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Just some thoughts


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Overall I am happy with the season, we improved from being one and done to winning a playoff game.


We have in my opinion the best young QB in the game he will be better next year.


We have a good young receiving core that will continue to get better they made stride after Reggie went down and time will just enhance there abilities.


We found a running game, although not great it at least made defenses have to respect it.


I am still not sold on our coaching staff I think Chuck wants us to be something we are not.  The league has changed and when we adapted late in the season we were a better team.  Hopefully he will see that and adjust his approach that is what the great ones do.


Pep was better at the end of the season.


Our D and our O line needs improvement for sure although I do like our secondary when healthy.


So yeah we lost and with 4 picks and the pats running game gashing us we deserved to lose. Not to mention the fact that we have had little success all year in stopping anyones underneath passing game.


All of those things said I think we are on our way to being a force to contend with on a yearly basis for the next decade.


So heres to a great year for a young team and looking forward to a great future. 









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Generally, we have many players with extraordinary talent and potential. I would say our future looks very bright, but that is not guaranteed. That potential has not been realized yet. It may never be realized.

This is a coaching problem. Now, I'm not saying fire all the coaches, but that problem needs to be corrected. Two symptoms: The offense - including Andrew Luck - needs more discipline. The need to both know their roles and be able to perform those roles. After all this time, the o-line probably does need better talent and better coaching.

The defense is just "dazed and confused". It's OK to confuse the opposing offense, but not to confuse ourselves.

For both the offense and defense once the ball is snapped, they don't have time to think about what they know, where they are supposed to be, what their roles are, and how to perform. There seems to be too much thinking going on out there during the play.

This is probably the cause of the inconsistent play - winning against good teams, losing against bad teams, and losing in the playoffs against a good team, but not necessarily better team. Like John Pagano (DC of the Cardinals, and brother of our HC) said, "We outcoached them." He was right. There is more to being a coach than just a "motivator".

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Yes it is a successful season, but this team has major problems, coaching and players.


I wouldn't spend big money on a WR this season.


Fire the OLine/DLine coach. (49ers can stop the run with just their front 4, this is amazing just saying)

We need to get a pro bowl LB and DLineman (all the playoff teams has a probowl LB)

Our secondary could use a bit improvement

We need to rush the passer

Pagano needs to be more aggressive. Smack a ref in the face!

Having more depth is also big.

DEFENSIVE PLAY CALLING! EHHH This is our second year where our defense blows.

Try to persuade rex ryan to come to the colts as a DC. Tell him we can help you win.

Coach those rookies up now, because we are gonna need them.

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Yes it is a successful season, but this team has major problems, coaching and players.


I wouldn't spend big money on a WR this season.


Fire the OLine/DLine coach. (49ers can stop the run with just their front 4, this is amazing just saying)

We need to get a pro bowl LB and DLineman (all the playoff teams has a probowl LB)

Our secondary could use a bit improvement

We need to rush the passer

Pagano needs to be more aggressive. Smack a ref in the face!

Having more depth is also big.

DEFENSIVE PLAY CALLING! EHHH This is our second year where our defense blows.

Try to persuade rex ryan to come to the colts as a DC. Tell him we can help you win.

Coach those rookies up now, because we are gonna need them.

Do you know how the NFL works?

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"@MikePereira: Closing up. Lots of haters taking shots tonight. I give the crew a C. Too many big misses when the game was on the line. Will write about it"

I know the Colts ended up getting blown out but there were some huge calls again that went in the Patriots' favor that completely changed the game. A 'c' from Mike is realistically an 'f'.

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"@MikePereira: Closing up. Lots of haters taking shots tonight. I give the crew a C. Too many big misses when the game was on the line. Will write about it"

I know the Colts ended up getting blown out but there were some huge calls again that went in the Patriots' favor that completely changed the game. A 'c' from Mike is realistically an 'f'.

here is a couple....


Edleman pulled gordy to the ground on 3rd down and it was clear that he did and Gordy gets the PI call. 


