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Why Is Manning’S Replacement Such A Problem?


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the very definition of denial

i guess we'll just ignore the part where he had offseason surgery to repair nerve damage in his neck, the nerve didnt respond so he had further procedures, which did not heal in time for the 2011 season so he missed the entire year. the team went 2-14. recent reports say he can throw the ball 30 yards right now

but besides that, how'd you like the play Mrs. Lincoln?

You're not reading what I'm writing..

In the BEST CASE SCENARIO...we dont need a QB...


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I implore you all to cease and desist with calling Griffin "RG3". It's not cool, it's not neat....its frickin stupid.

What??? Thats what everybody calls him. It's a nickname and not something I started. Not only that but its better than spelling out "Robert Griffin III" so I don't get whats so "not cool","not neat", or "frickin stupid" about it. Complain to the networks if you have such a problem with it.

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C'mon Mark. As I type this Manning is still not 100% healthy, 3 neck surgeries, hasn't played football in what, 5 months?

Even if he comes back, having a backup QB would be a good idea incase something happens to Manning or his production is affected right?

....Again...ssarow..man.....you are dealing in the worst case scenario......and you most certainly can do that..

But in the BEST CASE SCENARIO....and there is more than one NFL Player playing after Manning's surgery)

...we have Manning and Orlovsky...and no further need at QB....Luck will NEVER agree to back up Manning for 4 years, agreed?

AND we have glaring almost bleeding needs at other positions which we can fill with 2 No.1s and 2 No. 2s...which we can get from Cleveland if we trade Andrew

If you show me Manning cant play in 2012...I'd draft Andrew Luck....and I'd beg him (and apparently it will take some begging) to play for us..

But as the situation stands now....Peyton Manning has been cleared by his doctors to practice and is at 85% (last we heard)

lets try to win in 2012 by drafting a corner, an o-lineman..and a WR to replace Reggie or Pierre...if we cant resign both

Lets live in the best case scenario,... :thmup:

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....Again...ssarow..man.....you are dealing in the worst case scenario......and you most certainly can do that..

But in the BEST CASE SCENARIO....and there is more than one NFL Player playing after Manning's surgery)

...we have Manning and Orlovsky...and no further need at QB....Luck will NEVER agree to back up Manning for 4 years, agreed?

AND we have glaring almost bleeding needs at other positions which we can fill with 2 No.1s and 2 No. 2s...which we can get from Cleveland if we trade Andrew

If you show me Manning cant play in 2012...I'd draft Andrew Luck....and I'd beg him (and apparently it will take some begging) to play for us..

But as the situation stands now....Peyton Manning has been cleared by his doctors to practice and is at 85% (last we heard)

lets try to win in 2012 by drafting a corner, an o-lineman..and a WR to replace Reggie or Pierre...if we cant resign both

Lets live in the best case scenario,... :thmup:

Mark lets get some things ironed out here

Peyton Manning was never cleared to practice from my knowledge. He has been cleared to throw. Two different things. That being said your best case scenario makes sense but teams usually prepare for the worst. Something the Colts did not do in 2011 and Orlovsky is not the answer.

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What??? Thats what everybody calls him. It's a nickname and not something I started. Not only that but its better than spelling out "Robert Griffin III" so I don't get whats so "not cool","not neat", or "frickin stupid" about it. Complain to the networks if you have such a problem with it.

Jebus Cripes....just kiddin there buddy.

But why the "III"?

Like who the #$%* was RGI or RGII?

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Mark lets get some things ironed out here

Peyton Manning was never cleared to practice from my knowledge. He has been cleared to throw. Two different things. That being said your best case scenario makes sense but teams usually prepare for the worst. Something the Colts did not do in 2011 and Orlovsky is not the answer.

There is truth there..Bill Polian just put in is application at Wendy's now because he didnt prepare for the worst...

...and we wont know hiow Manning realy is until he takes a hit next August..

Its splitting hairs to say that manning wasnt practicing...just throwing....as a QB. obvioulsy, he doenst hit anybody...

...I'll ask YOU...If I ran a team which with averaged 12 points a game and had one of the worst defensive secondaries in the NFL...

...and instead of drafting secondary and O-line help, I used the No.1 overall pick to draft a QB (any QB) when I had a 4-time MVP QB..

..and that 4-time MVP came back and played every game in 2012......and My overall No.1 pick never played a game...

..and we missed the playoffs because our secondary and o-line were short on talent..

...what names would you call me???

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There is truth there..Bill Polian just put in is application at Wendy's now because he didnt prepare for the worst...

...and we wont know hiow Manning realy is until he takes a hit next August..

Its splitting hairs to say that manning wasnt practicing...just throwing....as a QB. obvioulsy, he doenst hit anybody...

...I'll ask YOU...If I ran a team which with averaged 12 points a game and had one of the worst defensive secondaries in the NFL...

