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Kurt Warner compares Luck to.......


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I actually think it is a very good comparison. I think Luck has more athleticism than Ryan but both are similar in almost every other aspect.

I agree..

Of all the present NFL QBs, this (Ryan) is the one I think is closest..

Luck has a little John Elway (for those of us who are older) in him but he doesnt have Elway's arm... (Few ever did)

Matt Ryan's pretty good..Top 10 in yards and TDs,..about 4,100...

Luck looks more mobile than Manning, Brady and Brees but that's not saying much....

I like the Matt Ryan comparison.....

.......but I've heard Andrew Luck compared to Jay Cutler, too.

I dont like that.

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I really don't agree with Kurt's comparison and I'm actually supportive of most of the things he has to say. Matt Ryan doesn't have nearly the athletic and scrambling ability that Luck has. And while Luck hasn't thrown a single pass yet, his accuracy is way better than Ryan's.

And if we are comparing stats, I'll refer to the numbers that JerryBooker85 posted concerning both QB's college stats.

*The Quarterback with the better numbers in that category will be highlighted in blue and the one not will be in red*

Matt ryan (College Stats)

807 Completions 1346 Attempts

Completion Percentage: 60%

Career Passing Yards-9,313 yards

56 TD's - 37 ints

Career Rushing Stats- 169 attempts for 39 yards And 11 TD's

Total quarter back rating:126.3

Andrew luck (College Stats)

713 Completions 1064 Attempts

Career passing yards- 9,430 yards

Career Completion Percentage:70%

82 TD's - 22 INT's

Career Rushing Stats- 163 attempts for 957 yards and 7 TD's

Total Quarterback Rating: 162.8

I only give the advantage to Ryan in Passing Attempts and Passing Completion simply because he had more attemps and more completions which in reality probably isn't "better". But all in all, Andrew Luck was better in college than Matt Ryan in almost every statstical category and the numbers prove it.

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To me, way too much emphasis for a QB is placed on arm strength.

Here's what I look for in top notch NFL field generals: How swiftly does he go through his 1st read, 2nd read, 3rd read? Does he throw the ball away when there is nothing there and not risk an interception? How well does he manipulate opposing corners, safeties, and DB's? Will he take what the opposing defense gives him on the field? Can he get our squad out of a bad play and into a good play at the line of scrimmage?

Can he win either by handing the ball off to the RB or through the air to a TE or WR? How well does he protect the ball when being sacked? Does he handle blitz's well or is he easily rattled as a result of them? Are his eyes always looking downfield at all times? Can he stand in the pocket, take a hit, and deliver the ball accurately downfield? Does he seek out contact or try to avoid it? What does his fundamental footwork and throwing motion look like? Is he prepared to work hard, be the 1st one at the team facility, and the last one to leave 6 days a week?

Diligence and dedication to honing your craft and earning the trust and respect of your team mates in the locker room and among the coach staff in INDY are all that matters to me. Do that and everything else will fall into place quite nicely IMO.

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Andrew Luck has this uncanny resemblance to Andrew Luck. I know, I don't know how I came up with this comparison but I did. I don't know why people don't mention it more often in their detailed analysis. Andrew Luck is a complete clone of Andrew Luck to the point I do think Andrew Luck will end up being just like Andrew Luck in the NFL.

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Johnny Dee: I am totally with you on the hit. I loved it. He does that in the Not For Long he will be here just that long. This aint' a league where QBs want to prove how bad they can be. I could say punters too, but well...Pat Mc likes to tackle :).....NFL=Not For Long!!!

I love that Luck has that atittude! But I agree, I don't watch my QB tackling another head on. I held my breath when Peyton tried to push someone out of bounds.

These aren't college linebackers he will be going against.

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Luck is not Peyton, Rodgers, Big Ben...you see, all of these QB's are their own.

Andrew will be too. Only time will tell.

I always feel like I plug this article a lot but this is still the best description I feel I have read yet on Luck by quite a good source who knows him well. I don't know how you can't not excited reading it:


"Here's the thing about Andrew that people need to realize," Moon said in an interview. "He does things better than almost any prospect I've ever seen. Does he do anything out of this world? No. But he does everything really well. Few quarterbacks actually can do that.

"What I mean is does he have that John Elway arm? No, but it's really close. Does he have that Mike Vick 4.4 speed? No, but he runs a 4.6. Is he going to be running over people every play like Tim Tebow? No, but he's just as tough. He does all those things and that makes him very dangerous."

Moon added: "It seems like nothing bothers Andrew because he's so mentally tough. Nothing fazes him. He never shows any type of panic. It was the same way with Cam."

