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When was the last time they actually won a super bowl? When you claim to have built a dynasty, actual super bowl championships is a must.

lol. You got one ring (after how many decades of ineptitude?) and you think you somehow usurp all the Pats have accomplished the last 13 years? Last I checked SBs don't expire and they have 3 of them. When you have even 1/10th of the Pats success then you can say something but otherwise it just makes you look small, very small. 

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lol. You got one ring (after how many decades of ineptitude?) and you think you somehow usurp all the Pats have accomplished the last 13 years? Last I checked SBs don't expire and they have 3 of them. When you have even 1/10th of the Pats success then you can say something but otherwise it just makes you look small, very small. 


This dude "thedude" is the typical Seahawks fan. Once they win a SB, they want to talk trash to fans of every franchise that has a longer history of winning SBs. I see those tendencies in most Seahawks fan posts across the web, I will chalk him up to another run of the mill homer.

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lol. You got one ring (after how many decades of ineptitude?) and you think you somehow usurp all the Pats have accomplished the last 13 years? Last I checked SBs don't expire and they have 3 of them. When you have even 1/10th of the Pats success then you can say something but otherwise it just makes you look small, very small.

When was the last time the Pats won a super bowl? This isn't about any other team.

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When was the last time the Pats won a super bowl? This isn't about any other team.

lol. Of course not because that's all you got, right?  One little ring compared to the Pats 3. Let me ask you what is Seattle's record away from home? Care to guess what the Pat's is? How about your record coming off a loss the last 10 years? Care to guess what the Pats is? How about how many playoff games your team has played in the last 10 years? I could go on but you get the drift .. thank goodness we got Belichick when we did so he could clean up Carroll's mess. He will always be Pete the poodle. Never forget that.

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Wut?  I bet you are like the little kid on the playground who picks on people & then when someone talks back you start crying & run to the teacher to get them in trouble.

Actually, I'm the type who can give as much as I get.  Obviously, you don't live by that same code.

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This dude "thedude" is the typical Seahawks fan. Once they win a SB, they want to talk trash to fans of every franchise that has a longer history of winning SBs. I see those tendencies in most Seahawks fan posts across the web, I will chalk him up to another run of the mill homer.

I promise you when my Chargers win their first (hopefully of many) Superbowls, I will NEVER use this attack against another team.  It's just lame and intellectually worthless drivel.  


In the meantime yeah, I know we've never won one, only got to one, got our bums handed to us, we're the Lord of no Rings, blah, blah, blah... Kind of the same as Seattle until last year and New Orleans a few years ago and Indy before that.

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Wow this thread went to drivel. Normally the mods are pretty good to clean up this mess. Clearly we have someone on here that just wants to shake his teams SB ring in everyones face....and not add to the conversation. Makes for a sorry fan and an even sorrier contributor to this board.

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Now, for an actual discussion of the actual game.


1.  I thought Seattle never actually looked crisp.  I don't know if it was a playing down to the competition, taking them lightly or the dreaded flying half way across the country issue, but they just seemed bleh most of the game.


2.  If the Redskins had any kind of contain defense for Wilson, that could have had a very different ending.  I couldn't believe how much they over-pursued him leaving half the field open for his scampers.


3.  Percy Harvin did an amazing job of containing himself over losing 3 TDs to stupid penalties.  A lesser man might have ripped into his team mates after the third.


4.  Cousins did a decent job - a couple more catches that should have been caught and the outcome could have been different.

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I think Cousins is slowly proving he can play in the league and perhaps on a better team actually start, The Redskins O Line is awful right now, I had trouble figuring out which O Line was worse last night, Both was trash......I don't wanna be there if I am an O Lineman after grades come out for either team in that game :funny:

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I promise you when my Chargers win their first (hopefully of many) Superbowls, I will NEVER use this attack against another team.  It's just lame and intellectually worthless drivel.  


In the meantime yeah, I know we've never won one, only got to one, got our bums handed to us, we're the Lord of no Rings, blah, blah, blah... Kind of the same as Seattle until last year and New Orleans a few years ago and Indy before that.


