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Bob Kravitz' Story


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True, i just read the new report. It too states that 11 of 12 balls were "one to two pounds" under, according to a source.

It also states that an official became suspicious of this guy handing him a football that did not have proper markings on it and he contacted the VP of game operations who was in the press box who decided to go down at halftime to check the balls. So does that mean people can now get off of Grigson's case for starting deflategate? Sounds to me like there was suspicion anyway and the league was notified by one of it's own officials.

Yea 11 of 12 were 1-2 lbs under but who knows what's real or not.



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@SportsCenter: Patriots locker-room attendant tried to put unapproved kicking ball into AFC title game, sources familiar w/ investigation tell @OTLonESPN.


another BSPN rumors from 'sources'.  lol   seriously this is nothing but a buzzfeed.


anyway if indeed true the isn't this Inflate-gate?  because kickers like it super hard?  maybe he tried to submit 17psi football?    if indeed true then why aren't they investigate aaron rodgers? 

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I read the article to mean the locker room attendant gave the official in charge of special teams footballs an unapproved football (the ball didn't have a k on it). So this ball would have been used for special teams play, not a play run by Brady.

Not really sure how this is relevant to the deflate gate nonsense but more than anything it calls into question the process around how the balls are handled and controlled pre-game and during the game.

As much as articles like this will support the conspiracy theorists and still without merit, this whole process really reflects poorly on the NFL and their obvious lack of control and defined protocols.

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What QB would ever want to use a K Ball? This story makes zero sense...those balls are brand new, out-of-the box balls. They are slick, hard to grip, etc. More evidence that the league is working feverishly on this smear campaign...pathetic.

Having reading comprehension problems this morning? Read it again, or possibly for the first time, they are talking about special teams not Brady, unless Brady was planning to take over kicking duties.

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Having reading comprehension problems this morning? Read it again, or possibly for the first time, they are talking about special teams not Brady, unless Brady was planning to take over kicking duties.


So...let me get this straight...a guy handed an unapproved ball to an official who noticed it wasn't marked properly and he rejected that ball? Earth shattering.

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honest mistake...poor fella grabbed the wrong ball in the heat of the moment...thankfully the ref was there to catch the mistake before that ball got into the game :thmup:

Yeah right, your team has an unusually high number of "honest mistakes".

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Yeah right, your team has an unusually high number of "honest mistakes".


I know - it's upsetting to realize that I root for the only team in the NFL that engages in shenanigans of any type. It's so unfair to the other 31 teams who are all doing it "the right way". Lol.

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I know - it's upsetting to realize that I root for the only team in the NFL that engages in shenanigans of any type. It's so unfair to the other 31 teams who are all doing it "the right way". Lol.

Not upsetting at all to me, sorry that it bothers you. Maybe you should consider switching alliances. No one said all the other teams are doing it the right way but since you brought it up, the vast majority of those teams do not seem to have the same issues as the Pats.

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Not upsetting at all to me, sorry that it bothers you. Maybe you should consider switching alliances. No one said all the other teams are doing it the right way but since you brought it up, the vast majority of those teams do not seem to have the same issues as the Pats.

I was of course being sarcastic. The league is filled with phonies in the locker rooms, executive offices, and among the fan bases. The notion that the Patriots are any more or less "honorable" (and that word itself in the context of professional sports makes me laugh) than every other team in this league is beyond laughable. The spotlight shines on the team that wins more than others...that's just how it works. It mattered a little before the super-bowl. Now it's just entertaining.

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So...let me get this straight...a guy handed an unapproved ball to an official who noticed it wasn't marked properly and he rejected that ball? Earth shattering.

You do realize buried in that story is saying that 11 balls were one pound under. Again, it's a report that is different from Mort, different from Rapoport. This is a small piece of the ongoing investigation. If it was nothing then Wells wouldn't be wasting any more of the NFL's time or money conducting the investigation.

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Having reading comprehension problems this morning? Read it again, or possibly for the first time, they are talking about special teams not Brady, unless Brady was planning to take over kicking duties.


Interesting when I read the report I find extremely interesting that there is nothing in the report to indicate that the ball in question did not comply with the NFL rule book, insofar as specifications are concerned, which at is core is the issue here.  


If I have 36 balls in the stadium and they all comply with the NFL specs and 12 or 24 are inspected by the refs pregame and set aside for game use, but then one of the 25-36 balls gets on to the field and is in spec, what is the issue?  Especially when it did not get in the game.   


