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The Peyton Predicament By Andrew Brandt: Can The Colts Afford To Keep Peyton?


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The difference is perspective. If Manning is released, it is the Colts who are saying, sorry Peyton (for one or a combiination of many reasons) you're done as a Colt QB.

Whereas, if Manning retires, it is Peyton who is saying, I'm done.

I think, given the personal relationship between Peyton and Irsay, that Irsay prefers that Peyton opts to retire, rather than having the Colts opt to release him.

In this way Iray is just hypocritical and he will be a real 'politician'.

But if Manning can play he will not want to retire. Even if he retires he will very likely come back like Favre did and this will make Irsay's and Colts public image even worse.

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I never said it was significant. You are reading too much into my statement, and latching onto perhaps the most insignificant sentence in the entire post. All I was saying, which could be said about any contract at any point in time but particularly under the new CBA starting in 2013 because of new TV revenue, is that one of the many reasons PM's cap hit increases is because the cap does. Maybe the one sentence about this wasn't clear enough for you or you have some agenda about this issue, I'm not sure. The real points of substance in my post were that 2011 QB combo cost almost as much as Manning/Luck will in 2012, the cap is going to increase much more than PMs or Luck's salary starting in 2013, thus their hit won't be a cap killer; other teams with elite QBs will have a similar amount of money invested in the position as the Colts would with Manning/Luck; and DFree needs to rework his deal or be cut.

That being said, I want Manning on the Colts with my heart, and only the head in as much as if he is healthy he gives the Colts the best chance to win. I, unlike some, do not think the talent on this team is as bad as 2-14. The cap is a hot mess with or without PM on the team.

Larry, I don't have any agenda, and I am sorry you think I have one. I was attempting clarity, that's all.

From my perspective, having both PM and Luck on the team for the next 4-5 years means that about 19-20% of the total cap (including allowing for the increase in cap via incremental TV revenues) will be allocated to the QB position (assuming there also will be a #3 QB). This assumes, of course, that PM plays out the term of the contract.

If Peyton leaves the team during the contract (for whatever reasons), the pro-rated portion of his bonuses accelerate to hit that year's cap, or between that year's cap and the following year's cap (depending if that happens before or after June 1st). Example: If the Colts pay Peyton the $28MM bonus on March 8, and on May 31st, Peyton decides that he cannot play, the cap hit for 2012 will be $38MM for Peyton alone, representing over 30% of the total salary cap for the year. Ouch.

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Can they afford not to keep him?

Yes, if they consider 19-20% of the total salary cap is wisely spent on QBs (Peyton, Luck and a #3)

No, if they think the QB position should be less than that.

No, if they think Peyton will not be able to play beyond 2012 season...cap hit will make the QB position allocation 28%

No, if they think Peyton will not be able to play now, but still pay him the bonus.....cap hit will make the QB position allocation 36%

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Larry, I don't have any agenda, and I am sorry you think I have one. I was attempting clarity, that's all.

From my perspective, having both PM and Luck on the team for the next 4-5 years means that about 19-20% of the total cap (including allowing for the increase in cap via incremental TV revenues) will be allocated to the QB position (assuming there also will be a #3 QB). This assumes, of course, that PM plays out the term of the contract.

If Peyton leaves the team during the contract (for whatever reasons), the pro-rated portion of his bonuses accelerate to hit that year's cap, or between that year's cap and the following year's cap (depending if that happens before or after June 1st). Example: If the Colts pay Peyton the $28MM bonus on March 8, and on May 31st, Peyton decides that he cannot play, the cap hit for 2012 will be $38MM for Peyton alone, representing over 30% of the total salary cap for the year. Ouch.

Fair enough. I'm not trying to get in an argument about what makes the most sense or what the Colts should do. Any way this situation plays out is a major risk and will have a serious impact on the Colts in 2012 and beyond, and I can't simply play the logic/numbers/money game with it. As a fan, I'm emotionally invested in the Colts and PM and can't say that I feel 100% OK with releasing PM because it is the most rational thing to do. However, I will support Irsay, the new regime, and the franchise regardless.

