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Needs and options for the first pick

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After seeing all the moves the colts have done through FA, I think these are the colts biggest need in this order




People probably think im off my head for putting edge last, but in my honest opinion I just dont like this pass rush class and I think ballard agrees with all the moves hes made to re-vamp the LBer corp. Do we still need a young pass rusher? Yes, but simon and shread can fill in nicely until then.


Here are the options I think we'll go


marlon humphrey since we still havent filled the CB2 spot and I doubt anyone wants to see melvin start


Hassan Reddick which a lot of people seem to like, but rather see us trading down to get him instead of at 15


Forrest Lamp if we want haeg to play the joe reitz position of being a swiss army knife and this can actually be a big possibility with the lack of talent in this oline class


Dalvin Cook which I doubt especially if we are interested in mixon and its not just a smokescreen


trade down which has been probably the most popular answer


Foster isnt really a possibility imo unless we trade up because I cant see him getting past the browns 

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26 minutes ago, BOTT said:

Not liking the prospects doesn't mean pass rush isn't the biggest need.  


So it's better to take a player because it's need instead of actually being the better prospect

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1 hour ago, jskinnz said:


Pretty much not what he said at all.


Maybe took it out of context. I'm not saying the position isn't important. I just don't think the talent warrants making it a priority over better talent at other needs

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CB is certainly our biggest need, followed by ILB and then Pass-rusher is a close third. I wouldn't be surprised if we picked CB and ILB with our first two picks (in both combinations) and then picked up 1 or 2 pass rushers with upside in the 3rd and 4th rounds. I can almost guarantee we are going to pick up a CB in the first two rounds.


I personally would love something like this:

1) Conley, Lattimore

2) McMillan, Cunningham 

3) Rivers

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37 minutes ago, UKColt13 said:

Personnel wise, CB is our biggest need. As it stands we don't have a CB#2 or a CB#3. Also have a need at ILB. Pass rush is still a mess but not as pressing personnel wise as CB. 


Melvin can be a decent 3 

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In the 1st round,  my order of preference based on team needs would be;


1) Lattimore

2) Humphrey

3) Foster

4) Reddick

5) Barnett


If all of them were off the board, I'd trade back and try to pick up some one like;


1) Wilson

2) Jackson

3) Conley

4) McKinley

5) Harris

6) Lamp


In the 20 - 30 range.  Anyway, just my 2 cents.






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Don't rule out a trade for a CB.  Trumaine Johnson and Malcome Butler are available and there could be others.  Rams don't want to pay Johnson and Pats would probably like to get back into 1st. rd.   I'm not saying it's likely to happen but I'm keeping an open mind for anything.  

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1 hour ago, richard pallo said:

Don't rule out a trade for a CB.  Trumaine Johnson and Malcome Butler are available and there could be others.  Rams don't want to pay Johnson and Pats would probably like to get back into 1st. rd.   I'm not saying it's likely to happen but I'm keeping an open mind for anything.  

I don't think either are worth the 15th pick

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The needs ranked for me are:







The CB class can be addressed rounds 2-4 IMO. But there's 3 LBs (Foster, Reddick, Davis) who are potential game changers at our position who will be available at #15 but not in the 2nd. So whe we should take one.


The safety class is deep so it can be addressed in the 3rd or 4th round as well. The edge class is being called deep but it's not Round deep IMO. I don't like any of the guys after Garrett, Thomas, and Barnett in the 1st so I'd hold off there.


So I'm looking at ILB for our first pick. A lot of mocks think Foster slides for different reasons and makes it to us so he's an easy pick if he's there IMO. Reddick is a versatile playmaker who makes sense for our defense that is in the sub-package 65% of the time. He doesn't ever have to come off the field and if the staff believes in Morrison, he's a perfect complement to his game. Davis tested great at his pro day and it shows on tape. He can cover, play the run, and has leadership qualities.

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I definitely think D is where we should go first round, but it's tough for me to really zero in on what position and which exact guy. I don't know I personally have clear cut favorite. I like Riddick, I've also really liked Foster up until his incident and even more than that finding out he has trouble understanding Xs and Os picking up schemes and what not. But Conley would be very nice too amongst a few others. However we do it, I think we need to come away with a solid potential 3 down ILBer, probably 2 solid corners and 1 of whom could potentially be a #1 guy in a few years and at least 1 good young Pass Rusher. If we were to get that, I think suddenly we might just have a solid foundation laid for a good defense in the future. But the part that will remain is question with me is, what will and can our coaches do with these young players? Will they develop and implement them effectively and put them in position to succeed? I'm not sold at all yet that our staff can or will do that. 

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I will be overjoyed with this draft, if I don't spend most of it on Google,looking up the players. I'm actually more excited,for this draft, than I have been in years. I'm optimistic about Ballard steering the boat. Regardless of the picks, i will believe in his draft prep,and remain hopeful. I'm blissfully ignorant that way.

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