Ultimately, the issue is did the pats intentionally play with balls out of spec, either created before or after the inspection.  That is the heart of the issue.   Everything else is irrelevant.   The fact that a ball made it to the sidelines that did not have an inspection mark is not an issue unless it is out of spec.


So for me where is the specs on the ball.  Its seem funny to me that Kinsel was so concerned about the balls why was the ball in question was not tested?   If folks see fit to leak this and make a bid deal out of it, would it not have been a good idea to check the ball to see if it was in spec.   Would it not have been great evidence to have a non inspected ball that is out of spec being handed to an official?   


The fact that the leak is devoid of any evidence as to the spec of this ball.  There is evidence via the leaks that all of the other balls were tested, although levels are in dispute among the leaks.  But is it very telling what one can attribute to this leak that it is devoid of any evidence that it was not in complication with the specifications set forth in the NFL rule book.  And again, I repeat the issue at hand is the pats intentionally playing with balls that were out of spec. 

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Interesting when I read the report I find extremely interesting that there is nothing in the report to indicate that the ball in question did not comply with the NFL rule book, insofar as specifications are concerned, which at is core is the issue here.  


If I have 36 balls in the stadium and they all comply with the NFL specs and 12 or 24 are inspected by the refs pregame and set aside for game use, but then one of the 25-36 balls gets on to the field and is in spec, what is the issue?  Especially when it did not get in the game.   


Ultimately, the issue is did the pats intentionally play with balls out of spec, either created before or after the inspection.  That is the heart of the issue.   Everything else is irrelevant.   The fact that a ball made it to the sidelines that did not have an inspection mark is not an issue unless it is out of spec.


So for me where is the specs on the ball.  Its seem funny to me that Kinsel was so concerned about the balls why was the ball in question was not tested?   If folks see fit to leak this and make a bid deal out of it, would it not have been a good idea to check the ball to see if it was in spec.   Would it not have been great evidence to have a non inspected ball that is out of spec being handed to an official?   


The fact that the leak is devoid of any evidence as to the spec of this ball.  There is evidence via the leaks that all of the other balls were tested, although levels are in dispute among the leaks.  But is it very telling what one can attribute to this leak that it is devoid of any evidence that it was not in complication with the specifications set forth in the NFL rule book.  And again, I repeat the issue at hand is the pats intentionally playing with balls that were out of spec.

The issue would be that there would be no way to know if that football was in compliance without the mark that the Ref put on the football. Of course with regard to the Pats even if it had the officials Mark it may no longer be in compliance. ;)

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The league is filled with phonies in the locker rooms, executive offices, and among the fan bases. The notion that the Patriots are any more or less "honorable" than every other team in this league is beyond laughable.

Actually none of the above is true.

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The issue would be that there would be no way to know if that football was in compliance without the mark that the Ref put on the football. Of course with regard to the Pats even if it had the officials Mark it may no longer be in compliance. ;)


But my point is that the NFL did not test that ball as they did with the other 12 (and colts balls).   The leak is devoid of any testing of that ball or where that ball went when the testing was done.  For me that is key.  It seems kind of interesting that all of this deflation stuff was supposedly on notice to the NFL pregame and they curiously do not test an unmark ball that shows up on the field.  Don't you think it would have been a good idea to test an unmarked ball?


The NFL seem to feel fit to tests all the balls, why did they not test this one?  Don't you find that missing fact interesting? 


It is just a long line of things in this case that seem like it has something but is devoid of some key chain of custody, actual fact, or other things that makes it very incomplete.     

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You do realize buried in that story is saying that 11 balls were one pound under. Again, it's a report that is different from Mort, different from Rapoport. This is a small piece of the ongoing investigation. If it was nothing then Wells wouldn't be wasting any more of the NFL's time or money conducting the investigation.

of course that was buried...anything that goes against the narrative that the Pats deflated a bunch of footballs is going to get buried...it doesn't fit the witch hunt narrative.

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of course that was buried...anything that goes against the narrative that the Pats deflated a bunch of footballs is going to get buried...it doesn't fit the witch hunt narrative.

How is an ongoing investigation with evidence against the patriots considered a witch hunt? Just because it is your team who is being looked at for doing something wrong doesn't make it a witch hunt to those that aren't new england fans. I bet you think Odin Lloyd's family are on a witch hunt too.

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How is an ongoing investigation with evidence against the patriots considered a witch hunt? Just because it is your team who is being looked at for doing something wrong doesn't make it a witch hunt to those that aren't new england fans. I bet you think Odin Lloyd's family are on a witch hunt too.

eyeroll....yeah, a murder investigation is a great analogy for this...

