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brazill's suspension a blessing in disguise?


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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

What coddling?


The difference between the midwest is we don't make things up that have no basis in reality.  The lies must be a Baltimore thing.

Please name the lies.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

Where did I defend him ? You don't read my comments, and assume an automatic Baltimore bias.

i have read plenty of your comments and I know you have a Baltimore bias
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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references



Is fire hot in your version of reality? Do planes still fly in the sky? Are there still Blockbuster stores?


It's impossible to take you seriously. You ignore the facts, you make things up to replace the facts, and then you complain when people call you out on it. I'm glad you can laugh about it.

Name a fact that is wrong. I am quoting your own newspaper and columnist. If a New England , Baltimore, or Indianapolis player , or front office personnel err, I call it like it is. I was highly critical of Belichick for spy gate, but I wasn't troll or trouble maker then. What have I made up, Indy Star stories ? All I get is comments I lie, make up stuff, with no examples. I defend myself against countless accusations, and I'm repeating myself. Wow.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

i have read plenty of your comments and I know you have a Baltimore bias

Well , I'm from Baltimore. However, when we are talking about national sports issues, I try to be fair and balanced. If I have such a Baltimore bias, why am I calling for punishment for Ravens that messed up ? I just don't see this from many fans in Indy, hence the article that Kravitz pointed this out.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

My point was they are more likely to release a lesser player as an example , than a player like Mathis, Rice, or Lewis. The point is, you guys come off as supporting Irsay and Mathis in an understanding way, while just wanting to whack Brazill. Just admit there are different standards as Kravitz pointed out.

If you want my opinion , I would have suspended Lewis for a year at the time, and I think Rice warrants at least four games, although it will kill us. If Steve Bisciotti did what Irsay did, I would be upset and expect him to admit he did wrong. You can believe it, or not.

I didn't support Mathis I said he broke the rules and should be punished regardless of why he did it. I have said countless times Irsay should and will be punished for what he did so nice try at making things up.

Also Baltimore fans treat Lewis like a hero so tell me again how the Baltimore fanbase doesn't coddle. You don't think Pats fans do? Say the words spy gate and see how quickly they defend it.

There is not a double standard here most Colts fans feel Irsay should be punished just as they do Brazill. You want to talk double standards? How about telling another fanbase how they should feel about their teams mistakes but refusing to say a word about his teams mistakes or demand his team take action against those players? All you want is to attack the Colts and their fans your act is tired and old. I am done with this debate because it's not a debate you make up what you want to be true and refuse to acknowledge facts that don't support your point of view. Then the facts that are there you take to extreme points of view and twist to once again try to support your point of view to the point people can't take you seriously even if they wanted too. In a lot of ways it's just sad. Your a Ravens fan at least you say you are go enjoy them rather then trying to make other people miserable.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

I didn't support Mathis I said he broke the rules and should be punished regardless of why he did it. I have said countless times Irsay should and will be punished for what he did so nice try at making things up.

Also Baltimore fans treat Lewis like a hero so tell me again how the Baltimore fanbase doesn't coddle. You don't think Pats fans do? Say the words spy gate and see how quickly they defend it.

There is not a double standard here most Colts fans feel Irsay should be punished just as they do Brazill. You want to talk double standards? How about telling another fanbase how they should feel about their teams mistakes but refusing to say a word about his teams mistakes or demand his team take action against those players? All you want is to attack the Colts and their fans your act is tired and old. I am done with this debate because it's not a debate you make up what you want to be true and refuse to acknowledge facts that don't support your point of view. Then the facts that are there you take to extreme points of view and twist to once again try to support your point of view to the point people can't take you seriously even if they wanted too. In a lot of ways it's just sad. Your a Ravens fan at least you say you are go enjoy them rather then trying to make other people miserable.

The double standard is right on this web site for all to see. Sure, it also exists in some fans in Baltimore and New England also. Yes, some Baltimore fans hold Lewis as a hero, but not me. He was a great football player, but Unitas was my Hero. He did something wrong, and I acknowledge that , as did Ray Rice. A troll does not bash his own team or players , yet I point out right or wrong regardless of team affiliation. I'm a fan , but not so much of a homer, that I won't point out ill behavior on any team, including my own.

What facts have you brought up that I've refused to acknowledge ? Give me some examples ?

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

Name a fact that is wrong. 


If it's wrong, it's not a fact.


I am quoting your own newspaper and columnist.


I have no newspaper or columnist. And just because someone with so-called credentials says something doesn't make it a fact. Easy way to tell: If it's wrong, it's not a fact.


