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colts will win big


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It is a fact that the team which scores the most points wins the game. It's another fact that usually an offense scores more points than a defense.

Two painfully obvious facts. You are taking what I am saying all too literally. What I mean is I expect the Colts to score points on offense against you guys, and the Broncos will win by scoring lots, not by stopping them scoring. I thought that would be pretty obvious.

You guys should be well aware of how a good D can win a team a game.

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Two painfully obvious facts. You are taking what I am saying all too literally. What I mean is I expect the Colts to score points on offense against you guys, and the Broncos will win by scoring lots, not by stopping them scoring. I thought that would be pretty obvious.

You guys should be well aware of how a good D can win a team a game.

"you guys"?

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It was more so Denver beating themselves.. Go rewatch that game real quick. Be sure to note the several penalties denver committed on 3rd downs when Indy was stopped. Or the punt returner fumbling twice, or the back up RB dropping the ball inches before scoring, or Denver starting two first time OTs, or manning having a sprained ankle.

It's not like Indy got Denver's best and beat them soundly.. They got Denver's worst and barely scraped out a win.

Denver is much more talented than the team they fielded for that game, and vastly healthier.


Oh please  :::rolls eyes::::  The ONLY reason denver got back into that game was because of the injuries suffered to the Colts players during that game !!!  I don't know why people can't see that we beat denver soundly last year, and we are about to do it again tonite !!!


GOOOOOOOOOO  Colts !!!!!!

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Colts are not going to win big.  I think they might have a chance at not looking like garbage but they are going to lose.  Manning is going to destroy this defense and because of this horrible O-line Luck is going to get beaten up and have to run for his life and the Colts will not have a running game.  I hope that I am wrong and I am going to be rooting for the Colts but I just don't see them winning.  I'll honestly be happy with this team if Luck doesn't throw multiple interceptions or get sacked multiple times and the team is able to develop any sort of running game at all.  I think it's asking too much to put up any kind of defense against Manning without Mathis who was instrumental last year so I'm not asking for that.  So many of you are going to be horribly disappointed, you really need to learn to set more realistic expectations.

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ROFL at some of the things the broncos fans are saying on their board.  Definitely LOL worthy  !!!!!  


broncos will be soundly beaten by the Colts tonite.  They will be thoroughly embarassed just like they were in the super bowl  LOL  Can't wait to see the look on their faces when we walk away with the WIN !!!


Oh and for the record, I don't think very highly of their board's optimism either  ROFL 


Colts - 37  Broncos - 31

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A great team just ran into an even greater team. It happens.

Whatever helps you stomach that Super beat down buddy.  There is losing respectably and then there is not showing up because you got your heart ripped out by the opposition.  Great teams seldom get beat down like that on that type of stage.  Sorry...there was only one great team on display in the Super Bowl and it wasn't the Broncos.   

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Whatever helps you stomach that Super beat down buddy.  There is losing respectably and then there is not showing up because you got your heart ripped out by the opposition.  Great teams seldom get beat down like that on that type of stage.  Sorry...there was only one great team on display in the Super Bowl and it wasn't the Broncos.

I loved that Super Bowl. The greatest one I ever watched. There wasn't anything about that Super Bowl which upset me in any way.

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They don't think very highly of this boards optimism.



FYI: It's actually against the rules here to post links to other teams boards. This sort of thing leads to "forum wars". Which, as evidenced, the utterly entitled Broncos fans are trying their best to stir us up, many of them coming here directly from the thread you linked to. 

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I loved that Super Bowl. The greatest one I ever watched. There wasn't anything about that Super Bowl which upset me in any way.

Ok...so you're a Hawks fan?  If so...then cool.  I would see why you would enjoy that one.  You are just trying to be a gracious winner to the Broncos though because they stunk it up.


That said...in regards to the game tonight.  You are entitled to your opinion that the Broncos will win.  Just don't act surprised that some Colts fans here believe our team has a shot and are not ready to bow down in homage to the Bronco's supposed greatness.  Particularly when we have seen our team beat them before and are intimately familiar with their QB.  Should be a good game tonight regardless of which way it goes. 

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Fan familiarity with a QB translates to nothing on the field.

Who said it did?  But it can factor into why some fans might believe the Colts can win.  As great as he is, Peyton is also a creature of habit and can become a victim to his own emotions at times.  These are things that can work against him in the Colts favor...as it did last year. 


But far more important is that the Colts have shown they can beat Denver...they've done it before.  It's a new season with revamped rosters and this will be a new game so we will see what happens. Last year has no bearing on this year but in terms of confidence it means everything.   The Colts are clearly capable of winning tonight and they know it.  They will have a say in whether or not they do so...and that is all that needs to translate on the field.    

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