Edit: I am very aware of the cap ramifications of all the different scenarios, so you are preaching to the choir about that.

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Fair enough. I'm not trying to get in an argument about what makes the most sense or what the Colts should do. Any way this situation plays out is a major risk and will have a serious impact on the Colts in 2012 and beyond, and I can't simply play the logic/numbers/money game with it. As a fan, I'm emotionally invested in the Colts and PM and can't say that I feel 100% OK with releasing PM because it is the most rational thing to do. However, I will support Irsay, the new regime, and the franchise regardless.

Yes, I understand the fan mentality very well. We like to make decisions about how to spend Mr. Irsay's money for him. :yes:

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I like this guy. I hate what he's saying but I like him and let's be honest of the people in the media he can releate to this best. He was there when the Packers had to pick Rodgers over Favre. I know the situations were completely different but he's lived having to make that hard call.

not apples to apples

Favre retired remember? come on man.............. peyton isn't retiring

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I'm fairly certain that the TV deals kick in for the 2014 season.

You are correct. I was thinking 2013 was when the new ones begin but it is when the current ones expire. Thanks for pointing that out. Guess we'd be looking at two more seasons until the cap substantially increases. That being said, it would make cutting or trading PM more feasible if we wanted to keep him for a couple of years. If we cut/traded him before 2014, then it would be around a $19 million cap hit, which is pretty much what he would be on the books for if he was on the team. Not advocating for this, just saying...

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but why even bring it up then?

because the Packers did go threw a change of going from what was one of the most popular players in franchise history at that time to a new QB.

The the circamstances were different but they did have to make the hard call that the Colts might very well have to make as well. Frankly that's alitle different than say Mike and Mike, just throwing a name out there saying what should happen here. He's lived threw this.

No it's not apples to apples which is why I said it was a different situation but the choice was close to the same one the Colts may have to make, making the call to go from a franchise favorite who wants to play to a younger guy who can help you win in the future.

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You are correct. I was thinking 2013 was when the new ones begin but it is when the current ones expire. Thanks for pointing that out. Guess we'd be looking at two more seasons until the cap substantially increases. That being said, it would make cutting or trading PM more feasible if we wanted to keep him for a couple of years. If we cut/traded him before 2014, then it would be around a $19 million cap hit, which is pretty much what he would be on the books for if he was on the team. Not advocating for this, just saying...

No problem. It makes me wonder how big of a jump it's going to take at that point. 10% would push it into the 130's. 15 % likely into the 140's. 20% it will begin to approach 150. Even at those levels it would be hard to absorb that 19 million. It's better than it would be with the lower cap, but it still isn't ideal. Once the cap does increase the salary floor where the teams have to spend close to the cap will be in place to, so if his option bonus is picked up and his return isn't to a Manningesque level then that offseason will be interesting.

because the Packers did go threw a change of going from what was one of the most popular players in franchise history at that time to a new QB.

The the circamstances were different but they did have to make the hard call that the Colts might very well have to make as well. Frankly that's alitle different than say Mike and Mike, just throwing a name out there saying what should happen here. He's lived threw this.

No it's not apples to apples which is why I said it was a different situation but the choice was close to the same one the Colts may have to make, making the call to go from a franchise favorite who wants to play to a younger guy who can help you win in the future.

Out of all of the comparisons. Montana/Young, Favre/Rodgers, Brees/Rivers, etc I think the Favre/Rodgers is the one closest to Manning/Luck.

You have a legend in his mid 30's, and a 1st round draft pick. They are slightly different due to the circumstances as you pointed out, but it is more similar than the others, because Montana/Young were more contemporaries than Legend/Draft pick. Brees in San Diego didn't have the same stature as he does now. So from a comparison purpose I would agree that Favre/Rodgers & Manning/Luck are far more closely related than the other examples.

