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1. Pass rusher

2. OL

3. OL

4. DB

5. RB

7. TE


I think the middle of the defense is solid at all three levels.  We need to improve our outside pass rush and pass coverage.


QB and WR are good, but Oline, RB, and blocking TE are necessary to have a legitimate ground game to take pressure off the passing game.

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14 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:

1. Pass rusher

2. OL

3. OL

4. DB

5. RB

7. TE


I think the middle of the defense is solid at all three levels.  We need to improve our outside pass rush and pass coverage.


QB and WR are good, but Oline, RB, and blocking TE are necessary to have a legitimate ground game to take pressure off the passing game.

I agree with this or at worse take another O.Lineman at #7 for more depth.

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I have multiple scenarios. 


1. DT

2. ILB

3. CB

4. RB

5. G

7. OLB


1. CB

2. DT

3. RT/G

4. RT/G

5. OLB

7. S


1. ILB

2. DT

3. OLB

4. S

5. RB

7. RT/G


And finally


1. OLB

2. DT

3. RT/G

4. RT/G

5. RB

7. S/CB


I can't forsee an outcome without one DT and if we take a pass rusher #1 then I want focus to the offense.  If we take anything else I'd like a much more defense concentrated draft that builds a complete defense.

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Just now, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I agree with this or at worse take another O.Lineman at #7 for more depth.


That's what we did with Denzelle Good last year.  I hope he works out.  Can he catch?  I know he is athletic enough to declare as an eligible receiver and if Castanzo can catch a short TD, then Good can too.


Maybe we could find a hybrid OT/TE that can block and also catch a short TE screen and rumble down the field.  Is that mammoth TE from Baylor available?  :thmup:

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8 minutes ago, Surge89 said:

I have multiple scenarios. 


1. DT

2. ILB

3. CB

4. RB

5. G

7. OLB


1. CB

2. DT

3. RT/G

4. RT/G

5. OLB

7. S


1. ILB

2. DT

3. OLB

4. S

5. RB

7. RT/G


And finally


1. OLB

2. DT

3. RT/G

4. RT/G

5. RB

7. S/CB


I can't forsee an outcome without one DT and if we take a pass rusher #1 then I want focus to the offense.  If we take anything else I'd like a much more defense concentrated draft that builds a complete defense.

I like your last scenario.

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24 minutes ago, Jason_S said:


I like this one, but I'd drop DT down to round 4 and move OLB and S each up one round.  I'd probably swap RB and RT/G but that also depends on what happens with FA.


I agree on the RB and RT/G switch but why DT move down?  Well let me clarify my thought process.  This draft is very deep in DT and the top 90 is filled with players that can make impacts.  Once out of the top 90 the talent level normalizes.  So in my eyes a DT pick in the 2nd is much more weighted than one at 4.  What is your thoughts?

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59 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:

1. Pass rusher

2. OL

3. OL

4. DB

5. RB

7. TE


I think the middle of the defense is solid at all three levels.  We need to improve our outside pass rush and pass coverage.


QB and WR are good, but Oline, RB, and blocking TE are necessary to have a legitimate ground game to take pressure off the passing game.

Interesting that everyone thinks we're "set" at WR. We have zero depth after TY, Moncrief, Dorsett, & Bray. One of those guys goes down with an injury, we're screwed. 

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6 minutes ago, Surge89 said:


I agree on the RB and RT/G switch but why DT move down?  Well let me clarify my thought process.  This draft is very deep in DT and the top 90 is filled with players that can make impacts.  Once out of the top 90 the talent level normalizes.  So in my eyes a DT pick in the 2nd is much more weighted than one at 4.  What is your thoughts?


I'm thinking OLB is a bigger need than DT

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6 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:

Interesting that everyone thinks we're "set" at WR. We have zero depth after TY, Moncrief, Dorsett, & Bray. One of those guys goes down with an injury, we're screwed. 


The same is true of any position of strength.  If Luck goes down again, we're screwed, but we're still "set" at QB right?


Do you think we should draft a WR or QB?  As of now, we only have 6 picks, and WR is not a top-6 priority, in my opinion.

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Just now, Lucky Colts Fan said:


The same is true of any position of strength.  If Luck goes down again, we're screwed, but we're still "set" at QB right?


Do you think we should draft a WR or QB?  As of now, we only have 6 picks, and WR is not a top-6 priority, in my opinion.

Regardless of whether it's in FA or the draft, yes, they need to bring in another WR. Can't really go into training camp with only 4 WRs on your roster.

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51 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


After watching what the Broncos D did this year, I would be OK with drafting pass rushers and CBs with every draft pick.


Me too.  As long as we could get Von Miller, Ware, Harris and Roby. 


They're probably not available, so I'll go with Zeke at 1, OL or pass rusher at 2, then BPA.

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2 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:

Regardless of whether it's in FA or the draft, yes, they need to bring in another WR. Can't really go into training camp with only 4 WRs on your roster.


Ok, this thread is about what position you would pick in what round.  What round do you pick a WR?  What position do you pick in the other 5 rounds?

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1 minute ago, Smonroe said:


Me too.  As long as we could get Von Miller, Ware, Harris and Roby. 


They're probably not available, so I'll go with Zeke at 1, OL or pass rusher at 2, then BPA.

It kind of sucks knowing that to get a JJ Watt or Von Miller type guy in the draft, you pretty much have to be #1 or 2 pick overall. 

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1 minute ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:

It kind of sucks knowing that to get a JJ Watt or Von Miller type guy in the draft, you pretty much have to be #1 or 2 pick overall. 


