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In my opinion it is a warped sense of reality when booing considered support. You can slice that 99 ways from Sunday but it still smells like day old fish. Sorry but I disagree with every fiber of my being.

Yeah I don't know who would get booed and feel supported....makes no sense to me. Lol,...just makes me laugh to think of it,...I can't see someone like, oh yeah they're booing me, yes! Ha ha,...not going to happen.

Then tell me how you both could display your displeasure at a game...
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Yeah I don't know who would get booed and feel supported....makes no sense to me. Lol,...just makes me laugh to think of it,...I can't see someone like, oh yeah they're booing me, yes! Ha ha,...not going to happen.

Did I say that booing was suppose to make the team feel good? So, what you're saying is if a person boos, they're not supporting the team?
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How is booing supportive? I do not get that at all. When you are booing it means you do not like what is going on. So you are showing you don't like something which would mean you do not support it. So I guess you are saying when someone has a bad game you boo them to show your supportive of them? How does that work? They obviously know they are having a bad game. I don't think they need your help to figure that out. That does not make sense.

When Peyton played if he was having a bad game I would not boo him. I would trust that he would come back next game ready to go. Our new rookie qb will need time to adjust to the NFL, we need to give him that time and wait and see how he does. I am sure it will not be pretty at first but that is how it goes. I know Peyton threw a lot of interceptions his first season. That does not reflect upon his effort, work ethic, desire, determination to be better, etc. Just because someone may not start out great does not mean they do not work hard. Your previous comments seem to insinuate that is how it is

. All I am trying to say is I think it is rude to boo someone without giving them the proper time to adjust. This whole team is going to pretty much be new. The best thing we can do as fans is support them and I just don't think that includes booing them. That is JMO.

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How is booing supportive? I do not get that at all. When you are booing it means you do not like what is going on. So you are showing you don't like something which would mean you do not support it. So I guess you are saying when someone has a bad game you boo them to show your supportive of them? How does that work? They obviously know they are having a bad game. I don't think they need your help to figure that out. That does not make sense.

When Peyton played if he was having a bad game I would not boo him. I would trust that he would come back next game ready to go. Our new rookie qb will need time to adjust to the NFL, we need to give him that time and wait and see how he does. I am sure it will not be pretty at first but that is how it goes. I know Peyton threw a lot of interceptions his first season. That does not reflect upon his effort, work ethic, desire, determination to be better, etc. Just because someone may not start out great does not mean they do not work hard. Your previous comments seem to insinuate that is how it is

. All I am trying to say is I think it is rude to boo someone without giving them the proper time to adjust. This whole team is going to pretty much be new. The best thing we can do as fans is support them and I just don't think that includes booing them. That is JMO.

You can be a supporter and not like what is going go. When you watch the Colts, do you always like what you see from the team?

Do you always verbally encourage the team when things go wrong? How about this... what was your reaction when KC came back last year and the Colts were driving with time running out. Garcon makes the grab and holds the football up in the air (not foreward for extra yards) UP IN THE AIR and gets it knocked out of his his hand? You may not have booed, but did you mumble displeasurements? My words were "Are you kidding me" and it wasn't a mumble. Does that make me less of a supporter than one who would of clapped and said "It's Ok guys! we'll get 'em next time".? I don't think so....

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You can be a supporter and not like what is going go. When you watch the Colts, do you always like what you see from the team?

Do you always verbally encourage the team when things go wrong? How about this... what was your reaction when KC came back last year and the Colts were driving with time running out. Garcon makes the grab and holds the football up in the air (not foreward for extra yards) UP IN THE AIR and gets it knocked out of his his hand? You may not have booed, but did you mumble displeasurements? My words were "Are you kidding me" and it wasn't a mumble. Does that make me less of a supporter than one who would of clapped and said "It's Ok guys! we'll get 'em next time".? I don't think so....

I obviously was not happy with that. I'm sure I responded with some sort of expletive. That being said, if I were at the game in person I would not start booing. I don't see how fans booing at that stuff will make anything better. That is all. Also just to add even though this is off the topic, I am glad we did not resign Garcon. He wanted too much money IMO. He is not worth a #1 receivers salary, IMO. Had he came back for a more reasonable salary then o.k.