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It protects both parties.

It gives the Colts an out if he isn't healthy and it insures the contract is in place if he is healthy.

Also an alternative would have been the 48 million in one lump sum which would be putting is in a very dangerous situation the way it looks right now.

A properly prepared contract between ethical parties absolutely should protect both parties. That is what contracts are for.

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Hi Colts fans. sorry about Peyton probably getting released.

As a Cards fan I'm intrigued by the possibility of signing him.

We have a good emerging defense and our weakness is QB.

The question I have is does anyone heard any inkling of Peytons current health.

I dont see this addressed specifically in the general media.

Is he currently capable of playing football or is he still "rehabbing"?


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Keep in mind that the 50 million figure is the Cash payout. The cap hit would combined for 2012 would be in the 22-23 range.

Again, Peyton set it up to protect the Colts, by giving them this out.

Peyton has always had the Colts first is his mind. Which is why PM, Brees and Tom Brady filed suit with the Labor Relations Board to decertify the NFL players union. The three highest paid players in the NFL were really thinking of the players who receive the least compensation. The idea was to force the owners, you know, the men who sign all the multi-million dollars checks, to pay a higher percentage of the profits.

PM could afford to take the chance that there would not be an NFL season because of the millions he received as QB for the Colts, he makes as much or more for his endorsements on TV.

Sorry, but I do not see PM as protecting the Colts franchise.

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Hi Colts fans. sorry about Peyton probably getting released. As a Cards fan I'm intrigued by the possibility of signing him. We have a good emerging defense and our weakness is QB. The question I have is does anyone heard any inkling of Peytons current health. I dont see this addressed specifically in the general media. Is he currently capable of playing football or is he still "rehabbing"? thanks.

He is rehabbing..... but it is unknown how complete his nerve regeneration will be.

Will he heal? Yes.

Will he heal to the extent that he regains his full passing capability? NO ONE can guarantee that at this point.

And that is why he and the Colts face a March 8th impasse.

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Then your perception is flawed.

Far from it. The other poster said:

Well....if Manning insisted on an "out" for the Colts on the contract why is he acting somewhat shocked and dismayed when it looks like the "out" is the direction they are headed? He was rewarded big time for sitting out all year so he should not try to make Irsay out to be the bad guy no matter what happens from this point out. Irsay was more than loyal enough when he gave him 26 million with a very uncertain future. ]

Which I took as he was saying Manning was acting somewhat shocked and dismayed about the "out" being the direction they are headed. I don't see that at all, but then again I have read the article a few times or so. His comments were about showing support for some of the people that are no longer here and I think his frustration was not knowing what was going on it. Just my take. Far from flawed.

Peyton has always had the Colts first is his mind. Which is why PM, Brees and Tom Brady filed suit with the Labor Relations Board to decertify the NFL players union. The three highest paid players in the NFL were really thinking of the players who receive the least compensation. The idea was to force the owners, you know, the men who sign all the multi-million dollars checks, to pay a higher percentage of the profits.

PM could afford to take the chance that there would not be an NFL season because of the millions he received as QB for the Colts, he makes as much or more for his endorsements on TV.

Sorry, but I do not see PM as protecting the Colts franchise.

The lockout has nothing to do with whether or not Manning helped protect the Colts in his most recent contract.

Seems like your perception is flawed.

“I’m thinking about how can I get a little better? [The contract] is really a one-year deal with a four-year extension and that was my recommendation because I wasn’t healthy when I signed the contract.”


Again an alternative would have been the 48 million(20+28) as one payment, we are looking at a much worse situation cap wise if Manning isn't able to return.

Disagree with it if you wish, but if you want to put blame on someone for the spot we in , that needs to be directed to Irsay/Polian, long before anything comes across Manning's plate. He was looking out for the Colts interests as well as his own.