Miller, yes, but Watt wasn't considered a sack-master coming out of college.  He was picked outside the top ten, and actually got booed by Texans fans.  Nobody knew he was going to be THIS good.


I'm not saying a player of their caliber is going to be available at pick 18 for the Colts, but you never know...

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20 minutes ago, Jason_S said:


I'm thinking OLB is a bigger need than DT


I understand that and agree.  But the value won't be there in this scenario. If we take ILB in the first then most likely all the top prospects are gone and the next level is 3rd round graded OLB imo of course.  So why pass the value of DT talent to reach for a player who may not even be picked until our 3rd.

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3 hours ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:

Ok, let's pretend you are the GM/HC/Whoever gets the final say on draft picks for the Colts.


The Colts have one pick in each round except for the 6th (traded for Sio Moore).


What position do you pick with each pick?  Not necessarily what specific player, but what type of player you want in each round.

You left off the rest of your quote *; I bolded it for you.  As GM I am not drafting positions per round (whether "pretending" or not), I'm drafting players/talent...without knowing who is left on the board I cannot say what positions I am drafting.  For example, I would love to have an EDGE in the first round, but I'm not taking the 5th best EDGE when I can grab a top player/better player at another position.

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2 hours ago, Surge89 said:


I understand that and agree.  But the value won't be there in this scenario. If we take ILB in the first then most likely all the top prospects are gone and the next level is 3rd round graded OLB imo of course.  So why pass the value of DT talent to reach for a player who may not even be picked until our 3rd.


Gotcha...just want to preface this by saying I haven't really gotten into specific players and rankings and what not, so here's my thinking....if we consider this to be a "normal" talent pool for OLBs then there should be guys with 1st round grades, 2nd round grades etc.   Whereas with what is being described as a "deep" talent pool for DL, my thinking is we'll probably find guys in the 2nd round that could be considered 1st round talent, guys in the 3rd round that are considered 2nd round talent, etc. 


So, with that thinking, I'd take a 2nd round graded OLB in round 2, and hope that at least one DL with a 2nd round grade could slip to the 3rd.  So that way we're getting a 2nd round graded OLB and a 2nd round graded DL.


Whereas if we take DL in round 2, then he may be a guy that's first round graded, but then the OLB we'd get in the 3rd round would be 3rd round graded.  So in your scenario, adding whoever we pick in round 1, we would get a 1st round graded player in round 1, a 1st round graded player in round 2 and a 3rd round graded player in round 3 whereas in my scenario we get a 1st round graded player in round 1, a 2nd round graded player in round 2 and a 2nd round graded player in round 3.  All in all, both are good scenarios, but with my opinion being that OLB is a bigger need, I'd rather get the highest graded OLB we can.


Now if there is a bigger talent drop-off than usual after the 1st round graded OLBs and the next group of guys are truly 3rd round talent, then your scenario is definitely the better option.  However if there truly are 2nd round graded OLBs, I'd rather have one of those guys than a 3rd round OLB.


Hope that all made sense. lol 

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13 minutes ago, Traines said:

You left off the rest of your quote *; I bolded it for you.  As GM I am not drafting positions per round (whether "pretending" or not), I'm drafting players/talent...without knowing who is left on the board I cannot say what positions I am drafting.  For example, I would love to have an EDGE in the first round, but I'm not taking the 5th best EDGE when I can grab a top player/better player at another position.


Geez, you must be great at parties... this is just a fun exercise.


Think of it as more of a ranking of team needs.  We have six picks, so what should we go after in the 1st round?  OLine? Pass Rusher?  Do we wait until the later rounds to get a RB?


I specifically asked what "position" would you go after in each round, not which player, so if you don't want to do that, then move along and don't reply to the thread... No need to be a jerk.

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3 minutes ago, Gavin said:

Makes more sense, Goes against my draft philosophy but makes more sense


Of course it does...it goes against everyone's draft philosophy.  Like I said, I think it's just a fun way of discussing team needs by position group :P

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Just now, Lucky Colts Fan said:


Geez, you must be great at parties... this is just a fun exercise.


Think of it as more of a ranking of team needs.  We have six picks, so what should we go after in the 1st round?  OLine? Pass Rusher?  Do we wait until the later rounds to get a RB?


I specifically asked what "position" would you go after in each round, not which player, so if you don't want to do that, then move along and don't reply to the thread... No need to be a jerk.

This isn't charades and keg stands so I'm not sure how this makes me not "great at parties".  I should have been more specific on my original reply, but if you don't want me to be a jerk, you may want to return the favor.

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26 minutes ago, Traines said:

This isn't charades and keg stands so I'm not sure how this makes me not "great at parties".  I should have been more specific on my original reply, but if you don't want me to be a jerk, you may want to return the favor.


Did someone say party?c8cc224c5b1e8b1baafeba4287d9534add53273b

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yup going to be "that Guy"





5:S or LB



The rest of the holes will be covered in low risk high potential FAs, namely G, C, and CB


I am in no way happy with this...  but I think this is the way it will go down...  they see how Gore is making an impact...  want it going forward.  the see the issue with the rush and address that.  will have a big push for TE with Chud offically stepping in and have 2 that need resigned.  the rest is fluff...  except for Vinnys future replacement at 7

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This won't be popular but I believe it's the best for the the Colts:


Round 1:  BPA

Round 2:  BPA

Round 3:  BPA

Round 4:  BPA

Round 5:  BPA

Round 7:  BPA


Now, with the way this draft is going to fall (I think, I have not had a lot of time to research it) those positions will be


  • OT
  • ILB
  • CB
  • RB
  • QB
  • OLB

What I would like to see is:









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