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The Big Miami Controversy


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With all this talk about former Miami players recieving gifts, money, and other misc. items, I saw an article on yahoo.com that had a full list of the players who recieved these gifts. Reggie Wayne has always been one of my idols and a player who I truly respected. He's quiet, productive, and a great person. It made me even more proud and made me respect him even more when I went throuth the list and didn't see him mentioned. GO REGGIE!!!!

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Firstly, I do not think anyone should place much gravity to this unless it can be indisputably proven. The whistle blower is a scamming, lying, thieving, felonious piece of garbage that deserves to have his skull kicked in. Unless he has proof, then his claims should be disregarded.

Secondly, as much revenue as these athletes draw, I would think its about time they receive some due compensation apart from their scholarships. The business that is the NCAA is dubious at best and I find it odd that they are so ardently opposed to student athletes receiving kickbacks.

Explain to me why I should care if Vince Wilfork got him some bling and an Escalade for his service to the 'U'? How does this hurt anyone or create a conflict of interests? What, the coach can make a million mint but the student gets a degree that may or may not benefit him in the distant future?

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Firstly, I do not think anyone should place much gravity to this unless it can be indisputably proven. The whistle blower is a scamming, lying, thieving, felonious piece of garbage that deserves to have his skull kicked in. Unless he has proof, then his claims should be disregarded.

Secondly, as much revenue as these athletes draw, I would think its about time they receive some due compensation apart from their scholarships. The business that is the NCAA is dubious at best and I find it odd that they are so ardently opposed to student athletes receiving kickbacks.

Explain to me why I should care if Vince Wilfork got him some bling and an Escalade for his service to the 'U'? How does this hurt anyone or create a conflict of interests? What, the coach can make a million mint but the student gets a degree that may or may not benefit him in the distant future?

They all get compensated quite well. It's called about 100 and some thousand dollars in tuition. They all know ahead of time they are not suppossed to recieve any outside compensation from the university, If they choose to take it anyway, then they broke the rules and should be disiplined for it.

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They all get compensated quite well. It's called about 100 and some thousand dollars in tuition. They all know ahead of time they are not suppossed to recieve any outside compensation from the university, If they choose to take it anyway, then they broke the rules and should be disiplined for it.

...and if the student gets crippled trying to win the schools their precious little trophy, does this tuition stand as ample compensation?

Flat-out, the schools are well aware of this activity, they probably subversively encourage it. Yet when the stink is noticed by outside entities they pretend to distance themselves from it. Quite dubious.

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Even if Reggie took stuff who cares. Not like taking some money or going to some huge party would make him some bad guy.

How people act shocked when stuff like this comes out is beyond me. Either they are really naive or they are just kidding themselves to think their favorite school does not have this happening there. I can almost bet at every big name school like Miami, UCONN, USC, or Alabama it has something like this going on.

These schools know what is going on and they are fine with it because they will ride the backs of these kids to national championships and money. Look at Ohio State and how they are "handling it." If they were serious about academics and their sports program they would ban themselves from bowl games and give back all of the money they earned last year.

Heck even my team, Notre Dame, are lowering their academic standards to compete in recruiting better.

Given the kids money is not going to fix things either. If you give them 300 dollars a every two weeks or something someone will still come along and say hey here is a free HD TV or do you want to drive this new Camaro around campus? The college players will not go well i make 300 dollars every two weeks so no I won't.

The NCAA is ultimately to blame for this. They look the other way just as much as these schools. If they would start playing real hard ball and start handing out death penalties to every school then schools would start cracking down more, but since the NCAA is just as bad as these schools then nothing will change.

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Even if Reggie took stuff who cares. Not like taking some money or going to some huge party would make him some bad guy.

How people act shocked when stuff like this comes out is beyond me. Either they are really naive or they are just kidding themselves to think their favorite school does not have this happening there. I can almost bet at every big name school like Miami, UCONN, USC, or Alabama it has something like this going on.

These schools know what is going on and they are fine with it because they will ride the backs of these kids to national championships and money. Look at Ohio State and how they are "handling it." If they were serious about academics and their sports program they would ban themselves from bowl games and give back all of the money they earned last year.