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He is rehabbing..... but it is unknown how complete his nerve regeneration will be.

Will he heal? Yes.

Will he heal to the extent that he regains his full passing capability? NO ONE can guarantee that at this point.

And that is why he and the Colts face a March 8th impasse.

thanks. For what's it's worth I cant imagine the Colts paying Peyton 35 million to play QB in 2012.

I dont have any emotional attachment to this, considering Luck being available and the state of your team rebuilding seems like a good bet.

But I can imagine all the fans wanting to hang on to this legend considering what he's done for your franchise.

Fascinating development towards the deadline.

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thanks. For what's it's worth I cant imagine the Colts paying Peyton 35 million to play QB in 2012.

I dont have any emotional attachment to this, considering Luck being available and the state of your team rebuilding seems like a good bet.

But I can imagine all the fans wanting to hang on to this legend considering what he's done for your franchise.

Fascinating development towards the deadline.

Sometimes, emotions override the rational choice.

Since the fans don't have a direct financial stake in the outcome, they are free to consider the choice emotionally, without due regard to the financial implications.

It is a fascinating study in psychology.

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No, nor if he is released.

I have to give it to you, you seem to know your stuff but look at this scenario the one i have been saying all along. The cap goes up significantly in 2013 so PMs cap hit will not be as bad so, keep PM one year hope he is healthy so he can teach luck then get what you can for pm and wish both the best. If nothing else we would get compensation for him. Also. not likely but i am hoping, that if we do cut PM he will delay the choice for about a week so we will get a compensation pick and the new team he goes to does not have to give up anything but we will get something for him leaving in compensation but not likely.
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I have to give it to you, you seem to know your stuff but look at this scenario the one i have been saying all along. The cap goes up significantly in 2013 so PMs cap hit will not be as bad so, keep PM one year hope he is healthy so he can teach luck then get what you can for pm and wish both the best. If nothing else we would get compensation for him. Also. not likely but i am hoping, that if we do cut PM he will delay the choice for about a week so we will get a compensation pick and the new team he goes to does not have to give up anything but we will get something for him leaving in compensation but not likely.

1) the TV revenue deal is for 2014 onwards. Assuming a 10% increase in the cap as a result, PM's cap hit for 2014 is $19MM, or 14.1%

2) I don't think you get compensatory picks or any form of compensation for players you release/cut.

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I have to give it to you, you seem to know your stuff but look at this scenario the one i have been saying all along. The cap goes up significantly in 2013 so PMs cap hit will not be as bad so, keep PM one year hope he is healthy so he can teach luck then get what you can for pm and wish both the best. If nothing else we would get compensation for him. Also. not likely but i am hoping, that if we do cut PM he will delay the choice for about a week so we will get a compensation pick and the new team he goes to does not have to give up anything but we will get something for him leaving in compensation but not likely.

The cap goes up due to the TV deals in 2014.

If he is released we will not get any compensation for him. That would make him ineligible to count as any form of compensatory pick.

If the option is picked up and he's traded after 2012/before 2013 season his cap hit would be $28,800,000.00

If the option is picked up and he's traded after 2013/before 2014 season his cap hit would be $19,200,000.00

Hypothetically if the cap jumped say 25%. A high estimate for the 2014 season. It would be in the 150million range, and that 19million cap hit would still be in the 12-13% of the cap.

I don't see it increasing that quickly, so the % of cap hit would be even larger.

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thanks. For what's it's worth I cant imagine the Colts paying Peyton 35 million to play QB in 2012. I dont have any emotional attachment to this, considering Luck being available and the state of your team rebuilding seems like a good bet. But I can imagine all the fans wanting to hang on to this legend considering what he's done for your franchise. Fascinating development towards the deadline.

Yep.....a number of Colts fans are understandably holding out hope for a very sudden and substantial improvement in Peyton's nerve regeneration/healing....but time is simply running out against that huge roster bonus.

