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Ravens' Haloti Ngata suspended four games by NFL


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Where in my statement did I mention adderal at all? That wasn't my point at all. My reply was all about personal accountability not what was in Ngata's bloodstream.

I could give a crap what the substance actually was. It's an insignificant point to me.

Lying isnt taking responsibility or accountability.

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Accusing someone of lying without a shred of evidence isn't very responsible either

All 7 players say they are suspended because of adderal because the league or teams arent allowed to publicly say any different.. if you really think these grown men are taking a childrens a.d.d pill or fertility drug your a typical naive american.

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All 7 players say they are suspended because of adderal because the league or teams arent allowed to publicly say any different.. if you really think these grown men are taking a childrens a.d.d pill or fertility drug your a typical naive american.

first off adderal isn't ritalin. Millions of adults take adderal everyday.

Second, no i don't think they all took adderal, but i can't prove they didn't, thus can't call them a liar

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first off adderal isn't ritalin. Millions of adults take adderal everyday.

Second, no i don't think they all took adderal, but i can't prove they didn't, thus can't call them a liar

Theres been 39 players this year who have been suspended for drugs. I guess if they say they didnt do anything.. they must of not done anything. Me or you cant prove they did. Let them play!!.. as for millions of americans taking adderal.. its for the high is way most people(mostly kids) take it.

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Lying isnt taking responsibility or accountability.

 According to the the Merriam Webster dictionary, accountability is defined as "the quality or state of being accountable; especially :  an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions." 


Even if Ngata took a banned substance willingly as Jvan said or inferred, nobody not you or me can determine his original intent here. You can hypothesize he lied, but can you prove it? Nope. 


So, would you rather have Haloti in complete denial about what he did? Accusing someone of lying with no proof to validate your claim is a dangerous precedent wes2890.  

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as for millions of americans taking adderal.. its for the high is way most people(mostly kids) take it.

You don't have a clue what you're talking about. There isn't a "high" with Adderall, it increases your attention and focus. My doctor perscribed me Adderall, I don't think they would have prescribed me something just to get a "high" seeings how it's a highly controlled substance and requires preauthorizatons with your insurance company, not to mention you have to see a physcologist as a requirement before they'll even consider it

Coffee has a very similar effect, only Adderall isn't highly addictive like caffeine.

Would you say that people who drink coffee are doing it for a "high"?

Do you drink coffee?

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Theres been 39 players this year who have been suspended for drugs. I guess if they say they didnt do anything.. they must of not done anything. Me or you cant prove they did. Let them play!!.. as for millions of americans taking adderal.. its for the high is way most people(mostly kids) take it.

you literally have no clue what the effects of adderal are do you?

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The idea that a person needs proof to call someone else a liar is nonsense.  Its an argument made knowing that nobody hardly ever has proof of anything before they pass judgement.  Saying a person needs proof is a way to keep a person quiet. 


A world that requires proof for one person to call another a liar is a world that enables lying.


39 players suspended for drugs?  hmmmm.  I'm sure they were all mistakes and benign situations.

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You don't have a clue what you're talking about. There isn't a "high" with Adderall, it increases your attention and focus. My doctor perscribed me Adderall, I don't think they would have prescribed me something just to get a "high" seeings how it's a highly controlled substance and requires preauthorizatons with your insurance company, not to mention you have to see a physcologist as a requirement before they'll even consider it

Coffee has a very similar effect, only Adderall isn't highly addictive like caffeine.

Would you say that people who drink coffee are doing it for a "high"?

Do you drink coffee?

Lol wow.. its a highly controlled substance because it can get you high.. for people that arent a.d.d it gives you almost a cocaine high.. that's why alot of kids(college students) use it. Look it up bro.. kids have been dying from it. Plus doctors subscribe stuff that gets up high all the time. Not that unusual. Theres a blackmarket for adderal just like there is with opiates and benzonites.

Edit: they call it "the get ahead" drug for a reason

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Lol wow.. its a highly controlled substance because it can get you high.. for people that arent a.d.d it gives you almost a cocaine high.. that's why alot of kids(college students) use it. Look it up bro.. kids have been dying from it. Plus doctors subscribe stuff that gets up high all the time. Not that unusual. Theres a blackmarket for adderal just like there is with opiates and benzonites.


Man, wth are you talking about?


haha, you're so wrong it's actually hilarious. In no way does Adderal give you a "cocaine high". 


lmao oh gawd 

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Wow.. look it up dude before you put your 2 cents in. Its a major problem in colleges across the nation.