Heck even my team, Notre Dame, are lowering their academic standards to compete in recruiting better.

Given the kids money is not going to fix things either. If you give them 300 dollars a every two weeks or something someone will still come along and say hey here is a free HD TV or do you want to drive this new Camaro around campus? The college players will not go well i make 300 dollars every two weeks so no I won't.

The NCAA is ultimately to blame for this. They look the other way just as much as these schools. If they would start playing real hard ball and start handing out death penalties to every school then schools would start cracking down more, but since the NCAA is just as bad as these schools then nothing will change.

plus one

I don't watch college ball so I'm impartial. The whole thing reeks from the top down.

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Even if Reggie took stuff who cares. Not like taking some money or going to some huge party would make him some bad guy.

How people act shocked when stuff like this comes out is beyond me. Either they are really naive or they are just kidding themselves to think their favorite school does not have this happening there. I can almost bet at every big name school like Miami, UCONN, USC, or Alabama it has something like this going on.

These schools know what is going on and they are fine with it because they will ride the backs of these kids to national championships and money. Look at Ohio State and how they are "handling it." If they were serious about academics and their sports program they would ban themselves from bowl games and give back all of the money they earned last year.

Heck even my team, Notre Dame, are lowering their academic standards to compete in recruiting better.

Given the kids money is not going to fix things either. If you give them 300 dollars a every two weeks or something someone will still come along and say hey here is a free HD TV or do you want to drive this new Camaro around campus? The college players will not go well i make 300 dollars every two weeks so no I won't.

The NCAA is ultimately to blame for this. They look the other way just as much as these schools. If they would start playing real hard ball and start handing out death penalties to every school then schools would start cracking down more, but since the NCAA is just as bad as these schools then nothing will change.

I respect your opinion a lot and I always enjoy reading your posts. That being said, I could not disagree with you more. Basically what you are saying in this posts is that the players who knowingly violate the rules are not bad people(even though that is kind of the definition of bad) and it's not their fault anyways it is the fault of the rule makers because they do not enforce their rules fully.

To take that to an extreme example, murderers are not bad people and really the government is to blame because not all murderers get the death penalty.

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Given that Reggie was drafted in 2001 and this activity reportedly started in 2002, it should come as no surprise that Reggie isn't on the list.

As an unapologetic Ohio State fan, I hope this shuts up the few knucklehead Miami fans who have been saying that the Buckeyes should have to vacate the '02 national championship due to the issues with the Ohio State program.

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Given that Reggie was drafted in 2001 and this activity reportedly started in 2002, it should come as no surprise that Reggie isn't on the list.

As an unapologetic Ohio State fan, I hope this shuts up the few knucklehead Miami fans who have been saying that the Buckeyes should have to vacate the '02 national championship due to the issues with the Ohio State program.

I was just gonna say that. However, that of course doesn't mean he didn't receive benefits, it just means he didn't from this guy. I doubt he did though.

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:ranton: All this nonsense is making me so mad. First of all, Yahoo! despises everything Miami. They're the ones who started the worldwide hate on LeBron, they're the one who stirred up Chris Bosh trade rumors, they're the ones who even in the highs of our season (beating the Celtics) were the one making a stink on how we celebrated too much, and they're the ones who stirred up Chris Bosh and LeBron James trade rumors again. Yahoo! is just a bunch of crappy writers who know very little to nothing about sports and would like nothing more than to take down the pride and soul of this city. So when they get the chance to interview a CONVICTED FELON who is known for LYING AND CHEATING, and post everything he spews with NO PROOF on the internet as fact, you can see right through this **** company.

There was a big name Cane, I can't remember his name, but I remember a quote. When him and his buddy were walking around town and they look in a window and see his Hurricanes jersey and he said, "All these people making money of my name, and I have to ask people for gas money."