Moon gave a small example. For several days before Luck's pro day they had rehearsed how things were going to do, including which way they were going to throw the ball. For those two days the wind blew one way. The day of the pro day, the wind not only shifted in the opposite direction, but increased dramatically. Moon offered Luck the option of changing direction but Luck declined. "We practiced it one way," Luck said, "and that's how we're going to do it."

So Luck threw into a stiff wind and still wowed scouts who never knew why he decided to throw into that wind instead of declining to do so. "Andrew didn't need perfect conditions," said Moon. "He didn't want them."

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I always feel like I plug this article a lot but this is still the best description I feel I have read yet on Luck by quite a good source who knows him well. I don't know how you can't not excited reading it:


I love Warren Moon. ""It seems like nothing bothers Andrew because he's so mentally tough. Nothing fazes him. He never shows any type of panic... Moon offered Luck the option of changing direction but Luck declined. "We practiced it one way," Luck said, "and that's how we're going to do it...Andrew didn't need perfect conditions," said Moon. "He didn't want them."

Luck demands perfection in himself and yet realizes that weather, conditions, and game situations are anything but perfect. He doesn't complain; he just shuts up, puts his nose to the grindstone, and goes to work. That kind of relentless tenacity rises all boats or collective team mates. No one cares who gets credit for victories they just don't want to disappoint their brothers in arms on the grid iron. That spells self sacrifice and it typically leads to the Promiseland of Championships. A very good and promising omen IMO.

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Luck demands perfection in himself and yet realizes that weather, conditions, and game situations are anything but perfect. He doesn't complain; he just shuts up, puts his nose to the grindstone, and goes to work. That kind of relentless tenacity rises all boats or collective team mates. No one cares who gets credit for victories they just don't want to disappoint their brothers in arms on the grid iron. That spells self sacrifice and it typically leads to the Promiseland of Championships. A very good and promising omen IMO.


I'll tell you a Luck story that you and others here will love and it supports your view that I've noted above. Stanford pounded Washington last year. We ran up 65 points on them, literally. Set a school record in rushing. About 450 yards. I think 4 different Stanford RB's had 100+ yards. Luck had a nice, modest game. 16 of 21 (nearly 80%) and about 170 yards passing.

But as he came off the field after a late TD, he gave the head coach a hug and said.... "Coach, I think I just played my best game -- ever!) Perhaps his most unimpressive game from a personal stats point-of-view in his senior year. Yet, all Luck cared about was that we won. He knew he helped win by putting Stanford in the right play every down. The Huskies geared up to stop Luck and he didn't care. He handed the ball off all day long and Stanford won huge.

That's, in part, why Luck was so popular with his teammates. Completely unselfish. Total team player. The Colts will love him for the same reasons too...... :thmup:

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I'll tell you a Luck story that you and others here will love and it supports your view that I've noted above. Stanford pounded Washington last year. We ran up 65 points on them, literally. Set a school record in rushing. About 450 yards. I think 4 different Stanford RB's had 100+ yards. Luck had a nice, modest game. 16 of 21 (nearly 80%) and about 170 yards passing.

But as he came off the field after a late TD, he gave the head coach a hug and said.... "Coach, I think I just played my best game -- ever!) Perhaps his most unimpressive game from a personal stats point-of-view in his senior year. Yet, all Luck cared about was that we won. He knew he helped win by putting Stanford in the right play every down. The Huskies geared up to stop Luck and he didn't care. He handed the ball off all day long and Stanford won huge.

That's, in part, why Luck was so popular with his teammates. Completely unselfish. Total team player. The Colts will love him for the same reasons too...... :thmup:

I do love this tale of total unselfishness NewColtsFan! Who cares about padding stat sheets? Show your team mates what real leadership really means...A fantastic illustration of my previous point above. Bravo my friend and thank you! :thmup:

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I know people will disagree, but I've always seen Luck as a Ben Roethlisberger type, or however you spell his name....but with much more accuracy.

