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RG3 benched; Cousins to start.


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Now that really makes no sense. Pretty sure Shanny lost control of the team long ago. And sitting a healthy player would make the team more mad I would think. I mean second year guys tend to have poor years. To bench him and not let him get more experience like the Panthers did with Newton last year is counter productive unless he wants Cousins to be his guy going forward. I can't believe Snyder signed off on this.



I think he dislikes RG3 , thinks he's played poorly and hates Snider. This move maybe takes a bit of the heat off him , puts it's fairshare on RG3 and gets him to his ultimate goal which is forcing Snider to fire him and pay the 7 mill.

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Now that really makes no sense. Pretty sure Shanny lost control of the team long ago. And sitting a healthy player would make the team more mad I would think. I mean second year guys tend to have poor years. To bench him and not let him get more experience like the Panthers did with Newton last year is counter productive unless he wants Cousins to be his guy going forward. I can't believe Snyder signed off on this.

Snyder has no idea what hes doing. If Shanny convinced him it was for the longterm health of the face of the franchise, Dan would sign off on it in a heartbeat. Shanahan never wanted RG3. Shanahan never liked RG3. Cousins has been Shanahan's guy from day 1, but Snyder forcing his hand on the trade means Griffin was always going to be the guy. Shanahan is going to use this opprotunity to try and either get Cousins the starting gig or get fired. Those are the two winning scenarios for him.
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Welp, Shanahan will be on the Coaching Free Agent market, This move just nails the final nail in that coffin

He was getting fired anyway. I think this probably came from upstairs because why would Shanahan care so much about the Skins' future? He knows he's gone after this year.

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I would be enjoying this a lot more if it was happening to a franchise that I overtly disliked. I'm just ambivalent about every single one of the players in this drama, so I mostly feel bad for Pierre Garcon. Wish that he'd never left. 

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What happens when Kirk Cousins comes out and lights up the scoreboard?


If I'm Washington, I trade RGIII and cut my losses.


These are my thoughts as well.


What if Cousins turns into a 3 game Nick Foles, on top of his pretty decent showing from last year? 


Say someone offers a single 3rd for Cousins. Or you are offered significantly higher picks (say 1st-3rd) for Griffin......With a new regime coming in and wanting to get "there guy" in the draft does it realistically make sense?


Im not a 'Skins fan, but if I had to ask myself the question "Is *insert qb* going to be my QB for the next 10 years?".....And I think the answer for both guys is "I dont know"....For different reasons, but the answer is still the same....So i guess my thought process if Im going to go with the "i dont know" philosophy, I'd rather do it with a few higher picks in my back pocket....

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I doubt they go ahead as Cousins as there future, I expect Griffin to at least start until his contract is up and for the situation (if there is one at QB by the end of his contract) to be reavaluated then. He has been asked to throw it 9 more times on average per game this season to this point so I think there has to be some form of adjustment period there, A QB asked to make 1 read for the better part of his first year in the league is not going to suddenly be able to dissect the defense at an All Pro level. Also trading him is risky because I dont think a team will give up anything more then a mid rounder for him because he simply does not have enough history of being productive to garner a high round pick plus if your the redskins organization do you really want to move on to Cousins after a 3 game stretch of good football......even if its a good 3 game stretch(were not talking about an over 30 year old Mike Vick who has shown he is just not real good)? I think if you really dont have confidence in Griffin then you trade him come the offseason cause you wont be able to after next year because teams will just wait out the final year of his deal instead of giving up something to get him....I think you keep him through his contract and start him while grooming Cousins while also drafting a QB in the 1st or 2nd round as plan B or C

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