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Chris, I hope You are a Prophet!

I think Grigson&Pagano is doing their bests so far, and are hiring the best FAs that the team can afford. I wonder who will be drafted, and I hope the FO can fill in all the holes, we have on our roster and depth charts will be also ok. I would be happy if we could retain Saturday...

Possibly the first season will be a struggle to fine tune play schemes and defense, but following seasons will be better, and the team will reach playoffs. Whatever may happen, I will support the team. Anyhow, I hope they will be doing well, and I can follow them on the TV here. :)


And if he is not, then it will be Prophet & Loss.

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I obviously was not happy with that. I'm sure I responded with some sort of expletive. That being said, if I were at the game in person I would not start booing. I don't see how fans booing at that stuff will make anything better. That is all. Also just to add even though this is off the topic, I am glad we did not resign Garcon. He wanted too much money IMO. He is not worth a #1 receivers salary, IMO. Had he came back for a more reasonable salary then o.k.

OK, I see the problem! I used the word "booing" as a verbal reaction. My bad! What I meant was rumblings. Would it be better if Luck, in week 14, and for the 5th time in the game, created a broken play by handing off to an RB that wasn't there resulting in a 3rd turnover, there are RUMBLINGS of displeasure in the crowd and someone screams (20 decibels above the rumblings) "you stink".... Is that better than boos? Because I agree. Boos can be so neanderthal....
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OK, I see the problem! I used the word "booing" as a verbal reaction. My bad! What I meant was rumblings. Would it be better if Luck, in week 14, and for the 5th time in the game, created a broken play by handing off to an RB that wasn't there resulting in a 3rd turnover, there are RUMBLINGS of displeasure in the crowd and someone screams (20 decibels above the rumblings) "you stink".... Is that better than boos? Because I agree. Boos can be so neanderthal....

Well in my opinion it is expected that after a bad play fans may curse or something to that affect. There is a difference in actually booing,...to me it is more of a conscious effort to boo someone. If my team had a bad play and my reaction is oh ****, well that just kind of comes out. If I boo at anyone it is the opposing team not my team or anyone on it. I have never booed my own team or the players on it and never will. That is just how I am and I don't see anything wrong with it. If you want to boo your own team or its players go ahead,...I do not agree with it is all I was saying.

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And besides, what gives you the right to yell (and at the top of your lungs) explicits while watching the game on Tv, while condemning those who have paid $90.00 a seat to boo, just because multimillion dollar players might hear them? They're big boys (Rich Big Boys) They can take it. ;)

Supermodel wives apparently can not take it.:(

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And besides, what gives you the right to yell (and at the top of your lungs) explicits while watching the game on Tv, while condemning those who have paid $90.00 a seat to boo, just because multimillion dollar players might hear them? They're big boys (Rich Big Boys) They can take it. ;)

I am in my own home and I can do whatever I want. Ha ha! And I really never said others could not boo them. I don't care how much the seats cost or how much the players make. I just like to watch football. I have never booed my own team is all I was saying. I do not agree with booing your own team. If others want to that is there choice it does not mean I have to like it. I know they can handle it, they are grown men. I just prefer to boo the other team not mine. If Luck comes out and as you said is really terrible at the end of the season and people boo I understand. Will I boo? no, but yes I may curse ha ha! I never said what I do is ok either, it's just what I do. Everyone has there own way of handling things, we are all different.

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Well in my opinion it is expected that after a bad play fans may curse or something to that affect. There is a difference in actually booing,...to me it is more of a conscious effort to boo someone. If my team had a bad play and my reaction is oh ****, well that just kind of comes out. If I boo at anyone it is the opposing team not my team or anyone on it. I have never booed my own team or the players on it and never will. That is just how I am and I don't see anything wrong with it. If you want to boo your own team or its players go ahead,...I do not agree with it is all I was saying.

Exactly .. there is a difference between an expletive in the "heat of the moment" after a bad play, and prolonged booing or "rumbling" for an extended period of time. There is rarely an excuse to boo(or "rumble") your own team.