If a New England , Baltimore, or Indianapolis player , or front office personnel err, I call it like it is.



So you're the paragon of objective, huh? The only person with zero bias, who is here to set the record straight for us regulars who are too blinded by favoritism and prejudice to see the truth?




I was highly critical of Belichick for spy gate, but I wasn't troll or trouble maker then.



That was a thousand years ago. Who cares?


What have I made up, Indy Star stories ? All I get is comments I lie, make up stuff, with no examples. I defend myself against countless accusations, and I'm repeating myself. Wow.


It's very simple. You continue to accuse Colts fans of not taking Irsay's mistakes seriously. Colts fans, on the whole, have taken his mistakes very seriously. What you don't understand is that just because people don't think he should be dismembered doesn't mean they don't take his mistakes seriously.


You continue to bring up Brazill's problem, as if it has anything to do with Irsay's. (Before you go quoting Kravitz again, just, don't. No one cares what Kravitz thinks. He's wrong, too.) People don't think Brazill should be cut to make an example of him. They think he should be cut because he can't help the team. And the fanbase, to whatever extent they're represented on this board, is divided on that issue as well.


You keep bringing up this nonsense. You've made it your mission to harp on this one issue, over and over and over again, pretty much to the exclusion of any other topic on this site. You've been asked by moderators on several occasions to stop. You refuse to do so, and then complain when the moderators take action. And then you expect to ... what? Curry favor? Earn sympathy? Just stop.


And the worst of it is that you wrap yourself in this cloak of so-called objectivity, when anyone who has read more than a couple dozen of your posts KNOWS FULL WELL of your hatred for Jim Irsay. Your reputation precedes you, and it undermines every attempt of yours to portray yourself as anything other than a bitter Baltimore fan who enjoys picking at 30 year old scabs every chance you can get.


I have nothing else for you. If you don't get it now, you never will. 

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

If it's wrong, it's not a fact.



I have no newspaper or columnist. And just because someone with so-called credentials says something doesn't make it a fact. Easy way to tell: If it's wrong, it's not a fact.



So you're the paragon of objective, huh? The only person with zero bias, who is here to set the record straight for us regulars who are too blinded by favoritism and prejudice to see the truth?





That was a thousand years ago. Who cares?



It's very simple. You continue to accuse Colts fans of not taking Irsay's mistakes seriously. Colts fans, on the whole, have taken his mistakes very seriously. What you don't understand is that just because people don't think he should be dismembered doesn't mean they don't take his mistakes seriously.


You continue to bring up Brazill's problem, as if it has anything to do with Irsay's. (Before you go quoting Kravitz again, just, don't. No one cares what Kravitz thinks. He's wrong, too.) People don't think Brazill should be cut to make an example of him. They think he should be cut because he can't help the team. And the fanbase, to whatever extent they're represented on this board, is divided on that issue as well.


You keep bringing up this nonsense. You've made it your mission to harp on this one issue, over and over and over again, pretty much to the exclusion of any other topic on this site. You've been asked by moderators on several occasions to stop. You refuse to do so, and then complain when the moderators take action. And then you expect to ... what? Curry favor? Earn sympathy? Just stop.


And the worst of it is that you wrap yourself in this cloak of so-called objectivity, when anyone who has read more than a couple dozen of your posts KNOWS FULL WELL of your hatred for Jim Irsay. Your reputation precedes you, and it undermines every attempt of yours to portray yourself as anything other than a bitter Baltimore fan who enjoys picking at 30 year old scabs every chance you can get.


I have nothing else for you. If you don't get it now, you never will.

We will have to agree to disagree. You really don't know me , that is obvious. You assume things that are not true. I don't want sympathy, just the ability to express an opinion. You may not care what Kravitz thinks, but that is one opinion , as is mine. I've been verbally attacked many times, but have responded responsibly , although it has always not been judged that way. You say the fan base is divided, but why is my opinion singled out ? I have called for lieniency for Irsay and the colts not losing draft picks, but I'm a hater.

You can believe what you want , but what happened thirty years ago has nothing to do with this thread, although that seems to be the common denominator to discredit any arguments I make. This is not about Colts, Ravens, or Patriot fans taking things seriously, all fans do. As you said, players with problems get cut when they can't help the team . If they have problems, and can help the team, they get understanding and different treatment . That is my point . You, and others, take a point of view of mine, on a totally different subject, the reasons for the move, and apply it to every opinion I have. That is quite a leap, and not true. There is no 30 year scab, we have two

Super Bowls and you have one. I have disagreed with Baltimore owners Angelo's, Rosenbloom , and yes Bob Irsay, but was warranted criticism. But this had nothing to do with player or owner indiscretions of the present.