That's basically how I feel about the NCAA, they make MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars every year off these kids and do not do ANYTHING in return for them. Then the NCAA blows up and does a whole big investigation when someone gives the kid a free tattoo or some cash to buy a **** meal for their family. I do follow a lot of the Hurricanes recruits, and most of them come from a very poor part of Miami, and there is no way they can buy anything for themselves, but they're expected to travel on weekends, practice, study playbooks, watch film, go to class every day and in your spare time keep your grades up. How are these kids supposed to make any money? Whee can they get a job where they're allowed to be absent so often? They can't. But they're not allowed to receive a watch or a bottle of wine for having a good game for a rich guy's favorite team. But why? Why can't the kids get anything for making the NCAA money?

The part that really irritates me is that everyone is taking everything that this blowhole says as fact. The guy has pictures of himself with players(so, anyone can get pictures with athletes), his word(professional liar and spending 20 years in prison because of it) and bank statements with no names on it I don't think they have enough proof to give Miami a harsh punishment, but they will, because, well, we're Miami. :rantoff:

Anyways....Reggie sure is a great guy! haha

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Why can't the kids get anything for making the NCAA money?

In my best Chris Carter voice -- C'mon, man! These kids get a private school education (at a pretty reputable school, by the way) for free while others have to spend well over $100,000 for it. And many of those who do have to pay come from less-than-privileged backgrounds as well. I'm not defending the NCAA and all of its rules, many of which are silly. But let's stop acting like the players get nothing for their services.

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I loathe people who break rules and shrug it off because they disagree with the rules. When there are rules in place, you follow them. If you don't like them, rally against them and make your case heard. Fight to change the rule. The fact is that IF (and I'm not willing to say it did or didn't happen yet) there is a booster paying players, then Miami has an unfair advantage recruiting players if that reputation got around. I know, some other places are likely doing it too, but that's a stupid argument. A bunch of players getting paid from several schools is still against the rules. If players don't think a free education is fair enough pay, they can pass it up. It's not like they don't know they won't get paid.

At that, Miami deserves a fair investigation before people jump the gun.

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In my best Chris Carter voice -- C'mon, man! These kids get a private school education (at a pretty reputable school, by the way) for free while others have to spend well over $100,000 for it. And many of those who do have to pay come from less-than-privileged backgrounds as well. I'm not defending the NCAA and all of its rules, many of which are silly. But let's stop acting like the players get nothing for their services.

That's the education part, which is fine. But these kids' schedules are full, they go to class, practicing, studying their playbooks, watching film, studying for tests and traveling on weekends, how are they supposed to get a job? It's not even all about them. These kids do come from very poor neighborhoods. So put yourself in the shoes of these kids. Your Mom, Dad, siblings, and the rest of your family barely have enough money to live on...and someone comes up to you and says I'll pay you $200,000 a year if you come play for my school. Are you saying you wouldn't take it? The rules that some millionaires decided on is more important to you than your starving family? I know some aren't like that, like the kids who went to strip clubs, yachts, etc. with the guy are wrong. But there are kids who just want money for their family.

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I respect your opinion a lot and I always enjoy reading your posts. That being said, I could not disagree with you more. Basically what you are saying in this posts is that the players who knowingly violate the rules are not bad people(even though that is kind of the definition of bad) and it's not their fault anyways it is the fault of the rule makers because they do not enforce their rules fully.

To take that to an extreme example, murderers are not bad people and really the government is to blame because not all murderers get the death penalty.

Looking at the NCAA and the schools and questioning their actions or inaction does not absolve the players from what they did. I am not saying that a player who is caught should not be punished. When I look at the world of college football and basketball I do not see this black and white world. I see a world that is all gray.

The NCAA and the schools have help create this environment that resembles. Take for example the situation with Cam Newton. That situation had violations written all over it, but truly punishing Cam would have hurt the NCAA, Auburn, and the BCS because an Auburn squad without Cam is not that inciting for TV viewers. Look at the Reggie Bush situation and you see how programs and schools know. Pete knew what was going on. You do not do things so blatant and not have a program or school not notice what is going on. To makes matters worse with schools is a lot of them pay for other sports through football and basketball. Most sports programs on a college level is just flat out socialism. Schools want these football and basketball programs to rake in money so they can provide more sports and opportunities to other people.