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I am in my own home and I can do whatever I want. Ha ha! And I really never said others could not boo them. I don't care how much the seats cost or how much the players make. I just like to watch football. I have never booed my own team is all I was saying. I do not agree with booing your own team. If others want to that is there choice it does not mean I have to like it. I know they can handle it, they are grown men. I just prefer to boo the other team not mine. If Luck comes out and as you said is really terrible at the end of the season and people boo I understand. Will I boo? no, but yes I may curse ha ha! I never said what I do is ok either, it's just what I do. Everyone has there own way of handling things, we are all different.

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I am in my own home and I can do whatever I want. Ha ha! And I really never said others could not boo them. I don't care how much the seats cost or how much the players make. I just like to watch football. I have never booed my own team is all I was saying. I do not agree with booing your own team. If others want to that is there choice it does not mean I have to like it. I know they can handle it, they are grown men. I just prefer to boo the other team not mine. If Luck comes out and as you said is really terrible at the end of the season and people boo I understand. Will I boo? no, but yes I may curse ha ha! I never said what I do is ok either, it's just what I do. Everyone has there own way of handling things, we are all different.

I have never booed my team either and believe the two of you misunderstand each other.....at least I hope? I have been upset with plays, moves and happenings but never stood up and "booed" and I am from New York ;)

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You know, this whole move on from Manning this is just ridiculous. I am a football fan whose favorite team is the Colts. There is no moving on from Manning because I am still looking forward to watching him play. I've been blessed that one of the (IMO, the best) QB to play the game has played for my favorite team.

I will still watch the Colts and root for them to win, even when they are playing the Broncos. I will continue to praise the moves I agree with and not praise the moves to which I disagree.

But I am not going to move on from Manning, I am going to enjoy watching him play for as long as he remains in the NFL. And hopefully Manning doesn't get another shot at the SB because the Colts are representing the AFC each year. But if the Colts are not representing the AFC then I am going to be cheering like !@#$ that Manning and the Broncos are representing the AFC.

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C'mon, booing is a sign of support. If fans didn't boo, they wouldn't care. And besides, booing can be a motivational tool. Even for a rookie.

We need to let this "new team" know that mediocraty is a thing of the past and we are accustomed to winning football.

No player should ever sign with the Colts, thinking that they can just collect a pay check and go through the motions as in years past before PM and Harbaugh. And if booing is the only way a fan can express their dissatisfaction of a team in person, then so be it.

So cheer loud and proud Colts fan... And let them know you won't expect anything less than a continued winning Colts tradition

I'm not talking about booing after the opening KO of the season. And there should be reasonable expectations. But, there shouldn't be zero tolerance for booing either. I remember the 80's and 90's seeing fans sit on their hands when the colts stunk it up, or politely clap after a good play. Indy is a pro football city with educated fans that should expect a steady climb back to excellence. And if along the way they don't play with an effort or discipline that fans are accustom to, then they need to hear it.

However, if anyone can come up with a means other than booing to express disappointment of a pyss poor performance, fine

OK, I see the problem! I used the word "booing" as a verbal reaction. My bad! What I meant was rumblings. Would it be better if Luck, in week 14, and for the 5th time in the game, created a broken play by handing off to an RB that wasn't there resulting in a 3rd turnover, there are RUMBLINGS of displeasure in the crowd and someone screams (20 decibels above the rumblings) "you stink".... Is that better than boos? Because I agree. Boos can be so neanderthal....

Expressing displeasure with a team's lackluster performance on the field through booing, displaying the bird, or swearing is certainly your right as a Colts fan & ticket holder. Do you really think Grigson, Pagano, & Irsay can't ascertain for themselves a poor game performance & a lack of execution on the field?

Anyone can curse & express anger when their team is not firing on all cylinders. How exactly does that motivate a team? Having high fan expectations is admirable, but given the dropoff from Peyton Manning to Andrew Luck significant growing pains should be expected. This is the NFL not college anymore. Be a fan not a profane fanatic okay.