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with wayne and nicks both free agents next year, this will allow us to keep all our wrs without having to cut one this year when we're gonna need them to replace wayne or nicks seeing as I cant see us resigning both of them

How is it a blessing in disguise if we would have to cut a WR? Probably one worse than Brazil? Sounds like no blessing to me.
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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

Please name the lies.

Your lie is that the people on this board and the midwest have a double standard or triple standard regarding the Colts players.


It's a lie because you mix together what different people have said about different situations, totally ignore the parts that don't fit into your preconceived conclusion and then apply that incorrect conclusion to not only an entire fan base but an entire region of the country.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

Your lie is that the people on this board and the midwest have a double standard or triple standard regarding the Colts players.


It's a lie because you mix together what different people have said about different situations, totally ignore the parts that don't fit into your preconceived conclusion and then apply that incorrect conclusion to not only an entire fan base but an entire region of the country.

Although it may be a generalization, I haven't seen too many Midwesterners agree with me.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

Although it may be a generalization, I haven't seen too many Midwesterners agree with me.

probably because you are wrong
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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

probably because you are wrong

What have I said is wrong ? Do you believe that there isn't different standards and repercussions between a wealthy owner , a star defensive end, and a fourth string receiver ? It's the way it is, just admit it.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

Although it may be a generalization, I haven't seen too many Midwesterners agree with me.

Ahh, of all the techniques used this is perhaps one of my favorites; make a comment or ask a question, when it is addressed or the question answered, then immediately change the subject to something unrelated and act like that is making your point.


You have used several intellectually dishonest debate tactics in your posts on this board, some include; changing the subject, false premise, stereotyping, etc.


Keep up the good work, even though you are not truthful, you are amusing.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

The defender of all Colt indiscretions. The difference is in Baltimore and New England, we tell it like it is when our players mess up. The coddling must be a mid-west thing.


Decided to go find where the odd fight began.

What a silly post. Gotta laugh at those who waste their time giving it life. Oh wait... :highfive2:

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

Ahh, of all the techniques used this is perhaps one of my favorites; make a comment or ask a question, when it is addressed or the question answered, then immediately change the subject to something unrelated and act like that is making your point.


You have used several intellectually dishonest debate tactics in your posts on this board, some include; changing the subject, false premise, stereotyping, etc.


Keep up the good work, even though you are not truthful, you are amusing.

I haven't been on the debate team in 30 years, but I'm glad I'm using the techniques properly. Sometimes I have to change the subject because even though I try to respond to all comers, other friendly Midwesterners accuse me of repeating the same points . If I answer someone in a thread , I'm a repeater , if I change the subject, I'm wrong also. You have to know the regional references are a bit , tongue on cheek. I'm sure there are generalizations about northeasterners also.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

I haven't been on the debate team in 30 years, but I'm glad I'm using the techniques properly. Sometimes I have to change the subject because even though I try to respond to all comers, other friendly Midwesterners accuse me of repeating the same points . If I answer someone in a thread , I'm a repeater , if I change the subject, I'm wrong also. You have to know the regional references are a bit , tongue on cheek. I'm sure there are generalizations about northeasterners also.

Woohoo.  Two more intellectually dishonest techniques: scapegoating and playing the victim.  You don't respond to questions because the posters won't let you.  That is hilarious.


Oh I, almost forgot one.  Now the generalizations are just put out there for humor.  You're a riot.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

Woohoo. Two more intellectually dishonest techniques: scapegoating and playing the victim. You don't respond to questions because the posters won't let you. That is hilarious.

Oh I, almost forgot one. Now the generalizations are just put out there for humor. You're a riot.

You can't blame him for posting here. Going outside in Baltimore has about an 80% chance of getting mugged, car jacked or stabbed. He is afraid to leave his basement apartment

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

Woohoo.  Two more intellectually dishonest techniques: scapegoating and playing the victim.  You don't respond to questions because the posters won't let you.  That is hilarious.


Oh I, almost forgot one.  Now the generalizations are just put out there for humor.  You're a riot.

Thanks again. This is the first time I've been described as comedic on this forum.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

You can't blame him for posting here. Going outside in Baltimore has about an 80% chance of getting mugged, car jacked or stabbed. He is afraid to leave his basement apartment

And that's just by the members of Congress or the Ravens. :D

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

Thanks again. This is the first time I've been described as comedic on this forum.

No problem.... too bad you're not trying to be funny.

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Brazill wasn't going to make the team anyway.  Whalen was going to beat him out.