The reason that I come down probably harder on the NCAA and the schools is because they sit up in their ivory towers and promote this idea that its all about higher learning and student athletes, but in reality they are right down there at the bottom getting their hands dirty with the players who are breaking the rules.

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They all get compensated quite well. It's called about 100 and some thousand dollars in tuition. They all know ahead of time they are not suppossed to recieve any outside compensation from the university, If they choose to take it anyway, then they broke the rules and should be disiplined for it.

You cant eat a degree. Normaly the kids geting paid by boosters are NFL quality players. Most of which get a token degree. I remember Andy Katzenmoyer who layed for Ohio State taking classes on AIDS awarenes and Golf to get his GPA up so he would be eligible.

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who cares?? big time college athletics pretending to have some moral code is laughable. all they care about is joining the right conference and getting that almighty tv money. in fact most of these big state research universities are a joke. the rate of tuition at these school has increased at 2x the rate of inflation....while students are stuck having to be taught by teaching assistants while profs grudgingly give a few lectures throughout the week. and those lectures amount to little more than the prof scribbling down the text book via the overhead projector.

if they had any morals they would banish the football programs and let the nfl run their own minor league, because that is essentially what they are.

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That's the education part, which is fine. But these kids' schedules are full, they go to class, practicing, studying their playbooks, watching film, studying for tests and traveling on weekends, how are they supposed to get a job? It's not even all about them. These kids do come from very poor neighborhoods. So put yourself in the shoes of these kids. Your Mom, Dad, siblings, and the rest of your family barely have enough money to live on...and someone comes up to you and says I'll pay you $200,000 a year if you come play for my school. Are you saying you wouldn't take it? The rules that some millionaires decided on is more important to you than your starving family? I know some aren't like that, like the kids who went to strip clubs, yachts, etc. with the guy are wrong. But there are kids who just want money for their family.

It's not the responsiblity of these "kids" to take care of their adult family members. Non-student athletes may be able to have jobs during the season, but that also means that their schedules are full as well. And, they often graduate owing tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars. The scholarship athlete at a major college football program doesn't.

I wouldn't be opposed to modest stipends to allow these kids to enjoy a movie or pizza every now and then. But as someone who used scholarships, the GI Bill, grants and loans to pay for my college education (and, coincentally, I served as an equipment manager for a I-AA program for one season), I get tired of hearing about how these "kids" are being taken advantage of. They are getting something that's worth a lot of money -- something that most of us have to pay for.

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if they had any morals they would banish the football programs and let the nfl run their own minor league, because that is essentially what they are.

The NFL should have its own developmental league, but so long as it can get it for free from the NCAA, it won't. But I don't agree with abolishing these collegiate programs. I still see a lot of value in using sports to help some kids get an education they might otherwise not be able to obtain. Entertainment aside, it's good for our country and economy.

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It's not the responsiblity of these "kids" to take care of their adult family members. Non-student athletes may be able to have jobs during the season, but that also means that their schedules are full as well. And, they often graduate owing tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars. The scholarship athlete at a major college football program doesn't.

I wouldn't be opposed to modest stipends to allow these kids to enjoy a movie or pizza every now and then. But as someone who used scholarships, the GI Bill, grants and loans to pay for my college education (and, coincentally, I served as an equipment manager for a I-AA program for one season), I get tired of hearing about how these "kids" are being taken advantage of. They are getting something that's worth a lot of money -- something that most of us have to pay for.

And some of them get injured and lose their scholorships. They dont bring these kids in to educate them. They bring them in to make money off of them. The degree thing is laughable because a large portions of NFL caliber players never attain a degree. If they arent drafted or have shortned NFL careers they have nothing to fall back on. I also paid my way through college with student loans and some grants. But 85,000 ppl didnt show up every saturday to watch me and pay big bucks for it. The schools get a heck of alot more from the players than the players get from the schools..

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You cant eat a degree. Normaly the kids geting paid by boosters are NFL quality players. Most of which get a token degree. I remember Andy Katzenmoyer who layed for Ohio State taking classes on AIDS awarenes and Golf to get his GPA up so he would be eligible.