My own take is that Jim Irsay has already made so many changes to the Colts organization that its kinda hard not to see the writing on the wall.

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(1) So, the Colts can exercise the option. Pay Peyton 28 mil on 3/8. The final four years of contract go into effect with 7, 8, 9, and 10 mil (round numbers) being the contract amount between 2012 and 2015.

(2) The Colts can let the contract expire. They don't pay 28 mil on 3/8, but they would pay 28 mil on 3/11 as a non-exercising bonus. Peyton Manning becomes an Unrestricted Free Agent. In addition, they could place the franchise tag on PM. Peyton would be free to negotiate a new contract with any team including the Colts. Were Peyton to sign with another team the Colts would receive a compensatory draft pick in the 2013 draft.

(3) Between 2/7 and 3/7 the Colts can release(cut) PM. They pay no more money and Peyton is free to negotiate a new contract with any team including the Colts. If Peyton signs with another team, the Colts receive no future compensation.

(4) Between now and 3/7 Peyton can retire. He collects no more money from the Colts. His contract becomes null & void.(?) He and the Colts go on about their own business.

I have no further questions with scenario (1).

The question I have with scenario (2). What is the ramifications of tagging a player with the "Franchise Tag"?

I have no questions with scenario (3).

The questions I have with scenario (4). By retiring, does the current contract become null and void? What would be the ramifications were Peyton to decide around the start of training camp to un-retire? Would the contract come back to life? Would a new contract be negotiated? Would Peyton have to seek a release from the Colts to negotiate with another team?

I certainly don't have the answers. It is very apparent though that if Peyton Manning can and wants to play football there are ways for him to play with any team including the Colts.

Likewise, it is apparant that if Peyton can play football and Mr. Irsay wants to enjoy the excitement of making runs at being Super Bowl champions a couple of times over the next few years instead of mediocre rebuilding seasons there are ways to get this done and not dock the salary cap with 35 mil in 2012.

This is a great article in explaining the contract situation. The part under the title of "what I would do" seems to ignore all of the possibilities.

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(1) So, the Colts can exercise the option. Pay Peyton 28 mil on 3/8. The final four years of contract go into effect with 7, 8, 9, and 10 mil (round numbers) being the contract amount between 2012 and 2015.

(2) The Colts can let the contract expire. They don't pay 28 mil on 3/8, but they would pay 28 mil on 3/11 as a non-exercising bonus. Peyton Manning becomes an Unrestricted Free Agent. In addition, they could place the franchise tag on PM. Peyton would be free to negotiate a new contract with any team including the Colts. Were Peyton to sign with another team the Colts would receive a compensatory draft pick in the 2013 draft.

(3) Between 2/7 and 3/7 the Colts can release(cut) PM. They pay no more money and Peyton is free to negotiate a new contract with any team including the Colts. If Peyton signs with another team, the Colts receive no future compensation.

(4) Between now and 3/7 Peyton can retire. He collects no more money from the Colts. His contract becomes null & void.(?) He and the Colts go on about their own business.

I have no further questions with scenario (1).

The question I have with scenario (2). What is the ramifications of tagging a player with the "Franchise Tag"?

I have no questions with scenario (3).

The questions I have with scenario (4). By retiring, does the current contract become null and void? What would be the ramifications were Peyton to decide around the start of training camp to un-retire? Would the contract come back to life? Would a new contract be negotiated? Would Peyton have to seek a release from the Colts to negotiate with another team?

I certainly don't have the answers. It is very apparent though that if Peyton Manning can and wants to play football there are ways for him to play with any team including the Colts.

Likewise, it is apparant that if Peyton can play football and Mr. Irsay wants to enjoy the excitement of making runs at being Super Bowl champions a couple of times over the next few years instead of mediocre rebuilding seasons there are ways to get this done and not dock the salary cap with 35 mil in 2012.

This is a great article in explaining the contract situation. The part under the title of "what I would do" seems to ignore all of the possibilities.