With Moncrief on the team I would say we have enough speed receivers anyways.  


I'm with you I'd take Whalen over Brazil even if Brazil wasn't smoking weed during the off season. 


Whalen could consistently go out there and get you that first down.  Brazil on the other hand was never consistent but would always flash you 2 or 3 plays a year where you think "wow this kid could be something special" but just not do much the rest of the time.  

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

And after all I've done for this forum. Oh the ingratitude.

So, now that it's just me and thee conversing are you finally going to address your lies?

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

So, now that it's just me and thee conversing are you finally going to address your lies?

No, because you know the points I made about the different standards. I stand by them, all the humor aside. Look at the trend from other posters , and you'll see different attitudes towards punishment for Irsay, Mathis, and Brazill. Without repeating myself, the defense rests.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

No, because you know the points I made about the different standards. I stand by them, all the humor aside. Look at the trend from other posters , and you'll see different attitudes towards punishment for Irsay, Mathis, and Brazill. Without repeating myself, the defense rests.

No doubt there is probably a couple of posters that meet your criteria for multiple standards.   But you are relating something that one or two posters MAY have done to all the posters on this forum and that is just not accurate or true.


So if you are using that and claiming the defense rests then you have lost your case big time and I'm glad you are not a lawyer or if you are, I'm glad I will never hire you.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

You can't blame him for posting here. Going outside in Baltimore has about an 80% chance of getting mugged, car jacked or stabbed. He is afraid to leave his basement apartment

Basement apartment. Pretty funny.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

No doubt there is probably a couple of posters that meet your criteria for multiple standards.   But you are relating something that one or two posters MAY have done to all the posters on this forum and that is just not accurate or true.


So if you are using that and claiming the defense rests then you have lost your case big time and I'm glad you are not a lawyer or if you are, I'm glad I will never hire you.

Look , you talk about supposed victimology, yet you say nothing about your owner claiming to be a victim of addiction. That was an earlier debate, victim or choice. In the case of drugs, to me, it's choice.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

Look , you talk about supposed victimology, yet you say nothing about your owner claiming to be a victim of addiction. That was an earlier debate, victim or choice. In the case of drugs, to me, it's choice.

addiction is not a choice....

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

You can't blame him for posting here. Going outside in Baltimore has about an 80% chance of getting mugged, car jacked or stabbed. He is afraid to leave his basement apartment

You seem to have a keen sense of Balmer. You could run for mayor.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

Woohoo.  Two more intellectually dishonest techniques: scapegoating and playing the victim.  You don't respond to questions because the posters won't let you.  That is hilarious.


Oh I, almost forgot one.  Now the generalizations are just put out there for humor.  You're a riot.




Just throw a dart.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

Look , you talk about supposed victimology, yet you say nothing about your owner claiming to be a victim of addiction. That was an earlier debate, victim or choice. In the case of drugs, to me, it's choice.

So now it's not the fans' reaction but the owner's statements that you are debating?


I've never said anything positive or negative about any of the three Colts that have gotten in trouble this offseason other than the punishment handed (or anticipated being handed) down.  Nor will I because I lack a substantial amount of knowledge about all the situations.


Now, I will say no matter what I think about Irsay's comments, Irsay believes it and his actions prove that.  A few year ago there was an undrafted free agent DE by the name of John Gill.  He was a no name, showed some promise but nothing to write home about. In 2010 he was found drunk in a ditch, he had a serious addiction to alcohol.  Irsay kept him with the Colts for two years (2010 and 2011) on the non football injury list so he could collect a pay check and get the help he needed.  There was another player earlier in the Polian years, Shawn King, same thing, Irsay kept him in the organization for two years while he tried to turn his life around. 


Not quite the double standard you are, falsely, trying to portray.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

So now it's not the fans' reaction but the owner's statements that you are debating?

I've never said anything positive or negative about any of the three Colts that have gotten in trouble this offseason other than the punishment handed (or anticipated being handed) down. Nor will I because I lack a substantial amount of knowledge about all the situations.

Now, I will say no matter what I think about Irsay's comments, Irsay believes it and his actions prove that. A few year ago there was an undrafted free agent DE by the name of John Gill. He was a no name, showed some promise but nothing to write home about. In 2010 he was found drunk in a ditch, he had a serious addiction to alcohol. Irsay kept him with the Colts for two years (2010 and 2011) on the non football injury list so he could collect a pay check and get the help he needed. There was another player earlier in the Polian years, Shawn King, same thing, Irsay kept him in the organization for two years while he tried to turn his life around.