Imagine I Roethlisberger was a more accurate passer :omg:

Ben completed 63.2 percent of his passes, thats good for 6th best .3 behind Staffords 63.5, Bens career completion percentage is 63.1 jusf for comparison Peyton Manning completion percentage for his career is 64.9 or just a difference of 1.8. Tom Bradys is 63.8 or .6 better. Ben has done very good for himself
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Ben completed 63.2 percent of his passes, thats good for 6th best .3 behind Staffords 63.5, Bens career completion percentage is 63.1 jusf for comparison Peyton Manning completion percentage for his career is 64.9 or just a difference of 1.8. Tom Bradys is 63.8 or .6 better. Ben has done very good for himself

Well than let me rephrase....I know people will disagree, but Luck Reminds me a lot of Ben Roethlisberger...the end

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you guys...are ridiculous! andrew luck GOAT? better than manning? aaron rodgers comparisons? give me a break... need i remind anyone he hasnt played a single friggin snap of real football? no dolubt he'll be great at some point but come on... matt ryan and andrew luck are very comparable, and look at all the QBs that arent "mobile" that win a lot of games. matt ryan is mobile enough, matthew stafford is the same way, both awesome young QBs. lucks mobility is a luxury, not something that will put him over the top. and he absolutely can make every throw but he doesnt have the arm strength even comparable to aaron rodgers. but look at peyton with the average arm strength he had. im not trying to down play luck but be honest here...

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you guys...are ridiculous! andrew luck GOAT? better than manning? aaron rodgers comparisons? give me a break... need i remind anyone he hasnt played a single friggin snap of real football? no dolubt he'll be great at some point but come on... matt ryan and andrew luck are very comparable, and look at all the QBs that arent "mobile" that win a lot of games. matt ryan is mobile enough, matthew stafford is the same way, both awesome young QBs. lucks mobility is a luxury, not something that will put him over the top. and he absolutely can make every throw but he doesnt have the arm strength even comparable to aaron rodgers. but look at peyton with the average arm strength he had. im not trying to down play luck but be honest here...

Actually.... with all due respect, this is a complete mis-read by you. When fans here are comparing Luck with this NFL quarterback or that NFL qb, it's not in ability. It's style of play. You're right, Luck hasn't done anything yet. But fans here want to know who he compares to. So, when people put out their opinions, it's only in style of play. That's all. Nothing more.

Luck's first year is going to have it's share of bumps. Hopefully not too many, but at least his fair share. But at some point, he's going to show off the talents he has that made him the top pick overall and the highest rated college QB since Peyton.

So... when we talk about him... it's only style of play, not ability. No one is saying he's as good as Rodgers or Roethlisberger, or anyone else --- yet. Someday, maybe. But not yet.

Hope that clarifies.....

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Andrew Luck has this uncanny resemblance to Andrew Luck. I know, I don't know how I came up with this comparison but I did. I don't know why people don't mention it more often in their detailed analysis. Andrew Luck is a complete clone of Andrew Luck to the point I do think Andrew Luck will end up being just like Andrew Luck in the NFL.

So your saying he's just like Troy Aikman? Got it.

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I beg to differ in a couple cases. A few already talk like that.

Agreed, But also some are banking on Luck failing and I'd go as far as to say some hope he fails not because they want to see him fail but to see Irsay eat crow
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Agreed, But also some are banking on Luck failing and I'd go as far as to say some hope he fails not because they want to see him fail but to see Irsay eat crow

Well there is always two sides of a coin, but the best you can do is try to ignore it. Hope the Colts do the best every year.

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I beg to differ in a couple cases. A few already talk like that.

OK.... fine.... a couple of cases.

But the vast, vast majority of fans here.... the posters here, are making broad sweeping general statements about Luck's style, not his actual performance because we haven't seen an NFL example of it yet.

There are no absolutes. So, yes, I can't speak for 100% of the fans here. But, perhaps better than 95%?

Fair enough?

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To me, way too much emphasis for a QB is placed on arm strength.

Here's what I look for in top notch NFL field generals: How swiftly does he go through his 1st read, 2nd read, 3rd read? Does he throw the ball away when there is nothing there and not risk an interception? How well does he manipulate opposing corners, safeties, and DB's? Will he take what the opposing defense gives him on the field? Can he get our squad out of a bad play and into a good play at the line of scrimmage?

Can he win either by handing the ball off to the RB or through the air to a TE or WR? How well does he protect the ball when being sacked? Does he handle blitz's well or is he easily rattled as a result of them? Are his eyes always looking downfield at all times? Can he stand in the pocket, take a hit, and deliver the ball accurately downfield? Does he seek out contact or try to avoid it? What does his fundamental footwork and throwing motion look like? Is he prepared to work hard, be the 1st one at the team facility, and the last one to leave 6 days a week?

Diligence and dedication to honing your craft and earning the trust and respect of your team mates in the locker room and among the coach staff in INDY are all that matters to me. Do that and everything else will fall into place quite nicely IMO.

Well said Brother,im outta likes so this is how i let you know i agree.Sounds like your post describes someone i know,i think you like to call him Yoda :worthy: Lets hope our Luck has the same attributes,and i think he will :thmup:
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