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2020 Colts Offense: On track to be the 4th best since 1984 move


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Wow that’s crazy. I honestly think this offense is just getting started. With rivers being new to the team, no real training camp, along with a rookie running back and wide receiver, the more time they get together the better this offense has looked and will continue to look in my opinion.  It’s kind of scary to imagine how good it could be once they get more time together and if Dorsett wasn’t injured and plays like we all hope he can play. 

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9 minutes ago, EastStreet said:
11 minutes ago, Dogg63 said:

Hah! Right jersey number, wrong name. Our current #15 is Parris Campbell. :)



He said:


11 minutes ago, Dogg63 said:
  11 minutes ago, Trace Pyott said:

if Dorsett wasn’t injured

Dorsett is no longer a Colt, so there's no relevance to discussing him being injured. Dorsett wore #15 when he was a Colt. Campbell now wears #15 for us. Trace obviously meant to refer to Campbell as being injured.

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19 minutes ago, Dogg63 said:


He said:


Dorsett is no longer a Colt, so there's no relevance to discussing him being injured. Dorsett wore #15 when he was a Colt. Campbell now wears #15 for us. Trace obviously meant to refer to Campbell as being injured.

lol. I was like WUT

12 minutes ago, DougDew said:

2018 is up there too.  I thought Reich was a bad play caller.......

I think Andrew was running his own show in year 1 of Reich

5 minutes ago, PeterBowman said:

just think if they had an actual offseason to build chemistry.

Yup. Huge impact. Healthy WRs would be nice too.

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1 hour ago, Myles said:

Is it just me that thinks it doesn't really feel like the offense has been high powered.

Obviously the stats show otherwise.    

I think that's a product of Reich's scheme more than anything. It probably won't ever "feel" that way lol. 

River's EPA is just another metric that shows how clutch he's been in the passing game, and our running game is coming along at the same time. Good stuff.

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2 hours ago, Myles said:

Is it just me that thinks it doesn't really feel like the offense has been high powered.

Obviously the stats show otherwise.    


Some stats do...others no so much. The run game certainly hasn't been...until the last game. 


DVOA has the offense at #16 (#15 in pass and #19 in run). 


But a big part of is that you have to adjust for the SOS for their offense (the average of DVOA of defenses they have faced)...which is last in the league at 6.4%...2.7% higher than the next team. They have had a really really easy schedule for the offense. PIT might bring that down a bit...but they also play JAC and HOU...who are bottom 7 teams.


Some additional context to that SOS...9/13 games have come against teams ranked #20 or lower in pass defense DVOA. Half of their games have come against 6 of the bottom 7 in pass defense DVOAs. The toughest pass defenses they have faced are #10 (CHI), #11 (BAL), #12 (MIN) and #19 (GB). BAL and CHI were a bit higher ranked when they faced them...while MIN was injury-riddled and much lower...so basically...they have played two "good" pass defenses all year. The offense was not good in those games.


I am not saying the offense has been bad...but it will need to be able to perform at a higher level against the top offenses in the NFL if they want to make any noise in Jan. Right now, offenses in the top 10 are very likely to be most (if not all) of the teams remaining on Divisional weekend...and on the AFC side...they are the teams the Colts will have to beat (KC, BUF, CLE, TEN). If PIT can get their offense going...add them to the list. 


Being balanced with a good defense is definitely important...but offense is king now. A middle of the road offense likely won't get it done.

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But, but... wait, I don't get it... Rivers sucks :mindblow:.


Seriously, though, thank you Colts pass protection. For those of us that have watched Philip's entire career, it doesn't even have to be said how this is FAR and AWAY the best pass protection he's ever had. Consistently, too. Honestly, it's not even close. Just points to how amazing he's been to be in the top 5 quarterbacks of all time in career passing production while getting pummeled regularly on most dropbacks throughout his career. Too bad the Spanos idiocy has forever prevented us from getting to see the career he would have had with the kind of protection he's received this year, that most of the other top quarterbacks of his generation got for most of their careers. Oh well...


Back to my first point, though. Let's not let facts get in the way of faulty perception. Sucky Rivers... :headspin:.

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