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The Colts roster is prob in the bottom 10


Based on what?


There's an article on ESPN.com about how, without Luck, the Colts would have the worst roster in the league. It's hogwash. Only slightly worse (by nine spots, to be precise) than the idea that the Colts have a bottom 10 roster.

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Based on what?

There's an article on ESPN.com about how, without Luck, the Colts would have the worst roster in the league. It's hogwash. Only slightly worse (by nine spots, to be precise) than the idea that the Colts have a bottom 10 roster.

Obviously based on my opinion of the Colts roster...duh.
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The Patriots upgraded their secondary with the best CB in the game, along with a solid player in Browner. Their LB corp is healthy and maybe top 5 in the league. Wilfork, Kelly, Jones, and Ninkovich, along with Will Smith, form a great d-line.

Where is this defense weak? At worst, perhaps SS, but Harmon is looking good .

I agree with this. The Broncos also made some big moves defensively as well and that was their weakest unit as well. I think the Pats and Broncos are the tops in AFC for rosters. I would not have said that going into last season about either team.

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I get that it's fun to say things with no intention of backing them up, but be careful. Someone might take you seriously.

If you wanted a more in-depth answer maybe you shouldn't have started off by calling my opinion hogwash......which, by the way, really makes your case that I'm wrong. And I really couldn't care less if you take my opinion seriously or not.

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If you wanted a more in-depth answer maybe you shouldn't have started off by calling my opinion hogwash......which, by the way, really makes your case that I'm wrong. And I really couldn't care less if you take my opinion seriously or not.


All this indignation... Why not just back up your statement?


And I didn't call your opinion hogwash. I called the "worst roster in the league" stuff hogwash. I was being snarky. Forgive me. I would like to know why you feel the Colts have a bottom ten roster, if you're so inclined to share. Because I see it far differently.

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All this indignation... Why not just back up your statement?

And I didn't call your opinion hogwash. I called the "worst roster in the league" stuff hogwash. I was being snarky. Forgive me. I would like to know why you feel the Colts have a bottom ten roster, if you're so inclined to share. Because I see it far differently.

Simply, the overall talent isn't there. Just break down the units

D Line: solid, but no one that keeps you up at night.

Secondary: Vonte is the lone standout. the safeties are mediocre at best, Toler and Butler are fine players, but you can't count on Toler being healthy.

Linebackers: Mathis is the only real difference maker on D, but he is 34 and coming off a season where he was on PEDS. Werner showed next to nothing. Walden is just a guy. The inside backers are nice, but once again, nothing that scares you.

O Line: not sure anything needs to be said. Castonzo is solid, but I don't like my LT being a better run blocker than pass protector. The whole interior is one big question mark. I like the upside, but I expect them to struggle most of the season. No complaints about Gos.

QB: one of the best young QB's in the game. Can't really complain

WR: excellent group, but still some question marks. Nicks has been a dud for the last couple yrs and Reggie is 36 and coming off major injury

TE: love DA. Fleener is solid, but I'm not sure he will ever take that next step....mainly due to his lack of short area quickness.

RB: a dud and a guy coming off neck fusion surgery

Given that I think the game is won in the trenches, that roster doesn't inspire me. Sorry

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The Seahawks had a weak SB opponent because they played the better team the week before. They're still a solid team, but I'm taking the 49ers as the most complete, solid team. I know they have holes on paper but Harbaugh will have them playing like pros in no time as usual.

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Simply, the overall talent isn't there. Just break down the units

D Line: solid, but no one that keeps you up at night

Secondary: the safeties are mediocre at best, Toler is a fine player, but you can't count on him being healthy.

Linebackers: Mathis is the only real difference maker on D, but he is 34 and coming off a season where he was on PEDS. Werner showed next to nothing. Walden is just a guy. The inside backers are nice, but once again, nothing that scares you.

O Line: not sure anything needs to be said. Castonzo is solid, but I don't like my LT being a better run blocker than pass protector. The whole interior is one big question mark. I like the upside, but I expect them to struggle most of the season. No complaints about Gos.

QB: one of the best young QB's in the game. Can't really complain

WR: excellent group, but still some question marks. Nicks has been a dud for the last couple yrs and Reggie is 36 and coming off major injury

TE: love DA. Fleener is solid, but I'm not sure he will ever take that next step....mainly due to his lack of short area quickness.

Given that I think the game is won in the trenches, that roster doesn't inspire me. Sorry


You didn't even mention RB. I don't think the talent at that position is all that important, personally, unless you have a top five guy (which we don't). Production in the run game is dependent on the offensive line. Speaking of which...


OL: Youth and inexperience. That's all I can say negatively about this line at the moment. GC and AC are probably a top ten tackle tandem. Sure, AC needs to improve in pass protection, but that's a first world problem. Look around the league at the tackle issues teams have, and I think you'll see what I mean. Holmes hasn't played, neither has Mewhort, but both have talent and potential. Same for Thornton. I know us Colts fans are tortured when it comes to offensive line play, especially on the interior, but the youth is a good thing. Teams have been starting young guards and centers lately with relative success. So yeah, question marks, but question marks don't equal "bottom ten." 


DL: Jones and Redding form one of the best 3-4 tandems in the league. RJF is back to his rotational role, which he thrived in as a Niner. Chapman instead of Franklin is big for us, and Hughes has a lot of potential. Pendleton is better than Mathews and Moala. For what the defensive line is meant to do, I think we're in really good shape. Assuming health. This is NOT a bottom ten unit, IMO. I think it's a top ten unit.


ILB: Freeman and Jackson are going to be a good tandem. They will be very dependent on the DL taking up space, but as you can see, I think highly of the DL. McNary is a solid reserve. This is not a bottom ten unit.


