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Colin Kaepernick Looking for $18 million per year(similar to Cutler/Romo)


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Meh, he looked less than ordinary for most of the season.

Right, But they are limited on options in terms of who can run the type of offense they run as far as Read Option stuff, Currently 2 QB's are available that can or could do that:


1.Micheal Vick

2.Seneca Wallace


Both in there 30's and even if they weren't I wouldn't trust either one for one reason or another...injuries, inconsistent, There is another possible option in Jordan Lynch but not a guarantee he will be available.....Probably will


So he kinda has them hamstrung in a way if the 49ers insist on going forward with the read option type offense, If not then all bets are off and you can find other QB's that can put up the production he has.......But then again maybe he gets better


So maybe damed if they do...damned if they dont scenario

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Right, But they are limited on options in terms of who can run the type of offense they run as far as Read Option stuff, Currently 2 QB's are available that can or could do that:

1.Micheal Vick

2.Seneca Wallace

Both in there 30's and even if they weren't I wouldn't trust either one for one reason or another...injuries, inconsistent, There is another possible option in Jordan Lynch but not a guarantee he will be available.....Probably will

So he kinda has them hamstrung in a way if the 49ers insist on going forward with the read option type offense, If not then all bets are off and you can find other QB's that can put up the production he has.......But then again maybe he gets better

So maybe damed if they do...damned if they dont scenario

Seneca Wallace? The guy with 290 career rushing yards?

He has some decent wheels, but not your prototypical running QB.

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Right, But they are limited on options in terms of who can run the type of offense they run as far as Read Option stuff, Currently 2 QB's are available that can or could do that:


1.Micheal Vick

2.Seneca Wallace


Both in there 30's and even if they weren't I wouldn't trust either one for one reason or another...injuries, inconsistent, There is another possible option in Jordan Lynch but not a guarantee he will be available.....Probably will


So he kinda has them hamstrung in a way if the 49ers insist on going forward with the read option type offense, If not then all bets are off and you can find other QB's that can put up the production he has.......But then again maybe he gets better


So maybe damed if they do...damned if they dont scenario

They don't have to run the read option. Alex Smith thrived with 49ers while running very little read option.

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I don't think he is worth the amount he wants this early in his career.   Wants the money the top QBs are making that have been around a number of years and proven their worth over the long haul,  Manning, Brady, Brees.    Romo???????   don't see why they put out that amount of money for him and now they want to scale it back because of the cap.   Unfortunately the niners will feel trapped into keeping him and unfortunately pay it .   The teams go all out with these big paychecks for a few players and then wonder why they are in cap trouble,  and they just keep propogating their own problem and sinking further into the muck.

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Agree with pretty much all of this. That being said, not sure how much the niners can really come down from the $18 mil. Kaep has shown he is "the guy" and a franchise QB costs a lot these days. I do think they get a deal done and it will be close to the 18 mil.


They can offer him four years, $60m, and let him make the decision to take it or wait until after the 2014 season. He's making less than $1m this season. If he wants to balk at a nice new contract that would make him a free agent again at 30, then that's his choice. If he proves he's worth top QB money after next year, then he'll get more. He's never going to have all the leverage; the Niners can tag him after 2014, and again after 2015 if they really want. 




I do think his demand for $18m+ is a bit premature, but we'll see what happens.

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But Smith still had that ability and Harbaugh and Roman knew that when they got him

Smith was already there when Harbaugh got the job. You really don't think Harbaugh and Roman could run a conventional offense? They didn't even run much option this year with Kaepernick.

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Smith was already there when Harbaugh got the job. You really don't think Harbaugh and Roman could run a conventional offense? They didn't even run much option this year with Kaepernick.

They can, Im not sold that Kaep can consistently

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Curtis painter should get more credit. He is the only thing that held that 2011 team together, for the most part and balled out all things considered

Curtis Painter saved our franchise

If he sucked less we wouldn't be set at QB for the next 15 years.

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Do you really believe there is that big of a chasm between Luck and Kaep? I agree that Luck is the better QB but I don't see it being worlds of difference and I would not call Luck elite yet.