Just because a person can swear like a drunken sailor at their under performing team doesn't mean Irsay will put your cell phone number on speed dial & call you up routinely for roster, draft, & front office feedback & advice okay. Booing, swearing, & acting like a lunatic in public is not the best public relations strategy in my opinion, but hey this is the United States of America & you are certainly free to vocalize your anger & resentment about a poor Colts performance as you see fit I guess.

Edited by Maureen
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Expressing displeasure with a team's lackluster performance on the field through booing, displaying the bird, or swearing is certainly your right as a Colts fan & ticket holder. Do you really think Grigson, Pagano, & Irsay can't ascertain for themselves a poor game performance & a lack of execution on the field?

Anyone can curse & express anger when their team is not firing on all cylinders. How exactly does that motivate a team? Having high fan expectations is admirable, but given the dropoff from Peyton Manning to Andrew Luck significant growing pains should be expected. This is the NFL not college anymore. Be a fan not a profane fanatic okay.

Just because a person can swear like a drunken sailor at their under performing team doesn't mean Irsay will put your cell phone number on speed dial & call you up routinely for roster, draft, & front office feedback & advice okay. Booing, swearing, & acting like a lunatic in public is not the best public relations strategy in my opinion, but hey this is the United States of America & you are certainly free to vocalize your anger & resentment about a poor Colts performance as you see fit I guess.

Yes, I agree. May I add that in the heat of the moment when Im watching a game I may curse. I do not go out to games and scream foul language though.

Edited by Maureen
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fans hoping for our players to do bad so they can boo them, awesome! how about, find a new team, dont go to games, shave your head and get a huge tat on it with circle with a line threw it over a horeshoe? SOME colts fans are the most fickle fans I have ever seen in my life. loved the old rca dome, but I feel like the new stadium brought a new sit down in silence and not cheer for team....oh yeah point? cant stand them either :)

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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, March 22, 2012 - personal shot???
Hidden by shecolt, March 22, 2012 - personal shot???

Jemack, what exactly was the point of your endless mind numbing diatribe anyway? An exercise in futility? Expressing displeasure with a team's lackluster performance on the field through booing, displaying the bird, or swearing is certainly your right as a Colts fan & ticket holder. Do you really think Grigson, Pagano, & Irsay can't ascertain for themselves a poor game performance & a lack of execution on the field?

Anyone can curse & express anger when their team is not firing on all cylinders. How exactly does that motivate a team? Having high fan expectations is admirable, but given the dropoff from Peyton Manning to Andrew Luck significant growing pains should be expected. This is the NFL not college anymore. Be a fan not a profane fanatic okay.

Just because a person can swear like a drunken sailor at their under performing team doesn't mean Irsay will put your cell phone number on speed dial & call you up routinely for roster, draft, & front office feedback & advice okay. Booing, swearing, & acting like a lunatic in public is not the best public relations strategy in my opinion, but hey this is the United States of America & you are certainly free to vocalize your anger & resentment about a poor Colts performance as you see fit I guess. "Far better to have people think you are a fool then to open their mouth & remove all doubt." If people must pass a test to drive a car, some people should be required to pass an IQ test before they are allowed to reproduce. Have a nice day jemack.

Did you just graduate from the school of Todd Chistiansen? With honors, no dought.....
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Yes, I agree. May I add that in the heat of the moment when Im watching a game I may curse. I do not go out to games and scream foul language though.

I said "You stink" I said nothing of profanities. Or don't you read though my posts
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I said "You stink" I said nothing of profanities. Or don't you read though my posts

I was not speaking in reference to anything you said. I did not quote you did I? I was just speaking to what I quoted, and stating that I curse but not if I am out at a game. How am I directing that at you? Please let me know.

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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, March 22, 2012 - personal shot
Hidden by shecolt, March 22, 2012 - personal shot

Did you just graduate from the school of Todd Chistiansen? With honors, no dought.....

Who in the world is Todd Chistiansen? Again, just like your neverending rant diatribe, your insignificant point falls like a lead anvil in the Pacific Ocean. Clearly, intelligence is in short supply in your neck of the woods. Goodbye. I refuse to waste any more brain cells on your baseless nonsense jemack.