First of all this is bump so anyone interested can go back to post #1 and read the two links.

1) The 7,8,910 figures you mentioned are just the base salaries.

His cap #'s after the option bonus is paid would be:

$17,000,000.00 2012
$18,000,000.00 2013
$19,000,000.00 2014
$20,000,000.00 2015

2) Manning is not eligible for the franchise tag(they only come into play when a contract expires(like Manning was last year, or Wayne/Mathis this year), and scenario 2 as you explained will not happen, because the whole window to release him with out the 28 million being paid was installed so that it could happen. They simply won't pay it, thus creating the 28 million hit anyway. Peyton signing with a new team is ineligible for any form of compensatory pick since he will be released for that to happen.

3) That is correct, and the acceleration of the 10.4 salary cap dead space hit needs to be addressed to make that statement 100% accurate.

4) If Manning were forced to retire, then that would make his release/declining of the option a formality. He would be a free agent, we would have the 10.4 dead cap acceleration.

  • If at some point he felt he was healthy enough to play, and called Irsay/Grigson and said he is, and they two worked out a contract, that would be in addition to the 10.4 accelerated cap hit(this isn't money paid to him), but it is an accounting measure, so to keep it simple and this is not an implication that he would sign a flat 1 year 5 million contract, but if he were to do that, his 2012 cap hit would technically be 15.4(10.4, and 5.0). Any contract moving forward would be a new contract and accounted for properly if it contains a signing bonus or any other instruments.
  • If that were to occur during 2013, then 2012 absorbed his accelerated cap hit and any contract would be treated as a new contract and accounted for properly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Andrew Brandt at the National Football Post has written a two part series on Mannings Contract that IMO, is MUST READ material for colts fans

The Peyton Predicament Part 1: http://www.nationalf...ent-Part-1.html

The Peyton Predicament Part 2: http://www.nationalf...ent-Part-2.html

Bradt concludes the series with this

I have to say, agree

Manning wants to play and he wants to play in Indy. The contract he built is proof of that.

However, as much as he wants this. I do not think it's in the Colts best interests.

Check it out and let me know what you think

The Peyton Predicament Part 1: http://www.nationalf...ent-Part-1.html

The Peyton Predicament Part 2: http://www.nationalf...ent-Part-2.html

The Peyton Predicament Part 3: http://www.nationalfootballpost.com/Peyton-Predicament-Part-3-9076.html

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The lack of mentioning the cap hits is one of the few issues with this article, from the way it's laid out Peyton had the leverage during the contract negotiations. People wondering why the Colts would agree to this contract, and really it's simple as we knew over the years and saw first hand this season the Colts relied on Manning too much, the entire team was structured around what he did on offense. With the team built around Manning, the wording in the contract shows Peyton's desire to either be committed to by the franchise or allowed to decide where he ends his HOF career. Plenty of great qb's have been the victim of a bad trades, going to team's that weren't suited for them, Peyton doesn't seem like the type of guy to want the Colts to decide where he goes if he has to leave. While the 50 mil for the qb position seems crazy, what makes it possible is that the cap hit would be lower in the first 3 years of Manning's deal. This allows the team to manage the cap and Peyton to get 70 mil of his 90 mil, what stands out about this to me is Peyton has said over the years, around year 16 he would retire. Irsay is a billionaire whose only concern money wise is staying within the cap, which is why he has said money is not the issue with Peyton staying. While it seems like Irsay and Polian got beaten badly during negotiation's this contract is structured with Manning retiring by year 16 and both parties getting what they want. Peyton getting PAID and Irsay getting to keep the g.o.a.t qb until the "presumed" year of decline, which for great qb's has always been around year 16 barring injury of course. I truly believe that if Peyton's arm is back on track and progressing enough for Irsay to believe he will be back to form by September he will pay him the bonus but that will be the 28 mil question come March 8. I think Irsay is giving Petyon as much time as possible to show him he might be back to form which is why nothing major has been said about Manning's progress since December by the Colts. Everything we've heard since January has just been the media putting its spin on things just like this article is doing nothing about Manning's contract makes drafting Luck impossible the only thing that stands out is the essential " no trade clause" and I believe Irsay granted that concession to Manning based upon their personal relationship. Rarely are qb's as great as Manning allowed to chose where the land next after years with a franchise, if you look back both Manning and Irsay said they hammered out the major aspects of the contract, with Polian and Condon just handled the technically language. This contract was Irsay biggest gift to Manning either he stayed and finished a colt or he was allowed to choose where he went next keeping his legacy potentially untarnished by getting shipped to a bad team.

