gone rogue on the NFL.

Please be wrong! Please be wrong! Please be wrong! Please, please, please be absolutely positively dead wrong!!!!!

Please?! :worthy:

haha I'm with you 100%. If it were up to me, they would never win another football game ever again as long as Payton and Loomis are there.

I understand the ill will toward the people responsible, but there are a lot of people associated with the franchise who had nothing to do with the bounty system. I think the penalties so far have been appropriate, based on the information available now, particularly the suspensions of Williams, Payton, Loomis and Vilma. It seems that Benson told the football guys to make the bounty thing stop a long time ago, and they didn't.

I'm not a Saints fan, have no soft spot for them, but I think the punishment so far has been appropriate. I don't think the rest of the team needs to be punished as well.

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I understand the ill will toward the people responsible, but there are a lot of people associated with the franchise who had nothing to do with the bounty system. I think the penalties so far have been appropriate, based on the information available now, particularly the suspensions of Williams, Payton, Loomis and Vilma. It seems that Benson told the football guys to make the bounty thing stop a long time ago, and they didn't.

I'm not a Saints fan, have no soft spot for them, but I think the punishment so far has been appropriate. I don't think the rest of the team needs to be punished as well.

I just can't stand Payton and Loomis. I wasn't a big Payton fan before and now I really can't stand him.

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I understand the ill will toward the people responsible, but there are a lot of people associated with the franchise who had nothing to do with the bounty system. I think the penalties so far have been appropriate, based on the information available now, particularly the suspensions of Williams, Payton, Loomis and Vilma. It seems that Benson told the football guys to make the bounty thing stop a long time ago, and they didn't.

I'm not a Saints fan, have no soft spot for them, but I think the punishment so far has been appropriate. I don't think the rest of the team needs to be punished as well.

I don't want them rewarded while their being punished. To do so minimizes the punishment. What's the point of punishing someone if they're not really getting punished?

Compounding matters.... there is no remorse. Not from Brees, or Vitt, or any of the four suspended. it's just shot after shot after shot taken at Goddell.

A little humble pie, even if it's force-fed, is needed here in my opinion. I've heard/read that the Saints were considered by other NFL franchises to be one of the most arrogant. That they didn't like the way the Saints would often run-up the score.

I think they need to be knocked down a few pegs.

If they make it back into the playoffs without Payton for the entire season, their GM for half the season, and their assistant HC for 6 games, there's just no telling how obnoxious they'll be.

Sorry. I want this to be a miserable season for them. Honestly and truly miserable.

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Like I said, I understand the ill-will, but I don't think the individuals remaining deserve to be punished if they didn't have anything to do with the scandal. I don't see what Brees has done wrong. I think I agree with what the commissioner is doing here, but he is very high and mighty, and there's not enough transparency with the way he handles punishment.

I don't consider the Saints having a good season to be a reward. I consider it to be the fruits of their labor. I doubt they have a very good season with Payton, but if they did, I'd say the remaining guys deserve it. They worked hard, they had nothing to do with the scandal, and they won their games.

You're all entitled to your feeling and opinions. I don't mean to belittle them. I just don't agree. I get being mad at the people who did wrong, or allowed wrong to be done, but when is it enough?

That's all. No big. Sorry to derail the thread.

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Like I said, I understand the ill-will, but I don't think the individuals remaining deserve to be punished if they didn't have anything to do with the scandal. I don't see what Brees has done wrong. I think I agree with what the commissioner is doing here, but he is very high and mighty, and there's not enough transparency with the way he handles punishment.

I don't consider the Saints having a good season to be a reward. I consider it to be the fruits of their labor. I doubt they have a very good season with Payton, but if they did, I'd say the remaining guys deserve it. They worked hard, they had nothing to do with the scandal, and they won their games.

You're all entitled to your feeling and opinions. I don't mean to belittle them. I just don't agree. I get being mad at the people who did wrong, or allowed wrong to be done, but when is it enough?

That's all. No big. Sorry to derail the thread.