At this point, I am beginning to realize how many wonderful years Norv Turner wasted away for you guys. LT, Michael Turner, Darren Sproles, Vincent Jackson, Antonio Cromartie, Shawn Merriman, Jamal Williams and Shaun Philips in their prime etc. - you guys were a very very talented bunch that underachieved, looking back.


I don't think Rex Ryan, when he took a shot at Norv Turner, was wrong and if Rex Ryan had a QB worth something during 2009 & 2010, he would have won a SB for the Jets, IMO. Norv actually had one and that is the depressing part for Chargers fans.

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At this point, I am beginning to realize how many wonderful years Norv Turner wasted away for you guys. Michael Turner, Darren Sproles, Vincent Jackson, Antonio Cromartie, Shawn Merriman, Jamal Williams and Shaun Philips in their prime etc. - you guys were a very very talented bunch that underachieved, looking back.


I don't think Rex Ryan, when he took a shot at Norv Turner, was wrong and if Rex Ryan had a QB worth something during 2009 & 2010, he would have won a SB for the Jets, IMO. Norv actually had one and that is the depressing part for Chargers fans.

To some degree it was Norv, but I'm not nearly as upset with him as I lay the blame squarely on AJ Smith.  He was a prima dona that loved to stir up unnecessary drama.  He got addicted to the "amazing, overlooked find" instead of steady, solid predictable players that perform.  He didn't value the talent we already had and work to keep the pieces in place.  If you're Norv and have a pass heavy, long ball offense - how do you keep it going when AJ lets Vincent Jackson walk?  How about your coach and your QB are pleading for you to keep Sproles and you decide you can get "3 for the price of 1" instead, (none of whom are still on the team or ever performed).  Too many high draft choices were wasted on reaches, injury prone guys that had college injury histories and by the time he was gone we were so depleted we SHOULDN'T have made the playoffs last year.  


By sheer force of will, character and tough coaching, Mike McCoy and Tom Telesco have entirely changed the culture.  It's a team, working as one - not a few great stars doing their thing.

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......I don't wanna be there if I am an O Lineman after grades come out for either team in that game :funny:

I saw the grading of both O lines today.  Seattle's graded out well in run blocking.  As a group, they graded poorly in pass blocking.  One O lineman for Seattle, their rookie right tackle,  graded out well in both areas.  They didn't grade out as poorly as I would have thought after watching the game.

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I saw the grading of both O lines today.  Seattle's graded out well in run blocking.  As a group, they graded poorly in pass blocking.  One O lineman for Seattle, their rookie right tackle,  graded out well in both areas.  They didn't grade out as poorly as I would have thought after watching the game.

Considering how many times Washington was deep in the backfield chasing down Wilson that surprises me too.  

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When was the last time the Pats won a super bowl? This isn't about any other team.

2004. Both the 2003 and, especially, 2004 teams were better than the Seahawks last season.


Where the Patriots and Seahawks both are right now is up for debate. Neither team are the juggernaut they were when they won their rings, but still a couple of pretty good teams.

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2004. Both the 2003 and, especially, 2004 teams were better than the Seahawks last season.


Where the Patriots and Seahawks both are right now is up for debate. Neither team are the juggernaut they were when they won their rings, but still a couple of pretty good teams.

Out of likes already this a.m. So I will give this a :thmup:

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Sure at home during a regular season game. Playoffs, momentum are important. Seattle were just too fast and too good.


Pats lost to Bills 0-31 and won the SB. Does that mean they were bad?.

All of the SB winning teams from 00-05 would have killed last year's Seahawks.

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Highly doubt that. None of them had an offense to score 20 points versus last year's Seattle. Seattle offense would have scored 20 easy.