OLB: Mathis is the star, obviously. We disagree about Werner, very much so. He wasn't great, but he was hurt all year (got hurt in camp, got hurt again during the season), and was learning a new position, on top of being new to the NFL. Werner has talent, and I think Mathis being out will give him a great opportunity to make his mark. Walden is a Sam backer. He did his job just fine, and was one of the best Sam backers in coverage last year. Newsome is a good addition. Despite the question marks behind Mathis, this is not a bottom ten unit. Maybe I can see that for the first four games (I disagree, but understand), but overall, Mathis makes this a top ten unit. Despite the PEDs (whatever they were).


Secondary: I'll take what you say, without nitpicking it. I still don't think that's a bottom ten unit. 


WR: Top ten unit, easily. Maybe better, if Reggie is healthy. Hakeem Nicks as the #3 is excellent for us, even if you take his underwhelming 2013 stats. This is the strongest unit on the roster.


TE: You said it. I don't think Fleener needs to take the next step for us to acknowledge that this unit isn't bottom ten.


Overall, I can understand not being overwhelmed by the roster. There are plenty of question marks. I just don't think we're close to being a bottom ten roster, outside of Luck. And if the line comes together, which I think it has a great chance of doing, a lot of the concerns regarding our team will go away. Mewhort, Holmes and Thornton can be a great interior for a long time, if they play up to potential. I'm mostly worried about the secondary. Everywhere else, I think we're on our way.

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The Patriots upgraded their secondary with the best CB in the game, along with a solid player in Browner. Their LB corp is healthy and maybe top 5 in the league. Wilfork, Kelly, Jones, and Ninkovich, along with Will Smith, form a great d-line.

Where is this defense weak? At worst, perhaps SS, but Harmon is looking good .

They have definitely made improvements, but no one has seen how they've performed. Until we actually see them performed in a few games, we can't call that defense very good yet. For that reason, I wouldn't call them as well rounded as the Seahawks or 49ers. 

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They have definitely made improvements, but no one has seen how they've performed. Until we actually see them performed in a few games, we can't call that defense very good yet. For that reason, I wouldn't call them as well rounded as the Seahawks or 49ers. 

We haven't see any team play and the Hawks and Niners had a lot of changes too. Right now everything is on paper so I would put the Pats D right there with the Hawks and Niners and it could actually prove to be better on the field.

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The Patriots upgraded their secondary with the best CB in the game, along with a solid player in Browner. Their LB corp is healthy and maybe top 5 in the league. Wilfork, Kelly, Jones, and Ninkovich, along with Will Smith, form a great d-line.

Where is this defense weak? At worst, perhaps SS, but Harmon is looking good .

My lord that's a dream defense for me. A bunch of guys I wish the Colts drafted. Any success of that unit this year is a huge testament to that front office and their ability to consistently put together a complete team.

Your LB corp is a very bright future.

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You didn't even mention RB. I don't think the talent at that position is all that important, personally, unless you have a top five guy (which we don't). Production in the run game is dependent on the offensive line. Speaking of which...


OL: Youth and inexperience. That's all I can say negatively about this line at the moment. GC and AC are probably a top ten tackle tandem. Sure, AC needs to improve in pass protection, but that's a first world problem. Look around the league at the tackle issues teams have, and I think you'll see what I mean. Holmes hasn't played, neither has Mewhort, but both have talent and potential. Same for Thornton. I know us Colts fans are tortured when it comes to offensive line play, especially on the interior, but the youth is a good thing. Teams have been starting young guards and centers lately with relative success. So yeah, question marks, but question marks don't equal "bottom ten." 


DL: Jones and Redding form one of the best 3-4 tandems in the league. RJF is back to his rotational role, which he thrived in as a Niner. Chapman instead of Franklin is big for us, and Hughes has a lot of potential. Pendleton is better than Mathews and Moala. For what the defensive line is meant to do, I think we're in really good shape. Assuming health. This is NOT a bottom ten unit, IMO. I think it's a top ten unit.


ILB: Freeman and Jackson are going to be a good tandem. They will be very dependent on the DL taking up space, but as you can see, I think highly of the DL. McNary is a solid reserve. This is not a bottom ten unit.


OLB: Mathis is the star, obviously. We disagree about Werner, very much so. He wasn't great, but he was hurt all year (got hurt in camp, got hurt again during the season), and was learning a new position, on top of being new to the NFL. Werner has talent, and I think Mathis being out will give him a great opportunity to make his mark. Walden is a Sam backer. He did his job just fine, and was one of the best Sam backers in coverage last year. Newsome is a good addition. Despite the question marks behind Mathis, this is not a bottom ten unit. Maybe I can see that for the first four games (I disagree, but understand), but overall, Mathis makes this a top ten unit. Despite the PEDs (whatever they were).


Secondary: I'll take what you say, without nitpicking it. I still don't think that's a bottom ten unit. 


WR: Top ten unit, easily. Maybe better, if Reggie is healthy. Hakeem Nicks as the #3 is excellent for us, even if you take his underwhelming 2013 stats. This is the strongest unit on the roster.


TE: You said it. I don't think Fleener needs to take the next step for us to acknowledge that this unit isn't bottom ten.


Overall, I can understand not being overwhelmed by the roster. There are plenty of question marks. I just don't think we're close to being a bottom ten roster, outside of Luck. And if the line comes together, which I think it has a great chance of doing, a lot of the concerns regarding our team will go away. Mewhort, Holmes and Thornton can be a great interior for a long time, if they play up to potential. I'm mostly worried about the secondary. Everywhere else, I think we're on our way.

Where would you rank the Colts roster minus Luck?

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