Dude, i take adderall all the time. You are dead wrong lol.


You know, it's not a requirement to comment things if you have no idea what you are talking about. 

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Man, wth are you talking about?

haha, you're so wrong it's actually hilarious. In no way does Adderal give you a "cocaine high".

lmao oh gawd

Common side effects







The list goes on dude.. go to google and type in. adderal high.. itll tell you all about it. Its hilarious you guys are so naive and think that a doctor wouldnt give you something that gets up high.

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You don't have a clue what you're talking about. There isn't a "high" with Adderall, it increases your attention and focus. My doctor perscribed me Adderall, I don't think they would have prescribed me something just to get a "high" seeings how it's a highly controlled substance and requires preauthorizatons with your insurance company, not to mention you have to see a physcologist as a requirement before they'll even consider it

Coffee has a very similar effect, only Adderall isn't highly addictive like caffeine.

Would you say that people who drink coffee are doing it for a "high"?

Do you drink coffee?

You guys have no idea what you put in your bodys.. adderal is actually highly addictive.. look it up.

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IMO, the NFL would not want to talk about what substances the players are taking.  If the player downshifts into admitting to adderall when its actually roids, its in the NFL's interest to say nothing.


I think the NFL wants the ability to speak up in the cases where the player challenges a fine or a suspension by claiming he took a lesser substance, and the NFL wants to defend its actions.

Indeed....the NFL doesn't want to say anything...they only would do that to defend themselves if the player started slinging mud at them etc. NFL rarely makes ANY statements etc about these suspensions....they didn't defend themselves against Robert with his drug positive...they just let it go away...but if someone came out and made a big fuss I'm sure they would find a way to leak it....but even if they want to say what its for...player patient privacy prevents it regardless. All they could do is some lawsuit against the player to stop them from talking etc to protect their image I would assume.

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As for the Adderall thing...trust me...its a HIGHLY abused drug. People that act like it isn't are just kidding themselves. I'm not saying those that use it appropriately are getting HIGH etc but taken the wrong way and by those who it is not medically necessary it can definately be abused and have severe side effects. I'm not a doctor but I managed a pharmacy for over a decade and seen many many cases of abuse and very familiar with the drug. There is a reason there is a black market for this drug...and its not to study for a test etc. It very well could help players focus and give them energy/stamina etc etc but there are recreational uses for this as well. Its a controlled substance for a reason folks...and while it doesn't have the negativity around it many other prescription drugs do I would say it would be just as easy to get addicted to this drug as any other. The effect it has on the person can be very intense for some and also many could very easily get used to benefits and thus discontinuing it would likely have negative effects on the user so that stopping could very easily become difficult.

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Indeed....the NFL doesn't want to say anything...they only would do that to defend themselves if the player started slinging mud at them etc. NFL rarely makes ANY statements etc about these suspensions....they didn't defend themselves against Robert with his drug positive...they just let it go away...but if someone came out and made a big fuss I'm sure they would find a way to leak it....but even if they want to say what its for...player patient privacy prevents it regardless. All they could do is some lawsuit against the player to stop them from talking etc to protect their image I would assume.

And its a matter of simply having the NFLPA agree with the contract allowing the NFL to speak. I'm sure the NFL still has to abide by any Federal privacy laws covering the matter, like maybe a prescribed substance, but not necessarily roids.

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If you think you get the same high from adderall as you do cocaine, somebody is selling you some real cut up stuff man. lol

Dude look it up man.. if you look up adderal high.. people from experience tell you how close a feeling it is to cocaine.. if i wasnt on a phone id link it.. go to google and type in adderal high... click on the first link.. itll tell you everything you need to know

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As for the Adderall thing...trust me...its a HIGHLY abused drug. People that act like it isn't are just kidding themselves. I'm not saying those that use it appropriately are getting HIGH etc but taken the wrong way and by those who it is not medically necessary it can definately be abused and have severe side effects. I'm not a doctor but I managed a pharmacy for over a decade and seen many many cases of abuse and very familiar with the drug. There is a reason there is a black market for this drug...and its not to study for a test etc. It very well could help players focus and give them energy/stamina etc etc but there are recreational uses for this as well. Its a controlled substance for a reason folks...and while it doesn't have the negativity around it many other prescription drugs do I would say it would be just as easy to get addicted to this drug as any other. The effect it has on the person can be very intense for some and also many could very easily get used to benefits and thus discontinuing it would likely have negative effects on the user so that stopping could very easily become difficult.


I'm not debating much of that, but it does not give you the same high as cocaine. Like, not at all.