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The lack of mentioning the cap hits is one of the few issues with this article, from the way it's laid out Peyton had the leverage during the contract negotiations. People wondering why the Colts would agree to this contract, and really it's simple as we knew over the years and saw first hand this season the Colts relied on Manning too much, the entire team was structured around what he did on offense. With the team built around Manning, the wording in the contract shows Peyton's desire to either be committed to by the franchise or allowed to decide where he ends his HOF career. Plenty of great qb's have been the victim of a bad trades, going to team's that weren't suited for them, Peyton doesn't seem like the type of guy to want the Colts to decide where he goes if he has to leave. While the 50 mil for the qb position seems crazy, what makes it possible is that the cap hit would be lower in the first 3 years of Manning's deal. This allows the team to manage the cap and Peyton to get 70 mil of his 90 mil, what stands out about this to me is Peyton has said over the years, around year 16 he would retire. Irsay is a billionaire whose only concern money wise is staying within the cap, which is why he has said money is not the issue with Peyton staying. While it seems like Irsay and Polian got beaten badly during negotiation's this contract is structured with Manning retiring by year 16 and both parties getting what they want. Peyton getting PAID and Irsay getting to keep the g.o.a.t qb until the "presumed" year of decline, which for great qb's has always been around year 16 barring injury of course. I truly believe that if Peyton's arm is back on track and progressing enough for Irsay to believe he will be back to form by September he will pay him the bonus but that will be the 28 mil question come March 8. I think Irsay is giving Petyon as much time as possible to show him he might be back to form which is why nothing major has been said about Manning's progress since December by the Colts. Everything we've heard since January has just been the media putting its spin on things just like this article is doing nothing about Manning's contract makes drafting Luck impossible the only thing that stands out is the essential " no trade clause" and I believe Irsay granted that concession to Manning based upon their personal relationship. Rarely are qb's as great as Manning allowed to chose where the land next after years with a franchise, if you look back both Manning and Irsay said they hammered out the major aspects of the contract, with Polian and Condon just handled the technically language. This contract was Irsay biggest gift to Manning either he stayed and finished a colt or he was allowed to choose where he went next keeping his legacy potentially untarnished by getting shipped to a bad team.

You have to remember that this current contract was engineered by Polian et al., who are no longer with the team.

We don't know how much trust Irsay had in Polian, or how much Irsay was involved in the detailed negotiations.

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You have to remember that this current contract was engineered by Polian et al., who are no longer with the team.

We don't know how much trust Irsay had in Polian, or how much Irsay was involved in the detailed negotiations.

If my memory serves me correctly. Manning was frustrated that a deal wasn't getting done, so he and Irsay held a meeting at some boat club, and worked out the details, and then let Polian and Condon dot the t's and cross the i's.

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If my memory serves me correctly. Manning was frustrated that a deal wasn't getting done, so he and Irsay held a meeting at some boat club, and worked out the details, and then let Polian and Condon dot the t's and cross the i's.

Yes, and what we don't know is what influence Polian had in steering Irsay to agree to this contract.

We all assume Polian was fired because of the 2-14 season, and not having the foresight to have adequate backups to PM.

Another possibility is Polian's role in supporting this contract.

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