The fact that is forgotten though is that while no team would have scored more than 20 points vs that Seattle defense, there were several AFC teams, that could have restricted the Seahawks' offense by playing a much lesser error prone game in the early 2000s to less than 20 points. So, a team like the 2003/2004 Patriots or 2005 Steelers would have definitely played good D against that Seahawks offense and manage to win a close game like 20-17, I feel. Heck, the Steelers' D went against Big Ben in practice, who moved and threw around like Wilson all the time and to me, Wilson is like a little Big Ben and Luck is like a Big Ben. The Steelers' D in 2005 gave up 17, 18, 17 and 10 pts during their SB winning run. The early 2000s was a case of a strong AFC to me with Ds like the Patriots, Steelers and Ravens traveling well on the road.


The 43 points in the recent SB was a compounded result of Seahawks making some plays AND several mistakes the Broncos made due to bad coaching, and errors on O, D and ST, not all of which were caused by the Seahawks, IMO. We saw how when the same Broncos did not shoot themselves in their foot the second time in Seattle like the first time, the game was closer. I would err on the side of Belichick for better coaching and on the side of Brady for lesser mistakes, to be honest. Heck, we saw Kirk Cousins, when he made it a point to not make mistakes that his Redskins stood a chance at the end this Monday on MNF. The key is not making mistakes and keeping the game close to make it a 60 minute game vs the Seahawks, then teams have a chance.


If other teams and fans look at and play the game on the field and not focus on the 43-8 result, everyone will realize that the margin is not huge if you cut down on your mistakes vs the Seahawks. I heard a comment about Orakpo saying that he was glad his team went toe-to-toe against the defending champs though they fell short on MNF. That kind of thinking would not be entertained by an elite team's players and coaches, IMO. Oh, they beat the Broncos 43-8, so they must be this awesome behemoth of a team that you can't compete with. That is far from the truth because the 49ers, by playing good D, despite Kaepernick crapping in his pants with those poor INTs, still stood a chance in Seattle's stadium.

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Highly doubt that. None of them had an offense to score 20 points versus last year's Seattle. Seattle offense would have scored 20 easy.

And that pathetic Seattle O would not have managed more than 10 vs the Ravens, Pats or Steelers those years. Remember they played the soft Denver west coast team. The east coast teams were physical and mean and nasty on both sides of the ball.

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Man, talk about a homer. I can't stand the Pats, and I say their defense of the early 2000s was better than Seattle's. They had ball hawks just like SEA, Ty Law the Manning killer (most interceptions of Manning, 9), Rodney Harrison, Terrell Buckley. They had a great front 7, Wilfork and Seymour...and their offense was balanced. Corey Dillon ran for over 1,600 yards in 2004. They lost two games, and beat all but 3 teams by more than a touchdown, most of them blowouts. They could get away with more physical play back then, but Seattle seems to get away with a lot of contact on D, in light of the recent emphasis on illegal contact. Especially at home. Here is the main difference. Seattle is not the same team away from home. They had a ton of trouble with a bad Redskins team Monday night. The Pats teams of the early 2000s were the same dominant team, home or away. (Throws up in mouth after praising the Pats so profusely)

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lol. You got one ring (after how many decades of ineptitude?) and you think you somehow usurp all the Pats have accomplished the last 13 years? Last I checked SBs don't expire and they have 3 of them. When you have even 1/10th of the Pats success then you can say something but otherwise it just makes you look small, very small. 

they don't expire? <scratches head> :)

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    • I think that’s due to the training wheels being put on AR vs Minshew who’s a vet and familiar with Shane.   i don’t have the exact frame of time, but it definitely was a 2-4 week stretch where the tight ends had more yards than our receiving room combined.  So if minshew wasn’t utilizing them as much and they still were at one point out-producing our receiving group, then that should show others how desperately this offense needed some explosion.    and luckily, we’ll be adding AR back into the mix, a full offseason JT, and an AD with a chip on his shoulder.
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    • I think a lot sports fans like you have decreased their interest in sports..... I know I have also.   
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    • I would like to see more than a handful  regular participants but just the local forum prognosticators is nice and cozy too.   I remember as a kid I often entered a National Beat the Experts college football contest and won a couple T Shirts and once a $100 cash prize.  I knew my college football in those days and watched every pro, college, and Bowl games I could.. Sometimes had multiple tv's going for bowl games that were broadcast at the same time.   
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