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What If Manning Is Done In Indy?


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I to am a cards fan and was destroyed when they let Albert walk, no one is worth the money these big time athletes get paid now a days, but bottom line is if the market dictates it then Albert and Manning deserved to make the most for what both have done for their team, community and org. Still gets me to think AP won't be wearing the cards uniform in 2012, however I still root for both stl will always be my team. With that said management believed they used him enough with the deal he gave them when he signed his first contract, and turned their backs on him, for this the game he returns to stl I'll be wearing my cardinal AP shirt with duct tape cover the cards logo.

Sorry got a bit Off topic but to get to the question at hand, I would follow and root for Peyton till he retires, and would be so disappointed in the colts, but with time would come around and again roots for the colts with a very high love/hate relationship.

On another note people tend to forget the money and publicity great individual players bring to their organization. not to mention the future implications it could have, if they decide to hold a grudge cause the fan base turned their backs on them at the drop of dime.

Peyton must stay(if he's healthy)...the future of the francise depends on it

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Sorry got a bit Off topic but to get to the question at hand, I would follow and root for Peyton till he retires, and would be so disappointed in the colts, but with time would come around and again roots for the colts with a very high love/hate relationship.

Well said. I think I would feel the same.

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What if Manning isn't don't in Indy? I guess nobody is asking that. It seems to me that, the more positive news we hear of Manning's recovery, the harder people are tying to drown out the boards with talk of his end.

It's not about his age, or the surgery; nor is it about "accepting reality." Those arguments have been readily dispatched by the facts. People just seem eager to be rid of him as if Luck is better, already on the team, and being held back by Manning.

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I don't think he's going anywhere Doogan. I always tend to lean more toward the positive than the negative. Maybe that makes me a little naieve (?) (never could spell that word!) than is normal, but that's ok. Nothing wrong with thinking the world is not that bad.

He's recovering, getting better, and his rehab seems to be progressing well.

As I've said may times on here Peyton's my man! :)

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I don't think he's going anywhere Doogan. I always tend to lean more toward the positive than the negative. Maybe that makes me a little naive than is normal, but that's ok. Nothing wrong with thinking the world is not that bad.

He's recovering, getting better, and his rehab seems to be progressing well.

As I've said may times on here Peyton's my man! :)

If Manning is gone, we will be without the greatest quarterback our Indy team has known.

If Manning in NOT gone, he will be our starter as soon as he is cleared to play.

My loyalties to the Colts, and my loyalties to Manning will never change. Only my expectations going forward will change.

I may also be naive (I fixed your spelling in your quote to help you look super-smart! :) ), but I think we can do well going forward with both Manning AND Luck. Make Luck the highest paid backup QB; because in my opinion, he will be THE BEST BACKUP QB EVER! Pair that with Peyton, and we have a position locked down for the next decade!

We just need to figure out how to work the salary cap.

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What if Manning isn't don't in Indy? I guess nobody is asking that. It seems to me that, the more positive news we hear of Manning's recovery, the harder people are tying to drown out the boards with talk of his end.

It's not about his age, or the surgery; nor is it about "accepting reality." Those arguments have been readily dispatched by the facts. People just seem eager to be rid of him as if Luck is better, already on the team, and being held back by Manning.

Doogan - He may not be going anywhere. We will know by March 8th I suppose. I do think though there is a very real possibility that the Colts may decide that going younger and letting Luck play immediately, like they did in 98 with Manning, is the best option for the long term health of the team. No the same situation exactly because there was no Manning equivilent on the 98 roster, but there are similarities.

And even though I started the thread, really with the intent of finding out if people would be OK with the Colts deciding to release a healthy Manning, I would love to go to LOS next season and see 18 behind center again. I just think the odds of it happening are 50/50 at best.

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It would be difficult to see Manning in any jersey except a Colts jersey. if they draft Luck, I'd like to see Manning stay for one or two years and then retire. Maybe that's a selfish fan's thinking.

If he does go, I wish him the best and I'll always consider him a Colt. I hope that if he does leave, he goes to a classy organization. I really hope he's healthy enough to stay, however, and does so.

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but I have faith that the Colts will do what they feel is best at the time regardless of whether or not you, I, or anyone else here agrees or disagrees.

Really??? The did so well when we were on our way to a perfect season in 2009.

And WHAT is an RG3?

Since you referred to a portion of one my posts, I will respond. I said that I had faith that the Colts would do what they thought was best whether or not any of us agreed or disagreed. Obviously, you did not agree with pulling the starters and I agree with you.

However, I seriously doubt that Irsay, Polian, Caldwell, and whoever else was involved in making that decision sat around and said to themselves, "What is the worst thing we could do?" And, then came to the conclusion that pulling the starters was the answer to that question. I feel that they made that decision because they thought it was for the best.

Often in life, we are faced with making decisions. Sometimes we make the right decision and sometimes we do not. But, seldom (if ever) do we intentionally try to make the wrong decision.

RG3 is a shortened version for Robert Griffin III.

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What in your opinion makes PM the greatest of all time. What makes him better then Montana elway Marino and so on. Not saying he isn't just wondering what u guys think makes him the goat

I see (saw) him play week by week. In my team. This makes him the goat. ;) (for me)

Regarding PM's release. I root for the Colts, but I love football because of Mannings, Waynes, Clarks, etc. I know the two correlate, loving Manning makes me root for the Colts, and rooting for the Colts makes me love it's players. But Manning is special. For me, he represents the franchise. If I see a blue shirt on the street, or a horseshoe sign, Manning comes to my mind. For me, the Colts jersey has #18 on it, and I just can't imagine to see this number on any other team's jersey. I could deal with the fact of Manning's retirement, because it's inevitable, but letting him go and play for another team?...

So, the truth is, that Manning means so much for me, that I would gladly accept multiple negative seasons after his retirement, just to see him play a few more years in Colts jersey. I just want to see him play more, and I don't care if sky falls down after his retirement. I just don't. I would patiently wait for years to see a potent Colts team again, if that's the price. This how I feel.

I'd like to ask a question though. Reading comments about the Manning story, it almost always comes down to choosing between the short term solution or the long term solution. And I just don't see why. I mean, there are multiple ways to build a winning team. There is the Manning/Montana way - winning by the help of a HOF QB -, but there are other ways. Luck represents the same Manning/Montana way (hopefully), but is it really the only direction we can go in the future? OK, that is the obvious, because Luck is available, but not the only one. The question for me is: does it worth to sacrifice 2-3-4 years of Manning era - with almost certainly being SB candidant - for sticking to the direction we followed in the last decade? I belive, that it is not the direction/style that makes a franchise successfull, but the personnel. The owner, the FO, etc. I believe, that the reason why Miami didn't find a way to winning after Marino is not the fact, that they failed to find his successor. The reason was that the management failed to build a good team out of the available resources they have.

The NFL gives all teams almost equal change by it's rules (draft system, cap space, etc.). It's the management and coaching staff that can or cannot utilize their chances. If Irsay and the management is good enough, they will find a way to build a winning team, no matter who is coming out of the drafts, and if they fail to do so, then it doesn't really matter if we draft Luck or not.

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