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How do I maintain interest in this team, without being emotionally let down each week?


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Yeah, I thought the Colts would be doing a heck of a lot better too. I realized I needed to recalibrate after the Tennessee game. I'll reassess if they ever decide to put a whole game out there instead of just a quarter or two. Right now I'm just looking for more than poop noodles.

haha, well it is the poop noodle thread so not sure what to expect.

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A loose Pagano quote I love to hate: "We'll review the tape, do our due diligence to prepare for next week, and the rest should take care of itself."

I wonder if the Coaches are even sure of themselves at times.

As for you buddy, once you pick your team to root for, you're in for the long haul. For better or for worse. You've chosen to attach your emotions high & low to this team. It does not matter whether you are AS interested than the day you became an Indy fan. Consider yourself married to this team emotionally, despite them not acknowledging your existence.

There is no turning back when your team is not producing the results you desire and/or expect on the field. If you show dissapointment, that is admissible. However, if you show to your family and friends that you want to jump ship, because it's about to sink...than you'll be a Fairweather fan. Cause once the team rights the ship and gets back on track, there you'll be rooting for them cause now you're interested again.

Trust me, you don't think a lot of Browns, Raiders, Jags, etc. Fans are disinterested right now? You bet they are, but they're waiting for the day to say "I told you so." To the naysayers, even if it means dying for what they believe in..when there is not even a shred of hope remaining..just because they don't want to be wrong..and feel like they've wasted their money and time on their team. They will pretend to think their team is going places year after year.

Stick with your team, sooner than later you'll be able to say: "I told you so."

[*Exits in slow, dramatic manner]

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We have been so blessed as Colts fans to have the winning records that we've experienced over the last decade plus. Were having a bad season and you have to question your fan loyalty? Good thing your not a Browns or Raiders fan and God forbid if your a Cubs fan......SMH

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I can relate. I've held season ticket since 95 and after watching the Buffalo game and then the home loss to the Jets, I told my friends I was going to put up the rest of the tickets for sale and probably would be back this season.

Now saying that, I wasn't pouting because they lost, it was the way they looked organizationally and a feeling that this is one messed up coaching and above system. I have been fortunate that we've sold each of the games so far and I really felt odd that I want there for the pats game but this dysfunction is something we haven't had to witness since the days of Jeff George days.

I fault the players some because they have to execute better but I place 75% of the blame on coaching and planning. Peps same garbage plans each week now for the 3rd season. Manusky's plain defense getting beat in the same spots each week for his entire tenure so far. His schemes are the same seeming used in preseason.

I don't know what the deal is between Pags and Griggs but if Griggs is truly telling his coach who to play and this person is on your coaching staff and is untouchable, then Griggs needs to go. If Pags isn't being handcuffed by upper management then it's him that needs to go. We will find out what the deal is either soon if they keep losing or at the end of the season. But to the original point, I will watch the team from home but I'm boycotting with my wallet from the stadium.

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We have been so blessed as Colts fans to have the winning records that we've experienced over the last decade plus. Were having a bad season and you have to question your fan loyalty? Good thing your not a Browns or Raiders fan and God forbid if your a Cubs fan......SMH

I would easily trade our success with the NY Giants success over the last decade. 

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Try rooting for a team that's even worse in a different sport. For instance, I'm a Cincinnati Reds fan, and it always lends perspective in situations like this, because they SUCK. We're not even at the midway point yet, and it seems to be a forgone conclusion that the Colts will still wrap up their division.

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