I wouldn't call Luck elite yet either, but I'm projecting that he will be by the time he's up for a new contract.  I see the road Luck is on and I recognize all the exits, the guy will be an elite QB, there's no doubt in my mind.  I think there is a huge difference in Kaep's ability to read a defense and be accurate in the pocket compared to Luck.  Kaep is effective when he gets out of the pocket and is a running threat.  The only other QB I've ever seen that's as dangerous running the ball is Vick.  I don't think that's a viable long term offensive scheme, nor do I think any QB can run a scheme like that and have any hope of staying healthy long term.  Harbaugh realizes that and that's why he made Kaep run more of a standard offense this year, with mixed results at best.  I think he can be a decent starter for many years in the league, but he won't ever be elite and Luck will be worth quite a bit more than just $2 million extra by the time they're both up for a third contract.

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I wouldn't call Luck elite yet either, but I'm projecting that he will be by the time he's up for a new contract.  I see the road Luck is on and I recognize all the exits, the guy will be an elite QB, there's no doubt in my mind.  I think there is a huge difference in Kaep's ability to read a defense and be accurate in the pocket compared to Luck.  Kaep is effective when he gets out of the pocket and is a running threat.  The only other QB I've ever seen that's as dangerous running the ball is Vick.  I don't think that's a viable long term offensive scheme, nor do I think any QB can run a scheme like that and have any hope of staying healthy long term.  Harbaugh realizes that and that's why he made Kaep run more of a standard offense this year, with mixed results at best.  I think he can be a decent starter for many years in the league, but he won't ever be elite and Luck will be worth quite a bit more than just $2 million extra by the time they're both up for a third contract.

Excellent points. I am not sold yet on either becoming elite. I like Luck an awful being a Colts fan but there are things in his game that concern me- staring down receivers, inaccurate throws, slow starts. While I do think things are correctable and part of the maturation process, I am not sold yet but am hopeful for sure. Kaep will also develop and I think he has better coaching with Harbaugh to develop at a faster rate than Luck and he also has a better team for now anyways. I am always hesitant to go all in on guys that have the type of athletic ability of Kaep as he will always resort to the run when things get tough instead of maturing as a pocket passer. I think it can be done especially with Harbaugh coaching him but Luck's ceiling is for sure higher.

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Romo and Cutler shouldn't even be making that kind of money, let alone Kap. 


Also Flacco shouldn't be making his money.  


Average QB's are REALLY overpaid.  


Culter - 18.1 Mil per year APY

Romo - 18 MIl per year APY

Flacco - 20.1 Mil per year APY


Compare that to 


Peyton Manning 19.2 Mil per year APY

Aaron Rodgers - 22 Mil per year APY

Drew Brees - 20 Mil per year APY

Tom Brady - 11.4 Mil per year APY


So Joe "More Int's then TD's this year" Flacco is making more money then all but 1 of the elite QB's.


While the best thing is to have a good QB on a rookie contract, quite frankly it looks like elite QB's are a downright bargain in comparison to average QB's.  An elite QB can carry his team regardless of talent around him while the average QB's need a good amount of talent around them.  But what kind of heavy talent are you gonna put around an average QB with the savings of maybe 3 million a year??   That's enough for maybe 1 mediocre starter.

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I know but its not like he is putting up big numbers, He is doing well no doubt but I'd find it hard to justify 18 mill per on a long term deal through 2 years of serviceable but not great production, Truth is they could probably find a mid round mobile QB that can put up the numbers he does for less given the offense that they run is not predicated on the QB carrying the load

You have to be kidding. This kid is a star in this league and he will be for a long, long time. He is well worth that money and if the 49ers don't want to pay it, someone else will.

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There is no guarantee that you are set at QB for next year much less 15 years.

I suppose this is technically accurate.

Canada could invade the US and outlaw all sports but hockey

The zombies could rise up and we'd be too busy eating brains to watch football

A meteor could strike the earth and cover the lands in a layer of ash.

We could have misjudged the Y2k bug by 15 years or so and end up back in the Stone Age.

The aliens could land and enslave us...

But aside from that I stand by my previous post. We're set a QB for awhile.

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I suppose this is technically accurate.

Canada could invade the US and outlaw all sports but hockey

The zombies could rise up and we'd be too busy eating brains to watch football

A meteor could strike the earth and cover the lands in a layer of ash.

We could have misjudged the Y2k bug by 15 years or so and end up back in the Stone Age.

The aliens could land and enslave us...

But aside from that I stand by my previous post. We're set a QB for awhile.

Or Houston can draft Clowney and team with Watt in pursuing Luck and end his career in a moment. Luck has taken a tremendous beating in his career. We are all fortunate that he has not been hurt long before now. You also forget free agency. Luck may decide that he has had enough of Irsay and look for a new spot to land.