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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, March 22, 2012 - response
Hidden by shecolt, March 22, 2012 - response

Who in the world is Todd Chistiansen? Again, just like your neverending rant diatribe, your insignificant point falls like a lead anvil in the Pacific Ocean. Clearly, intelligence is in short supply in your neck of the woods. Goodbye. I refuse to waste any more brain cells on your baseless nonsense jemack.

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I was not speaking in reference to anything you said. I did not quote you did I? I was just speaking to what I quoted, and stating that I curse but not if I am out at a game. How am I directing that at you? Please let me know.

No, but you quoted SW1 who was directing his post towards me. No harm, no foul. 'Nite
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ruksak I agree with you,I just dont trust Irsay's "vision" of the next generation of Colts. I believe he gave up on the current vision before it was dead. The only question is will he pay for that?

Is it really Irsay's vision of the Colts? I think Irsay just wanted the franchise to be renewed. With Mannings injury Irsay saw the franchises quickly approaching end. So he gave the keys to who he thinks are the most qualified. Its really The Grigs and Pags Show starring Andrew Luck.

I think Peyton could've been apart of that but the only info I have is Irsay and Peyton came to agreement that a split would be better for the franchise. Luck would progress faster but really the bigger advantage I see in a complete rebuild is that the Colts can build a young contender in just a few years. Just depends on how quickly the team learns how to play at a high, consistent level.

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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, March 22, 2012 - personal shot
Hidden by shecolt, March 22, 2012 - personal shot
' timestamp='1332297229' post='179054']

I was not speaking in reference to anything you said. I did not quote you did I? I was just speaking to what I quoted, and stating that I curse but not if I am out at a game. How am I directing that at you? Please let me know.

No, but you quoted SW1 who was directing his post towards me. No harm, no foul. 'Nite

Hello Jemack,

Answer one question for me please. Why did you feel compelled to needlessly drag KaylaD into your retort & attack her when you had a problem with what I said to you? Do you rountinely use other innocent bystanders as shields when you cannot articulate your viewpoints effectively, let alone stand up for yourself? How old are you 6? By that flawed line of reasoning, any person's perspective that drastically contradicts your own is worthy of a snide remark & vocal retaliation. Really? Do you steal candy from a baby & laugh about that too? "Usually people who talk the most love the sound of their own voice & they posses the smallest piece of wisdom to impart upon you."

Look, you are entitled to express whatever viewpoint you wish on any given subject. I may not agree with your conclusions, but you have every right to make them. I'm sure that you are pleasant individual with a nice disposition on average.

If you have an issue with what I said to you, Direct it at me & me alone. Take full responsibility for your actions & don't use other unsuspecting people as security blankets. Thank you. Have a pleasant day.

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You can be a supporter and not like what is going go. When you watch the Colts, do you always like what you see from the team?

Do you always verbally encourage the team when things go wrong? How about this... what was your reaction when KC came back last year and the Colts were driving with time running out. Garcon makes the grab and holds the football up in the air (not foreward for extra yards) UP IN THE AIR and gets it knocked out of his his hand? You may not have booed, but did you mumble displeasurements? My words were "Are you kidding me" and it wasn't a mumble. Does that make me less of a supporter than one who would of clapped and said "It's Ok guys! we'll get 'em next time".? I don't think so....

Booing is absurd. Go to Philly or New York. Go to Italy and whistle....so cool. I would rather stand up and say "Why can't you hold on to the freaking ball Pierre. If you are clse enough that hey can hear you even better. BOOOOOOO! What the heck is that? If I am at a basketball game, the officials know exactly what he or she missed.....not the juvenile and irrelevant BOOOOOOOOOOOO! Booing is ridiculous and immature....tell them what you really think! I am with KaylaD!
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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, March 22, 2012 - personal shot
Hidden by shecolt, March 22, 2012 - personal shot

I said "You stink" I said nothing of profanities. Or don't you read though my posts

Reading your childish posts....and picking on a woman is ticking me off, and I am friendly on here, You tried to pick on SW1 and that will not work. It will not with me either. You have posted mindless babble here all night. Stop it! If you want to talk football talk football....if you want to pick on someone go to recess, You are too juvenile son.
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