Whalen was body slammed by the DB before the ball even got to him on 3rd down , no PI called


Luck starts to scramble, pats DL sticks foot out trips him with the ref standing right there and no call. (2nd and long play)



all week i have heard on the radio, read on the internet that a " Luck vs manning " AFCCG would be bad for the NFL. well now i know why these refs blew these crucial calls. that Edleman PI resulted in a TD run and if called the other way which i believe it should have then it would have been 4th down for the pats, the Body slam on whalen would have been an automatic first down if it were called, 



BUT that being said 4 INT's dont help matters. although one was really not his fault

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here is a couple....

Edleman pulled gordy to the ground on 3rd down and it was clear that he did and Gordy gets the PI call.

Whalen was body slammed by the DB before the ball even got to him on 3rd down , no PI called

Luck starts to scramble, pats DL sticks foot out trips him with the ref standing right there and no call. (2nd and long play)

all week i have heard on the radio, read on the internet that a " Luck vs manning " AFCCG would be bad for the NFL. well now i know why these refs blew these crucial calls. that Edleman PI resulted in a TD run and if called the other way which i believe it should have then it would have been 4th down for the pats, the Body slam on whalen would have been an automatic first down if it were called,

BUT that being said 4 INT's dont help matters. although one was really not his fault

One of those interceptions isn't on Luck and the two of them were forced because we were down. The only really bad interception wad the first one.

The no call on the late hit on Andrew is what really got my blood boiling. All season the Patriots have gotten the calls.

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here is a couple....


Edleman pulled gordy to the ground on 3rd down and it was clear that he did and Gordy gets the PI call. 


Whalen was body slammed by the DB before the ball even got to him on 3rd down , no PI called


Luck starts to scramble, pats DL sticks foot out trips him with the ref standing right there and no call. (2nd and long play)



all week i have heard on the radio, read on the internet that a " Luck vs manning " AFCCG would be bad for the NFL. well now i know why these refs blew these crucial calls. that Edleman PI resulted in a TD run and if called the other way which i believe it should have then it would have been 4th down for the pats, the Body slam on whalen would have been an automatic first down if it were called, 



BUT that being said 4 INT's dont help matters. although one was really not his fault


That 4th int was a gift, it was over by then 

Pats drive took 9 mins off the clock.

By then, luck was just throwing it just to throw it.

Well, when we have no running game we have no choice, but to throw it causing INT to happen.

You know your bad when you can't run against the pats defense this year, while everyone else could.

Luck first interception was his fault, but now that i look at it what the heck was brazil doing it looked like he was blocking.

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That 4th int was a gift, it was over by then

Pats drive took 9 mins off the clock.

By then, luck was just throwing it just to throw it.

Well, when we have no running game we have no choice, but to throw it causing INT to happen.

You know your bad when you can't run against the pats defense this year, while everyone else could.

Luck first interception was his fault, but now that i look at it what the heck was brazil doing it looked like he was blocking.

Unfortunately people will only look at the final stat line and blame Luck. Everyone is going to forget those incredible passes he made to even keep us in the game.
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One of those interceptions isn't on Luck and the two of them were forced because we were down. The only really bad interception wad the first one.

The no call on the late hit on Andrew is what really got my blood boiling. All season the Patriots have gotten the calls.

ahhh yes forgot about the late hit on luck also.. and you are right about the INT's the very first one was the worst one. 

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ahhh yes forgot about the late hit on luck also.. and you are right about the INT's the very first one was the worst one.

And even then, it's hard to place blame. We don't know if he ran the wrong route or something messed up his timing. Without knowing the play call, I can't place blame accurately on anyone.

To me it looked like Andrew stared down Brazill?.

In the end all I wanted was a fairly refereed game and didn't get it. This always seems to happen when teams play the Patriots.

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I was watching sportscenter and i found out andrew had his ankled taped during midseason and then i saw his elbow brace.  This concerns me for his future and its only his sophomore year.  Can we protect the franchise QB?!  Let Andrew know he needs to get rid of the ball faster, as well as other factors as we well know.  Its a team effort.

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All the bashing on the D has me puzzled. The INT on the 3rd play of the game put the Pats on the 1 yard line. Its hard to blame the D on that on. The PI they called on the 3rd and 8 put the Pats on the 5 yard line, hard to blame the D on that TD. At that point the game was 21-15. Pats went for 2 and got it, made the score at 29-15. So of that 29pts the Pats had, 15 of it was a gimme from the INT and the crappy PI call. 