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you are comparing a league investigation into a game rules violation to a murder trial, and you are telling me that I'M deflecting? That's rich...

No, I asked you how an ongoing investigation with evidence against the patriots is considered a witch hunt. I also said that just because it is your team who is being investigated for wrongdoing doesn't make it a witch hunt to those that aren't new england fans. You deflected my initial question and comment regarding the deflate investigation and have only tried to focus on my obviously sarcastic last sentence about the Hernandez murder trial.

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But my point is that the NFL did not test that ball as they did with the other 12 (and colts balls).   The leak is devoid of any testing of that ball or where that ball went when the testing was done.  For me that is key.  It seems kind of interesting that all of this deflation stuff was supposedly on notice to the NFL pregame and they curiously do not test an unmark ball that shows up on the field.  Don't you think it would have been a good idea to test an unmarked ball?


The NFL seem to feel fit to tests all the balls, why did they not test this one?  Don't you find that missing fact interesting? 


It is just a long line of things in this case that seem like it has something but is devoid of some key chain of custody, actual fact, or other things that makes it very incomplete.

I do not find it interesting that the Refs did not test the extra footballs, if in fact they did not. How often does a team go through all 12 of the tested footballs during a game? We do not even know if the football that was handed to the Ref was one of the alternate footballs.

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This is all just a result of what happens when you build something great.

The Patriots are the only team since the Cowboys, Niners and Steelers that have built a legacy, and they did it in a more difficult era of free agency and salary cap.

That's why people overreact to a story about how a single Psi was missing in a football and it becomes national news, with every Tom, Dick and Harry that has a mouth or keyboard has to talk about and share their expert opinion.

That's why you don't see rampant coverage of the Browns violation, or the Falcons admitting to pumping crowd noise into a stadium to hinder the opposing teams ability to get plays in to the QB, call out blocking assignments and adjustments, call audibles and execute a snap count. It's why you don't see any news regarding a franchise owner publicly to the media in a press conference talk about a division rivals star player under contract and state that he wants him back and would have paid what the Pats paid him, or about a hall of fame WR that made his entire career with his hands and ability to catch a ball admitting to using an illegal adhesive substance that would have a ball stick right to a helmet with no hands needed because of how sticky it is..

Those teams don't have a legacy, they're just your run of the mill average teams so nobody cares. Ever notice how the most outspoken people over the years have been all the butt hurt players who the Pats beat? Or players from teams who are insecure because they want to be remembered as the only team to accomplish something and when they see someone like the Pats doing it, and doing it better, they feel they need to come out and publicly criticise them to demean their accomplishments?

At the end of the day it's like a badge of honor. The crown is heavy and comes with a great burden. To be able to get players like Bettis and Faulk to cry endlessly over 10 years later because you're so in their head is an amazing victory in and of itself, because it means that you're relevant enough for people to want to spend time out of their day talking about you.

For any gamers on these forums, you'll be able to see this analogy and relate... remember when you'd be on a server kicking tons of butt and taking names.. and you'd frustrate people so much because they weren't able to defeat you, so they would just call you a cheater to justify in their own heads why they lost to you, rather than admit that somebody might just be better than them?

Being called a cheater on those servers was one of the biggest honors you could receive, because it meant that you thoroughly dominated your opponent physcially and mentally. You broke them down so bad that they needed to justify it somehow, and the way they did that was to credit it to cheating rather than their own skill. It's a crutch that people use to deal with inferiority rather than just working harder to get better.

The Patriots are that gamer on the server dominating people left and right, so now they get to wear the badge of honor that's pinned on their chest from the mouths of all the haters.

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Maybe you need to back and read his tweets. Do you understand what a conditional statement is

Do you know what a fan forum is?  It's a forum that consists of fans from that team.  All I have seen you do on this forum is criticize and whine about the Colts.  You're like my ex.  Everything's a fight and you poke at everyone that has been on this site for years getting along famously.  It gets old.  Surely there is a haters forum somewhere.  Maybe you could google it.  

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Do you know what a fan forum is? It's a forum that consists of fans from that team. All I have seen you do on this forum is criticize and whine about the Colts. You're like my ex. Everything's a fight and you poke at everyone that has been on this site for years getting along famously. It gets old. Surely there is a haters forum somewhere. Maybe you could google it.

And that's the majority of his posts. Stir up trouble every time, boast for his ego.

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