Not quite the double standard you are, falsely, trying to portray.

its always Irsay with him he just looks for threads and tries to find a way to turn it into an issue with Irsay.

Irsay could cure cancer, end world hunger, and stop all wars and he would have a problem with him.

If I may just offer a suggestion to the mods. Lock this thread it's way off course of what it was originally for and has turned into a debate that isn't going to end well. Just a suggestion that's all.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

its always Irsay with him he just looks for threads and tries to find a way to turn it into an issue with Irsay.

Irsay could cure cancer, end world hunger, and stop all wars and he would have a problem with him.


I know but at least he seems intelligent enough to actually think about something if it's presented in the correct light.  I may be wrong.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

its always Irsay with him he just looks for threads and tries to find a way to turn it into an issue with Irsay.

Irsay could cure cancer, end world hunger, and stop all wars and he would have a problem with him.

If I may just offer a suggestion to the mods. Lock this thread it's way off course of what it was originally for and has turned into a debate that isn't going to end well. Just a suggestion that's all.

The arbiter of free speech and ideas as always. Don't agree, lock the thread . You respond to victimology because another poster demands an example, it means something else. You can't win.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

So now it's not the fans' reaction but the owner's statements that you are debating?


I've never said anything positive or negative about any of the three Colts that have gotten in trouble this offseason other than the punishment handed (or anticipated being handed) down.  Nor will I because I lack a substantial amount of knowledge about all the situations.


Now, I will say no matter what I think about Irsay's comments, Irsay believes it and his actions prove that.  A few year ago there was an undrafted free agent DE by the name of John Gill.  He was a no name, showed some promise but nothing to write home about. In 2010 he was found drunk in a ditch, he had a serious addiction to alcohol.  Irsay kept him with the Colts for two years (2010 and 2011) on the non football injury list so he could collect a pay check and get the help he needed.  There was another player earlier in the Polian years, Shawn King, same thing, Irsay kept him in the organization for two years while he tried to turn his life around. 


Not quite the double standard you are, falsely, trying to portray.

This thread pertained to primarily fan reactions , but you called me out as some kind of victim, and I gave you an example of another victim. I never said Irsay hasn't done nice things for people, I know he has. The debate wasn't about that, but different standards. When I'm debating someone, the interloper always seems to chime in, then I get a vacation . It's the lot of the non Indy fan.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

This thread pertained to primarily fan reactions , but you called me out as some kind of victim, and I gave you an example of another victim. I never said Irsay hasn't done nice things for people, I know he has. The debate wasn't about that, but different standards. When I'm debating someone, the interloper always seems to chime in, then I get a vacation . It's the lot of the non Indy fan.

It's getting really hard to try to find your point.  Every time I address your point you change it and pretend like it's about something else and that what you spent time typing is not the issue.


And I didn't call you out as a victim, you claimed you were the victim earlier in the thread.  You may not have used the word victim but you were crying just the same when you stated, "Sometimes I have to change the subject because even though I try to respond to all comers, other friendly Midwesterners accuse me of repeating the same points . If I answer someone in a thread , I'm a repeater , if I change the subject, I'm wrong also. "  The impression is poor Old Crow, he just can't get his point across when responding to the mean mid-westerners. 


But here's the thing, you click on the "quote" button on one of my posts that means you are responding to me.  Discussions you have with other posters really have no bearing on your response to the post you are quoting, so that excuse really doesn't fly.

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    • Im on the kther side of the state, but I reside over in Sumner/ Lake Tapps area. This state, and the Pacific North West in general, is very beautiful. A good view of Mt Ranier can make most bad days good.   Its $600K minimum for a decent starter home around here. Anything less needs major work, or it is in a not desirable area. The not desirable area ones are still $500K.
    • Well,  Washington is actually a pretty awesome state.  It really has it all.  I know people have issues with politics,  but if you are into hiking,  hunting,  camping,  fishing, skiing (water and snow) and many other outdoor activities,  this place has it all.  Plus in two hours I can be in NW Montana.  And I chose Spokane to live because homes are more expensive in the parts of Montana where my wife would live (gotta have an airport).
    • Spokane is a really, really nice city. Its in the wrong state.
    • I live in Spokane Washington,  25 miles from the Idaho border. 
    • In Indiana you can get a real nice 3 bedroom, 2 full bathrooms/showers/nice Kitchen/big living room house for 200,000 in a decent neighborhood. Where do you live NY or Cali , in one of the those states I guess it would be about 600,000 to afford anything like I talked about. I could never live in either of those states. If someone in NY moved here, they would be rich. 
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