Colts come back and score a TD, score 29-22. At that point the Colts D forced (2) 3 and outs. So what does the Colts offense do there? (1) 3 and out, and (1) series with 5 plays for a gain of 12yrds and a punt. The D just made 2 stops and the offense went out there and did NOTHING. And lest we all forget, the 1st and goal at the THREE yard line by the Colts and cant punch it in. Thats inexcusable.


After that was the 73 yard TD run by Blount, that pretty much sealed the deal. But to that point, at 29-22 the D in my opinion wasnt the problem. 


edit - the D wasnt the entire problem like some here are making out.

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To me, Rogers looked like DHB out there..he dropped everything thrown at him. Ability is one thing, being able to produce and catch the ball is another. One, I can understand, because the defender hit him at the exact same time. But he had 4 or 5 more passes that could have easily been caught to sustain drives, which he dropped like "Stone hands" He's got a VERY long way to go to be considered a good NFL WR, let alone a superstar.


I was really proud of Brazill, Whalen and Fleener, they stepped up and played good games, which allowed TY to get open more in the 2nd half, and make some big plays. But with all this Rogers hype here, I expected more out of someone with "all the potential" He may be the prototypical size of an NFL receiver, but like I said a while back and got chastised for saying it, he doesn't even come close to TY as a receiver.. TY Plays a LOT bigger than his size, and has the heart, and work ethic that the Colts are used to seeing from Marvin and Reggie.

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This was our best chance to win the SB given all of the injuries to the Patriots and Broncos and we couldn't do it. I know we had injuries as well but Gronk, Wilfork, Mayo, Spikes just would have been too much for us to handle. We have a bright future but were still 2 to 3 years away from a SB and by that time Mathis and Wayne will be retired. So were gonna need Werner to start living up to his 1st round pick and then draft a extra pass rusher.

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This was our best chance to win the SB given all of the injuries to the Patriots and Broncos and we couldn't do it. I know we had injuries as well but Gronk, Wilfork, Mayo, Spikes just would have been too much for us to handle. We have a bright future but were still 2 to 3 years away from a SB and by that time Mathis and Wayne will be retired. So were gonna need Werner to start living up to his 1st round pick and then draft a extra pass rusher.

sorry but i don't think we would have won the super bowl. would have been nice but with Carolina, San Fran and Seattle who empathize defense first in their game plans I honestly do not think we would have beaten any of them in the super bowl. Im happy with how this season turned out for us especially since a lot of " experts " said we would only win 5 games all year. I have said in a lot of threads, another year or two and we will be in the super bowl.  

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My thoughts..........



Successful season. No, we didn't win a SB, but 32 other teams are trying just as hard as we are.


So excited to see our QB has then plantains to make big throws in big games. He can really shock a DC with his ability to slide, side-step, or escape and uncork a missile. Few in the NFL con do that, even fewer do it in their second year....in the playoffs.


Health in our RB group had a big effect on our ability to run the ball. So did health and continuity on the O-line. Look forward to making progress next season.


Our WR depth is looking very good. If we get back Wayne and Allen, we should be pretty formidable. The maturation of our WR group in the absence of 87 is the BIGGEST accomplishment of the season. Hilton is literally a man child.


Health and depth have been part of our struggles with the D-line, but this is the area we need to see the biggest improvement. I am crossing my fingers that Chapman is a starter at the beginning of next season.


The oline got better at passpro later on, but may have regressed a little at run blocking. Injuries and significant changes in the weekly lineup spelled doom for any continuity. Not as far off as many think with our depth...we just need to stay healthy.


I really dont get all the negativity towards Bethea. He played FAR better yesterday the Landry. Even at his wear and tear stage of his career, AB is still the fastest defender on the team and can absolutely school Landry on how to wrap up and tackle. 


Never a "blame the refs guy", but so many blatant interferences by the Pats that weren't called. Didn't affect the outcome, we are not ready for deep playoff prime time yet.


Can't wait for an entire offseason of fans who need to remind everyone else that we gave up a first rounder for Trent. I call the over/under at >12/slighted fan. ;)

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