I don't doubt for a second that these guys get token degree's, but that is just another benefit for them that most students don't get. These student athletes get their degree from a reputable university for free and the majority of them can't even spell their own names without a cheat sheet. Im just tired of these athletes that say they should make money for playing college football(or whatever sport) when they don't have to pay a dime for their bogus education. They don't comprehend the unbelievable opportunity they've been given and still choose to put all their teammates, coaches, and university in jeopardy for their own selfishness, and yes, I do realize that many of the university's are just as dirty as many of the players.

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The NFL should have its own developmental league, but so long as it can get it for free from the NCAA, it won't. But I don't agree with abolishing these collegiate programs. I still see a lot of value in using sports to help some kids get an education they might otherwise not be able to obtain. Entertainment aside, it's good for our country and economy.

why should they get scholarships because they can run and jump?? how about they earn it academically like the rest of the student body. the point of these large land grant state universities is to educate the people of the state....not to have some obese football program that has a unsustainable thirst for more money. sorry, but it just makes me sick as some of these universities are having layoffs and such during these tough economic times, that coaches are getting paid millions of dollars and big new shiny athletic facilities pop up on campus.

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why should they get scholarships because they can run and jump?? how about they earn it academically like the rest of the student body. the point of these large land grant state universities is to educate the people of the state....not to have some obese football program that has a unsustainable thirst for more money. sorry, but it just makes me sick as some of these universities are having layoffs and such during these tough economic times, that coaches are getting paid millions of dollars and big new shiny athletic facilities pop up on campus.

If not for the obese football programs there would be many more layoffs. Some private schools would go under. I promise you the faculty at these schools dont want to lose the football programs..

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You cant eat a degree.

Neither can the non student athletes. What is your point.
Normaly the kids geting paid by boosters are NFL quality players. Most of which get a token degree. I remember Andy Katzenmoyer who layed for Ohio State taking classes on AIDS awarenes and Golf to get his GPA up so he would be eligible.

That's nothing unusual. In most colleges you have to have so credit hours in physical education and Humanities (I'm assuming AIDS awareness is a Humanities class) and those are college level courses.

I took golf when I was in college to fulfill my PE requirement. One of my brothers took Badminton and raquetball to fulfill his requirement.

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If not for the obese football programs there would be many more layoffs. Some private schools would go under. I promise you the faculty at these schools dont want to lose the football programs..

oh please...a lot of these programs can barely sustain themselves. and any extra money is used to support other athletic programs like women's softball. it's def NOT going to the physics dept.

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The job they earn by completing their degree should. After all, that's the purpose of the scholarship.

Do you have any idea how many broke kids are stocking grocery shelves at night with a useless degree in their pockets? College degrees are a false promise of a bright future. Often it works out, yes. But often the fella with the degree is just another overqualified * with an apron.

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why should they get scholarships because they can run and jump?? how about they earn it academically like the rest of the student body. the point of these large land grant state universities is to educate the people of the state....not to have some obese football program that has a unsustainable thirst for more money. sorry, but it just makes me sick as some of these universities are having layoffs and such during these tough economic times, that coaches are getting paid millions of dollars and big new shiny athletic facilities pop up on campus.

I didn't say that student-athletes shouldn't have to meet a minimum academic requirement. For those who can't but have real football talent -- let them go into a developmental league.

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Do you have any idea how many broke kids are stocking grocery shelves at night with a useless degree in their pockets? College degrees are a false promise of a bright future. Often it works out, yes. But often the fella with the degree is just another overqualified * with an apron.

The stats don't lie -- those with at least a bachelor's degree earn more and are less likely to be unemployed in this economy. If some jock on scholarship chooses not to apply himself and foolishly believes that he's sure to earn an NFL paycheck, then that's on him.

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I respect your opinion a lot and I always enjoy reading your posts. That being said, I could not disagree with you more. Basically what you are saying in this posts is that the players who knowingly violate the rules are not bad people(even though that is kind of the definition of bad) and it's not their fault anyways it is the fault of the rule makers because they do not enforce their rules fully.

To take that to an extreme example, murderers are not bad people and really the government is to blame because not all murderers get the death penalty.