Brees hasn't shut up. That's what he's done "wrong" imo. It's time to let this go. Your team did something wrong, was proven guilty, and now has to pay the penalty. So shut up, stop attacking the commissioner, and worry about playing football now that you're done holding out since you've got your money. It's one thing to stick up for a friend/teammate/etc. But when you are consistently doing it after it's been proven they were wrong, that's just arrogance imo.

I also wonder if Brees didn't know, or just didn't want to know (plausible deniability). If you're the outspoken and definitive leader on the team, how could you have no clue at all, especially when the league even told your team it was investigating back in 2009.

Just my opinion.

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Im still waiting for the documents to be made, I heard the recording and there was 200$ given out for an interception and that darning phrase 'Kill the head and the body will die when referring to Frank Gore" but 200$ for an interception still isn't a bounty

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As to the original point of the thread... who will be a surprise team....

I guess I'd start by saying how do you define that... if it's only who will make the playoffs who few, or no one, thinks will make it, then, I think there are several candidates...

Carolina... Buffalo... KC.... Arizona...

But, if it's who will do better than expected.... well...

Indy might be one... St. Louis might be another.... San Diego might be one...

and.... (please, God, No!) New Orleans.. :yuk::no: :pullhair: :slaphead: :facepalm:

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My surprise teams:

Indy: Finishes 8-8

Surprisingly (Not doing as well as expected):

Denver: 10-6 (IMO mediocre Talent on O outside of QB, and a Defense that IMO will be lit up by their schedule this year.)

Teams who will ULTIMATLY CRASH and Burn:

J-E-T-S --- Ok maybe more of a hope they completly collapse lol

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titans and if they stay healthy, Rams, Rams wont make the playoffs but if healthy they will make a push

Good pick here too. If Bradford can stay healthy, I think he can be a great quarterback. And would obviously make the Rams a better team.

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Brees hasn't shut up. That's what he's done "wrong" imo. It's time to let this go. Your team did something wrong, was proven guilty, and now has to pay the penalty. So shut up, stop attacking the commissioner, and worry about playing football now that you're done holding out since you've got your money. It's one thing to stick up for a friend/teammate/etc. But when you are consistently doing it after it's been proven they were wrong, that's just arrogance imo.

I feel pretty confident that the NFL's case against the Saints and the players in question is sound, but I haven't seen any evidence. Have you?

This thing wasn't tried in a court of law. Goodell is judge, jury, appeals jury, and executioner. Beyond the bounty issue, his role in disciplinary actions is very troubling. Now, those are rules that the players agreed to abide by. Still, it's not surprising to see players push back against this type of decision making. I understand the criticism. I don't think it's arrogant.

I also wonder if Brees didn't know, or just didn't want to know (plausible deniability). If you're the outspoken and definitive leader on the team, how could you have no clue at all, especially when the league even told your team it was investigating back in 2009.

Just my opinion.

I understand that. But a hunch is one thing. It's another thing to accuse Brees of knowing about or being involved in the situation.

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The players chose to give all the power to the commissioner. It's too late to complain now. The commissioner is doing his job, very well imo. Brees should focus on doing his. If you dont do anything wrong, you wont get in trouble. Not that hard. And the former GM and the owner have already admitted there was a bounty program. The Nfl is also a business, not everything has to be open to the public.

Anyway, after looking at the jets schedule, I think they have a realistic shot. Two teams out of the afc east this year imo.

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I believe that we are going to experience a strong turnaround in 2012, but we won't take the division back until 2013.

I expect the Titans, who finished only one game behind the Texans in 2011, to leap forward in Munchak and Mathews' 2nd year at the helm.

AFCSouth in 2012 (wins)

1. Titans (10)

2. Texans (9)

3. Colts (7)

4. Jaguars (6)

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AFC: Chargers, Baltimore, New England, Houston, Cincinatti, Jets

NFC: Green Bay, Washington, Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco, Detroit

Biggest surprises go to Jets and Redskins.

wow, you really are a tebow homer

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wow, you really are a tebow homer

No, I just know that teams with top defenses and above average offensive coordinators make it to the postseason. Tebow doesn't equate into my decision, but now you mention it, it seems even more likely they make it :number1:

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