...and instead of drafting secondary and O-line help, I used the No.1 overall pick to draft a QB (any QB) when I had a 4-time MVP QB..

..and that 4-time MVP came back and played every game in 2012......and My overall No.1 pick never played a game...

..and we missed the playoffs because our secondary and o-line were short on talent..

...what names would you call me???

Mark I would never call you any names!

But there is too many assumptions here. I can't say unless I know for sure Manning is 100% healthy and back to his prior form.

Releasing Manning and free-ing up some cap space could allow the Colts to sign draft picks, free agents , etc. AND have Andrew Luck and be set for the future. Just my opinion of course. This is assuming Manning is not healthy.

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Mark I would never call you any names!

But there is too many assumptions here. I can't say unless I know for sure Manning is 100% healthy and back to his prior form.

Releasing Manning and free-ing up some cap space could allow the Colts to sign draft picks, free agents , etc. AND have Andrew Luck and be set for the future. Just my opinion of course. This is assuming Manning is not healthy.

Fair enough..Its going to be a long 3 months waiting.

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....Again...ssarow..man.....you are dealing in the worst case scenario......and you most certainly can do that..

But in the BEST CASE SCENARIO....and there is more than one NFL Player playing after Manning's surgery)

...we have Manning and Orlovsky...and no further need at QB....Luck will NEVER agree to back up Manning for 4 years, agreed?

AND we have glaring almost bleeding needs at other positions which we can fill with 2 No.1s and 2 No. 2s...which we can get from Cleveland if we trade Andrew

If you show me Manning cant play in 2012...I'd draft Andrew Luck....and I'd beg him (and apparently it will take some begging) to play for us..

But as the situation stands now....Peyton Manning has been cleared by his doctors to practice and is at 85% (last we heard)

lets try to win in 2012 by drafting a corner, an o-lineman..and a WR to replace Reggie or Pierre...if we cant resign both

Lets live in the best case scenario,... :thmup:

Polian made the mistake of hoping for the best and not planning for the worst. Another season like this would be costly.

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I don’t get it, why all the controversy? We started a few years back asking the question about finding Manning’s replacement…well we now have the opportunity to grab it. I don’t understand all this talk of release Peyton, get picks for him or Luck. Why isn’t this just a talk about how we got a replacement for down the road? Would we still have all the debates if we were talking about something other than the #1 overall? Why is it such an issue to go with Peyton for the next 2 years with Luck as backup and revaluate again then?

Your right. Before this year I thought Peyton had 4-5 good years left. Maybe another super bowl. Here's the thing though. A year ago who would have thought Peyton was'nt going to play this year, and also we go 2-14 and have the #1 pick in the draft? I don't see 3 yrs. or maybe none at all! We could make a trade to the Vikings for 2 #1's, 2#2's and AP. RG III. I like Luck also. This is a BIG OPPORTUNITY. I take Luck unless the Vikings make the big deal.
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Why is it considered stupid for Luck (#1 pick) to sit behind Peyton but not RGIII (#2 pick)??? Everyone, who wants to trade the pick, says trade the #1 pick and draft RGIII. If RGIII is as good as some say, he will need to start his 1st day, too...just like Luck. If you trade the number 1 pick, then you will have to grab one of these guys: Foles, Cousins, or Tannehill. They are considered projects who could be franchise QBs. Keenum and others are scouted as backups only.

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Why is it considered stupid for Luck (#1 pick) to sit behind Peyton but not RGIII (#2 pick)??? Everyone, who wants to trade the pick, says trade the #1 pick and draft RGIII. If RGIII is as good as some say, he will need to start his 1st day, too...just like Luck. If you trade the number 1 pick, then you will have to grab one of these guys: Foles, Cousins, or Tannehill. They are considered projects who could be franchise QBs. Keenum and others are scouted as backups only.

RGIII is expected to be a talented project. He isn't seen as being as "NFL ready" as Luck. RGIII could polish his skills for a year, while Luck would be better served gaining game-time experience. (these are not necessarily MY opinions, just what I have gathered from the pro-RGIII crowd)

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I personally believe that Dan Orlovsky did a phenomenal job, considering the state of the team and his personal situation (living in someone elses home, preparing for triplets, not being with the team all season, etc.). In my opinion, he at least deserves a shot to compete for a job here next season. The players certainly seemed to rally around him...

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I personally believe that Dan Orlovsky did a phenomenal job, considering the state of the team and his personal situation (living in someone elses home, preparing for triplets, not being with the team all season, etc.). In my opinion, he at least deserves a shot to compete for a job here next season. The players certainly seemed to rally around him...

He was given a chance to "compete" for a job here last offseason.

It was Reggie Wayne's opinion that we needed to go with Painter, and it was the front offices opinion that we needed to go with Kerry Collins. He flat out OUT-PLAYED both of them! He should be the only quarterback we should keep from our current roster (depending on the status Peyton Manning).