You want to compare murderers to college athletes taking money and other extra benefits from a booster? Really??? Can anyone say foolish?!!

Even if Reggie or Edge for that matter were on that list, who cares? The NCAA is a piece of garbage beauracracy that needs a major overhaul. College athletes should be PAID. Period. There should be a class action labor lawsuit to decide this matter once and for all. Football and basketball are the two major sports that bring in millions of dollars and in some cases tens of millions of dollars per year for universities. You mean to tell me that the kids who work their butts off year round don't deserve a piece of that pie? "Oh but they get a free education." So what?!! You know what an education guarantees? NOTHING! You know how many college educated people are unemployed or under-employed right now?

Sometimes, just sometimes, the rules are stupid and just blatently wrong.

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I have a serious issue w/ players taking money. I also have a serious issue w/ people advocating college players getting paid. They get a degree. Whether or not they choose to take advantage of that and apply themselves and obtain a useful degree is not up to the university. The players get essentially a blank diploma. Its up to the students to determine what to do w/ it.

Even the players who don't get full rides still get access to private tutors, study materials and even in some cases (Purdue for example) their own study center that is off limits to non-student athletes. Oh they also get their own dining court.

The issue I have w/ universities paying for players is that it creates an unfair advantage. It all but eliminates the Cinderella team from being a legit chance. Allow colleges to indirectly or directly pay and you'll have an even larger disparity in the NCAA.

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You want to compare murderers to college athletes taking money and other extra benefits from a booster? Really??? Can anyone say foolish?!!

Even if Reggie or Edge for that matter were on that list, who cares? The NCAA is a piece of garbage beauracracy that needs a major overhaul. College athletes should be PAID. Period. There should be a class action labor lawsuit to decide this matter once and for all. Football and basketball are the two major sports that bring in millions of dollars and in some cases tens of millions of dollars per year for universities. You mean to tell me that the kids who work their butts off year round don't deserve a piece of that pie? "Oh but they get a free education." So what?!! You know what an education guarantees? NOTHING! You know how many college educated people are unemployed or under-employed right now?

Sometimes, just sometimes, the rules are stupid and just blatently wrong.

And they're still rules. Don't like them? Change them. Breaking rules you don't agree with is a recipe for chaos.

Keep in mind, that the universities who make this money don't just wallow around in gold plated trousers smoking cigars. Alot of the money the sports programs make goes back into the program. New uniforms, practice equipment and the biggie; staffing. Then you throw in expenses to pay for the other less financially lucrative programs a la what BloodontheTracks said.

An education is the one thing that can't be taken away from you. It can't be diminished and can serve you your entire life.

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Questions/ comments

A maximum of 63 full ride scholarships can be offered per year, of the roughly 103 man roster. Some of these kids aren't getting there school paid for, would they/should they be the ones being paid?

As someone else mentioned they are also not allowed to be employed, where as when I was in school, come summers I worked in my field and was able to do pretty well for myself. This is something that should probably be addressed.

I'm not sure of the rules, so perhaps someone can help me on this, but what is the protocol for when students have developed somethingof value,while at school. Chemists, computer programmers, etc, what if they create a software program and make millions, does the school receive compensation, or have a right to the work?

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I didn't say that student-athletes shouldn't have to meet a minimum academic requirement. For those who can't but have real football talent -- let them go into a developmental league.

meeting minimum academic requirement shouldn't get a student the enormous scholarship package that is granted to football players...imo

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Questions/ comments

A maximum of 63 full ride scholarships can be offered per year, of the roughly 103 man roster. Some of these kids aren't getting there school paid for, would they/should they be the ones being paid?

As someone else mentioned they are also not allowed to be employed, where as when I was in school, come summers I worked in my field and was able to do pretty well for myself. This is something that should probably be addressed.

I'm not sure of the rules, so perhaps someone can help me on this, but what is the protocol for when students have developed somethingof value,while at school. Chemists, computer programmers, etc, what if they create a software program and make millions, does the school receive compensation, or have a right to the work?

i'm pretty sure they are allowed to work during the summer.

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