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As for the Adderall thing...trust me...its a HIGHLY abused drug. People that act like it isn't are just kidding themselves. I'm not saying those that use it appropriately are getting HIGH etc but taken the wrong way and by those who it is not medically necessary it can definately be abused and have severe side effects. I'm not a doctor but I managed a pharmacy for over a decade and seen many many cases of abuse and very familiar with the drug. There is a reason there is a black market for this drug...and its not to study for a test etc. It very well could help players focus and give them energy/stamina etc etc but there are recreational uses for this as well. Its a controlled substance for a reason folks...and while it doesn't have the negativity around it many other prescription drugs do I would say it would be just as easy to get addicted to this drug as any other. The effect it has on the person can be very intense for some and also many could very easily get used to benefits and thus discontinuing it would likely have negative effects on the user so that stopping could very easily become difficult.

Thank you kindly.. i dont understand how these people take this stuff for years ans know nothing about it.

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As for the Adderall thing...trust me...its a HIGHLY abused drug. People that act like it isn't are just kidding themselves. I'm not saying those that use it appropriately are getting HIGH etc but taken the wrong way and by those who it is not medically necessary it can definately be abused and have severe side effects. I'm not a doctor but I managed a pharmacy for over a decade and seen many many cases of abuse and very familiar with the drug. There is a reason there is a black market for this drug...and its not to study for a test etc. It very well could help players focus and give them energy/stamina etc etc but there are recreational uses for this as well. Its a controlled substance for a reason folks...and while it doesn't have the negativity around it many other prescription drugs do I would say it would be just as easy to get addicted to this drug as any other. The effect it has on the person can be very intense for some and also many could very easily get used to benefits and thus discontinuing it would likely have negative effects on the user so that stopping could very easily become difficult.

Any drug that's abused can be dangerous, especially pain killers

I use a medium to high dose of 30mg, and I don't bother taking it in the weekends and I hhave no withdrawal or desire at all to take more. I can't think of a single weekend actually where I took some, and there isn't any recreational appeal to the drug because it gives you that caffeine charge and completely supresses your appetite, making food inevitable

I guess everyone is different, I have seen some people crush it up and snort it, but I've never once considered doing that lol

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I've used Adderall every day for over 7 years, I've never been high off it once

And you likely never will or would....but those who this drug is not necessary for or who do not take it appropriately it can have a very very different effect on. How many times do you go to the doctor and he prescribes something and you have to go back and say...doc this isn't working...and he gets you something else. Many I'm sure. Human reactions to drugs can be vastly different..and vary greatly given larger doses or higher concentration. I'm sure you take it how it was prescribed...but for those who would say take twice the amount or several times a day when its a 24hr pill would likely experience a very different effect....but really for a person not suffering from ADHD to take this drug....it doesn't necessarily have the same effect on them as it would for someone that does suffer....thats why you have to get a prescription...and also why its a controlled substance....otherwise they would just sell this over the counter next to B vitamins.

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And its a matter of simply having the NFLPA agree with the contract allowing the NFL to speak. I'm sure the NFL still has to abide by any Federal privacy laws covering the matter, like maybe a prescribed substance, but not necessarily roids.

Ohh..I agree...but it would take a lot for the NFL to want to get involved in this type of situation...they don't want to draw more headlines and would rather sweep this under the rug. Drugs, concussions, and violence...those are like the red flag issues of the nfl and they would like to limit the headlines as much as possible...thus I doubt they make too many statements about a drug failure...even if the player lies to the public...they'll just ignore it unless it became a big issue.

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Such denial.. adderal and cocaine are both stimulants.. they both affect the same part of the brain.. once again look it up dude

doesn't mean they have the same high. they used to say Ritalin was similar to a cocaine high........i guarantee the only people that said that had never done cocaine lol

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Any drug that's abused can be dangerous, especially pain killers

I use a medium to high dose of 30mg, and I don't bother taking it in the weekends and I hhave no withdrawal or desire at all to take more. I can't think of a single weekend actually where I took some, and there isn't any recreational appeal to the drug because it gives you that caffeine charge and completely supresses your appetite, making food inevitable

I guess everyone is different, I have seen some people crush it up and snort it, but I've never once considered doing that lol

People crush it up and snort it.. TO GET HIGH.. like ive been sayingthe all along

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doesn't mean they have the same high. they used to say Ritalin was similar to a cocaine high........i guarantee the only people that said that had never done cocaine lol

If you look it up.. theres people that have done both.. a compare the two to be much alike.. if you people would just look it up.. everyone would understand

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