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Or Houston can draft Clowney and team with Watt in pursuing Luck and end his career in a moment. Luck has taken a tremendous beating in his career. We are all fortunate that he has not been hurt long before now. You also forget free agency. Luck may decide that he has had enough of Irsay and look for a new spot to land.


You also left out an outbreak of flesh eating bacteria.

Luck could join a cult dedicated to worshipping neck beards, move to Montana and spend the rest of his days in a naked drum circle.

The CIA could mistake him for a terrorist and imprison/water board him in Gitmo.

The radiation from his outdated flip phone could alter his brain chemistry so he thinks he's an orange.

He could decide football is boring and dedicate himself to fighting crime.

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You also left out an outbreak of flesh eating bacteria.

Luck could join a cult dedicated to worshipping neck beards, move to Montana and spend the rest of his days in a naked drum circle.

The CIA could mistake him for a terrorist and imprison/water board him in Gitmo.

The radiation from his outdated flip phone could alter his brain chemistry so he thinks he's an orange.

He could decide football is boring and dedicate himself to fighting crime.

Or he could just take a big hit and have something break that could not be repaired adequately like his throwing shoulder but be a silly as you feel like. It is a very real risk and players are out of the game with injuries on a regular basis.

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Or he could just take a big hit and have something break that could not be repaired adequately like his throwing shoulder but be a silly as you feel like. It is a very real risk and players are out of the game with injuries on a regular basis.

Hey, make silly posts and you get silly responses back.

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Hey, make silly posts and you get silly responses back.

My post was not silly. You saying that the Colts QB situation was locked up for 15 years was incredibly foolish. Even Peyton didn't give them 15 years and very few QB ever last that long with one team. Plus, he is playing for a team that has made the move of casting aside a four time MVP and Super Bowl winner before and they could well do it again.

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You have to be kidding. This kid is a star in this league and he will be for a long, long time. He is well worth that money and if the 49ers don't want to pay it, someone else will.

Anyone can be made into a star in the league, dont need great numbers for that in the short term, Heck the media made Tim Tebow a star but his play didn't live up to it so everyone turned on him, Kaeperneck is better then Tebow of course but he has a long way to go before he is a lasting star or just some average QB who can run, As to another team paying that price, I'd like to see that, would be interesting to see if he could run a conventional offense consistently

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I get it now. You're still butthurt we let go of Manning. Suddenly things make much more sense.

Look, we all love Peyton. Sadly, the circumstances we found ourselves in dictated releasing him. You can either accept that and move on or see if www.denverbroncos.com has a message board and go register.

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I get it now. You're still butthurt we let go of Manning. Suddenly things make much more sense.

Look, we all love Peyton. Sadly, the circumstances we found ourselves in dictated releasing him. You can either accept that and move on or see if www.denverbroncos.com has a message board and go register.

Not at all. At that time I was all for drafting Luck. I hated to see Manning go but I knew I would get to see him somewhere else. Now, after what the Seahawks and 49ers and Baltimore have done, I would not have drafted any QB with that first pick. I would have taken the boat load of picks that came from trading down and I might have drafted Russell Wilson. I like that scenario. We would have a much better defense and offensive line if we had done that. Luck takes one hell of a beating during the season. That will catch up with him sooner or later.

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Not at all. At that time I was all for drafting Luck. I hated to see Manning go but I knew I would get to see him somewhere else. Now, after what the Seahawks and 49ers and Baltimore have done, I would not have drafted any QB with that first pick. I would have taken the boat load of picks that came from trading down and I might have drafted Russell Wilson. I like that scenario. We would have a much better defense and offensive line if we had done that. Luck takes one hell of a beating during the season. That will catch up with him sooner or later.

You know the team that did that (the Rams) still hasn't even made the playoffs right? Meanwhile we've been twice and actually won a playoff game (4 years ahead of where we were with Manning.)

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You know the team that did that (the Rams) still hasn't even made the playoffs right? Meanwhile we've been twice and actually won a playoff game (4 years ahead of where we were with Manning.)

Wrong. The Rams did the opposite. They took Sam Bradford to be their franchise QB. How has that worked out? They will be tough because they made good deals trading down and coming up with the second pick in the draft again. I think Sam was the last number one pick on the old rookie scale so they are paying him a ton of money. Yes, you won a playoff game. You survived an absurd three pick game by your new QB, gave up 40 points and still managed to win. I don't think the Colts are ahead of anything. They just happen to play in the weakest division in the NFL. It won't be so easy this year. Houston could easily win that division.

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