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I personally believe that Dan Orlovsky did a phenomenal job, considering the state of the team and his personal situation (living in someone elses home, preparing for triplets, not being with the team all season, etc.). In my opinion, he at least deserves a shot to compete for a job here next season. The players certainly seemed to rally around him...

I agree with your sentiments. I believe it will depend on what the QB position looks like.

  • If it is Manning, Luck , and QB 3, I'm no so sure DO6 would want to even be here behind those 2.

  • If we decided to trade the # 1 pick then I feel that he could be a sufficient short term back up if the need arises.

  • If Manning isn't here and we draft Luck, I'm not sure if he, DO6, would exactly fit the bill of the veteran type presence that we would likely want to help tutor Luck since he doesn't have an abundance of experience on his own. QB 3 would then likely be a un-drafted Rookie.

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I agree with your sentiments. I believe it will depend on what the QB position looks like.

  • If it is Manning, Luck , and QB 3, I'm no so sure DO6 would want to even be here behind those 2.

  • If we decided to trade the # 1 pick then I feel that he could be a sufficient short term back up if the need arises.

  • If Manning isn't here and we draft Luck, I'm not sure if he, DO6, would exactly fit the bill of the veteran type presence that we would likely want to help tutor Luck since he doesn't have an abundance of experience on his own. QB 3 would then likely be a un-drafted Rookie.

A job is a job, and even though he played well for us, I doubt other teams will be lining up for his services.

If we have Manning and Luck, we will likely go back to having only two QBs on the roster.

If we draft Luck and let Manning go, we would likely keep Collins in the mentor role.

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A job is a job, and even though he played well for us, I doubt other teams will be lining up for his services.

If we have Manning and Luck, we will likely go back to having only two QBs on the roster.

If we draft Luck and let Manning go, we would likely keep Collins in the mentor role.

Im pretty sure Collins has already re-retired. Im also pretty sure he's been back home with his family since he was IR'd.

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A job is a job, and even though he played well for us, I doubt other teams will be lining up for his services.

If we have Manning and Luck, we will likely go back to having only two QBs on the roster.

If we draft Luck and let Manning go, we would likely keep Collins in the mentor role.

If it weren't for Manning's neck/injury issues I would agree with Manning/Luck as 2 QB's but since the QB 3 doesn't count against the game day roster like it used to I see someone filling that role and I doubt it would be Orlovsky, he'd likely move on to a team that would give him a better chance to play.

Collins is done..


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If it weren't for Manning's neck/injury issues I would agree with Manning/Luck as 2 QB's but since the QB 3 doesn't count against the game day roster like it used to I see someone filling that role and I doubt it would be Orlovsky, he'd likely move on to a team that would give him a better chance to play.

Collins is done..


I stand corrected.

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Numbers do matter man lol my gosh... Case keenum could be a Jem when he gets to the Pros you dont know that.. he just isnt getting the hype RGIII or Luck is getting... as for accuracy he's still more accurate, you cant just leave out the deep ball accuracy.

Baylor plays in the Big 12. A yawn of a conference. Stanford plays in a much better Pac 10 (12) conference.

Luck has played against better competition ,and has performed amazingly well as a pocket QB.

I'll go ahead and guarantee that he'll be the better NFL product.

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Complete ^cowpatties^, and we all know it.

He didn't take a PENNY less than any of his contracts. Restructuring does not = taking a pay cut.

If that is your thought process the same could be said for Tommy "Hometown discount" Brady.

Nobody said anything about the restructuring, even though that has been beneficial numerous times.

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Baylor plays in the Big 12. A yawn of a conference. Stanford plays in a much better Pac 10 (12) conference.

Luck has played against better competition ,and has performed amazingly well as a pocket QB.

I'll go ahead and guarantee that he'll be the better NFL product.

We agree on something :)

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It's not hype, its evaluation. Keenum has all the numbers but isn't a top pick because he lacks mechanics,quick release and so forth. Players are not top picks because of hype, its because they are darn good. It doesn't mean they have to have elite numbers either. Keenum doesn't need hype, he lacks certain skills.

RG3 is not more accurate than Luck. If so what kind of evidence do you have to prove that? Numbers? Throwing the deep ball better doesn't mean you're more accurate.

Thats not true, its all about hype, its basically like the stock market what ppl say can hurt where and when your drafted. RGIII has a better completion percentage than Luck, although it is minute he does have the better comp stat, meaning he was more accurate hence he is the more accurate QB... Keenum could be the next drew brees for all we know, the guy produces TD's and thats what teams want, whichever team gets him could have a gem in their pocket.

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While that is true, there are not any limitations like their used to be for QB3.

Right. You don't have to have three quarterbacks active on game day. So for teams who were used to only having two active quarterbacks, they basically get an extra roster spot on game day. Or you can have three quarterbacks, without the emergency quarterback fiasco Chicago wound up with last season.

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